Sunday, March 30, 2014

Michigan Judge Brian MacKenzie Under Investigation By FBI For Number Of Red Flags

Michigan Judge Brian MacKenzie Under Investigation By FBI For Number Of Red Flags

CAPOEIRA: DANCE, OR FIGHT? (Also known as, When Capoeira stops being nice... and starts getting real Part 2)

Hi Guys,

A couple of days ago, I posted a blog called WHEN CAPOEIRA STOPS BEING NICE, AND STARTS GETTING REAL. Well, here's a little follow up to that post.

The video below, is one of my favorite of the ATACXGYM CAPOEIRA videos. It's a bit of an overview of what Head Coach Ras teaches.

Published on Nov 5, 2013 My 6 hour long Instructional is packed with mind-body Capoeira flow and real Street Warrior Capoeira self defense, inclusive of real world, functional armed and unarmed training. All sparring and drilling clips are real, not faked or altered in any way. Follow my blog CAPOEIRA THAT WORKS
Howto & Style
Standard YouTube License

Since this video was made, Head Coach Ras has expanded it to 6 HOURS!

I especially like the PRAYER near the end of that video.

Now, there are some people out there who don't want to see, play, or even talk about this side of Capoeira. THIS is the Capoeira they want to see:

Now, I think this is AMAZING. It's beautiful, it's flowing, it's dynamic, and yes, IT IS CAPOEIRA. However...


Yes, Capoeira is art, dance, philosophy, education, culture, spirituality, everything the mouth eats (to quote Mestre Pastinha)


Capoeira emerged in brazil in a very dangerous time for the people who developed it, men and women enslaved in africa, and brought to brazil.

These warriors, forced to be slaves, had to develop these skills LITERALLY "under the sword" of their oppressors. They were often outnumbered, and had to deal with men armed with whips, bats, knives, swords, guns, chains, dogs, and horses... and for those who escaped and joined a QUILOMBO (free community usually created by runaways), they had to repel constant attacks by slavers, militiamen etc. looking to put them back in bondage, or COMPLETELY wipe them out. It was further developed by their descendants, men who were pushed to the margins of an extremely unfair society, and were forced to be GANGSTERS, BANDITS, THEIVES, etc. from the late 18th till the early 20th centuries.

Only after 1934 was Capoeira permitted, and even then, only under certain conditions, and with the understanding that it would be taught AS A SPORT AND AS A FUN, ATHLETIC CULTURAL DANCE. In fact, when Mestre Bimba (The 1st capoeira mestre to start a academy) started his school, even with the legal permission of President Getulio Vargas, the most powerful man in Brazil, Mestre Bimba still couldn't boldly proclaim that he was teaching Capoeira. On the advice of a lawyer friend of his (Sinsanado, I believe), He named his school the CENTRO DE CULTURA FISICA REGIONAL BAIANA (Bahian Regional Physical Culture Center), and he called his style LUTA REGIONAL BAIANA(Bahian Fighting Style).

So what's the point of this little history lesson? It's to remind all of you that one of the primary reasons, if not THE primary reason to learn and play Capoeira is for self-defense. If you're not training for SELF-DEFENSE, then YOU'RE NOT PRACTICING CAPOEIRA, PERIOD!


And speaking of FIGHTING, for you MMA sport fans out there who think Capoeira is useless in THAT arena, here's two brothers from AXE CAPOEIRA proving all of you fuckers WRONG...

Now there are some of you out there who are all PEACE AND LOVE, who don't practice Capoeira primarily for self defense(even though you should).

Hey, I know where you're coming from. I GET IT. When you play capoeira in the roda, or watch it being played in the roda, you feel the Axe, the comradeship you have with your fellow players, and you feel joy, compassion, and LOVE. Capoeira is everything the mouth eats(there's that quote again), it's ALL THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE!

Yes, I GET THAT. But, if you believe that capoeira is a reflection of the fullness of life, then you must accept the fact that like in life, you can't have joy, compassion, love, and friendship, without fear, violence, treachery, hate, and revenge. And not to mention, pride, self-respect, forgiveness, and humor. All of these things are part of living, part of LIFE.

And besides, if you learn a Martial Art, something that's supposed to teach you how to defend yourself, and you CAN'T defend yourself with it, then how much of the REST of your training is a bullshit lie?

Even though it may seem like it, I'm not writing this blog just to promote some product that I like. Well, actually I think it's AWESOME, but that's not the point.

This blog is about ALL Capoeiristas out there learning, practicing, preserving, and passing on this beautiful art of Capoeira IN ALL IT'S ASPECTS. The rodas, the music, the philosophy... And yes, the SELF DEFENSE skills as well.

Here's a quote from Head Coach Ras:
I'm sharing the information that I have because I WANT EVERYONE TO TRAIN REALISTICALLY WITH MBUNDU KIPURA. Can you imagine how skilled and amazing we would be? A bunch of real life ASSASSIN'S CREED level warriors who know the real story stretching from Africa to wherever we live now. The whole world...humanity, animals, the planet as a whole, not just the martial arts world...would be a better place if we embraced each other and sought mutual betterment with the kind of vehicle that Mbundu Kipura is. We owe ourselves, our future generations, the planet, and the universe that the Creator made AT LEAST that much, don't you think?

Note: MBUNDU KIPURA is the TRUE name of Capoeira, according to Coach Ras, although personally, I think Capoeira may be the portugese pronunciation of the Ndongo word KAPWERA.

Anyway, here's yet ANOTHER reason why you should buy his instructional:

And like I said before, at $45.00, IT'S A STEAL.

