Saturday, September 28, 2013


I Paint My Life In Bold Colors.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


What is the meaning of courage? Do some people have it and others lack it completely? Is courage the lack of fear? Courage is something that is difficult to define. Some would say that just to survive in this world takes courage. Others would say that courage is only defined by heroic actions that are worthy of a Hollywood movie. Let’s look closely at courage and the thing that triggers it… fear. Everyone has fears. It is impossible to survive without a healthy amount of fear. Primary fear is the fear of death of the body.

One who understands the eternal nature of the soul and realizes that death of the body is only a transition into another realm of existence will be able to minimize fear of death. This allows one to live in a way that focuses on being a change agent to benefit all of humanity rather than focusing only on one’s survival. This leads to the greatest displays of courage, those who are so focused on their mission of inspiring the awakening and growth of others that they are willing to face any personal hardships, even death, in order to fulfill their mission. This is the highest level of courage. Even smaller, less public displays of placing the ultimate benefit of others before the focus on one’s own comfort is a wonderful display of courage.

--Ted Murray

Well, TODAY IS SATURDAY, which means it's time for another episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott. This week, it's all about grounding.

Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Published on Sep 21, 2013

Ask Teal Website -
To ground yourself means to fully connect and phase with the perspective of your physical dimensional aspect. Your consciousness is not as much a finite clump of energy as it is an infinite current of energy. For this reason, it is easily compared to electricity. Removing the excess electric charge from an object is called grounding. Removing the excess emotional charge that is the result of getting lost in the non-physical dimensions of thought is also called grounding. When we pull our focus back to our physical dimension aspect, we entrain with the frequency of the earth itself. We allow energy to move through our root chakra. We allow ourselves to be fully present here with our physical bodies and physically incarnated perspectives. Grounding is the perfect remedy for anyone who is feeling stressed, triggered, regressed, rushed, overworked, confused, overwhelmed, panicked, angry, clumsy or drained.
In this ask teal episode, Teal shares 11 tips for how to ground yourself.
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission

Category People & Blogs

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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4661 Two Options , August 29, 2013

God said:

It is not simply that it is better to count your blessings than to bemoan that which you do not welcome. If your peace and happiness mean something to you, the thing to do is to count your blessings. There is nothing else to do. Counting your blessings works. Your very appreciation brings more good things to you. Count what you’re opposed to, and more that you are opposed to will come to you. Whichever track you go on is the one you walk.

Even under the most dire circumstances, there is something to be glad for, and this is what your attention has to go on.

No matter how shattering something may be, no matter how much brokenness there may be, something unbroken remains, and, are you not really and truly grateful for that? No matter how hurt your body or feelings may be, there are other thoughts and feelings for you to think of and, therefore, gravitate to.

You may say that that is easy for Me to say, and hard for you to do. Here is what I have to say to that: Beloveds, everything is hard to do when you resist it. Everything.

I am saying it is better to think of something worth thinking about than something that keeps you where you are or drags you down. If you are suffering, do you want to elevate yourself above suffering? Do you want to leave suffering behind? Or do you deep down want to keep suffering by your side and yourself immobile? Do you wish to see yourself as the sorriest person in the world?

Do you choose self-pity or self-worth?

Do you want to be a victim or a hero?

Whatever occurs, you are to wrest the best from the situation. What you are really doing is wresting out the best in you. It’s there. You have it. There is greatness within you, and now you turn to greatness, and you pull up. Do not leave your greatness to circumstance or to others. It is up to you. Why wait for your greatness to appear when you can beckon it to you?

Do you want to be tut-tutted over? Do you really? Do you really want to be patted on the head and hear a kind voice say, “There, there.” Do you really want to hear that no one has suffered as you have? Do you really want to be the star of suffering? Do you really want to be long-suffering? Are you such a proponent of suffering that you will make a shrine to it?

You have two options, beloved. One is to sniffle, and one is to get up. One is to weep, and one is to wipe your tears. This is not a question of putting a good face on things. It is not a question of pretending. The way to recover is to recover. The way to inspire is to inspire. The way to be a good sport is to be a good sport.

Whatever befalls is yours to get on with. No, it is not enough to make the best of it. BE the best of it. If you want to ride a horse, you have to get up on it. If you want to climb a mountain, you have to start climbing.

Be merciful unto yourself.

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------

Today, I have a video of an amazing band named "GOTAWAY GIRL", playing LIVE at Hotel Utah in San Francisco.

I wish they were back in L.A...

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

We need a great deal of courage to challenge all our own beliefs. Because even if we know we didn't choose all these beliefs, it is also true that we agreed to all of them.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I live in the moment, and I live joyfully.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Today is a very special Sunday. This Sunday, we have 100 days until the end of the year! Usually, on this day I think about all the resolutions I made in the beginning of the year, to think about what I still have to do, and to save my pennies, get ready for the holiday season, and to get ready for next year.

Let your New Spirituality be not the rejection, but the fulfillment, of all that your old religious laws and your ancient prophets have promised you. And when others ask what you are doing, say: Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.

--The New Revelations by Neale Donald Walsch

Now, since today is SUNDAY, we have another SUNDAY SCHOOL VIDEO for ya. Today, It's another episode of a continuing series, "DISCOVERING RELIGION".

Uploaded on Nov 12, 2010

WARNING: This episode contains some graphic scenes of sacrifice and torture, view at your own discretion.

The eighteenth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". Although I have a feeling some of you might find this episode a little dry, due to the large amount of Bible quotations, this episode is a very important addition to my series.

