Hi Guys,
Take a look at this video:
This video is of a slow, playful sparring session between a capoeirista, and a silat practicioner. I had posted this video before, but I didn't comment on it. On a Facebook Group that I belong to called CAPOEIRA SELF DEFENSE THAT WORKS/ CAPOEIRA AUTO DEFESA, a member who goes by the name Kyle SilatBear Berry, who is a student of HARIMAU (TIGER STYLE) PENCAK SILAT under the Hanafi lineage, as well as capoeira, posted a video from his group. What followed is a rather nice discuission about the similarities between pencak silat and capoeira.
I posted the entire discussion (so far) below, because although it got sidetracked, this thread contains quite a few jewels of wisdom from Coach Ras, and I feel a need to preserve it.
So... here it is.
AtacxGym Capoeira you're always posting videos so I thought I'd share one from my group. I hope you enjoy it. Oh, and please let me know what you think.
AtacxGym Capoeira: Kyle SilatBear Berry What constantly amazes me...even though I already know this in a thoroughgoing fashion...is HOW VERY SIMILAR ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME that real fighting Capoeira and Silat are. I would say that Capoeira has a more expansive vocabulary of movement, but not by much. This video clip? WE DO EVERY TECHNIQUE YOU SHOWED. It's amazing. Except...your style seems to run far far closer to the Xango Adepts in Capoeira. Xango...among quite a few other things...carries the Lion Style of Capoeira. I see that you have a tiger there on your emblem. Isn't Harimau the Tiger Style? The Capoeira Lion Style...based upon the fighting style preference of the real legendary King of the Yoruba, Xango....is very similar to the Tiger Style of Silat [ except he's centuries older than that style ]. Is that your particular style of silat? Tiger Style? The only thing is that I never see Silat guys spar and actually do the same stuff we see them do in demos. I will do literally the same things that you see me do in my videos, and so will my students against all comers...and succeed. I like your crew's training footage. I'd like tosee the sparring too
Kyle SilatBear Berry: Yes, Harimau Silat is the tiger system.
Kyle SilatBear Berry: Maha Guru Richard de Bordes and I had an extensive conversation about Capoeira when he visited for a seminar. He is from Ghana and stated to me that there was considerable overlap between the two styles. I was and still am amazed at the multitude of similarities between Harimau and Capoeira.
AtacxGym Capoeira: Maha Guru Richard de Bordes...IIRC two of my GMs know him. Especially Cliff Stewart of the BKF and WAR [ Within Arm's Reach ] who himself is a silat guru. Ghana has a plethora of indigenous styles...including its own version of Kaapwera which heavily impacted the martial art that the Portgueuse miscall "Capoeira". I have bloodkin from Ghana. Ashanti and Ga. Both have martial arts similar to Capoeira, and when I showed them what I do, they were like: "So? We do that at home all the time. But that's pretty good for an American!" Hahahaha.
In case any of you out there didn't believe Coach Ras, I would like to point out that Maha Guru Richard be Bordes is from the Ga people, and is an expert of their indigenous martial art.
Now, back to the discussion...
Kyle SilatBear Berry: Hahaha that's funny! Quite a compliment though.
AtacxGym Capoeira: Kyle SilatBear Berry yeah I thought so too. Funny thing is, that each of my kin...Ashanti and Ga...swore that what I do is a modernized Americanized more violent version of what they do; but they were specific. My Ashanti cousins said that what I do comes clearly from my Ashanti Warrior lineage. Nowhere else. My Ga cousins were just as emphatic about my Ga Warrior lineage. Neither group could be remotely persuaded that maybe what I do is a combo of both and then amped by the things I learned in the USA. When I said that? The most common response was a pause in the conversation, followed by a comment like:"I can tell you're American.You don't know enough history, but you know a lot of good things." And then I'd remonstrate, and they'd give some ground, and would absolutely not bend on others, and then they'd say something like:" Like I said...you're good for an American" LOLOLOL.
Kyle SilatBear Berry: ROFL
I have encountered this with other martial artists as well. Everyone has their own opinions ect. I try not to get to caught up in all of that. I just like to play and train.
These days it's getting harder and harder to tell exactly what a person has studied because of all of the mixing both of different styles and cultures. That's still pretty funny though.
I always just ask myself, can the guy move and does he know how to fight? If so, the details are simply that, details.