Here's his web site:


And here's his CAPOEIRA You Tube Channel:


Head Coach Ras has also written an EPIC eye-opening blog detailing the African origins of capoeira, putting together a HUGE amount of information in a way that has never been before. I STRONGLY suggest you read it.


And if you don't buy his instructional, and start learning some real world self-defense, Capoeira Style? Well...


Saturday, March 29, 2014


I serve to others by living happily, and radiating happiness and joy to those around me
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie



Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Vision for Heroes

We see a world where our heroes and heroines are everywhere; where they are everyday people who are kind and caring for one another; where they are honored, celebrated, and chosen to positions of leadership because they are gentle, helpful, resourceful, caring, kind, and forgiving.

We see our heroes and heroines in the movies being the ones who have put away their weapons and set examples for our youth by being compassionate, courageous, and creative; where our inventors and artists are using their talents to help bring humanity into its highest calling; where our spiritual leaders are enlightened, awakened, and truly lined up with the Highest Good.

And we envision all people, everywhere, seeing themselves as a hero or heroine to their family and friends because they show up, make themselves available, and help others whenever and wherever they are needed.

--The Intenders of the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project

Well, TODAY IS SATURDAY, which means it's time for another amazing episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott.

Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Published on Mar 15, 2014
Subscribe to Weekly Podcast of Tea Time With Teal here: http://thespiritualcatalyst.us6.list-...

When we look at something across the world that causes suffering or when we look at something in someone else's life that causes them to suffer, we feel powerless. Being empathetic, we want desperately to do something to improve the situation. But we don't know how. The most crucial thing for us to understand is that we will never feel good about the world we live in, or about ourselves until we stop addressing suffering in terms of specific, isolated incidents. We will only reduce suffering if we treat suffering on this planet as a whole.
When you look at suffering as a whole, you will soon realize that your suffering is a part of that collective suffering. It will then become apparent that the most important thing we could do to reduce suffering in the world is to reduce our own suffering as individuals. You are contributing to world suffering when you suffer as a result of focusing on the suffering of others. Because of this, it can easily be said that the single most important thing you will ever do for world suffering, is to do whatever it takes to enable yourself to be happy.

Ask Teal Website -

Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

To change the story of your life is what the Toltec call the mastery of transformation.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Friday, March 28, 2014

When Capoeira stops being NICE... And starts getting REAL.

Hi guys,

I want you guys to take a look at this video:

This video is an introduction, and an advertisement for a 4 - hour (NOW 6 HOUR) instructional video for ATACX GYM CAPOEIRA.


When you finish reading this blog post, you will know why.

Atacx Gym capoeira is a modern form of Capoeira, created by HEAD COACH RAS. Taken from his blog, he states:

ATACX GYM CAPOEIRA is a modern, functional, full spectrum self defense AND musical/cultural/fitness expression preserving the fighting and music of capoeira from the past and merging it with the best we have in the present and the future. There is no limit in our expression. Grappling, weapons, rodas, berimbau, modern music, orixas, multifights, yoga, street self defense skills, community...we do it all.

He has taken capoeira back to its original fighting roots, and added modern training methods and self defense needs to it. When you first see it, right away you can tell that this form of Capoeira was designed to fight. They have all the beautiful, fancy acrobatic moves capoeira is VERY famous for, EXCEPT THEY CAN FIGHT WITH THEM.

In Atacx Gym Capoeira, they preserve the history ( As in teach you capoeira legends and scientific history about capoeira ), music, self defense [ As in training for today's fighting environment; such as knives, firearms, ground submissions etc ) and Community. They also teach very important information on Candomble and Sangria ( Santeria ).

A few months ago, Head coach Ras asked me to give an honest and unbiased opinion of what I thought were the benefits you would experience training with him, and contrast that with training in what he calls, "Cardio Capoeira", which he put in the testomonials section of his web site,

Here, I include what I said.

Hi Coach Ras,
First off, I took the liberty of putting a link to your website on my blog. you can find it in the sidebar, in the African Martial Arts Section.
And second, I have to put up my DISCLAIMER: Coach Ras, you have to understand that I've NEVER taken a formal capoeira class in my life, either with you or a Cardio Capoeirista, so in everything I have to say after this line, you have to keep that in mind.

Now, as for your videos... Here's something else I typed in my blog's sidebar: "It is in my nature to be kind, gentle, and loving...

BUT KNOW THIS: When it comes to matters of protecting my friends, my family and my heart... Do not fuck with me. For I'm also the most powerful, relentless, and ruthless MONSTER you will ever know... BELIEVE THAT."

I love the Martial arts, but I don't consider myself a "Martial Artist". I consider myself what I call a SELF PRESERVATIONIST. What I mean by that is, my interest in Martial Arts and Survival is for one main purpose. That purpose is to SURVIVE, and to PRESERVE LIFE in general, and in particular, MY LIFE, and the lives of MY LOVED ONES. You see, I don't stick fight, I don't knife fight, I don't sword fight, I don't gun fight, or whatever. I SURVIVE, the aforementioned methods are merely the tools I use to accomplish my goal. If you come at me looking for a "fight", you've come to the wrong place.

You've come to a place where I'm going to do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure I SURVIVE.

This is my attitude towards self defense, and Martial Arts in general. In fact, I don't believe in self defense, I believe in SELF PRESERVATION. Whenever I look at a Martial Arts video, I look at it with this question in my head: "How will this help me survive?"

And with everyone of the videos where you're showing techniques, you always give a clear answer to that question. Your explanations are clear, and you've given me some new perspectives on how certain capoeira movements can be applied to certain situations.

For example:

Now, let's start with your ginga... Mestre Pasthina described the ginga as signifying "a perfect coordination of the movements of the body with the objective of distracting the attention of the adversary, making him vulnerable to strikes".

