I just HAD to post this... Thanks for sharing it Sandy!!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
The Bolo machete used in the movie "THE BOOK OF ELI" has been replicated and offered for sale by a number of different knife and sword making companies. For those of you who, like me, loved that movie and the machete used, here are some reviews of the machete...
Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
Here's some scenes from "The Book Of Eli" where Denzel Washington is fighting with the machete...
Scene 1
Scene 2
Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
Here's some scenes from "The Book Of Eli" where Denzel Washington is fighting with the machete...
Scene 1
Scene 2
Forgive others. Forgiveness is the only way to heal your emotional wounds. Forgive those who hurt you no matter what they've done because you don't want to hurt yourself every time you remember what they did. When you can touch a wound and it doesn't hurt, then you know you have truly forgiven.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Friday, April 29, 2011
Sometimes, you stumble across something that just makes you ask yourself, WHAT THE FUCK??!!!
And this thing just happened to me. I got this story from Raw Story Check it out.
Huh? Fox stages fake debate between Ron Paul, Obama impersonator
Posted on 04.29.11
By Stephen C. Webster
Categories: Nation
You’ve heard of a “staw man” argument, but this is ridiculous.
In a Fox Business broadcast, libertarian opinion host John Stossel hosted Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) in a fake debate with a pretty lousy Obama impersonator.
In his best, uh, what Wonkette called “squirrel voice,” the presidential impersonator delivered up thinly veiled talking points culled from Obama’s speeches, offering very little competition to the iconoclastic Texan and smiling as if he were “in” on the joke.
It almost defies description. Just watch.
This video was broadcast by Fox Business on Thursday, April 28, 2011, as snipped by liberal watchdog group Media Matters.
Huh? Fox stages fake debate between Ron Paul, Obama impersonator
Posted on 04.29.11
By Stephen C. Webster
Categories: Nation
You’ve heard of a “staw man” argument, but this is ridiculous.
In a Fox Business broadcast, libertarian opinion host John Stossel hosted Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) in a fake debate with a pretty lousy Obama impersonator.
In his best, uh, what Wonkette called “squirrel voice,” the presidential impersonator delivered up thinly veiled talking points culled from Obama’s speeches, offering very little competition to the iconoclastic Texan and smiling as if he were “in” on the joke.
It almost defies description. Just watch.
This video was broadcast by Fox Business on Thursday, April 28, 2011, as snipped by liberal watchdog group Media Matters.
Be aware of the quality of your communication. The quality of your communication depends on whether you tune your emotional body to love or to fear. If you know what love is and what fear is, you become aware of the way you communicate your dream to others, and you can choose to communicate with love.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Thursday, April 28, 2011
To begin a great relationship know what you want. Know what the needs of your body are, and what fits well with you. There are millions of men and women, and some will make a good match for you and others won't. The two of you only need to be like a key in the lock- a match that works.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
You can live in heaven right now. Heaven or hell is here and now; you don't need to wait to die. If you take responsibility for your own life, for your own actions, then your future is in your hands, and you can live in heaven while your body is alive.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Create new agreements based on respect and love. Take the responsibility to make new agreements with those you love. If an agreement doesn't work, change that agreement and create a new one. Use your imagination to explore the possibilities.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Monday, April 25, 2011
A little bit about me...
I just finished my workout a couple of minutes ago, so I thought I would tell you about the martial art that I practice in a little more detail than what I put in the sidebar. I am in NO WAY an guru, or an expert. I am TOTALLY a beginner.
I'm learning a martial art called SILAT. Silat is the native martial art of The Malay archipelago(Malaysia and Indonesia). In Malaysia, the art is called Seni Silat, in Indonesia, it's called Pencak Silat. It is a martial art system that came from the influences of Indian styles, Chinese Styles, and other styles & techniques brought over from visiting/invading cultures, as well as the native fighting systems already in place. In fact, you can say that Silat is the original MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). Silat, as a fighting art, is a unique system of combat that is much more savage and brutal than other arts like Chinese Shaolin and the Japanese DO arts, that have that “Martial Arts are for self-development and peace” attitude. The techniques of the various Silat systems are mostly close-range, done usually with some kind of bladed weapon. And some of the most exotic, and down-right nasty looking knives around, are found in Indonesia and Malaysia, where Silat originates. For some examples look for my weapons links on the sidebar. But if you're too lazy to do that, just click HERE.
Now for you scholarly types, here is a more in depth definition of Silat from Wikipedia:
Silat is a collective word for indigenous martial arts of the Malay Archipelago and Malay Peninsula of Southeast Asia. Originally developed in what are now Indonesia, peninsular Malaysia, southern Thailand and Singapore, it was also traditionally practiced in Brunei, the Philippines, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam.
There are hundreds of different styles but they tend to focus either on strikes, joint manipulation, bladed weapons, throws, animal-based techniques, or some combination thereof. Silat is one of the sports included in the Southeast Asian Games and other region-wide competitions. Training halls are overseen by separate national organizations in each of the main countries the art is practiced. These are Ikatan Pesilat Indonesia (IPSI) from Indonesia, Persekutuan Silat Kebangsaan Malaysia (PESAKA) from Malaysia, Persekutuan Silat Brunei Darussalam (PERSIB) from Brunei and Persekutuan Silat Singapura (PERSISI) from Singapore.
The origin of the word silat is unknown. Although one theory states that it comes from the Minang word silek,[1] the etymology of silek itself cannot be traced. Another theory is that it comes from the Tamil word silambam, which has long been practiced by the Indian community of Malaysia. The Tamils also use the word silatguvarisai to define their silambam movement patterns. Other similar-sounding words have been proposed but none have been proven.
Originally the word silat was used as a generic term for any system of fighting. Burmese martial arts, for example, would be called silat Awa. Some Malay-speakers (especially in Indonesia) still use the word as such, as can be seen in the term ilmu silat (knowledge of silat) which can used for any fighting style. Today, the word has a formidable arsenal of terms used to refer to martial arts in Southeast Asia.[2] It is usually called pencak silat in Indonesia or silek in the Minangkabau language. Some examples of the word's application in Malaysia and Singapore include seni silat (art of silat) and seni bela-diri (art of self-defence).