AtacxGym Capoeira: "I always just ask myself, can the guy move and does he know how to fight? If so, the details are simply that, details." MONEY SHOT. dead on You are very correct in your assessment, or a tl east you are in my opinion. But the thing that bothers me is that I don't see many of our Capoeira or Silat brethren sparring and applying self defense skills and drills vs resistance. The lack of training vs genuine and escalating resistance torpedoes the effectiveness and functionality of such training, and as those ideas spread and more and more Capoeiristas and Silat warriors emulate such training? The lower the esteem regarding the effectiveness of the art becomes. And that's because the practitioners are by and large training in a dysfunctional way. That's our fault. All on us. We gotta fix that forthwith.
Kyle SilatBear Berry: Oh we spar ALL THE TIME in my groups. If you can't use what you're training in real life then it's useless. Now granted, just like combat Capoeira, Silat is extremely dangerous so we exercise controlled sparring, otherwise we would literally KILL each other.
I completely agree though, a lot of Silat just like the majority of Capoeira has lost that combat edge, that sense of realism. IPSI in Indonesia is somewhat to blame for that, trying to make a battlefield art competition worthy. But some of it has to do with society, and it's ever changing value system.
It just depends on the attitude of the instructor really. I have seen PLENTY of bad Silat videos trust me on that haha. But I've also seen some killer ones too, with pesilat that can end someone before the guy could even blink.
Kyle SilatBear Berry: LOL at "MONEY SHOT" btw. You had me in stitches with that one!
Kyle SilatBear Berry: Oh, and I've been meaning to ask you. Do you know this guy? He was one of the first along with you to post combat videos and he looks legit. Do you know anything about him or his style?
Zaid Amien: liking that silat music remix i am myself a pesilat but not so much a fan of the snake pipe music instrument in silat lol, i plan to take a berimbau with to Malaysia when I go visit my guru in Melaka one day soon God willing.
AtacxGym Capoeira Whassup: Zaid Amien it's good to read from you/
· 1 AtacxGym Capoeira: Kyle SilatBear Berry nomadicstarr is a nice guy and I applaud his position as an OG in promoting Capoeira as a viable means of self defense. But I haven't seen enough functional fighting skils from him.
Jenny Azeitona: Nice vid. When are you going to show us your functional fighting skills AtacxGym Capoeira ? What did c.m Andre say when you contacted him about your functional kapoeira v.a his cardio style?
AtacxGym Capoeira: Jenny Azeitona darling you must have missed the multiple examples of my functional skill...which makes me wonder about your objective ability to analyze functional skill. I frankly didn't contact CM Andre because in all honesty I had forgotten about him until you brought him up. Thanks for reminding me. If he ever wants to spar or whatever? Great. He can contact me.
But he's never expressed any interest in me...you've only expressed interest in seeing us spar. You are also the only point of mutual contact between myself and CM Andre, so if he called me or emailed me out of the blue? That's likely because you encouraged him to do so...which is another way of saying that he wasn't interest in doing so until outside sources suggested that he should. Even then? He'd have to come all the way to CA from NY. If he did all of that just to meet me as part of his festiviities with other Capoeiristas? Well, I'd feel honored and almost 100% certainly would make sure that we meet and work out together.