If you've ever debated a Christian about morality you are familiar with the large emphasis placed on the Ten Commandments, while vast majority of Moses' other commands are selectively 'cherry picked' as it suits their needs. I attempt to rectify the fallacious attitude Christians have toward Scripture by examining the Mosaic Laws of atonement and morality, the purpose of Christ within God's Law, and how Jesus defined himself with regard to the Law.

This episode originally started off as a couple paragraphs in the next episode, "If America Became a Christian Nation"; however, I knew many Christians would contest my arguments if I had not thoroughly established the Law's Christians are required to follow. Now that I have set the stage, so to speak, the next installment will be a two-part episode that discusses all the changes in public policy we might expect to see if America went the way of Islamic countries that follow Sharia Law. -----------------------------------

Important Quotes:

And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Hebrews 10:10

For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. Hebrews 10:14

"God's law requires nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness" Hebrews 9:22

"Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed." 1 Corinthians 5:7

"...the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." John 1:29

"For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace." Romans 6:14

"Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness." 1 John 3:4

"because law brings wrath. And where there is no law there is no transgression." Romans 4:15

If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. John 5: 46

Has not Moses given you the law? Yet not one of you keeps the law. Why are you trying to kill me? John 7: 19

If they hear not Moses and the prophets they would not be persuade by someone that rose from the dead. Luke 16: 31

They have Moses and the prophets let them hear them. Luke 16: 29

Offer those things that Moses commanded. Mark 1: 44

What did Moses commanded you, is because of the hardness of your hearts. Mark 10: 3

...have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the bush, how God said to him, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? Mark 12: 26

For Moses said, 'Honor your father and your mother,' and, 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death. Mark 7: 10

All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. Leviticus 20:9

Yet, because Moses gave you circumcision (though actually it did not come from Moses, but from the patriarchs), you circumcise a child on the Sabbath. John 7: 22






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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4660 The World Is Like a Christmas Tree, August 28, 2013
God said:

The world! There is nothing like the world. It is gold. It is opportunity. It is remarkable. Who could have thought of it? I did. I gave you the world to house your glory in. I gave you a splendid gift. You were not given the world as a trial. The world exists to serve you and serve you well. The world is not an imposed sentence on you.

Look at the world as a playground. There is so much in the world for you to partake in and enjoy. Why not enjoy? Why not gain and give joy in the world? Let the bad dream go. Let life in the world be like a Christmas tree and light it up! Sometimes you have to turn the switch on. You have to switch yourself on.

Life in the world is not a penance. Therefore, if you are in a painful mode, it is up to you to get out of it. It is up to you to get out of the bed you lie on now.

If it is a bed of nails, get up. Get a good mattress to lie on, or lie on the Good Earth. Embrace the Earth, and embrace life on Earth. What a gift I give to you. Receive it well. The world is filled with all sorts of wondrous things. There is nothing like life on Earth.

It’s like you have been given a huge department store to roam in. There are so many wondrous things to light you up. You can pick out what you like. If you aren’t interested in one floor, you can go up a flight to another. This department store is endless, filled with more and more. There is no department named Pain. That is an illusion of illusions. It is something you made up. Go where you would like to be.

You are in the process of meeting yourself. It’s true. Wherever you go, you meet yourself.

You have many extremes. You bounce from one end of the spectrum to another. Why not bounce for joy! You are alive in a fabulous world. You have a chance of a lifetime. There is always more of you to discover on your way to Me. You have hardly begun to know who you are. Even in terms of the world, you are still a beginner. No matter how savvy you may be, you don’t know anything yet. There is more ahead of you, always more, much more. If you lived in your body for ten thousand years, you are still a beginner.

It’s a good thing to be a beginner. It’s a good thing to reach the depths of yourself as well as the heights. You are a treasure of treasures in My heart. I keep you in My heart for My joy and for your safe-keeping. Whatever you may think, We, you and I, are in a constant embrace. There is no separating Us. In Truth, We cannot lose each other, not even for a moment.

There is no waiting in line for Me. You came to the finishing line long ago. You are right here, right with Me. I tell you Truth, and you tell Me stories. We are entwined. It is not even that you sit on My lap or that We are side-by-side. You are in My heart. My heart is yours, and We are One wonderful heart. There is One Heartbeat, and it is Ours. It is not even Ours. It is One Heartbeat. It is called Love.

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------

O.K., let's start the day with "ANGELITO", by Don Omar.

------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH------------FONT>

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

The inner Judge uses what is in our Book of Law to judge everything we do and don't do, everything we think and don't think, and everything we feel and don't feel.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Saturday, September 21, 2013


I reach toward the shining mountains,
beyond the fog of daily worries.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


I declare that the time for change is now,

and I declare the importance of a day set aside for all of humanity to come together as one human family,

to discuss, celebrate and experience Oneness.

--8th declaration in Oneness Declaration signed by over 85,000 people and presented to the United Nations on May 20th, 2010. If you have not already done so, please sign the Oneness Declaration: onenessdaypetition

Uploaded on Oct 21, 2010

The seventeenth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion." In this episode I discuss the common claim made by Christians that American values and governing laws are based on Judeo-Christian teachings, put in place by our devoutly religious Founding Fathers.



God and Politics in Lynchburg, Tennessee

Sarah Palin says America is a Christian Nation on Bill O'Reilly

FOX: Congress Debates Biblical Stance on Immigration (video is unavailable)

Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interviews With Participants

SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters

TEA PARTY CONVENTION - Sarah Palin, Orly Taitz, Interviews with Participants

Additional video clips featured in this episode were taken from the "John Adams" miniseries.



"Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined, and imprisoned, yet we have not advanced one inch toward uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools and the other half hypocrites."
Thomas Jefferson
Notes on Virginia, 1782

"Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law."
Thomas Jefferson
Letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper, from Monticello
February 10, 1814.

"The question before the human race is, whether the God of nature shall govern the world by his own laws, or whether priests and kings shall rule it by fictitious miracles."
John Adams
Letter to Thomas Jefferson, June 20, 1815

"During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What have been its fruits? More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution."
James Madison
Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, 1785



Phillip Glass - Glassworks - 01 - Opening
Phillip Glass - Glassworks - 06 - Closing
The Hours Soundtrack - 09 - The Kiss
Donnie Darko (score) - 11 - Rosie Darko
Donnie Darko (score) - 16 - Did You Know Him
Bach , Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, 1st movement (1721)






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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4658 The Keys to the Kingdom, August 26, 2013

God said:

My children yearn to know why. Why did this happen? Why is the world the way it is? Why isn’t everyone already enlightened? Why did my loved one leave me?

There isn’t anything in world thought that you cannot ask why about.

Ask yourself why you keep asking why?

And when you receive an answer, then again you ask why? Why that answer and not another? Pretty much, for every answer to why that you may receive, another why is ready and waiting.

Beloveds, what is it you hope to gain by hearing answers to why?

Dear Ones, your mind wants to know all the why’s and wherefore’s. You want answers.

You know, the one who asks questions is very often the one in charge. And when you ask Me why, yes, of course, you really do want to know, and you really do want Me to come before you and account to you, the same way parents want an explanation from their children:

“Why did you get home so late? What do you mean by flunking your test? Why didn’t you tell me where you were going? What were you thinking?”

Let Me ask you, dear ones: Why do you want to know? What gain is there in it for you to receive an answer that leads to another question of why?

Why do you want to know, beloveds? Curiosity? Interest? What do you think an answer will do for you? What doors do you think it will open for you? What use will it be to you? Do you want to be sure I did not make a mistake? Possibly, do you want to check up on Me?

Perhaps you are asking Me if I made a mistake. Perhaps you want to make sure I’m running on all four burners.

Like a parent, I may have to say, in effect: “You are too young to understand. Ask again when you are older.”

When you reach a certain level of consciousness at which you can understand My answer, you may well not have to ask. You will simply know. You may no longer have the question: “Why is one and one two?”

Of course, you can ask Me anything you want, for I do not stand on ceremony. I am not a military general where you simply have to say, “Yes, Sir,” and are not allowed to question.

Of course, you want the keys to the Kingdom. You want to be in on the news. You want to enter the portal of My heart. Your entrance to My heart is through your heart. It is a journey you are on. You are on a journey of Self-awareness. You can reach your destination in a minute or an hour or in a year or twenty or in a lifetime as calculated on Earth.

It is like you wake up and rub your eyes, and you yawn and say: “Where am I?” Or you are asking: “Who am I?” And so you get closer to the question, when all is said and done, you really want to ask and become closer to the answer you really want to know. In a way, a Why question is a staller. There really is more you want to know than: “Why?”

Not to be contrary, I will say now that all questions lead to another question and another. And a question you ask as a child may well lead you to an answer you can accommodate.

The Key to the Kingdom is within you. All your questions may simply be a way to practice using the key.

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

-------------THE MUSIC CORNER-------------

Now, let's start the day with Birthday Suit performed by NOBLE CREATURES.

----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------------

O.K., I got the bio of them below from their Facebook page. You can read that, or... you can watch this YouTube video "MUSIC BOX WITH NOBLE CREATURES", and listen to them tell you in their own words what their band is about.

----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------------

Noble Creatures was set loose in 2008, introducing a unique breed of tropical rock and soul-funk grooves to the streets of Los Angeles. Their blend of sounds light up any venue and incites spontaneous dancing from casual and not-so-casual listeners alike, apparent from signature tracks like “Hard To Come By” a funk-groove track accompanied by face-melting electric guitar riffs, to “Beautiful Mistake” a soft-sexy-lullaby reggae song. Their performances are passionate, raw, and electric. Their sound is unmistakable and inviting. Together, Noble Creatures is an experience that leaves an impression with the senses.

With a debut full-length album currently en route, Noble Creatures has been focusing all of its energy on obtaining opportunities to perform and collectively evolve as a band. The group has played countless shows entertaining crowds in and around the L.A. area. As of late, they’ve broken into the TV world with a 30 minute feature on El Segundo TV: The Music Box, and by being featured on the talk show Marty's Corner which is aired throughout Southern California. They have also entered the festival circuit performing at Pasadena's Rock City Fest, Topanga Days, the Orange County Fair, Santa Barbara Fair & Expo, the Santa Barbara World Festival, and many others. The band has also sought out to be involved in charitable events and have since had the opportunity to perform for the Changing Tides Orphanage, the Rotary Club, Beads of Courage and the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Noble Creatures plans to build a community, continue to integrate different musical traditions, and be involved in various causes that they believe in.

We believe in the power of music to break through cultural & personal boundaries, to heal, inspire, motivate and bring people together. Catch us on Twitter, Myspace, and Official Website:

Take part in making this album a reality by visiting this link and reserving your copy today!

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Every letter, every word in each language is an agreement.
~don Miguel Ruiz


I am me, I am unique, I am magnificent.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Wow, today's finally here! September 21st is a very special day. Not only is it my birthday, but World Gratitude Day, AND the International Day of Peace all fall on this day.