Fighting arts in the Malay Peninsula and Malay Archipelago arose out of hunting methods and military training by the region's native inhabitants. The descendents of former headhunters still perform ancient wardances which are considered the precursor of the freestyle form in silat. While these aborigines retained their tribal way of life, the Indon-Malay diaspora instead based their culture on China and India. By adopting the Indian faiths of Hinduism and Buddhism, their social structure became more organised.[3] Evidence shows that silat was influenced by both Chinese and Indian martial arts.[4] Many of the region's medicinal practices and weapons originated in either India or China, and silat's thigh-slapping actions are reminiscent of Hindu wrestling.[5] The Chinese community also practiced their own localised martial arts known as kuntao, which both influenced and borrowed from silat.
Although numerous myths attempt to explain the institutionalisation of silat, most of them concern only a specific style. The earliest evidence of silat taught in its present form is found in Sumatra where, according to local legend, a woman based her combat system on the movements of animals that she had seen fighting. Masters still believe that the first styles of silat were created by observing animals, and these styles were probably derived from animal-based Indian martial arts.[6] In the fifth or 6th century, pre-determined sets are said to have been introduced by the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma who came from India to Southeast Asia via the Sumatra-based kingdom of Srivijaya in Palembang.[3] Through this connection, silat is also used as a method of spiritual training in addition to self-defense.[4]
Silat was eventually used by the defence forces of Langkasuka, Champa, Srivijaya, Beruas, Melaka, Makasar, Aceh, Majapahit, Gangga Negara, Pattani and other kingdoms in Southeast Asia.[7] Except for generals and royalty, Indonesia-Malay warriors wore minimal armour, if any at all. A rattan shield, or a breastplate at most, was the only protective gear available to the average soldier. This may have been one of the reasons why the older styles relied more on agility than they do today. Despite the Hindu caste system which held sway in ancient times, silat was never confined to any particular social class or gender but was practiced by all without restrictions. Even today, it is often taught in families who have inherited cultural traditions such as woodcarving, dance, herbalism or the playing of musical instruments.
Southeast Asian trade had already extended into Okinawa and Japan by the 15th century. The number of Japanese people travelling the region increased after the Battle Of Sekigahara. By the early 17th century there were small Japanese communities living and trading in Indochina. Some arrived with the official red seal ships while others were warriors and pirates from the losing side of the Sekigahara war. Although mostly confined to Siam, some Japanese escaped to Cambodia and Indonesia after Ayutthaya was attacked by the Burmese. Silat shares many similarities with Okinawan karate as well as the throws and stances of weapon-based Japanese martial arts[5] which probably date back to this time. Trade with Japan ended when the country went into self-imposed isolation but resumed during the Meiji era, during which time certain areas of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore became home to a small Japanese population. After the Japanese Occupation, some silat masters incorporated the katana into their styles.
Since the Islamisation movement of the 1980s and 90s, there have been attempts to make silat more compliant with Islamic principles. It is now illegal for Muslim practitioners in Malaysia to chant mantera, bow to idols, practice traditional meditation, or attempt to acquire supernatural powers. This has given rise to various misconceptions that silat is inherently Muslim or can only be practiced by followers of the Islamic faith. In actuality silat has existed long before Islam was introduced to Southeast Asia and is still practiced by non-Muslims. The Hindu-Buddhist and animistic roots of the art were never eradicated, and remain very evident even among Muslim practitioners of traditional styles. Some of these old methods have been lost after silat masters in pre-dominantly Muslim areas could no longer teach them, but others still endure among conservative training schools in Indonesia and Thailand.
Training Salutation
Silat practitioners begin and end each routine and practice session by saluting their teacher, partner or any spectators as a show of respect. The handsign used is dependent on style and lineage. The vast majority of silat exponents use the Hindu-Buddhist namaste in which the palms are pressed together at chest level. This represents the balance of two opposing forces such as light and dark or hard and soft. The head or upper body is usually bowed as a sign of humility. This was used as a greeting in ancient times, as can still be seen throughout much of Indochina, and until recent decades it was also a form of apology among Malays. The practical purpose of the salute is to trigger the proper state of mind for training or fighting. Additionally, it serves as a technique in itself to block attacks aimed at the face.
Some traditional Javanese schools use another handsign apparently borrowed from the Chinese in which the left hand clasps the right fist. In the context of silat, the fist symbolises martial skill while the opposite hand is a sign of courtesy and camaraderie. This is meant to convey mutual respect and shows that the fighters are willing to learn from each other. Like the namaste, it recalls the idea of duality. This concept is referred to as jantan betina (male-female) and is equivalent to the Chinese yin and yang. A few styles, such as silat Pattani, may have their own salutation unique to that particular system.
Stances and footwork
Every style of silat incorporates multi-level fighting stances (sikap pasang), or preset postures meant to provide the foundation for remaining stable while in motion. The horse stance (kekuda) is the most essential posture, common to many Asian martial arts. Beginners once had to practice this stance for long periods of time, sometimes as many as four hours, but today's practitioners train until it can be easily held for at least ten minutes. Stances are taught in tandem with langkah (lit. "step"), a set of structured steps. Langkah consist of basic footwork and kicks made to teach how best to move in a fight. The langkah kuching (cat step) and langkah lawan (warrior step) are among the more prominent examples of langkah. After becoming proficient at langkah, students learn footwork patterns or tapak ("sole") from which to apply fighting techniques. Each tapak takes account of not only the particular move being used but also the potential for change in each movement and action. Among the most common formations are tapak tiga, tapak empat and tapak lima. All together, the stances, langkah and tapak act as a basis for forms-training.
Silat is an important part of randai performances
Forms or jurus are a series of prearranged meta-movements practiced as a single set. Their main function is to pass down all of a style's techniques and combat applications in an organised manner, as well as being a method of physical conditioning and public demonstration. While demonstrating a form, silat practitioners often use the open hand to slap parts of their own body such the shoulder, elbow, thigh or knee. This reminds the pesilat that when an opponent comes close there may be an opportunity to trap their attacking limbs. Aside from solo forms, they may also be performed with one or more partners. Choreographed forms pitting one fighter against several opponents are common in silat. Partnered forms are useful for teaching the application of techniques, particularly those attacks which are too dangerous to be used in a sparring match.