Lastly, I watched videos of him from the last time you brought him up. He doesn't use Cardio Capoeira during sparring matches. The video clip you showed was an instance of him pretty skilfully using [ congrats to him ] the classic Muay Thai plum and knee...which the other guy blocked. Nothing I haven't seen before. So what we have here is a cardio capoeirista who reverted to the training he received from another martial art when things got hairy, and he showed that his personal dedication, his exercise and movement base, translated well to the other martial art. We did not see him use Cardio Capoeira at all...as Cardio Capoeira does not train with contact or self defense in mind. Therefore, there will never ever ever be an instance of a Cardio Capoeirista actually and legitimately using Cardio Capoeira for fighting or self defense for any reason under any circumstances in precisely the same way that we will never see anyone break out with Taebo moves in a gang fight. Taebo isn't built for self defense, it's built for fun exercise and cardio workouts. So is Cardio Capoeira. I mean no disrespect to anyone when I say that, but at the same time there is no form or question of doubt about the veracity of my comment when people who can actually fight are assessing these matters. Self defense Capoeira will NEVER look like Cardio Capoeira because the training requirements are comprehensively different and overwhelmingly both more vast and superior in every single possible way...and real self defense capoeiristas will NEVER look like Cardio Capoeiristas in the full expression of their skill sets. That's just the reality of the matter. Kyle SilatBear BerryNada Sin UstedZaid AmienCole CrisTarzan NavalhaQadeera KhabirTaqqee KhabirProfessora AmazonasJaiel OmariGary WilliamsArchitecture ArtCapoeira Art-BrasilAshley GarciaAlejita GarciaJohn Kevin AshtonKevin Rivas LopezDarryl Eugene MuttschelerDeAngelo Ambulância TaylorNabil Abdulrashid
Nada Sin Usted: No Capoeiraista I've seen fight, has ever demonstrated or preserved the essence of what the learned in the academy. No ginga no flips no 20 hit combo. Jean sliva was the closest but he eventual abandoned Capoeira as he became more of a standard mma fighter. In the beginning he used the arsenal au au batido meia lua rasteira even macaco effectively but he had no real tactically sound artillery so he traded his in for theirs. Personally seen too many capoeiraistas smashed in all arenas,abandon the arsenal and art and revert to stuff they were doing before they paid for training,basic sloppy Punching and grabbing. And wars are never won with that shit.
Tarzan Navalha: Sad thing is , politics plays a big role. And because of that it poisons the mind of young ones that don't know,any better. I myself , is a lone wolf. I represent no one. Am i under a group ? Yes i am. Doesn't mean I'm going to limit myself because of it, many see me as a threat because what i apply and how i challenege people with years in capoeira. They envy because they see i apply it to real,life situation. Only a handful few apreciate and respect what i do. So what's the point? Point is , its all up to the person to figure,out how to apply these techniques, to research, to learn the history most importantly..axe
Kyle SilatBear Berry: Taebo...nice.
Kyle SilatBear Berry:
I love this fight and Missi's character confident Ashley with Her cocky Tae Bo d...See More
Jenny Azeitona: I am dissappointed. Your videos show yourself an friends. There is no challenge there yet you repeatedly state that your style is the most effective fighting kapoeira style an fail to provide any hard evidence. I suggested Andre as he Is what you have stated in the past is a cardio capoeirista his group is a cardio capo group by all your previous definitions. To backtrack an say that cardio capoeiristas are ones who never make contact is b.s you have by definition ensured you'd win any fight against one as the minute they got through your functional training lion tiger style kapoeira guard an struck you they would no longer be cardio capoeiristas. An I'm curious how did we go from ' all the stuff I do which looks like other martial arts isn't ; because capoeira has everything ' to cm Andre in the video reverted back to anther martial art strikes so it's not capoeira... Really?!!..... What you talk about has a lot of intresting points an yet you fail to go out an test it so it remains just talk.m.bimba created a new style of capo but he took it outside his school fought with it an proved it worked. I don't see you ever doing that.
Jenny Azeitona: P.s Tarzan Navalha you at least sound as if you walk your talk... Any footage. I'm curious to see capoeira used to fight properly
Jenny Azeitona: Kyle SilatBear Berry just properly watched your vid... It's ace
Kyle SilatBear Berry: Thanks Jenny. lol
Tarzan Navalha: lol na Jenny Azeitona i dont like to post videos of myself fighting, maybe some moves here and there... gotta keep your maladragem up there
Tarzan Navalha: Jenny Azeitona i do have some street boxing videos where i apply the footwork of capoeira if u want to see that
Jenny Azeitona: Fair enough but It's kinda a shame , unless capoeira used in combat gets exposure everyone will always think it's a dance 😬
Tarzan Navalha: actually its really not. this is why u have to know its history. its not a bad thing thats where malicia and being a malandro plays a part. see me telling is already exposing myself to it because people are reading but hey i want people to be informed if theyre researching.
Tarzan Navalha: this is one of them, n i was goofing around btw:
Kyle SilatBear: Berry Jenny, with youtube and the internet it wont take long. The plethora of videos that are up now is astounding. People have just recently within the last 20-30 years started releasing true combat footage and applications. The was unheard of in the past. I myself personally know masters who even sell DVDs that are full of crappy combat applications because they want you to seek them out. They don't just want anybody to be able to use their stuff and hurt people. There is still a lot of secrecy in martial arts.