It's also the "official" last day of summer, which I used to have mixed feelings about when I was younger... but now, for me it's a prelude for more good times, like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the rest of the holiday season.


“Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows, and the more power you have to use it on your behalf. If you do not practice gratefulness, its benefaction will go unnoticed, and your capacity to draw on its gifts will be diminished. To be grateful is to find blessings in everything, This is the most powerful attitude to adopt, for there are blessings in everything.” ~ Alan Cohen

Remember all possibilities are open, break through your habitual ways of thinking, expand your worldview as well as your galactic view.

Quantum physics shows that all things are connected. Begin to ask yourself where is your consciousness? How do your beliefs and programs limit your consciousness?

Begin to recognize that your heart is the seat of consciousness in partnership with the brain/mind. When your heart is offering a coherent frequency and is connected to your brain's processing of information, you expand into your personal multidimensional awareness.

--Solar Energy Packets by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

Well, today is my birthday, but it's also SATURDAY, which means it's time for another episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott.

Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Published on Sep 14, 2013

Ego is the term we use for the separate identity and the separate identity has one prerogative; survival. Because the ego thinks that its survival is at stake, the ego has become intelligent. It is intelligent enough to know that sometimes a full frontal approach is not the best course of action. It is smart enough to know that sometimes the best choice is to come in the back door. In this episode, Teal explains how ego comes in the back door. She explains that ego has taken advantage of the truth that "we create our own reality" by isolating us. Category People & Blogs

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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4659 Ideas That Do Not Serve , August 27, 2013

God said:

It’s a good idea that you get away from the thought that you are owed or that anyone owes you. No matter what, it is essential that you get away from this thought and how it makes you feel. The sense of being owed does not bode well for you. Even if by everything you know, someone owes you, you must run away from that idea like the plague.

Even when the world says that someone owes you, let go of the sense of being owed. Even when the courts of the land say that someone owes you, let go. It is harmful to you to hold on to the feeling that anyone owes you anything. Carrying that idea makes you feel put-upon and self-righteous. A sense of being put-upon does not feel good nor does self-righteousness. Such thoughts don’t take you anywhere. They certainly don’t bless you or anyone.

Go around in life thinking different thoughts. When thoughts of obligation run around in your mind, they infiltrate your blood stream, and you feel victimized. Victimhood is not to be yours. Nor do you want to support anyone else in his or her sense of victimhood.

Even when someone has promised you something and doesn’t deliver, nothing is owed to you. No one owes you anything. You are not owed anything. Let go of this idea.

The concept that you are owed goes against the grain. It does not support you. You owe it to yourself to lose that idea.

Do not think that I am saying you do not deserve. Everyone deserves to be treated courteously and responsibly. Do not think that I oppose your being entitled. The thing is that keeping the idea of being owed becomes a grudge. Bear not grudges.

Even when someone finally then does pay up, you may still continue feeling resentful as well may he or she.

Everyone wants freedom. Give yourself freedom from the concept of being owed.

Often, both the so-called ower and the owed do not come from a good place. Sometimes they may come from greed or selfishness or from simple misunderstanding. Sometimes, however, it gets to a point where ower and/or the owed come from a desire to retaliate.

What do wars come from, beloveds? A sense of being owed. One or both parties may feel owed. Then it is not easy for the twain to meet.

What is the precursor to the sense of both being owed or not owing? It comes from a desire to make sure you are not taken advantage of. And where does the concept of not being taken advantage of come from but from fear that something that is yours may be taken away from you. Anyway, you waste yourself on any and all the layers of the concept of being owed or owing, for the truth is that no one owns another’s responsibility. You do not own anything, beloveds, and you do not have to hold on to anything including your thoughts and sense of lack. You can release them. You don’t need them. You never did.

Now, when someone does bestow gifts upon you, in addition to saying thank you, give as much attention to gratitude as you once upon a time gave to your sense of being owed. See what gratitude does for you and the world.

Now, here is a spectacular idea. Rise above the idea that I, God, owe you. Have not My children sometimes held that idea? Have you not perhaps held the idea that I have done you wrong by allowing something unwanted to happen that impacted your life? Have you not perhaps wondered how I could let you down in such a way, as if I perhaps set out to deny you your heart’s due? Beloveds, have you not, on some occasions, felt that I am obliged to do better for you? Have you not thought I owed you, or, if I truly loved you, I owed you?

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------

Now, let's start my day right with "THREE LITTLE BIRDS", by Bob Marley.

-------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH------------

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

The belief system is like a Book of Law that rules our mind...We base all of our judgments according to the Book of Law, even if these judgments go against our own inner nature.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I am a Mirror for Love and Light, but never for Anger or Fear.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


What steps did you take today to shine your light?

Your actions need not be profound. You don’t need to make headlines.

Simply connect with the love you naturally know how to express and allow that love to fuel your thoughts, feelings, and actions.


Published on Sep 7, 2013

Ask Teal Website -
All too often, we say yes to others whenever we are asked to do something, but deep down we feel resentful even though it was our decision in the first place. We suppress those feelings of resentment, but emotions like resentment are energy and energy has to go somewhere. So it does, those negative feelings express themselves through your body and begin to corrode at the bond between you and the people in your life. What we really resent is the fact that every time we are asked to do something, we feel faced with decision to do what would make us happy and be a bad, unlovable person or to do something we don't want to do and remain a good, lovable person. We develop the habit of never saying no because we want to be loved. We set ourselves up for failure by never saying no because we commit ourselves to a life lived for other people and not for ourselves. This isn't sustainable, because it takes a toll on our energy, body and relationships. In this Ask Teal Episode, Teal Scott teaches us how to say no.
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission Category
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

What steps did you take today to shine your light?