Tari ("dance") are freestyle forms which haven't been arranged beforehand but are created spontaneously. With a partner, tari is used as a way of sensitivity training similar to Chinese chi sao.[3] The aesthetic aspect of forms is called flower (bunga) or art (seni) forms. They are performed in slow, graceful movements with a dance-like quality. Once the student has learned basic techniques, forms, and footwork, they are taught how to attack before being attacked, in self preservation. Silat exponents are entrusted to use their knowledge confidently in its rightful place and to ensure that their knowledge does not fall into the hands of the irresponsible.[8]
Along with the human body, silat employs a wide variety of weapons. Prior to the introduction of firearms, weapons training was actually considered to be of greater value than unarmed techniques and even today many masters consider a student's training incomplete if they have not learned the use of weapons. Except for some weapon-based styles, students must generally achieve a certain degree of skill before being presented with a weapon which is traditionally made by the guru. This signifies the beginning of weapons-training. Among the hundreds of styles are dozens of weapons. The most commonly used are the kris (dagger), parang (machete), tongkat (walking stick) and sarong. The kris is accorded legendary status in Indon-Malay culture and is the primary weapon of most silat systems, although some styles prefer the stick for its versatility. Silat's traditional arsenal is largely made up of objects designed for domestic purposes such as the flute (seruling), rope (tali), sickle (sabit) and chain (rantai).
In silat culture, the energetic body consists of interlocking circles called cakera. The cakera's energy rotates outwards along diagonal lines. Energy that emits outwards from the centre line is defensive while offensive energy moves inwards from the sides of the body.[3] By being aware of this, the silat practitioner can harmonise their movements with the cakera, thereby increasing the power and effectiveness of attacks. Energy could also be used for healing or focused into a single point when applied to sentuhan, the art of attacking an opponent's pressure points.
The movements of silat are often performed as a dance during festivities such as weddings or a royal installation. These performances can be done either solo or with a partner and are accompanied by music played by a live band. Several traditional dances were influenced by silat, such as the inai dance from northern Malaysia. In the Minangkabau area silat is one of the main components in the men's folk dance called randai,[1] besides bakaba (storytelling) and saluang jo dendang (song-and-flute).
The music played during silat performances is known as tanji silat baku or gendang baku in Malaysia, and gendang pencha among the Sunda people of West Java. The instruments vary from one region to another but the gamelan (Javanese orchestra), kendang (drum), suling (flute) and gong are common throughout Southeast Asia. The Minangkabau of west Sumatra play a set of gongs known as talempong and sometimes use a type of flute called saluang. The most common instruments in Malaysia are the gendang (drums) and serunai (oboe). Music from the northern Malay Peninsula more closely resembles Thai music.
Types of silat drums include the gendang ibu or "mother drum" and the gendang anak or "child drum". The serunai, which also comes in long and short variations, is what gives silat music its distinct sound.
Terms of address
In Indonesia, anyone who teaches silat is addressed as Guru or teacher. In Malaysia, instructors who are qualified to teach but haven't yet achieved full mastery are addressed as Cikgu or Chegu, a contraction of encik and guru. Masters are called Guru while grandmasters are called Guru Agong or Mahaguru meaning supreme teacher. The terms cikgu and guru are often interchangeable. An elderly male master may be addressed as Tok Guru or Tuk Guru (lit."teacher-grandfather"), often abbreviated to Tok. In both countries, the honorary title of Pendekar may be officially bestowed onto a master by royalty or unofficially by commoners.
(End Article)
So, Why did I choose this particular art to learn?
Well frankly, I didn't choose Silat. It chose ME. From the very first time I saw the movements of it's practicioners, I told myself, "That's how I want to move, that's how I want to fight, that's how I want to live..." and at that moment, Silat invited me in. And, it hasn't let me go. Like I said, I'm a beginner. I'm a BABY in this art. I have a very long and painful road to achieving mastery in this art ahead of me, but I'm going to travel this road, and no matter how long it takes, I'm not ever going to stray from it.
Now it's getting close to bedtime and I gotta go, but probably tomorrow, I'm going to post some info about a copule of famous silat styles... Oh yeah, and speaking of silat styles, I put together a video playlist of the 2 styles I practice. The link is in the sidebar, just look for GADO GADO. I'll be posting more about these styles as well.
If you want to know more about this fascinating martial art, there are a lot of links in the sidebar.
I'm learning a martial art called SILAT. Silat is the native martial art of The Malay archipelago(Malaysia and Indonesia). In Malaysia, the art is called Seni Silat, in Indonesia, it's called Pencak Silat. It is a martial art system that came from the influences of Indian styles, Chinese Styles, and other styles & techniques brought over from visiting/invading cultures, as well as the native fighting systems already in place. In fact, you can say that Silat is the original MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). Silat, as a fighting art, is a unique system of combat that is much more savage and brutal than other arts like Chinese Shaolin and the Japanese DO arts, that have that “Martial Arts are for self-development and peace” attitude. The techniques of the various Silat systems are mostly close-range, done usually with some kind of bladed weapon. And some of the most exotic, and down-right nasty looking knives around, are found in Indonesia and Malaysia, where Silat originates. For some examples look for my weapons links on the sidebar. But if you're too lazy to do that, just click HERE.
Now for you scholarly types, here is a more in depth definition of Silat from Wikipedia:
Silat is a collective word for indigenous martial arts of the Malay Archipelago and Malay Peninsula of Southeast Asia. Originally developed in what are now Indonesia, peninsular Malaysia, southern Thailand and Singapore, it was also traditionally practiced in Brunei, the Philippines, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam.
There are hundreds of different styles but they tend to focus either on strikes, joint manipulation, bladed weapons, throws, animal-based techniques, or some combination thereof. Silat is one of the sports included in the Southeast Asian Games and other region-wide competitions. Training halls are overseen by separate national organizations in each of the main countries the art is practiced. These are Ikatan Pesilat Indonesia (IPSI) from Indonesia, Persekutuan Silat Kebangsaan Malaysia (PESAKA) from Malaysia, Persekutuan Silat Brunei Darussalam (PERSIB) from Brunei and Persekutuan Silat Singapura (PERSISI) from Singapore.