But times have changed. Whether we want to admit it or not, many martial arts are dying with the advent of technology, modern society, and "social" media. People don't meet up in their friends backyards and train anymore. They spend the day on their twitter accounts. lol
We also live in a time of "relative" peace, so battlefield arts aren't in high demand and are extremely exotic.
That is why a lot of traditional MAs have made their way to the West. People can make money with martial arts that work, and the younger generations in the East no longer want to uphold the traditions of their parents and grandparents. It's sad really.
Tarzan Navalha: Kyle SilatBear Berry i deff can agree on every word you say except with peace... it may look like we at peace, but the war that is heading our way is soon to come, and we need as the people to get prepared for that
Kyle SilatBear Berry: I said "relative" peace. lol And yes, but you know what? Training in the systems that I do, I believe the more people that would train in combat/killing arts, the safer the world would be. People would respect each other more, and what you are capable of with such a skillset. Also, the sheer brutality that these disciplines teach makes you never want to actually have to employ it.
My training makes me value and cherish life in a way that most other people simply couldn't comprehend.
Kyle SilatBear Berry: As in like no global world war type in events in the last 70 or so years...
Tarzan Navalha: lol good one, n u know what youre right. dont get me wrong there will be still killing , robbing fights etc. but it wont how it is now. think about it , why is there so many seperated martial art system when they all one in the same? its to divide and conquer the people. especially with the technology it drags away the people into media
Jenny Azeitona: Tarzan Navalha nice sparring vid. Who's your sparring partner?
Tarzan Navalha: thank you n a good friend who likes to box alot, thats when i first started to box mind u i dnt take boxing or jui jitsu etc, but apply everything from capoeira because back in the days capoeira had everything and i want to bring it back which i will!
Stefan Fraser: what is the name of the music?
Kyle SilatBear Berry: It is a custom song my instructor created for the video.
Kyle SilatBear Berry: You could snag it with a youtube to mp3 downloader...
Stefan Fraser: ah nice. cheers
Kyle SilatBear Berry: You're welcome! Glad you enjoy it.
Stefan Fraser: i am a big dubstep fan so hearing a combination with indonesian music really has impressed me.
Kyle SilatBear Berry: Yeah, it's definitely unique. He'll probably do another one for our next video whenever we get enough new footage.
AtacxGym Capoeira: Jenny Azeitona...your assessment regarding me sparring with my friends is with all due respect about as backwards as one can get. Following by your logic, police officers shouldn't train with each other, soccer and American football players who play on the same team shouldn't train with each other, boxing and MMA champs shouldn't train with each other, Roman centurions and gladiators should not have trained with each other, etc. In short? Even though literally every single martial arts and warfare legend in world history honed their skills with the help of friends and/or training partners, at some time of their lives.
Jenny, let me remind you that literally every single warrior and athlete with a training partner or who is part of a team has ALWAYS trained with members of their own team to sharpen and hone their skills prior to venturing forth elsewhere and clashing with non-team members or pure strangers. The real truth is that training with partners is not only encouraged but it's a time honored tradition. Because the ultimate determinant is not based on who one trains with, but the quality and purpose of one's training. Regarding your argument and complete miscomprehension of genuine self defense Kipura training vs cardio capoeira: the inescapable reality is that cardio capoeira simply is not, can not, will not, never has been and never will be designed to train anything other than cardio fitness, fun, social activity, etc. In other words? It is not has not been never will be and was literally designed by the ENEMIES OF TRUE CAPOEIRA TO NEVER EVER BE THE REAL SELF DEFENSE CAPOEIRA.
You don't think that the Brazilian government went through all that trouble to extinguish the Maltas, outlaw Kipura throughout the entire history of Brazil's existence, etc. just to allow the self same art that spawned the Maltas and quilombos and prevented the Black population and the poor from being downtrodden and exploited for the benefit and upliftment of the rich immoral powermongers...just to allow that self same weapon of capoeira to return and revive the exceptionally stiff resistance that they had more than 3 internal wars to finally stifle, do you? And again...let me emphasize: THERE IS NO MARTIAL TRAINING IN CARDIO CAPOEIRA. Zero. Zilch. None.