YOUR ginga is the ONLY one I've ever seen to fit that description of a ginga.

everyone else's ginga seems to make THEMSELVES open to getting hit, but that's my own opinion.

And on the sizzers sweep(I meant scissors sweep) video you did the other day, I NEVER thought you could use a role in that way.


You even show how some of the ACROBATIC MOVEMENTS in capoeira can be used for self preservation, something no one else seems to do.

Like I said Coach Ras, I can't make much of a comparison between your style, and the Cardio Capoeiristas, because I have no DIRECT experience with either, but I will say this: From what I seen, I know for sure that I can defend myself with what you show. The other guys... not so much.

Now about your instructional... I hope you got a copyright on it, because I fear some of those other guys will buy it, and then start teaching your material saying they learned this all along, etc. while hating on you and trying to discredit you in the process. I'm telling you that because it's been happening to my silat instructor for years now... Anyway, I hope this testimonial helps...


Now I wrote that testimonial before I bought the instructional, using what I knew about him from the You Tube videos he makes.

By the way, here's his CAPOEIRA You Tube Channel:


Now having bought the instructional, I can say that it totally delivers what Head Coach Ras says it does. Fighting techniques you can use NOW to defend yourself, along with Capoeira history, etc...

And speaking of capoeira history, Ras has written an EPIC eye-opening blog detailing the African origins of capoeira, putting together a HUGE amount of information in a way that has never been before.


So, why should I care about capoeira's origins, you might ask? Well you see guys, for a long time now, there has been a HUGE debate surrounding Capoeira's origins. But Capoeira's roots can be traced back to african people for anybody who wants to look honestly for them. In my opinion, Much of the dispute surrounding the origin of capoeira stems from a continued effort to disenfrancise african people of OUR contributions to world civilization. Because of this continuing, centuries - long effort, We black people have to go to great lengths just to prove that we HAVE contributed to the advancement of civilization on this planet, something that most other races/ethnic groups take for granted.

Don't believe me? Watch this:

As Coach Ras has shown in his article, this information about capoeira's true roots is out there... it's just that historically, it has often times been conveniently overlooked if it offers supports information for the african argument.

And for those of you that don't know, Capoeira is NOT the only surviving Afro-Atlantic Martial Art surviving in North and South America Today.

It's just the most well known. And this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING do do with race, because people of ALL races have rejected this information, as well as embraced it.

But hopefully, this article by Coach Ras, and others like it, will refute much of the misinformation currently propagated by certain people who have no desire to see people of african descent benefit from our cultural contributions to this wonderful world of ours.

O.K., sorry for that little rant, but like the song says, THAT'S THE KIND OF SHIT I DON'T LIKE!!!

Anyway, if you're STILL wondering why you should by the ATACX GYM CAPOEIRA 6 hour instructional video, check this out:

Published on Mar 26, 2014 come to my site for real self defense capoeira. My blogspot on historical and scholarly documentation to reveal truths like the true name of Capoeira, how Capoeira transformed from a fighting style to a useless dance, how ASSASSIN'S CREED, Parkour and Free Running was preceded by and took their inspiration from Capoeira, and more.
Howto & Style
Standard YouTube License

AND AT $36.00, IT'S A STEAL.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


I see the miracle in all of life. I am thankful for all creation.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie



These last few weeks have been very special, and this weekend promises to be just as special! I'm very grateful to have my life, and to be able to have these moments. And as soon as I figure out how to upload these photos onto my computer, I'm gonna share some of them with you.

Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person. - Albert Einstein

Well, TODAY IS SATURDAY, which means it's time for another amazing episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott.

Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Published on Mar 8, 2014
Subscribe to Weekly Podcast of Tea Time With Teal here: http://thespiritualcatalyst.us6.list-... In this episode of Ask Teal, Teal discusses the topic of Disabilities with RJ Onyx Moon shadow, a life coach who incarnated with three different disabilities. Take a look at RJ's Website and Book here:

A great many times, a being that incarnates into a disability, has chosen to activate a disability within genetics or within their body or brain specifically because of the special and different perspective that choice offers to them. Each disability offers a very specific kind of contrast; therefore each disability offers a very specific kind of expansion.
The thing that causes pain relative to disabilities is not the fact that people with disabilities have limitations. Everyone has limitations and everyone has different abilities. Those limitations cause only a certain amount of contrast. What causes people with disabilities and people who interact with disabled people real pain and suffering, is the fact that their specific limitation is seen as "unfortunately awry".
If you want to be happy and you also have a disability, you have to begin to try to find happiness with what is now, and what is now, is the disability. This is the only way to come into alignment with your inner being enough to allow yourself to access the knowledge about why you chose the experience of the disability in the first place. When it comes to disabilities, you will always feel emotionally bad when you are focused on what you cannot have or cannot do. When you focus on lack, you will suffer. When you focus instead on your capabilities and the special gifts that have arisen out of the experience (especially capabilities that you would not have if you did not have the disability), you will feel positive emotion.
The bottom line is, when it comes to living with a disability or living with someone else who has a disability, we need to practice looking for what has gone right instead of what has gone wrong.

Ask Teal Website - Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission

Help us caption & translate this video!
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most. - Stephen Covey


Smile every chance you get. Not because life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as you had anticipated,

but because you choose to be happy and grateful for all the things you do have and all the problems you know you don’t have.


Sonríe a cada oportunidad que tengas. No porque la vida haya sido fácil, perfecta, o exactamente como habías anticipado,

sino porque escoges ser feliz y agradecido por todas las cosas que tienes y todos los problemas que sabes que no tienes.