Your actions need not be profound.

You don’t need to make headlines. Simply connect with the love you naturally know how to express and allow that love to fuel your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4657 Befitting a Child of God , August 25, 2013

God said:

There is a fundamental observation in world life, and that is that people like to complain. I say this with certainty. There are even complaint departments. Anyway, I ask Myself, if My Children didn’t like complaining, why would they complain? Why would they complain time and time again? And why would you? Why would you?

In the act of complaining, a human being is pointing fingers at another, or a congregation of others called a county or state or country. Hey, it’s true. Others and congregates of others may not be any wiser than you. At the same time, others are not responsible for the situations you find yourself in. You have something to do with the situation you are in. You got there. You weren’t looking where you’re going. You were not thinking. No matter how innocent you were, how unsuspecting, you took part.

When you complain, you are saying, “Woe is me. Woe is me. Poor me. Poor neglected unfairly-treated me.” Stop doing that. It is not befitting a child of God.

The world does serve you. That very county or your employer or your employees do serve you. They are serving you right now.

You may complain about the roads in your city. There are potholes, too many of them. Instead of griping about the department of roads and highways, will you kindly remind yourself that you are driving on a paved road that is available to you and, for Heaven’s sakes, most of the road is in good shape. A road has been paved for you.

If you fall off your bike, naturally, you pick your bike and yourself up. Instead of grumbling that you fell, aren’t you glad you fell on the grass and not the cement?

If you complain about litter in the streets, pick up the litter.

If you complain about the poor state of the neighborhood you live in, get a paintbrush and help your neighbor paint. Why not? I have to ask you, why not? Why not bless the world?

What a drain of energy it is to complain. It is you who chooses something to complain about. Complaining is bad-mouthing. And when you complain, you are an excellent fault-finder.

If I may be frank, who appointed you the overseer of the world? Are you the Princess and the Pea? Are you the Queen of England? Who said everything is to be the way you want?

When you must focus on the ills of the world or on your own ills, you are tending to cast others as responsible for you. You are foisting your own responsibilities onto others or another, and so you reproach. You cast those stones. Perhaps you are the first to cast them. Perhaps you are the last as well. Perhaps it is a continuous pattern that you daily find yourself casting stones. The stones you cast are blame, throwing away your responsibility right and left.

Beloveds, blame is never the issue. When you blame, you can know you are sidetracked. Even when you blame yourself, you are off-track. Blame is a detour. It is like a magician’s trick. It makes you look at something when, all the while, there is something else important you are not seeing.

When you complain, you are stewing in your own juice. You are sitting in a cannibal’s stewpot and complaining that the water is too hot. Get out of the stewpot, beloveds. Stop sitting in it. No more complaints. Blessings from you now.

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

-------------THE MUSIC CORNER-------------

Now, let's start the day with THE SWEETER THING, by Noble Creatures.

----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------------

O.K., I got the bio of them below from their Facebook page. You can read that, or... you can watch this YouTube video "MUSIC BOX WITH NOBLE CREATURES", and listen to them tell you in their own words what their band is about.

----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------------

Noble Creatures was set loose in 2008, introducing a unique breed of tropical rock and soul-funk grooves to the streets of Los Angeles. Their blend of sounds light up any venue and incites spontaneous dancing from casual and not-so-casual listeners alike, apparent from signature tracks like “Hard To Come By” a funk-groove track accompanied by face-melting electric guitar riffs, to “Beautiful Mistake” a soft-sexy-lullaby reggae song. Their performances are passionate, raw, and electric. Their sound is unmistakable and inviting. Together, Noble Creatures is an experience that leaves an impression with the senses.

With a debut full-length album currently en route, Noble Creatures has been focusing all of its energy on obtaining opportunities to perform and collectively evolve as a band. The group has played countless shows entertaining crowds in and around the L.A. area. As of late, they’ve broken into the TV world with a 30 minute feature on El Segundo TV: The Music Box, and by being featured on the talk show Marty's Corner which is aired throughout Southern California. They have also entered the festival circuit performing at Pasadena's Rock City Fest, Topanga Days, the Orange County Fair, Santa Barbara Fair & Expo, the Santa Barbara World Festival, and many others. The band has also sought out to be involved in charitable events and have since had the opportunity to perform for the Changing Tides Orphanage, the Rotary Club, Beads of Courage and the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Noble Creatures plans to build a community, continue to integrate different musical traditions, and be involved in various causes that they believe in.

We believe in the power of music to break through cultural & personal boundaries, to heal, inspire, motivate and bring people together. Catch us on Twitter, Myspace, and Official Website:

Take part in making this album a reality by visiting this link and reserving your copy today!

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

What you are seeing and hearing right now is nothing but a dream.
~don Miguel Ruiz


I am Cautious, But NOT Fearful.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


There is love around you.

It surrounds you. It is you. You are love.

You might as well know it, and know also how loved you are.

Multiply what you think love is and how much you think it is worth – multiply it infinitely.

That’s how much love you are, and how much you are loved. There is no end to it.

--Like a Cherry Tree in Spring by HeavenLetters

A Bunch Of Young Geniuses Just Made A Corrupt Corporation Freak Out Big Time. Somehow, I don't think they liked that.

Published on Sep 1, 2013 This is a grassroots David and Goliath campaign to create a landmark model for how communities can take control of their energy future: You can support this effort on Indiegogo: Category Nonprofits & Activism
UPDATE: They more than doubled their original fundraising goal. Now they want to take it to the next level. Think you guys could help them break $100,000?