That's not disrespect, that's simply overwhelmingly obvious.The contact that is made in Cardio Capoeira is rare, almost always incidental, and even the purposefully executed takedowns and kicks and whatnot are dependent upon the other player being conversant in the rules of the roda...the very unrealistic noncombative non self defense oriented rules of the Cardio Capo roda...to work with any consistency. That is...amazingly ridiculous. Again, I mean no disrespect here, but consider this reality: Zumbi dos Palmares and his kin fought off slavers for more than a hundred years. Do you think that they saw a army of slavers approaching to enslave them, sounded the alarm, and then jumped into a roda and did flips until the army left? What about Besouro? Did he learn to fly and fight by jumping into the roda and practicing bananeira? Of course not. The very idea is beyond ludicrous. Any of your Cardio Capo Mestres teach you how to defend yourself from disadvantageous positions? Drill you to respond to whole categories of attacks...tackles, punches, kicks, grabs, pushes, weapon attacks, locks, chokes, multiple opponents...from any point in a 360 degree circle, whether you're standing or seated or in some other every day, regular disadvantageous positions? They ever teach you advanced combat concepts, define them, teach you how to drill them? Ever connect their movements to the orixas and the history and lessons inherent therein...which is the REAL lessons of spiritual cultivation?
Thought not.
Then you have NOT learned and DON'T learn self defense. Really simple. Ring sparring is very important, but sparring drills tend to present themselves as narrow affairs that are essential to developing skills in various areas while either neglecting self defense skills in other areas or...even worse...teaching you to build in to your training considerations that will get you severely hurt in the more dangerous yet common h2h realities like dealing with weapons and multifights. The key is to bridge the world of sport combat and self defense...which I and many others have done. When you spar FOR REAL and train self defense skills FOR REAL, you can show stuff like this. And bear in mind that this is just a small snippet of the many pieces of information like this of mine which you have managed to miss...because Cardio Capoeira is so removed from effective self defense training that it impairs the ability of its adherents to recognize real world training and real world self defense or it literally prevents such until Cardio Capoeira is abandoned. If you...or whoever...wants to do Cardio Capoeira? THAT'S GREAT. PLEASE HAVE A WONDERFUL FUN TIME. However, PLEASE DO NOT CLAIM TO PRACTICE KNOW TEACH AND DISSEMINATE THE MARTIAL SKILLS OF MY ANCESTORS. Cardio Capoeira was neevveer something that was done by the real Capoeiristas. With all due respect, real Capoeiristas do something like this:
Jenny Azeitona: You have said you know the ultimate martial art. Therefore it shouldn't matter if you are sparring a stranger you should win by default. You are failing to provide proof of this. P.s your caps lock key is getting stuck again. Either that or your shouting at me due to lack of an ability to answer my points. You have said before 99% of capoeira mestres are cardio capoeiristas yet you then back of from that statement wh en given an opponent. You lack the courage of your convictions.
Jenny Azeitona: Ps you keep implying I practise cardio capoeira. Don't start whineing that you wrote 'if' I want to train it ' the context says enough. I have never claimed to be teaching the skills of your ancestors... Wtf are you on about?!
Jenny Azeitona: An in,answer to your question about self defence yes I have been taught all of the above.
Jenny Azeitona: So as someone who practises by your definition (and by default as 99% of mestres teach cardio capoeira by your reckoning ) cardio capoeira; an bearing in mind you wont fight someone who may be an equal match. Plus your INABILITY to manintain a DeBaTe without the grotesque use of CAPS LOCK ignoring everything the other person has written unless it supports your viewpoint. I challenge you to meet me an prove the superiority of your capoeira. It should be easy.... What have you got to lose?
AtacxGym Capoeira: Jenny Azeitona...several important points:
1.Imo there is no ultimate martial art. I have neither said nor implied such a thing. Imo, there is only one way to acquire functional skill in any human endeavor: functional training. The comprehensiveness quality and purpose of one's functional training is responsible for almost all of the results that one achieves. So please adjust your inaccurate assumptions accordingly. Without any factual equivocation, the invincible fact remains that the overwhelming majority...well past 95% of all Capoeiristas... on Earth do not practice self defense in any viable shape or form, and that is why the general and martial public do not view Capoeira as a viable self defense form. They overwhelmingly see Cardio Capoeira, buy the fiction disseminated by the Brazilian governement with the dual purpose of making the return of genuine self defense capoeira en masse to Brazil or anywhere else impossible while promoting the Brazil-centric fiction of the origins of Capoeira and the Brazil centric fiction that the highest quality of Capoeira yet resides in Brazil, along with all manner of other malicious fictions all designed to deny the African origin self defense purpose spiritual practice and the shameful history that Brazil REALLY has visavis Afrikan Kipura.