The origin of the word silat is unknown. Although one theory states that it comes from the Minang word silek,[1] the etymology of silek itself cannot be traced. Another theory is that it comes from the Tamil word silambam, which has long been practiced by the Indian community of Malaysia. The Tamils also use the word silatguvarisai to define their silambam movement patterns. Other similar-sounding words have been proposed but none have been proven.
Originally the word silat was used as a generic term for any system of fighting. Burmese martial arts, for example, would be called silat Awa. Some Malay-speakers (especially in Indonesia) still use the word as such, as can be seen in the term ilmu silat (knowledge of silat) which can used for any fighting style. Today, the word has a formidable arsenal of terms used to refer to martial arts in Southeast Asia.[2] It is usually called pencak silat in Indonesia or silek in the Minangkabau language. Some examples of the word's application in Malaysia and Singapore include seni silat (art of silat) and seni bela-diri (art of self-defence).
Fighting arts in the Malay Peninsula and Malay Archipelago arose out of hunting methods and military training by the region's native inhabitants. The descendents of former headhunters still perform ancient wardances which are considered the precursor of the freestyle form in silat. While these aborigines retained their tribal way of life, the Indon-Malay diaspora instead based their culture on China and India. By adopting the Indian faiths of Hinduism and Buddhism, their social structure became more organised.[3] Evidence shows that silat was influenced by both Chinese and Indian martial arts.[4] Many of the region's medicinal practices and weapons originated in either India or China, and silat's thigh-slapping actions are reminiscent of Hindu wrestling.[5] The Chinese community also practiced their own localised martial arts known as kuntao, which both influenced and borrowed from silat.
Although numerous myths attempt to explain the institutionalisation of silat, most of them concern only a specific style. The earliest evidence of silat taught in its present form is found in Sumatra where, according to local legend, a woman based her combat system on the movements of animals that she had seen fighting. Masters still believe that the first styles of silat were created by observing animals, and these styles were probably derived from animal-based Indian martial arts.[6] In the fifth or 6th century, pre-determined sets are said to have been introduced by the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma who came from India to Southeast Asia via the Sumatra-based kingdom of Srivijaya in Palembang.[3] Through this connection, silat is also used as a method of spiritual training in addition to self-defense.[4]
Silat was eventually used by the defence forces of Langkasuka, Champa, Srivijaya, Beruas, Melaka, Makasar, Aceh, Majapahit, Gangga Negara, Pattani and other kingdoms in Southeast Asia.[7] Except for generals and royalty, Indonesia-Malay warriors wore minimal armour, if any at all. A rattan shield, or a breastplate at most, was the only protective gear available to the average soldier. This may have been one of the reasons why the older styles relied more on agility than they do today. Despite the Hindu caste system which held sway in ancient times, silat was never confined to any particular social class or gender but was practiced by all without restrictions. Even today, it is often taught in families who have inherited cultural traditions such as woodcarving, dance, herbalism or the playing of musical instruments.
Southeast Asian trade had already extended into Okinawa and Japan by the 15th century. The number of Japanese people travelling the region increased after the Battle Of Sekigahara. By the early 17th century there were small Japanese communities living and trading in Indochina. Some arrived with the official red seal ships while others were warriors and pirates from the losing side of the Sekigahara war. Although mostly confined to Siam, some Japanese escaped to Cambodia and Indonesia after Ayutthaya was attacked by the Burmese. Silat shares many similarities with Okinawan karate as well as the throws and stances of weapon-based Japanese martial arts[5] which probably date back to this time. Trade with Japan ended when the country went into self-imposed isolation but resumed during the Meiji era, during which time certain areas of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore became home to a small Japanese population. After the Japanese Occupation, some silat masters incorporated the katana into their styles.
Since the Islamisation movement of the 1980s and 90s, there have been attempts to make silat more compliant with Islamic principles. It is now illegal for Muslim practitioners in Malaysia to chant mantera, bow to idols, practice traditional meditation, or attempt to acquire supernatural powers. This has given rise to various misconceptions that silat is inherently Muslim or can only be practiced by followers of the Islamic faith. In actuality silat has existed long before Islam was introduced to Southeast Asia and is still practiced by non-Muslims. The Hindu-Buddhist and animistic roots of the art were never eradicated, and remain very evident even among Muslim practitioners of traditional styles. Some of these old methods have been lost after silat masters in pre-dominantly Muslim areas could no longer teach them, but others still endure among conservative training schools in Indonesia and Thailand.
Training Salutation
Silat practitioners begin and end each routine and practice session by saluting their teacher, partner or any spectators as a show of respect. The handsign used is dependent on style and lineage. The vast majority of silat exponents use the Hindu-Buddhist namaste in which the palms are pressed together at chest level. This represents the balance of two opposing forces such as light and dark or hard and soft. The head or upper body is usually bowed as a sign of humility. This was used as a greeting in ancient times, as can still be seen throughout much of Indochina, and until recent decades it was also a form of apology among Malays. The practical purpose of the salute is to trigger the proper state of mind for training or fighting. Additionally, it serves as a technique in itself to block attacks aimed at the face.
Some traditional Javanese schools use another handsign apparently borrowed from the Chinese in which the left hand clasps the right fist. In the context of silat, the fist symbolises martial skill while the opposite hand is a sign of courtesy and camaraderie. This is meant to convey mutual respect and shows that the fighters are willing to learn from each other. Like the namaste, it recalls the idea of duality. This concept is referred to as jantan betina (male-female) and is equivalent to the Chinese yin and yang. A few styles, such as silat Pattani, may have their own salutation unique to that particular system.
Stances and footwork
Every style of silat incorporates multi-level fighting stances (sikap pasang), or preset postures meant to provide the foundation for remaining stable while in motion. The horse stance (kekuda) is the most essential posture, common to many Asian martial arts. Beginners once had to practice this stance for long periods of time, sometimes as many as four hours, but today's practitioners train until it can be easily held for at least ten minutes. Stances are taught in tandem with langkah (lit. "step"), a set of structured steps. Langkah consist of basic footwork and kicks made to teach how best to move in a fight. The langkah kuching (cat step) and langkah lawan (warrior step) are among the more prominent examples of langkah. After becoming proficient at langkah, students learn footwork patterns or tapak ("sole") from which to apply fighting techniques. Each tapak takes account of not only the particular move being used but also the potential for change in each movement and action. Among the most common formations are tapak tiga, tapak empat and tapak lima. All together, the stances, langkah and tapak act as a basis for forms-training.