And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

The truth is so powerful that when we finally return to the truth, our entire reality changes.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Friday, March 14, 2014

Festival Pencak Silat Jawa Barat 2014

Published on Feb 16, 2014

2014 West Java Pencak Silat Festival was held on Kiara Payung Camping Ground, Sumedang - Indonesia.
One of the main purpose of this festival is to create national record of the most largest and epic Pencak Silat performance by over than 8000 fighters, given by Indonesian World Records Museum (MURI).
Around 8000 Pencak Silat fighters (pendekar) were joined and performed on this event. This event was specially held to re-invented the soul of Pencak Silat, to promote, to re-encourage people to learn and preserve this national heritage of Indonesia. Mr. Kuswandana said that this event is to streghten West Java province as well as other provinces in Indonesia as the center of excellent of Pencak Silat.

Distinguished people who attended this event are:

Mr. Eddie M. Nalapraya (PERSILAT)

Mr. Dede Yusuf (West Java province Vice Governor - also Pencak SIlat Practitioner)

Mr. Haji Yusyus Kuswandana (Initiator and Creator of the jurus)

Pencak Silat for the world.


Science & Technology


Standard YouTube License


Hi Guys,

I would like to show you all a very important aspect of Pukulan Cimande Pusaka Sanders. That is, our use of weapons, specifically knives, in this system.

Below, is an article that Pendekar Sanders wrote a few years ago for COMBAT magazine, and then show you what it looks like on video.

I hope you enjoy it.

The Cimande Knife

Combat - April 2004

It is said that knife attacks outnumber all other weapon attacks combined! Virtually every single martial art that is street combat orientated contains some knife defense techniques. The sad truth, however, is most are worthless! The defenses are usually made up of a few options:

1. Hit the arm out of the way and then attack the opponent or

2. Redirect the arm and then catch it in some fancy lock to remove the knife.

Some arts (like the Filipino styles) look very nice as they flow back and forth but that happens only so long as the opponent knows the drill and is cooperating completely! All knife defenses have a chance of working against a foolish and robotic type attacker, the kind I have never seen in a real situation. Knives are usually used at close-quarters and the opponent slashes back and forth and stabs randomly and erratically.

When I was teaching seminars with my teacher. Pendekar Suryadi Jafri during the 1980's, he'd pick the smallest person at the seminar usually a girl. He'd ask if everyone knew knife defense Everyone would say "Yes!" Then he would give a magic marker to the student he picked out and ask her to try and write her name on the face and body of each person as they performed their knife defenses. I never saw one unmarked person!

So what's the answer!

Let's go back and look at the development of cimande for a moment. The founder of cimande, Embah Kahir began with Sera, which operated on the concepts of misdirection and striking. Sera is a monkey-based art that was found to be ineffective against knife attacks. Next, Embah Kahir invented Pamacan, a tiger style that used nerve strikes, grabs, and taking the opponent to the ground. Again, Pamacan was not very effective against multiple or armed attackers. The art of pinpoint precision striking was developed to a very high degree in the final refinements of Cimande and three of it's Jurus deal with knife defenses while three others deal with knife attacks. The concept is simple but brilliant!

Keep your limbs close to your body to protect your vital organs. Use the Jurus to deliver a first strike to your opponent's limbs that sets him up for a second third and fourth strike to the hand holding the knife. These strikes are performed in a lighting-fast manner and are called 'kilap' (lighting strikes) in some schools.

No other part of the attacker's anatomy is attacked until the knife is gone from his grasp! Once contact has been made, the opponent's arm is stuck to with the principles of adhesion. until the knife is gone. So if he recoils with your first strike then moves forward, keep the blows raining down on his limbs.

A way to learn how to hit with this degree of speed is through playing the drums! -These can help build accurate and fast short strikes that we also call 'poison hand hitting'. We call it that because to the uninitiated, it seems like we have poison on our hands in order to take out the adversary so quickly with almost nothing seen!
But what if you are using a knife to fight with! Well that's where the other three Jurus come into play. The empty hand is replaced with the same quick fast snap cuts and slashes of the knife.

A snap cut is a wrist-action technique in which the edge of the blade cuts across the bone severing tendons and ligaments on the way.
A person using the Cimande on-guard knife position is less likely to be attacked than someone using another ready position! I can honestly say this is the only defense I feel totally confident with. Nothing is guaranteed to work every time but this is the best insurance policy I know of when faced with a knife wielding assailant!

Now to illustrate what Pendekar Sanders was writing about in the above article, Here's a couple of videos of Peterson Menezes, a student of Pukulan Cimande Pusaka's Distance learning program, showing some knife skills.

I hope you enjoy it.

If any of you want to know more about Pencak Silat Pukulan Cimande Pusaka Sanders, and the distance learning program, please go to their web site at

To relax the mind is to see with the spirit, and all that comes to do no harm will be embraced, while all which desires to harm is destroyed in order to preserve

Friday, March 7, 2014


I say YES to the longings of my own heart.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie



Well, the only thing I have to say about today is...


Published on Jun 4, 2013
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Narrated By: Stuart Wilde
Music By: James Wild "Full of the Joy of Life"
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“A thought is a Cosmic Order waiting to happen.” ― Stephen Richards

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4738 Oneness of Good Fortune, November 14, 2013

God said:
I have many beautiful gifts for you. They are in the wings, and they are addressed to you. Much good fortune is awaiting you.

Come pick up your good fortune. Good fortune is yours. It is meant for you. I want you to have it.

Have a peek.

It is not possible for one person alone to have good fortune. Whatever good fortune you receive, everyone receives the benefit of yours. Whatever raises the spirits on one coast is also received on every other coast. There is Oneness, and there is Oneness of Good Fortune. Whatever benefits one, benefits all.