Through no fault of their own, most well meaning intelligent people get duped into practicing Capoeira with the idea that it's a "Dance-Fight" when really the version that they practice is a "Dance-Exercise-Acrobatic Routine" devoid of martial application. Of course, they can't keep the fiction up for long because the lack of self defense training becomes extremely glaring, and many students move on to an actually "martial" art; this in and of itself causes two sets of related problems which reenforce themselves perpetually. You see, the students that leave and find another art believe all the more that Capoeira is NOT a martial art and the students that stay behind ARE NOT INTERESTED IN SELF DEFENSE...and these students communicate their disinterest in self defense whenever they practice or do public shows or anything of the sort.
Therefore those other Capoeira students who left to seek a more martial practice tell their new classmates about their dissatisfyng experiences with Capoeira; thus spreading and reenforcing the idea of Capoeira's lack of suitability for genuine self defense. Simultaneously the students who are not interested in self defense keep putting on shows for the public, thus teaching more people in the general public who've never seen Capoeira that Capoeira is NOT for self defense. This practice of course sends those interested in self defense to seek other arts...and the cycle continues. This is how the martial and general public has been taught to hold such a dim view of a martial art that is so legendary for its martial efficacy that its enemies have told stories of nearly magical powers of self defense being attributed to their Capoeira foes.
2. Idc if you personally are practicing Cardio Capo or not. The issue at hand that I bring up is wrapped in the practice and history of Cardio Capo in comparison and contrast to genuine self defense Capoeira. Cardio Capo is a practice enshrined by Brazilian authorities hostile to genuine self defense Capoeira, and focused upon supplanting replacing and eradicating the practice of genuine self defense Capoeira.
3. I apologize for the caps lock; I simply sought to emphasize points that you and others seemed to repeatedly gloss over during our discussion. I won't do it again.
4. You misrecall and cite inaccurate facts yet again. Chicago went on my blog, talked trash, swore he could mop the floor with me, then I challenged him to meet me at a nuetral place. Chicago is much closer than NY. We could have met in Las Vegas or some such. He repeatedly refused. After getting completely clowned by me top to bottom, he removed his comments. 5. Have you learned any viable self defense techniques from your cardio capoeira classes? Please share if you have. In fact? Sharing video of your class or former class practicing ANY self defense skills relevant to the modern day. If not? You simply make my point all the more clear. I have lots of direct teachings dealing with this matter. What is your or any other person's experience with cardio capoeirista's defenses against the Bear Hug? The Hockey Punch? Pushes? Grabs? Chokes? Locks? Tackles? Ground fighting? Knives? Guns? Howz your deescalation skills? Rescue? Escape? Multifight? What's your defense vs someone who knocks you down, mounts you and deploys a gun? What other capoeirista in the entire world has shown viable modern rear gun defense against someone who actually resists you, WITHOUT Cardio Capoeira Roda rules? That's what I thought. I mean you no disrespect, Jenny. I am not seeking to personally disrespect or denigrate you. The invincible fact remains, though, that Cardio Capoeira is not never will be cannot be and was never designed to be either genuine Capoeira or any form of viable self defense. Which makes me ask: 7: Are you saying that video clips of me sparring people who are not in my school is sufficient evidence to convince you that I have the skill to compete with and defeat others?
Jenny Azeitona: missed the second vid of you sparring on my phone, its pretty good but looks as though the other guy does capoeira and you do boxing/kungfu your footwork looks like switching boxing footwork. It is a good sparring vid though.
Jenny Azeitona: In relation to gun defence, what would I do if someone pulled a gun on me?Probably the same as these poor guys https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=679413488794911&set=vb.100001787972690&type=2&theater an so would you I dare say.
AtacxGym Capoeira: Jenny Azeitona...understandable. Please watch the video all the way through, you will see that literally every technique I throw is capoeira and the names are put under them so people will more easily recognize them.
AtacxGym Capoeira: As for the gun thing? If a bad guy pulls a gun on you and won't shoot you, your friends family etc if you cooperate? Cooperate. If not? Go for the gusto.