Silat is an important part of randai performances
Forms or jurus are a series of prearranged meta-movements practiced as a single set. Their main function is to pass down all of a style's techniques and combat applications in an organised manner, as well as being a method of physical conditioning and public demonstration. While demonstrating a form, silat practitioners often use the open hand to slap parts of their own body such the shoulder, elbow, thigh or knee. This reminds the pesilat that when an opponent comes close there may be an opportunity to trap their attacking limbs. Aside from solo forms, they may also be performed with one or more partners. Choreographed forms pitting one fighter against several opponents are common in silat. Partnered forms are useful for teaching the application of techniques, particularly those attacks which are too dangerous to be used in a sparring match.
Tari ("dance") are freestyle forms which haven't been arranged beforehand but are created spontaneously. With a partner, tari is used as a way of sensitivity training similar to Chinese chi sao.[3] The aesthetic aspect of forms is called flower (bunga) or art (seni) forms. They are performed in slow, graceful movements with a dance-like quality. Once the student has learned basic techniques, forms, and footwork, they are taught how to attack before being attacked, in self preservation. Silat exponents are entrusted to use their knowledge confidently in its rightful place and to ensure that their knowledge does not fall into the hands of the irresponsible.[8]
Along with the human body, silat employs a wide variety of weapons. Prior to the introduction of firearms, weapons training was actually considered to be of greater value than unarmed techniques and even today many masters consider a student's training incomplete if they have not learned the use of weapons. Except for some weapon-based styles, students must generally achieve a certain degree of skill before being presented with a weapon which is traditionally made by the guru. This signifies the beginning of weapons-training. Among the hundreds of styles are dozens of weapons. The most commonly used are the kris (dagger), parang (machete), tongkat (walking stick) and sarong. The kris is accorded legendary status in Indon-Malay culture and is the primary weapon of most silat systems, although some styles prefer the stick for its versatility. Silat's traditional arsenal is largely made up of objects designed for domestic purposes such as the flute (seruling), rope (tali), sickle (sabit) and chain (rantai).
In silat culture, the energetic body consists of interlocking circles called cakera. The cakera's energy rotates outwards along diagonal lines. Energy that emits outwards from the centre line is defensive while offensive energy moves inwards from the sides of the body.[3] By being aware of this, the silat practitioner can harmonise their movements with the cakera, thereby increasing the power and effectiveness of attacks. Energy could also be used for healing or focused into a single point when applied to sentuhan, the art of attacking an opponent's pressure points.
The movements of silat are often performed as a dance during festivities such as weddings or a royal installation. These performances can be done either solo or with a partner and are accompanied by music played by a live band. Several traditional dances were influenced by silat, such as the inai dance from northern Malaysia. In the Minangkabau area silat is one of the main components in the men's folk dance called randai,[1] besides bakaba (storytelling) and saluang jo dendang (song-and-flute).
The music played during silat performances is known as tanji silat baku or gendang baku in Malaysia, and gendang pencha among the Sunda people of West Java. The instruments vary from one region to another but the gamelan (Javanese orchestra), kendang (drum), suling (flute) and gong are common throughout Southeast Asia. The Minangkabau of west Sumatra play a set of gongs known as talempong and sometimes use a type of flute called saluang. The most common instruments in Malaysia are the gendang (drums) and serunai (oboe). Music from the northern Malay Peninsula more closely resembles Thai music.
Types of silat drums include the gendang ibu or "mother drum" and the gendang anak or "child drum". The serunai, which also comes in long and short variations, is what gives silat music its distinct sound.
Terms of address
In Indonesia, anyone who teaches silat is addressed as Guru or teacher. In Malaysia, instructors who are qualified to teach but haven't yet achieved full mastery are addressed as Cikgu or Chegu, a contraction of encik and guru. Masters are called Guru while grandmasters are called Guru Agong or Mahaguru meaning supreme teacher. The terms cikgu and guru are often interchangeable. An elderly male master may be addressed as Tok Guru or Tuk Guru (lit."teacher-grandfather"), often abbreviated to Tok. In both countries, the honorary title of Pendekar may be officially bestowed onto a master by royalty or unofficially by commoners.
(End Article)
So, Why did I choose this particular art to learn?
Well frankly, I didn't choose Silat. It chose ME. From the very first time I saw the movements of it's practicioners, I told myself, "That's how I want to move, that's how I want to fight, that's how I want to live..." and at that moment, Silat invited me in. And, it hasn't let me go. Like I said, I'm a beginner. I'm a BABY in this art. I have a very long and painful road to achieving mastery in this art ahead of me, but I'm going to travel this road, and no matter how long it takes, I'm not ever going to stray from it.
Now it's getting close to bedtime and I gotta go, but probably tomorrow, I'm going to post some info about a copule of famous silat styles... Oh yeah, and speaking of silat styles, I put together a video playlist of the 2 styles I practice. The link is in the sidebar, just look for GADO GADO. I'll be posting more about these styles as well.
If you want to know more about this fascinating martial art, there are a lot of links in the sidebar.
You need a "Girlfriend"!
Well, God knows I need a girlfriend... but I SURE AS HELL DO NOT NEED NO GODDAMN CROTCH POP!!!!!
Heal yourself, and your relationship will heal, too. If you can heal yourself, then you are going to be ready for a relationship without fear, without need. If you and your partner each work on yourselves, you will see how quickly progress is made.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Well, Easter's just about over...
So, I wonder what the Easter Bunny does the other 364 days of the year...
Lies can only survive if I believe them. The solution for taming the liar in my head is to stop believing what it tells me. If I don't believe myself, and I don't believe anybody else, then all of the lies won't survive my skepticism and will simply disappear.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Today is Easter!