Whatever pulls one down, pulls all down. Whether you know it or not, this is the case. Water rises. The world cannot be selfish. All is shared.

Keep your spirits high, if not for yourself, for the world at large.

One who wakes up wakes up others.

One yawn travels.

Like it or not, there is no living for yourself and yourself alone. Whether you like it or not, you share your wealth.

You live in a land of plenty. You are the one I count on to raise the consciousness of the world.

Everything is a miracle, and nothing is a miracle. All is amazing, yet nothing is amazing. Miracles are natural events. There is not one moment of life that is not a miracle. Every breath is a miracle. You are a miracle.

Poverty in the world comes from poverty of spirit. Don’t blame those who are poor. Those who are wealthy may be poor in spirit. One who is poor may be wealthy in spirit. You don’t have everything figured out. I might go so far as to say that you have nothing figured out. Better to know nothing than to think you know it all.

In Truth, everything is known.

How contrary is life in the world. All is known, and nothing is known. All is in plain sight, and nothing is as it seems, least of all you.

You would like to be enlightened, and yet you may not want to open your eyes. You want to stay the same. You want change, yet you do not want to change. You want to hold on to your opinions. You like them, yet your opinions aren’t worth much except to you.

Life, in which all things are possible, you are sometimes impossible. Staying in the same place is an impossibility, yet you hold tight, refusing to let go. However, the life force is stronger than your will, and grow you will. Let go, you will, even as you hold on. Try as you may, you hold on to nothing for long.

It’s clear to you that everything you put in the fridge does not last interminably.

You who do have life eternal hold on to the temporary as if the temporary is the sum total of your existence. You are pulled in directions that you have no idea of. You are far away and close all at the same time. You are near and far, and know not where you are or what you are doing or why you do it.

You are an enigma unto yourself. You who are all-knowing squeeze your eyes shut. You may dodge life instead of embracing it.

Yet life will get you up and out of your comfortable chair. Life will knock you off balance so that you may gain balance. What you think is balance may be imbalance.

Come head to toe with Me. Walk with Me. Ride with Me. Explore with Me. See as I do see. Give as I do give. Reflect Me. Reflect greatness. Enough of smallness. You have outgrown yourself. You are as you perceive. Give more, and you will gain more. Open the windows of your heart. Let fresh air into your heart. Let your heart be free-flowing. What if giving came to be the joy of your life? What if you knew you were meant to give, and that all you give, you pass on from Me. This is how you become My messenger. Be My messenger of love. Right now, be it, and be it forever, for that is My Will.

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, or to make a DONATION, click HERE

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

When you restore your faith in the truth, and you take it out of the lies, the result is that you become authentic.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Kayakers Come Across a 110-Year-Old Surprise

Kayakers Come Across a 110-Year-Old Surprise


I say that Today is a Perfect Day.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


I'm going to work today, YAY! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!!


God said:

Now is the time to stop being the judge of the world. Now is the time for you to embrace all, to take all into your heart and, once and for all, proclaim yourself Christ or Buddha or by the name of any deity you embrace, and to acknowledge every other seeming person as the SelfSame.

No matter others’ actions, no matter what you may think of their actions and their lack of the warmth of the milk of human kindness, you have an assignment to be true to all that I, God, hold to be true. I say again and again that all are One with Me, and that includes whoever you may hold a strike against. You are not meant to picket anyone. Not one. Not once. Not ever.

When you bless another, you are blessing yourself. When you absolve another, you absolve yourself. Abolish your hardened heart first. This is how you embrace the world. You are to be a Great Emancipator. Start now.

--Come from a Place of Love by Heavenletter

Dios dijo:

Ahora es tiempo de dejar de ser el juez del mundo. Ahora es tiempo de que abraces a todos, de que tomes a todos en tu corazón y, de una vez por todas, te proclames Cristo o Buda, o el nombre de cualquier deidad que aceptes, y de que reconozcas a cualquier otra persona como el MismoSer.

No importan las acciones de los demás, no importa lo que puedas pensar de sus acciones o de su falta de calor humano, tu tienes una misión de ser fiel a todo lo que yo, Dios, sostengo que es verdad. Yo digo una y otra vez que todos son Uno conmigo, y eso incluye a quien tengas algo en contra. No estas destinado a manifestarte en contra de nadie. De nadie. Ni una sola vez. Nunca.

Cuando tu bendices a otro, te estás bendiciendo a ti mismo. Cuando absuelves a otro, te absuelves a ti mismo. Suprime tu corazón endurecido primero. Esta es la forma de abrazar al mundo. Debes ser un Gran Emancipador. Empieza ahora.

--Venida de un Lugar de Amor por Cartas Celestiales

What's wrong with our World? How can we make it better? I believe that we are in a very critical point in our history, where we will either reach much farther than we could have ever dreamed to be possible, or fall into an abyss, from we will NEVER recover. It's up to us guys...

Anyway, this is a video exploring ways to help make our world better.

I hope you enjoy it.

Published on Jul 24, 2012
"I AM" is an utterly engaging and entertaining non-fiction film that poses two practical and provocative questions: what's wrong with our world, and what can we do to make it better? The filmmaker behind the inquiry is Tom Shadyac, one of Hollywood's leading comedy practitioners and the creative force behind such blockbusters as "Ace Ventura," "Liar Liar," "The Nutty Professor," and "Bruce Almighty." However, in I AM, Shadyac steps in front of the camera to recount what happened to him after a cycling accident left him incapacitated, possibly for good. Though he ultimately recovered, he emerged with a new sense of purpose, determined to share his own awakening to his prior life of excess and greed, and to investigate how he as an individual, and we as a race, could improve the way we live and walk in the world.
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And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Everything we say and do is an expression of the force of life. The creation is ongoing. It is endless. It is happening in every moment.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I say NO to the demands of the world.
I say YES to the longings of my own heart.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie



It's a brand new day. I'm ready to get some breakfast, get my workout on, and LIVE this day... I'm TRULY BLESSED to be here and alive in this critical time in our human history.

