Sunday, December 1, 2013


I give thanks for the bounties of this world.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie

HI FAMILY!!! Today is the 1st post of a series I'm calling "25 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!!!" But first, I'd like to take one last stab at "First Friday":

----------CHECK IT OUT HERE----------

The one thing that stops the flow of abundance is fear. Fear is a sign of lack of trust. When you trust the universe to provide abundance for everyone and move forward toward your life purpose without fear of failure or fear of lack, then the universe will protect you and ultimately shower you with abundance. As long as there is a lack of trust leading to fear then your flow will remain blocked. The key to removing this block is to let go of all fear and simply move forward with complete faith. Only you can work thorough your fears and your blocks. Others may assist you, but the intention and commitment to remove them must come from within you. Don’t hesitate to confront your fears head on. Admit them and see how they are blocking your joy. Then simply move past them by focusing on the abundance you can share with others when you are fearlessly engaged in your true purpose in life.

--Ted Murray

La única cosa que detiene el flujo de la abundancia es el miedo. El miedo es una señal de la falta de confianza. Cuando confías en que el universo proporciona abundancia para todos y avanzas hacia el propósito de tu vida sin miedo al fracaso ni a la escasez, entonces el universo te protegerá y finalmente te cubrirá de abundancia. Mientras exista la falta de confianza que conduce al miedo, tu flujo seguirá bloqueado. La clave para eliminar este bloqueo es dejar de lado todo temor y simplemente avanzar con completa fe. Sólo tu puedes trabajar a fondo sobre tus miedos y tus bloqueos. Otros pueden ayudarte, pero la intención y el compromiso de eliminarlos deben venir de dentro de ti. No dudes en hacer frente a tus miedos. Admítelos y observa cómo están bloqueando tu alegría. Entonces simplemente supéralos, centrándote en la abundancia que puedes compartir con los demás cuando te involucras sin miedo en el verdadero propósito de tu vida.

--Ted Murray

So, why 25 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS? Well, because it's MY blog and I can do what I want with it!

O.K., the first video of 25 days of christmas, we have The CHARLIE BROWN christmas special.

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4719 Find Your Own Happiness, October 26, 2013

God said:
Sometimes there is a need for poetry. There is a need to release yourself from the exigencies of the world. It is good to get out of yourself and go into a vaster realm. There are times when concrete life is too concrete for you. That’s all right. You can be excused for a while.

This is a good time to get out into nature or into a poem. This is a good time to get out from where you are into a softer realm. There are areas of life that are not your cup of tea. Don’t think you have to excel in them. Admit you don’t have to be supreme in every area of life. This is not escape. You don’t have to be a nuclear physicist. You may have to be an artist. It is perfectly okay to be who are at any given moment.

Maybe you are not meant to run a certain race.

Some of My children do well in humid climates. Some do better in arid climates. Some do better in tropical, and some do better in arctic. Where is it said that everyone must excel everywhere in everything?

Some people work well with their hands. They are good at building things. Others are happier with words. Some of My children are happy in certain areas, and others are happy in other areas. Who says that everyone is to excel in the same areas? Not I.

I say: Find your happiness. Perhaps you easily find what is not happiness-making for you. Must you submit yourself to it? For what reason?

This is not the same as to say that you are to excuse yourself from whatever does not please you. I am saying that everyone is not alike, and no one has to be like someone else. Everyone can pitch in, but no one has to make himself or herself what the world might call efficient in everything.

Einstein excelled in certain areas and was not proficient in others. Had he been made to raise himself in areas that were not natural to him, would he have been able to make the discoveries he did?

If you are not excellent in math, do you have to be?

Life does not have to be imposed upon you. You do not have to fit into a round or a square hole. You do not have to cut off your feet to fit the bed.

Every single one of My children is unique. Is this not wonderful!

Some people are tall, and some are short. Some people love athletics. Some do not.

Life challenges you enough. Perfection in the world does not have to be added to your challenges. No one has to run to everything, any more than he has to run away from everything.

What you are is good enough. What you naturally are is not meant to be an excuse. Just the same, there are areas to excuse yourself from.

Find joy in life. I do not favor life as a struggle. I say you do not have to prove yourself expert in everything. I say you do not have to prove yourself in anything according to others’ intentions or impositions.

If you like quiet, find quiet. If you like to make music, make music. What you are is lovely and wonderful. Extol who you are. You do not have to balance yourself out according to others’ preferences and ideas.

Yes, it is wonderful to serve, and it is wonderful to be happy in whatever way you serve. It is also wonderful to at least give yourself the freedom to be as you are, not as an excuse, but as one who follows his own dreams and not so much the dreams of others. In My eyes, you are perfect whatever someone else may think. Be perfectly you, dear ones. If everyone valued his own talents, would not the world be happier?

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------

Today in the music corner, we have "MAMA", by Khadja Nin.

----------CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE SONG----------

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

You are pure awareness, and physical matter is a mirror for the light that is life.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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