Does anybody know the true meaning of Easter? Well, I didn't until I looked around google and read a few articles about it. This particular article on the meaning of easter was found at www.everythingeasier.com
The Meaning of Easter
by Kristen Machut
When you think of Easter, you probably think of the Easter Bunny, colored eggs and lots of candy... but to Christians around the world it is much, much more. Easter is the most important Christian holiday of the year.
Easter Day is the day Christians remember Jesus rising from the dead. After his brutal crucifixion, a large stone was rolled over his tomb. But shortly after his death when followers went back to honor Jesus, the stone had mysteriously been moved and only the cloth that wrapped Jesus' body was laying there. As the story goes, Jesus' body was no longer in the tomb and he had in fact risen from his death in order to save us all. An angel nearby this tomb told his followers of the miracle that had taken place.
The resurrection, as described in the Bible, means that at the very moment Jesus rose from the dead, was the very moment we would be given everlasting life. Christians would now receive new life after death. The Easter holiday celebrates this belief. Easter is therefore the last day celebrated during a 40 day Easter season.
The season begins with Lent, a 40-day period before Easter Sunday. During Lent, Christians prepare for Easter. Lent is considered a time for penance, a time to show sorrow for sins and to seek forgiveness.
One way many Christians show their sorrow is by fasting, which limits the kinds and amounts of food that are eaten. Christians may also give something up during this 40 week period as patronage to the suffering of Jesus. While not all Christians fast during Lent, those that do pattern their behavior after Jesus who prayed and fasted in the wilderness before his death on the cross.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and most churches hold specials services in the evening. At many of those services ashes are placed on the foreheads of worshipers to remind them to have a humble spirit. Lent continues until Holy Week, which is the final week of Lent and recalls the events leading up to Jesus' sacrifce and ultimate death, a death he freely accepted.
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, which celebrates the story of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, where people spread palm branches and clothing before him. Good Friday is the day Jesus died on the cross and many believe it happened between the hours of 12 noon and 3pm. Many churches hold services during this time to reflect on the last three hours of darkness while Jesus suffered on the cross.
On Easter Sunday Jesus' resurrection is celebrated. Outdoor Easter services sometimes take place at sunrise to celebrate Jesus' resurrection. Just as Jesus rose from the dead, Christians believe they too will rise from the dead and ascend into Heaven. It's important to note that Easter is not a time to dwell on death and sorrow, but rather the fact that Jesus did rise just as prophesized in the Holy Bible. This miracle of renewed life has given Christians hope, faith and love since they know Jesus died willingly in order to save the human race.
Easter is also closely associated with the season of Spring. The new plant life that appears in spring symbolizes the new life Christians gain because of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Easter is also considered a day of "white" because newly baptized church members wear white clothes at Easter observances.
Now, on that note, I'm going to post up this week's Sunday school video here. Now personally, I think that Jesus Christ being portrayed this way is just wrong... but I'm posting it here because all too many bible freaks and Right-Wing "christians" tend to portray Jesus Christ THIS WAY to the world, although they like to preach to everyone that jesus is a god of love and mercy,the prince of peace, etc.
Now, in conclusion, I'm posting my REAL sunday school video on the Jesus Resurrection, followed by a couple of easter day poems...
Easter Holiday
Easter holiday, is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ!
Jesus Christ, The Son of God, bled and died for us in a sacrifice.
This Spring day's celebrated, generally in the month of April.
All of the bright and pretty colors, of the Easter outfits with frills.
Women and children will wear their Easter bonnets.
In the Spring, you'll hear the various musical sonnets.
April will bring many rain showers.
That'll bring us various beautiful flowers.
One special flower for this day is the Easter Lily.
It's color is white, and yet snowy & milky.
The birds will sing their songs of praise.
As we begin to feel the warmth of the sun's rays.
As we say "Goodbye" to the winter's gloom,
The flowers and trees have already begun to bloom.
All of life's beauty, The Lord created, for us all to share.
Spring breezes begin to flow, sending fragrances through the air.
The winter's thawing will let the rivers, lakes, and streams rise and flow.
The beauty of the Earth will make us all feel aglow!
Farmers and gardeners will start to hoe.
And then they'll begin to sow.
On Sundays, we'll hear the various church bells ring.
Let's be grateful for the LORD, let's rejoice and sing.
If it wasn't for the Lord, we wouldn't have anything!
Meeting the Easter Bunny
by: Rowena Bennett
On Easter morn at early dawn
before the cocks were crowing
I met a bob-tail bunnykin
and asked where he was going.
"Tis in the house and out the house
a-tispy, tipsy-toeing,
Tis round the house
and 'bout the house a-lighlty I am going."
"But what is that of every hue
you carry in your basket?"
"Tis eggs of gold and eggs of blue;
I wonder that you ask it.
"Tis chocolate eggs and bonbon eggs
and eggs of red and gray,
For every child in every house
on bonny Easter day.
He perked his ears
and winked his eye and twitched his little nose;
He shook his tail -- what tail he had --
and stood up on his toes.
"I must be gone before the sun;
the east is growing gray;
Tis almost time for bells to chime."
-- So he hippety-hopped away.
The Meaning of Easter
by Kristen Machut
When you think of Easter, you probably think of the Easter Bunny, colored eggs and lots of candy... but to Christians around the world it is much, much more. Easter is the most important Christian holiday of the year.
Easter Day is the day Christians remember Jesus rising from the dead. After his brutal crucifixion, a large stone was rolled over his tomb. But shortly after his death when followers went back to honor Jesus, the stone had mysteriously been moved and only the cloth that wrapped Jesus' body was laying there. As the story goes, Jesus' body was no longer in the tomb and he had in fact risen from his death in order to save us all. An angel nearby this tomb told his followers of the miracle that had taken place.
The resurrection, as described in the Bible, means that at the very moment Jesus rose from the dead, was the very moment we would be given everlasting life. Christians would now receive new life after death. The Easter holiday celebrates this belief. Easter is therefore the last day celebrated during a 40 day Easter season.
The season begins with Lent, a 40-day period before Easter Sunday. During Lent, Christians prepare for Easter. Lent is considered a time for penance, a time to show sorrow for sins and to seek forgiveness.