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4656 A Perspective on Giving, August 24, 2013

God said:

You who were born to love may not understand what love is. You who are love do not have to add to it.

Yes, of course, there are many forms of love, yet love is not altogether the personal aspect you may often mistake it for.

Yes, love is compassion, yet here is the thing: Love is not feeling sorry for someone. It is not in your best interest to feel sorry for yourself. Why would you imagine that it is in someone else’s best interest for you to feel sorry for him?

If you want to love someone, stay away from pity. Pity is condescending. If you feel pity, don’t reveal it. No one needs your pity. Alas, “Poor you,” and alas, “Poor me,” do not make good medicine.

Caring is one thing. Getting caught up in a version of yourself is another.

When there is food in your refrigerator, and you are hungry, you do not sit around bemoaning your hunger. You get up and make a sandwich. If someone else is hungry, you don’t just sit there patting his hand and tut-tutting. You get up and make him a sandwich.

When someone is crying, compassion does not say that you must cry with him. Being there for him is another thing. Being silent is good. Do not see yourself as the blessing the world has been waiting for. Nor do I suggest that you make light of another’s pain as if he has no right to it. It is you who has no right to it. Do not seize on another’s grief. Do not be emblazoned by it. Do not see yourself as the answer.

Be present. Yet, because someone is in need it is not for you to think that they need you. Be sure it is not you who needs something from the one who is going through something right then. Be not attached to yourself as a giver.

Love is not such a personal thing as you think. Love is not a demonstration of your goodness. You don’t pile on your love as though you are high and mighty.

Buddha healed with his laughter. He didn’t say, “Poor you.” Nor did Christ. To the lame, Christ did not say, “Oh, that’s just terrible. You can’t walk.” To one who had leprosy, he did not say, “Isn’t that awful.” Christ took illness and suffering to a Higher Court.

Crying over another’s ache may make you feel better. It doesn’t bring healing. It may hinder healing. Helping is not such a personal thing. Healing is not feeling sorry for another. Feeling sorry for yourself or another is not a high vibration. Feeling sorry digs the sorryness in deeper.

When you feel sorry for yourself or someone else, you are conveying: “You poor helpless thing. Oh, my, yes, you are a victim.”

Stay away from victim consciousness. Certainly, do not promote it.

If you want to do good for others, it is better not to display yourself as a gift to mankind. You are a gift, yet you are to give without spreading yourself like a salve. You are not an emblem of mercy. You are not a savior. You are not a necessity. You are not to play the role of do-gooder. It is not for you to lavish affection on everyone as if you purvey yourself as the sweetener of the world. Bless everyone, and yet be not prominent. Honey can be too sweet. You are not to see yourself as Lady Bountiful. Give but not succor. Give and be glad to give, yet not fly around seeing yourself as a giver. You are not the fulfiller of others’ needs. Do not be like Little Jack Horner who sat in the corner, pulled out a plum and said, “What a good boy am I.”

Of yourself, you cannot be the solver of everyone else’s perceived needs. Do not highlight yourself.

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

-------------THE MUSIC CORNER-------------

Now, let's start the day with "ADD IT UP" by Noble Creatures.

----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH-----------------

O.K., I got the bio of them below from their Facebook page. You can read that, or... you can watch this YouTube video "MUSIC BOX WITH NOBLE CREATURES", and listen to them tell you in their own words what their band is about.

----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------------

Noble Creatures was set loose in 2008, introducing a unique breed of tropical rock and soul-funk grooves to the streets of Los Angeles. Their blend of sounds light up any venue and incites spontaneous dancing from casual and not-so-casual listeners alike, apparent from signature tracks like “Hard To Come By” a funk-groove track accompanied by face-melting electric guitar riffs, to “Beautiful Mistake” a soft-sexy-lullaby reggae song. Their performances are passionate, raw, and electric. Their sound is unmistakable and inviting. Together, Noble Creatures is an experience that leaves an impression with the senses.

With a debut full-length album currently en route, Noble Creatures has been focusing all of its energy on obtaining opportunities to perform and collectively evolve as a band. The group has played countless shows entertaining crowds in and around the L.A. area. As of late, they’ve broken into the TV world with a 30 minute feature on El Segundo TV: The Music Box, and by being featured on the talk show Marty's Corner which is aired throughout Southern California. They have also entered the festival circuit performing at Pasadena's Rock City Fest, Topanga Days, the Orange County Fair, Santa Barbara Fair & Expo, the Santa Barbara World Festival, and many others. The band has also sought out to be involved in charitable events and have since had the opportunity to perform for the Changing Tides Orphanage, the Rotary Club, Beads of Courage and the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Noble Creatures plans to build a community, continue to integrate different musical traditions, and be involved in various causes that they believe in.

We believe in the power of music to break through cultural & personal boundaries, to heal, inspire, motivate and bring people together. Catch us on Twitter, Myspace, and Official Website:

Take part in making this album a reality by visiting this link and reserving your copy today!

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

You achieve the Mastery of Transformation by changing the fear-based agreements that make you suffer, and reprogramming your own mind, in your own way.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I am the poet of my mind.
I am the painter of my heart.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


You Must First See Your Self

You must first see your Self as worthy before you can see another as worthy.

You must first see your Self as blessed before you can see another as blessed.

You must first know your Self to be holy before you can acknowledge holiness in another.