Anybody out there want to know about a revolution?

Published on Mar 15, 2013
Please share this video, far and wide! You are in the midst of a revolution. Modern Science is now beginning to confirm what Spirituality, Philosophy, Sages, Ancient teachings and psychedelics have been saying for millennia, that the entire Universe is One and that what we think of as "reality" is just an illusion.. And the only real thing in the Universe is Consciousness.

"If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet." ~ Niels Bohr
Nonprofits & Activism
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“People who have a religion should be glad, for not everyone has the gift of believing in heavenly things. You don't necessarily even have to be afraid of punishment after death; purgatory, hell, and heaven are things that a lot of people can't accept, but still a religion, it doesn't matter which, keeps a person on the right path. It isn't the fear of God but the upholding of one's own honor and conscience. How noble and good everyone could be if, every evening before falling asleep, they were to recall to their minds the events of the while day and consider exactly what has been good and bad. Then, without realizing it you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day; of course, you achieve quite a lot in the course of time. Anyone can do this, it costs nothing and is certainly very helpful. Whoever doesn't know it must learn and find by experience that: "A quiet conscience mades one strong!” ― Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4737 When Your Feelings Are Hurt , November 13, 2013

God said:
What if you accepted everything that came to you as what is supposed to come? What if you did not have to fight it? What if you did not have to push it away? Even when it was something you didn’t like, what if you didn’t have to make anything of it? What if you did not have to fume about it or ache about it? What if whatever happens happens, and that’s all there is to it? What if you do not have to berate anyone for what you didn’t want, not anyone including yourself?

This is what is meant by taking life as it comes. You simply don’t make a big to-do about it. You don’t have to go into it. It happened. You don’t have to defend yourself. You do not have to set someone else straight.

Whatever happens that you don’t like, what if you would consider it like rain? When you are caught in the rain, you keep going. You pull out an umbrella or you dash into a coffee shop. In any case, you don’t stop in your tracks and rail at the rain or try to figure out how it could rain or wonder what you did to bring the rain.

Perhaps you could consider what befalls as too bright sunshine in your eyes? In that case, you would slip on your sunglasses or perhaps cup your hand over your eyes or simply get out of the rays of the sun. You wouldn’t think less of the sun because it blinded you for a moment. You wouldn’t accuse the sun. You wouldn’t try to educate the sun.

Look, you would take the rain and the sun in your stride. They would not set you back. They would not stop you in your tracks.

And, yet, when someone says something that hurts your feelings, your whole focus seems to alight on your feelings and the unfairness of the person who said something that you take so much to your heart. Must their affront to you, intended or not intended, overtake your equanimity? Must a remark ruin your day? Must you keep thinking about it and thinking of what you should have said and what a nerve the offender had to say what he said and think what he thinks and why do you care so much?

By the same token, your day doesn’t have to be made because of great appreciation from someone, as if your life is as dependent upon accolades as it is upon reproaches.

What is the difference between someone who says something awful to you and your being taken over by the thought of how awful it is what they said and how they should not have?

Maybe the person who offends you didn’t mean to. Or, even if they did mean to, you’ve still got to let go of it. Maybe the people who offend you were offended by something you carelessly or innocently said or did. Take care of that which you can take care of, and then let it go. Maybe a simple “I’m sorry,” is enough, from you to another and from another to you.

Beloveds, such matters are not the point of your life. Your existence has to be for greater than what aggravates you.

People misunderstand. People mistake. And, dear ones, if your day is made or your day is broken because of what someone else says, then find a way to overcome your super-sensitivity. If you are to react to what every Tom, Dick, and Harry says, then you have to find a way not to be so affected.

People who offend you are not mosquitoes that you must slap. A mosquito does get under your skin, yet, even with a mosquito, you don’t let a mosquito bite occupy your thoughts for the rest of your day or the week or for years.

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, or to make a DONATION, click HERE

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

We perceive images of light, and we interpret, qualify, and judge what we perceive. This ongoing reflection in the mirror of our mind is what the Toltec call dreaming.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Afro Latinos' Mixed Identity Can Leave Them Out of the Mix

Afro Latinos' Mixed Identity Can Leave Them Out of the Mix


I say NO to the demands of the world.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


I give thanks for a brand new day, because it's another chance for me to make everything around me better. It looks like "June Gloom has come early this year, but that's pretty common.


Each time you discover and clear an old emotional injury you can welcome more light consciousness within your physical form. Each time some part of your body releases what it has been storing for you, it takes on new, revitalized life-promoting energy. Each time you use your imagination to defuse and dissolve old emotional memories you are allowing more of your true multidimensional gifts to come forward.

We also invite you to find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed and again, using your imagination, see or sense or imagine healing energy entering your physical body. Make this experience as real for yourself as possible. Allow the energy vibrations to fill you with life sustaining well-being. Imagine that this strengthens your energy body as well as your physical body. Make an agreement with self that you will offer this kind of conscious energy connection each day.

You can also use the power of color vibrations. Imagine your body filled with the color red; now invite any aspect of your physical body that needs this red vibration to absorb all that it might need and any aspect of your physical body that has too much red vibration to release it. Then allow the color red to dissipate and repeat the process using all the colors of your earthly rainbow. We invite you to incorporate this exercise into your practices of well-being.