One way many Christians show their sorrow is by fasting, which limits the kinds and amounts of food that are eaten. Christians may also give something up during this 40 week period as patronage to the suffering of Jesus. While not all Christians fast during Lent, those that do pattern their behavior after Jesus who prayed and fasted in the wilderness before his death on the cross.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and most churches hold specials services in the evening. At many of those services ashes are placed on the foreheads of worshipers to remind them to have a humble spirit. Lent continues until Holy Week, which is the final week of Lent and recalls the events leading up to Jesus' sacrifce and ultimate death, a death he freely accepted.
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, which celebrates the story of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, where people spread palm branches and clothing before him. Good Friday is the day Jesus died on the cross and many believe it happened between the hours of 12 noon and 3pm. Many churches hold services during this time to reflect on the last three hours of darkness while Jesus suffered on the cross.
On Easter Sunday Jesus' resurrection is celebrated. Outdoor Easter services sometimes take place at sunrise to celebrate Jesus' resurrection. Just as Jesus rose from the dead, Christians believe they too will rise from the dead and ascend into Heaven. It's important to note that Easter is not a time to dwell on death and sorrow, but rather the fact that Jesus did rise just as prophesized in the Holy Bible. This miracle of renewed life has given Christians hope, faith and love since they know Jesus died willingly in order to save the human race.
Easter is also closely associated with the season of Spring. The new plant life that appears in spring symbolizes the new life Christians gain because of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Easter is also considered a day of "white" because newly baptized church members wear white clothes at Easter observances.
Now, on that note, I'm going to post up this week's Sunday school video here. Now personally, I think that Jesus Christ being portrayed this way is just wrong... but I'm posting it here because all too many bible freaks and Right-Wing "christians" tend to portray Jesus Christ THIS WAY to the world, although they like to preach to everyone that jesus is a god of love and mercy,the prince of peace, etc.
Now, in conclusion, I'm posting my REAL sunday school video on the Jesus Resurrection, followed by a couple of easter day poems...
Easter Holiday
Easter holiday, is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ!
Jesus Christ, The Son of God, bled and died for us in a sacrifice.
This Spring day's celebrated, generally in the month of April.
All of the bright and pretty colors, of the Easter outfits with frills.
Women and children will wear their Easter bonnets.
In the Spring, you'll hear the various musical sonnets.
April will bring many rain showers.
That'll bring us various beautiful flowers.
One special flower for this day is the Easter Lily.
It's color is white, and yet snowy & milky.
The birds will sing their songs of praise.
As we begin to feel the warmth of the sun's rays.
As we say "Goodbye" to the winter's gloom,
The flowers and trees have already begun to bloom.
All of life's beauty, The Lord created, for us all to share.
Spring breezes begin to flow, sending fragrances through the air.
The winter's thawing will let the rivers, lakes, and streams rise and flow.
The beauty of the Earth will make us all feel aglow!
Farmers and gardeners will start to hoe.
And then they'll begin to sow.
On Sundays, we'll hear the various church bells ring.
Let's be grateful for the LORD, let's rejoice and sing.
If it wasn't for the Lord, we wouldn't have anything!
Meeting the Easter Bunny
by: Rowena Bennett
On Easter morn at early dawn
before the cocks were crowing
I met a bob-tail bunnykin
and asked where he was going.
"Tis in the house and out the house
a-tispy, tipsy-toeing,
Tis round the house
and 'bout the house a-lighlty I am going."
"But what is that of every hue
you carry in your basket?"
"Tis eggs of gold and eggs of blue;
I wonder that you ask it.
"Tis chocolate eggs and bonbon eggs
and eggs of red and gray,
For every child in every house
on bonny Easter day.
He perked his ears
and winked his eye and twitched his little nose;
He shook his tail -- what tail he had --
and stood up on his toes.
"I must be gone before the sun;
the east is growing gray;
Tis almost time for bells to chime."
-- So he hippety-hopped away.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
It's my nature to make up stories, to interpret everything I perceive. Without awareness, I give my personal power to the story, and the story writes itself. With awareness, I recover the control of my story. I see that I am the author, and if I don't like my story, I change it.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Friday, April 22, 2011
Touching on a touchy subject...
So apparently, a month ago on YouTube there was some kind of debate or something where a "feminist" was accusing all men who didn't agree with her ideology as rapists.
I can't find the words to express about this subject, so I thought that as usual, I would just let these videos do the talking...
Uploaded by xxxThePeachxxx on Mar 19, 2011
Touching on a touchy subject. Iremythpurr (NuclearNight) seems to have rape tourettes, which does a serious disservice to survivors who don't take kindly to their experiences being equated with consensual sex, or good people being branded "rapists" simply because they don't subscribe to the same fanatical, political, dogmatic ideology.
Representative Christopher Smith seems to think that evil abortion is only okay for some forms of rape. Apparently, other forms of rape aren't so bad.
Representative Kathleen Passidomo is probably a genuinely good person. Unfortunately, she's a public figure reinforcing a dangerous and highly offensive misconception about sexual assault victims and their choice of dress. Clothing is no excuse or deterrent.
Uploaded by ZOMGitsCriss on Apr 22, 2011
I apologize for subjecting you to this drama. I needed to say something, it would have nagged at me forever if I didn't.
I can't find the words to express about this subject, so I thought that as usual, I would just let these videos do the talking...
Uploaded by xxxThePeachxxx on Mar 19, 2011
Touching on a touchy subject. Iremythpurr (NuclearNight) seems to have rape tourettes, which does a serious disservice to survivors who don't take kindly to their experiences being equated with consensual sex, or good people being branded "rapists" simply because they don't subscribe to the same fanatical, political, dogmatic ideology.
Representative Christopher Smith seems to think that evil abortion is only okay for some forms of rape. Apparently, other forms of rape aren't so bad.
Representative Kathleen Passidomo is probably a genuinely good person. Unfortunately, she's a public figure reinforcing a dangerous and highly offensive misconception about sexual assault victims and their choice of dress. Clothing is no excuse or deterrent.
Uploaded by ZOMGitsCriss on Apr 22, 2011
I apologize for subjecting you to this drama. I needed to say something, it would have nagged at me forever if I didn't.