--Conversations with God, Book 1 by Neale Donald Walsch

Published on Sep 22, 2012

Thom Hartmann describes a society based on cooperation and the idea that we're all in this together. Interview recorded by Katie Teague for the film "Money & Life."

Song is "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.

Nonprofits & Activism
Standard YouTube License

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4655 God Knows Love , August 23, 2013
God said:

Your lineage is not in question. You are My Child. You are the Being I created who inhabits your body. I am your Mother or Father. I am rightfully yours. You do not have to earn Me.

Where do you come from? You come from Me. In Whose image are you made? You are made in My image. You are My beloved brought to Earth to bless it. You are integral to Creation. You are integral to all that appears to happen on Earth.

I created you from My breath. You are the breath of My breath.

You are a soul within the form you inhabit.

Doctor, lawyer, merchant, thief, you are Mine. Birthed on Earth, born from My heart, there is not one of you that I drop. You are Mine, and you are Mine forever.

I don’t make collections of My children. I do not put some on a high shelf and some on a lower. I do not gradate My children. I do not pin medals on some and close out others.

There is not one of My children on Earth who does not do the best he can do in a particular point in time and circumstance. Even when he knows better and does not act in accord with what he knows, he is doing the best he can do. What do you know, beloved? Who are you to decide who is worthy and who is not? For Me, there is no decision.

Whatever mistakes or deliberate acts someone commits or partakes in, he is My child, and I love him.

I make no excuses for My children. And I make no excuses for you who may hold yourself higher than another. I love you. I do not say I love you even so. I do not say I love you despite everything. I say I love all. As you are, I love you.

Every person on Earth, past, present, or future, thrives in My heart. I do not love some more than others. I love.

Each child of Mine is precious, and precious to Me. I do not lift some closer to Me, nor do I cast anyone aside.

I do not doom anyone.

I do not punish.

I do not withhold.

You don’t know what someone else’s task on Earth may be. You may well not know your own. You do not begin to know the good that another can do even though, from the worlds’ point of view, he has done the unforgivable. I do not apologize for My love that encompasses you and everyone else and holds you beautiful.

The world sees all of My children as imperfect, including you. So-called perfection is not My criterion. It is enough for Me that I breathed life into you. That makes you My own. I love the one who looks down on another, and I love the one looked down upon. Wherever I look, I see lighted souls. I see Truth. You will, too, and you will live Truth. No one knows the depth and breadth of My heart. You know only comparisons. Nothing affects My love for you who may compare yourself above others. Nothing challenges My love.

Some of My children bring themselves closer to Me. I am glad. Some of My children go far from Me. I do not hold that against them.

When someone has a limp and does not reach the goal line as fast as you do, you don’t discard him. To Me, it is like that. All will come to Me, soon or late. To Me, all My children are first, for My children are One, and, besides, time does not exist.

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

-------------THE MUSIC CORNER-------------

Now let's start the day with "HAD ENOUGH", with Noble Creatures. ----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------------f

O.K., I got the bio of them below from their Facebook page. You can read that, or... you can watch this YouTube video "MUSIC BOX WITH NOBLE CREATURES", and listen to them tell you in their own words what their band is about.

----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------------

Noble Creatures was set loose in 2008, introducing a unique breed of tropical rock and soul-funk grooves to the streets of Los Angeles. Their blend of sounds light up any venue and incites spontaneous dancing from casual and not-so-casual listeners alike, apparent from signature tracks like “Hard To Come By” a funk-groove track accompanied by face-melting electric guitar riffs, to “Beautiful Mistake” a soft-sexy-lullaby reggae song. Their performances are passionate, raw, and electric. Their sound is unmistakable and inviting. Together, Noble Creatures is an experience that leaves an impression with the senses.

With a debut full-length album currently en route, Noble Creatures has been focusing all of its energy on obtaining opportunities to perform and collectively evolve as a band. The group has played countless shows entertaining crowds in and around the L.A. area. As of late, they’ve broken into the TV world with a 30 minute feature on El Segundo TV: The Music Box, and by being featured on the talk show Marty's Corner which is aired throughout Southern California. They have also entered the festival circuit performing at Pasadena's Rock City Fest, Topanga Days, the Orange County Fair, Santa Barbara Fair & Expo, the Santa Barbara World Festival, and many others. The band has also sought out to be involved in charitable events and have since had the opportunity to perform for the Changing Tides Orphanage, the Rotary Club, Beads of Courage and the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Noble Creatures plans to build a community, continue to integrate different musical traditions, and be involved in various causes that they believe in.

We believe in the power of music to break through cultural & personal boundaries, to heal, inspire, motivate and bring people together. Catch us on Twitter, Myspace, and Official Website:

Take part in making this album a reality by visiting this link and reserving your copy today!

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

To really change your beliefs you need to focus your attention on what it is that you want to change. You have to know which agreements you want to change before you can change them.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I'm Filled with Love Inside.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


A Vision for Family

We see a world where we have expanded the definition of our family; where we are not only family to those with whom we are blood related, but that we are also part of a larger family - a soul family that is made up of those we made arrangements and agreements with before we came into this lifetime for the purpose of learning lessons and helping each other in our evolution.

We see ourselves understanding that the members of our soul family do not always provide us with pleasure and beneficence, that sometimes they come to provide us with adversity and challenges so we can become stronger of character; and as we let go of our self-importance, we are better able to recognize these soul family members and the gifts they bring to us.

We, then, see a world where we recognize that everyone we meet, everyone we share this beautiful, abundant Earth with is actually part of an even larger family that has come here at this time to experience a Grand Oneness together. Indeed, as we create this Oneness, all opposition and judgment is set aside forever, and we, once again, see the wisdom in redefining who our family is.