You can simply imagine that you are drinking in the energy of the new dawn, allowing your body, your life, to be renewed in ways that are astonishing. Imagine that the vibrations of trees and all green and growing things can be taken in as energy nourishment. Imagine you can breathe in the energy of the night sky, the stars and the galaxies. Imagine allowing energy to flow into your pineal, heart and solar plexus chakras filling you with renewed life and expanded awareness strengthening your energy body as well as your physical body.

Do not underestimate the power of these processes. Remember that energy follows thought so when you focus your imagination on some aspect of your physical body and imagine beautiful energizing vibrations bathing the cells and tissues, it is occurring and is very beneficial. When this is practiced consistently you will begin to experience the results.

--Imagination to Clear Emotions by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

Cada vez que descubres y despejas una vieja herida emocional, puedes dar la bienvenida a más conciencia luminosa en tu forma física. Cada vez que alguna parte de tu cuerpo libera lo que ha estado guardando para ti, adquiere una nueva y revitalizada energía promovedora de vida. Cada vez que usas tu imaginación para neutralizar y disolver viejos recuerdos emocionales estás permitiendo que se presenten más de tus verdaderos dones multidimensionales.

También te invitamos a encontrar un lugar tranquilo donde no seas interrumpido y de nuevo, utilizando tu imaginación, ver, sentir o imaginar energía curativa entrando en tu cuerpo físico. Haz esta experiencia lo más real para ti que te sea posible. Permite que las vibraciones de energía te llenen de un bienestar mantenedor de vida. Imagina que esto fortalece tu cuerpo energético, así como tu cuerpo físico. Haz a un acuerdo contigo mismo de realizar este tipo de conexión energética consciente cada día.

También puedes usar el poder de las vibraciones de los colores. Imagina tu cuerpo lleno del color rojo; luego invita a cualquier parte de tu cuerpo físico que necesite esta vibración roja a que absorba todo lo que pueda necesitar, y a cualquier parte de tu cuerpo físico que tenga demasiada vibración roja que la libere. A continuación, permite que el color rojo se disipe y repite el proceso utilizando todos los colores del arco iris de tu Tierra. Te invitamos a incorporar este ejercicio en tus prácticas de bienestar.

Puedes simplemente imaginar que estás bebiendo en la energía del nuevo amanecer, permitiendo que tu cuerpo, tu vida, sean renovados en formas sorprendentes. Imagina que las vibraciones de los árboles y todas las cosas verdes que crecen se puede tomar como alimento energético. Imagínate que puedes respirar la energía del cielo nocturno, de las estrellas y las galaxias. Imagina energía fluyendo en tu glándula pineal, en el chakra del corazón y en el plexo solar; llenándote de vida renovada y conciencia expandida, fortaleciendo tu cuerpo energético, así como tu cuerpo físico.

No subestimes el poder de estos procesos. Recuerda que la energía sigue al pensamiento así que cuando centras tu imaginación en algún aspecto de tu cuerpo físico e imaginas que hermosas vibraciones energizantes bañan las células y tejidos, esto está ocurriendo y es muy beneficioso. Cuando esto se practica sistemáticamente comenzarás a experimentar los resultados.

- Imaginación para limpiar las emociones por Peggy Negro y el "equipo"

Now I haven't posted a video of "SHOTS OF AWE" in a while... but I saw this episode a couple of days ago, and I HAD to share it. Check it out:

Published on Jan 28, 2014
"Beauty is a dynamic event that occurs between you and something else. Beauty is thus an altered state of consciousness, an extraordinary moment of poetry and grace." -Imaginary Foundation

Join Jason Silva every week as he freestyles his way into the complex systems of society, technology and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science in a form of existential jazz. New episodes every Tuesday

Watch More Shots of Awe on TestTube

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TRANSFIXED BY BEAUTY... Yes, THAT'S the feeling I get, that's what happens to me EVERYTIME I hear this song:

Now, I told this story about how I first heard that song many times before on this blog, and I'll tell it many more times...
I was walking down Hollywood Blvd. Close to Highland station, when I heard a very beautiful sound. I turned around on my heels, ans I saw THIS WOMAN playing the sweetest music you ever heard.

Her voice was sweet, rich, textured. The song was poetry, original, from the heart. She was reserved, yet passionate at the same time. She was beautiful.

I remember standing there, stunned, literally stunned. It was like walking out from some dark, fetid storm drain and finding yourself in a sunlit meadow full of sweet grass. I had never dreamed that there was so much talent, so much beauty in this world.

I think it was in the last third part of her song that I fell in love... with the song.

And I became a big fan.

So big in fact, that I went home, TRACKED this woman down on facebook, You Tube, and Twitter, and took the 23 mile trip to Hollywood & Highland a few times a week, EVERY WEEK for about a month in the hope of hearing her play again.

HI Guys.

The name of the song is called "COLORES", and it was written and performed by an AMAZING Singer/Songwriter, DANNI EL.

Danni El is from Tampa, Florida.

Developing a style from her Peruvian roots, as well as her time spent in Brazil, Danni El shares her enriching and enchanting heart songs in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

In her own words: " I believe in the healing powers of music, and I try to always channel that vibration to share with everyone. My goal is to travel the world, and bring healing sounds to the children, and plant love seeds within them, because they are the future."

I post the above description about Danni all the time in my blogs, but that description doesn't really describe just exactly what a ABSOLUTE ANGEL she is.

If you are fortunate enough to get a chance to see her perform, I STRONGLY suggest you take it.

Anyway, when I hear COLORES, or any one of Danni's other songs, I remember that first time in Hollywood, and I'm back in that feeling, that state of rapture. I can only describe it, as being surrounded by beauty. And THAT'S WHY I close all my daily posts with this song.