Jenny Azeitona: I dont think any of those guys got the chance to go for the gusto before their last breath an blood ran out onto that road in the dessert. I dont think its a thing likely to happen.
Jenny Azeitona: I like the sparring in the ring, the evasion and kicks from esquivas were nice
AtacxGym Capoeira: Jenny Azeitona those poor poor guys who were cold blooded murdered like that on film were already captured and in the worst case scenario when the filming started. That means that each of those gentlemen already made fatal tactical errors which removed their ability to mount an effective offense prior to the start of the film. My defense is designed to be used BEFORE you're in the most hopeless position. I absolutely hate murderous bums like the kind we saw on that film. Torture, castration and slow death is too good for them.
DeAngelo Ambulância Taylor: I have been following this conversation about this video then I watch the comments turn into a what if this or that happens. What ever style, martial arts form you use as self defense is up to you. Note: if you have not been battle test meaning you have had to use your art to do something to another human so you, or one of you love ones could return home to me you have nothing to say to me about what every it is someone studies. I'm not speaking about sparring because you have rules or guidelines. We are speaking about you don't know if this person has a weapons, and you don't know if he or she has a background in something; their mind is set on doing you some harm; and any and everything is in play. Which means you are able to grad and pick up anything around because now it's not a game! It's about survival! What are you willing to do?
Note: What every reason(s) you study, train, practice martial arts is up to you. If you do not train with the mindset of I may have to use this someday, I feel you have fail yourself, and your art. Note: I respect every styles, and every martial artists regardless if they are male or female because we can learn from one another as long as we are open minded, and we humble ourselves, and ask those hard questions. Note: I have not issues with contacting anyone and asking them if it's ok if I stop by and train with them when I'm in the area because I am a student as long as I'm a live, I am warrior, and I have been battle tested numerous times. So humble yourself, and put your pride aside if this applies to you and focus on the real issues we have in martial arts communities instead of speaking negative about one another! Take some time out and travel to those different locations and train with one another.
Jenny Azeitona: DeAngelo Ambulância Taylor well said. I am lucky enough never to have to have used what I have trained in real life. I have a functioning gut instinct which removes me from places and situations before they turn into combat, as much perhaps luck as good judgement. An I agree about training with each other. Its extravagant claims I disagree with
AtacxGym Capoeira: DeAngelo Ambulância TaylorJenny AzeitonaKyle SilatBear BerryStefan Fraser I believe that I have proffered some evidence of how I train, from guns to groundfighting to multifights. The only videos I have quite a bit of but have never shared are my constraint and control, fight and escape videos, etc. I have no problems with whatever calls a person to train any martial art; however, I do have a problem with saying training and/or practices that aren't part and parcel or reflective of a self defense centered martial arts training IS a self defense centered martial art. CArdio Capoeira's practices are flatly not martial in nature, and have deliberately been created to not be a martial art. Those are the facts of history. The idea of "What Ifs" are crucial and central to martial technical development and addressing common themes. What if he grabs me? What if he has a knife? What if he throws me? Mestre Bimba's secuencias, cintura despresada and the self defense sequences of people like Ed Parker's Kenpo and various other martial systems take these matters as a given...and address them.
As these concerns are common to those of us who make martial arts a serious pursuit in our lives. I have years of HRSP [ High Risk Security Personnel ] experience in unsavory places wherein you are guaranteed that nightly something is definitely going to happen to you personally...and only your skill armament will and preparation will prevent you from harm. Worse? You're hemmed in by the heavily restrictive, conservative ROE's [ Rules Of Engagement ] spawned by a bureaucracy which never ever does any fighting but which lives in abject terror of the nightmare of lawsuits in the litigious heavy society of California...combined with the sure knowledge that the police will not be coming when you call. There is no back up. Only the sure knowledge that you have to defeat some fool, likely members of his gang, the crackheads around, you will face at least one pack of wandering wild dogs a week, and you ahve tokeep yourself hale and whole and be able to write your IR's and AAR [ After Action Reports ] in such a way that it satisfies the arrogant self entitled cowards in the front office.