For, at this point, we are the Family of One.

--The Intenders of the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project

Today, we have another awesome episode of "SHOTS OF AWE" with Jason silva.

Published on Sep 10, 2013 "Man is literally split in two: he has an awareness of his own splendid uniqueness in that he sticks out of nature with a towering majesty, and yet he goes back into the ground a few feet in order blindly and dumbly to rot and disappear forever" -Ernest Becker. Join Jason Silva every week as he freestyles his way into the complex systems of society, technology and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science in a form of existential jazz. New episodes every Tuesday. Watch More Shots of Awe on TestTube

Subscribe now!

Jason Silva on Twitter

Jason Silva on Facebook

Jason Silva on Google+

Category Science & Technology License Standard YouTube License

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4654 Suddenly It’s Spring [II], August 22, 2013

God said:

In any case, when you hold negative feelings, you have your work cut out before you. Your work is to find out how the other person sees the situation. First, you have to be open to finding out instead of resenting or blustering. When you understand where the seeming other is coming from, when you grasp his perception, then, amazingly, you are seizing upon a great lesson in life.

The lesson is: How to let go of resistance and your hard feelings. This is what you want, isn’t it? To be rid of your own negative resistance to a particular situation and be done with it. Isn’t the crux of the situation your own hard feelings and your sense of being wronged, maligned perhaps? And this is exactly how the seeming other is feeling. You can bet on it. He is feeling just as you do. You both are feeling put out, and you are both feeling undermined. In this sense, you are both seeing just alike.

This may well apply to difficulties with people close to you, your husband or wife, or child, or parent. It is not a one-time thing. As always, it is truly your issue that you are confronting. Otherwise, beloveds, you would not be reacting with the wealth of negativity that churns within you. You would be impartial. You would not hold any judgment against the seeming other. You would desire to understand, not as a big event, but simply as a next step. Now yearn to know how the seeming other perceives. You are open to seeing beyond your rightness. Therefore, you are not judging. You are listening not for proof that you are right, for rightness is not the issue. Your listening is the issue.

First seek the answers within yourself. You start from the point of view that the other means no offense to you. The seeming other simply sees as he sees, and you want to know how he sees. You may not find the answers on your own.

Then seek to sit down with the seeming other who may be a close family member at a time good for him and ask him to help you understand what he is feeling. You are not confronting, why would you? You are listening. You are not interrupting. You are keeping your focus. Your job now is to hear and listen with your heart as well as your mind. You are not appraising. You are intent on grasping that which you haven’t yet grasped.

May the other, who is really yourself, be forthright with you so you can listen and hear and understand that there is no break in Oneness.

When you grasp the answers, you will be disarmed. Suddenly, the embers of reproach you felt within are gone. Why? Because a seeming antagonist disappeared and in his place a friend just like you appears. Where is the struggle now?

Not seeing a foe -- this is maturity, beloveds. Always what you are really seeing is yourself. Friction and disappointment give you a great opportunity for you who is sitting in two chairs to be much more open to yourself as you appear in the form of another. This must be so. You desire to really come to see another’s point of view, who, after all, is yourself.

The Great Ones did not see anyone as an enemy, not even those who may have judged them falsely. All judging is false, beloveds. In the deepest Truth, enemies are a made-up thing. Enemy is a label you cast upon yourself. Once upon a time, you believed a seeming other responsible for your discomfort. Now you see you are responsible for your own discomfort.

Now you are your Self. And We Are One.

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

-------------THE MUSIC CORNER-------------

Now, let's start the day with Noble Creatures performing LIVE on Marty's Corner.

----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------------

O.K., I got the bio of them below from their Facebook page. You can read that, or... you can watch this YouTube video "MUSIC BOX WITH NOBLE CREATURES", and listen to them tell you in their own words what their band is about.

----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------------

Noble Creatures was set loose in 2008, introducing a unique breed of tropical rock and soul-funk grooves to the streets of Los Angeles. Their blend of sounds light up any venue and incites spontaneous dancing from casual and not-so-casual listeners alike, apparent from signature tracks like “Hard To Come By” a funk-groove track accompanied by face-melting electric guitar riffs, to “Beautiful Mistake” a soft-sexy-lullaby reggae song. Their performances are passionate, raw, and electric. Their sound is unmistakable and inviting. Together, Noble Creatures is an experience that leaves an impression with the senses.

With a debut full-length album currently en route, Noble Creatures has been focusing all of its energy on obtaining opportunities to perform and collectively evolve as a band. The group has played countless shows entertaining crowds in and around the L.A. area. As of late, they’ve broken into the TV world with a 30 minute feature on El Segundo TV: The Music Box, and by being featured on the talk show Marty's Corner which is aired throughout Southern California. They have also entered the festival circuit performing at Pasadena's Rock City Fest, Topanga Days, the Orange County Fair, Santa Barbara Fair & Expo, the Santa Barbara World Festival, and many others. The band has also sought out to be involved in charitable events and have since had the opportunity to perform for the Changing Tides Orphanage, the Rotary Club, Beads of Courage and the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Noble Creatures plans to build a community, continue to integrate different musical traditions, and be involved in various causes that they believe in.

We believe in the power of music to break through cultural & personal boundaries, to heal, inspire, motivate and bring people together. Catch us on Twitter, Myspace, and Official Website:

Take part in making this album a reality by visiting this link and reserving your copy today!

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Take an inventory of all that you believe, all your agreements, and through this process you begin the transformation.
~don Miguel Ruiz