I don't take anything personally. I am a secondary character in other people's stories. I know that whatever people say about me is just a projection of their image of me. It has nothing to do with me.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I change my story by changing what I believe about myself. When I clean up the lies I believe about myself, the lies I believe about other people change. Every time I change myself, my whole story changes to adapt to the new main character.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Everything I believe about myself is just a story. In my story, everything is about me, and it has to be that way because I am the center of my perception. The story is told from my point of view.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
More Black Men Now in Prison System than Were Enslaved
Man, I'm finding all kinds of outrageous shit tonight...
so I guess this means our public education system did exactly what it was intended to do..... There's a time to sit still and do nothing, and a time to take ACTION!we MUST act now to save our children. Everybody's gotta DO something!
More Black Men Now in Prison System than Were Enslaved
so I guess this means our public education system did exactly what it was intended to do..... There's a time to sit still and do nothing, and a time to take ACTION!we MUST act now to save our children. Everybody's gotta DO something!
More Black Men Now in Prison System than Were Enslaved
Respect is one of the greatest expressions of love. If other people try to write your story, it means they don't respect you. They consider that you're not a good artist who can write your own story, even though you were born to write your own story.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Monday, April 18, 2011
I create an image for every secondary character in my story. The only thing I know about the secondary characters is the story I create about them. The truth is that I don't know anyone, and nobody knows me either.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Sunday, April 17, 2011
God, the supreme artist, uses our life for the creation of art. We are the instruments through which the force of life expresses itself. We express our art in everything we say, everything we feel, and everything we do. The creation is ongoing, it is endless, it is happening in every moment.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Heaven is here, but we need to have the eyes to perceive it. When our spiritual eyes are open, we see heaven all around us - we experience truth, love, and joy. When lies hook our attention, all we see are lies. Our spiritual eyes close, and we fall from the dream of heaven.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Thursday, April 14, 2011
WOW!!! I see that country music is not only for rednecks...
Video description taken from YouTube: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah,
This is a s song sang by Kareem Salama, it is about the story of two soldiers who are in oppose teams of each other and then they find the truth.....
Try visiting: http://rezakareem.blogspot.com
I have added lyrics with it to ease to understand. Feel free to vote and share the comments.
Kareem Salama - Generous Peace (Official Music Video)
Continuing my thoughts on violence vs. non-violence...
I think it's always better to look for ways to solve problems peacefully than with violence. Like the song says, "We can fight, but we don't need to fight tonight, yeah we'll put out the fire If I'm gonna fight, then I'm gonna fight for what's right let's go a little higher..."
I think it's always better to look for ways to solve problems peacefully than with violence. Like the song says, "We can fight, but we don't need to fight tonight, yeah we'll put out the fire If I'm gonna fight, then I'm gonna fight for what's right let's go a little higher..."
Violence never solves anything... except for the times when it does.
Just taking another look at an age old argument...
But personally, I believe that violence is RARELY the answer. But when it is.. it's the ONLY answer.
But personally, I believe that violence is RARELY the answer. But when it is.. it's the ONLY answer.
I co-create with God, and with life. Life creates what is real, and I create a story about what is real. The story is how I qualify, justify, and explain what I perceive. My story is my creation, and it's a masterpiece of art.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
There is only one force that moves and transforms everything. The force that moves the stars is the same force that moves the atoms in my body. This force is always present and obvious for me to see, but I cannot see it when my attention is focused on lies.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I am what I am. I accept myself as I am. I don't need to please other people by pretending to be what I am not. I can never be what I am not. I can only be me, and that's it.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Monday, April 11, 2011
I am God's creation. I don't need to be what I am not. I am perfect because I am inseparable from the infinite, the force of life that creates the stars and the entire universe of light.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sunday School Video
Hello! On this edition of Sunday School videos, I posted a video of the late, great George Carlin's thoughts on religion...
George Carlin: May 12,1937 - June 22, 2008
May He rest In Peace.
George Carlin: May 12,1937 - June 22, 2008
May He rest In Peace.
Everything in God's creation is perfect. If we don't see our own perfection, it's because the lies in our story keep us from seeing the truth. The truth is that every human is born perfect because only perfection exists.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Saturday, April 9, 2011
We are born in truth, but we grow up believing in lies. One of the biggest lies in the story of humanity is the lie of our imperfection. When we believe this lie, we use the lie to judge ourselves, to punish ourselves, and to justify our mistakes.
~Don Miguel ruiz
~Don Miguel ruiz
Friday, April 8, 2011
Our true nature is to play and explore, to live in the moment, to enjoy life. As little children, we are completely authentic. Our actions are guided by our instinct and emotions; we listen to the silent voice of our integrity; Nobody teaches us to be that way; we are born that way.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Every human is an artist, a storyteller with a unique point of view. When we see ourselves as artists, we no longer feel the need to impose our story on others or to defend what we believe. We know that every artist has the right to create his own art.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Love and honor your physical body. To create a relationship that takes you all the way to heaven, you have to accept your body completely and allow it to be free to give, free to receive, without being shy . . . because "shy" is nothing but fear.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Love and honor your physical body. To create a relationship that takes you all the way to heaven, you have to accept your body completely. You have to love your body and allow it to be free to give, free to receive, without being shy ... because "shy" is nothing but fear.
~Don Miguel Ruiz
~Don Miguel Ruiz
Monday, April 4, 2011
Your heart is like a magical kitchen. Your heart can create any amount of love, not just for yourself, but for the whole world. Open your heart, open your magical kitchen, and refuse to walk around the world begging for love. In your heart is all the love you need.
-Don Miguel Ruiz
-Don Miguel Ruiz
Sunday, April 3, 2011
You are what you believe you are. Humans are powerful magicians. You have the power to make yourself what you are right now, but it's not your reasoning mind that controls your power; it's what you believe.
-Don Miguel Ruiz
-Don Miguel Ruiz
Saturday, April 2, 2011
You are responsible for your own happiness. Happiness never comes from outside of you. If you put your happiness in someone else's hands, they can always take it away. Happiness can only come from inside of you and is the result of your love.
-Don Miguel Ruiz
-Don Miguel Ruiz
Friday, April 1, 2011
And NO, this is NOT SOME APRIL FOOL'S JOKE!!! I got a new Computer, I got a mew computer, I got a new Computer, I got a new Computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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