We got calls to the apartments...the projects...we had to patrol and pacify. Domestic abuse? Kidnappings? Shootings? Grand theft? Drug dealing? Fights between armed drugged out lunatics, fiends, and others of their ilk or family members who tired of their drug drama and kicked them out...only to discover that the druggie violently refuses to leave? Saving kids from being knifed by adults temporarily driven out of their minds for one reason or another? Parrying very aggressive sexual propositioning by minors as young as 12? That stuff all the way to using our First Aid skills [ the most common call related to violence that my shift got ] and playing catch or what not with kids devoid of fathers older brothers or male role models [ the most common interaction period for all shifts ] was guaranteed, at least 3/week. Every week. And it doubled...all o fit...during he summer. We dreaded calls about parties, because arguments fights and shootings were guaranteed. The first time I ever saw a girl point blank shoot another girl was at one of these "parties".
The fist time I ever used a dive roll into a cartwheel kick attack and scissor leg takedown to the Negativa Pistolero in a multifight vs knife and gun carrying enemies was also in this environment. I did this, it must be noted, with a bullet proof vest on. And I got to really seeing how my ancestors had to have used the techniques that I did. I remember we had to take down Rose...a really really sweet 6'3" 270 pound Samoan lady when she's not high, but an absolute tsunami when she is high. I remember she had somehow acquired a crow bar and was going to brain her bf for cheating on her. Turns out, her bf cheated on her because he thought that their relationship was over because she cheated on him TWICE the day and night before. The second time with one of his best friends, and he walked in on them. I was off work that night. it happened. Anyway...Rose had crowbar. Nothing could talk her down from bashing her ex-bf's brains out, so I rushed her. She is very quick for a woman of her mas and girth and height, and swung onetwothreefouralmostfive fast hard hard slashes with the crowbar. Negativa drop-reversao-ginga-ginga-flat to the ground negativa-lightning fast roll-chapeucaco. A Chapeucaco is a combination of a chapeu de couro and macaco. I used both as the typical quintuple that I require: Weaponized Power Stance, Attack [ in this vase it was to non-Vital Targets ], Transition, Defense, Escape all rolled into one. The succcessful execution of this lightning bolt combo had an amazingly calming effect upon all previously hostile witnesses and even on Rosa herself [ once she was able to get back up again ].
From that point forward, my very presence had a somewhat pacifying and mollifying effect upon rambunctious groups. Btw it's interesting the variations of techniques or completely different techniques that bear the same name. The chapeu de couro has at least 3 different epressions that I know of, and are even associated with 1-3 different Elements, depending on who is your teacher or not [ and if they know enough about Capoeira to know that real Capoeira "traditionally" makes extensive use of Elements; whether or not they choose to teach this info once they know it is one thing. Most however don't know it, and quite a few will claim that they do but their ignorance is instantly apparent to those of us who really DO know the real deal about these matters ].
O.K., here's MY opinion about the similarities and differences between Pencak Silat and Capoeira, as someone who practices both.
You see, you have to understand that there are hundreds of styles and schools of silat styles practiced all over the Malay Archipelago, and that silat, itself being a syncretic form, has taken influences from many places all over the world, i.e. Africa, Arabia, India, China, Europe, etc. and continues to do so to this day. In fact for a couple of years, I've been learning a silat style that has incorporated elements from combat Judo and Jujutsu. in their silat style.
And if you go search silat styles on You Tube, you'll see silat schools that CLEARLY look like they have taken elements of Taekwondo and Karate into their systems:
Especially when it comes to the modern Silat Olaraga (Sport)
Because of this, although You'll see many traditional silat styles that have many similarities to capoeira, like the Harimau silat video posted near the beginning of this blog, and like this one:
You'll also see many traditional silat styles that have absolutely NO resemblance to capoeira.
Like this one:
Anyway, just my 2 cents.
Now Guys, I have a treat for you.
This video is one of my favorite martial art videos to watch. Here, You'll also see many similarities between that particular silat school, called CIMANDE MACAN GULING, and the capoeira school they're playing with, And you'll see many differences, yet it doesn't keep them from flowing with each other.
Published on December 4, 2013
Roda meeting between the group Capoeira Malungos Bayonne and group Pencak Silat of KSBI Bayonne. A magical moment in which everyone took a lot of fun! Thank you all and thank you to the musicians!
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Now I have some more things to say about this subject, but that will have to wait until another time.
Until then...
A theory connecting the capoeira to silat, by way diamanga / ringa of Madagascar