If you want to know more about DANNI EL, check out her links in my sidebar, in the music section.

“Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.
” ― Markus Zusak, I Am the Messenger


And now, I'm going to break with tradition today. Since I already posted about COLORES, I'm gonna close this blog with another of Danni's songs. She usually ends her performances with this song, and while she's playing, I love to look around and check out the people's reactions when they first hear it.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Life, the force of transformation that creates and transforms the stars, is the same force that creates and transforms the atoms in our physical body.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Couple With 38-Year Age Gap Still Together After 13 Years Of Marriage

Couple With 38-Year Age Gap Still Together After 13 Years Of Marriage

The 5 Parts of Sex Porn Doesn't Prepare You For |

The 5 Parts of Sex Porn Doesn't Prepare You For |

8 Things Women Want That Most Men Take For Granted

8 Things Women Want That Most Men Take For Granted


I release the familiar that I may better discover my inspiring future.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie



I am truly thankful for the rain that we had yesterday, we really needed it. Although, I could have donw WITHOUT all those ants in my bedroom floor...

Well, TODAY IS SUNDAY, which means it's time for another SNDAY SCHOOL VIDEO, Where I post a video about ANY religious subject.

Published on Feb 17, 2014
Science tells us that universe came into being via The Big Bang. But how do you get from energy and matter to a self-aware human being? That takes three additional Big Bangs that science can't explain. Noted theologian, Frank Pastore, unravels this compelling mystery and, in the process, poses the ultimate question that every thinking person must face.

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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4736 The Vastness of Love in Bloom, November 12, 2013

God said:
If life is not all about your individual life, and it is not, what are you on Earth for then?

Beloveds, you are here to serve.

From the moment you were born, you served your parents as their child. You were born for more than yourself. You were born to give service from your heart.

At the beginning of your birth, your life included a small circle, and, as you grew, your circle grew. Or, perhaps I should say that your conscious awareness of how far you extended grew. Now you know that your Being and your thoughts encircle the whole Universe and beyond and make all the difference in the world.

Beloveds, you transcend yourself.

We could say that you are here on Earth for greater than your personal expansion. You are here as a gift for the world and for greater than the world. You are a gift on Earth for Me, beloveds, Certainly, you are here for the growth of yourself. Your heart grows. This means your heart grows to Greater Love until your heart loves without exception, and so you fulfill My plan for the world. You are to usher in Paradise. You make it possible. Your heart reunites all hearts through the love in your heart that thrums the beat of My love.

Admit, dear ones, admit that your perception of love has had its smallness, pettiness, stunted growth. I do not speak of your capacity. I speak of your usage, your practice and, most likely, your resistance to love, coming or going. I speak of the development of your heart, its progress, its outreach, its value to all of Heaven and Earth.

Do you know that love from your heart is to reach everyone? Everyone alive on Earth today as well as everyone who is no longer on Earth today in his costume.

There will come a time – believe it – when your heart will send out radiance of love, and that is all it will send out. Your heart will do that because you are here to grow in love. Although significant to you, what balance you have in your bank account is of no account. What does count is the love in your heart that you spend. How ornery can it be that you can spend money like water, and yet you stint on love? You conserve your love. Saving your love is a waste of time. It is nonsense. It is against the laws of nature to keep your love in reserve. It is folly. SPEND YOUR LOVE. Just let love rise until it reaches the heights. Let love be your Name as it is Mine. Why not love?

We do not speak of a show of love. We speak of True Simple Love that bubbles in your heart and must alight somewhere. We speak of when your heart bursts with love and the only consequence is that there is more love in your heart than you know what to do with, and so you love every creature, great and small. Love goes before you, and love follows you, and you are My instrument of love. No longer do you even resemble the accountant of love you sat yourself down to be.

You have observed many levels or layers of love, love with sugar and love with salt. What We are talking about now is pure love like a high note that a great opera singer reaches. The high note is simply there and wants to be sung. The high note has to go somewhere because love is about letting go, letting go of restrictions, letting go of withdrawal and about giving itself away. Of course, this is ironic for the more love you give, the more love that you have to give. You had it all backwards.

Who are you really? You are really love. Let go of your attachment to the past and to the future. Keep no records, and you will be the Vastness of love in bloom.

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, or to make a DONATION, click HERE

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

God, the supreme artist, uses our life for the creation of art. We are the instruments through which the force of life expresses itself.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Saturday, March 1, 2014


I open to inspiration.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie



I am truly thankful for the rain that we had yesterday, AND all the OT at work I did yesterday... Well, TODAY IS SATURDAY, which means it's time for another amazing episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott.

Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Published on Feb 22, 2014
Ask Teal Website -

You came to this life as an extension and expression of source consciousness in the physical dimension. Because of this, it could easily be said that you are a creation or an art piece of God's. But as an extension of god, you are god. So, you are both the creator and the created. And neither creator nor creation is meant to be suppressed. When you live in a state of openness, you are allowing the art piece of you, to be painted across this world. You are not restricting yourself. You are also not restricting Source itself. Because of this, it is by far the more "in alignment" way to be. And it can easily be said that walking the spiritual path, is walking the path of complete openness. We have a choice at all moments of the day; the choice is to be open or to be closed. This is why one of the most beneficial exercises you can do is to ask yourself throughout the day "how am I being closed right now? How am I constricting myself or letting myself be constricted?" and make the necessary changes in favor of openness based on the answer you receive. A state of openness is the real state of freedom. Everything we do is a creative expression of our inner selves. To be constricted in any way, is to prevent the energy of our being from flowing through our bodies and into our lives. If we are committed to the spiritual path, we must commit ourselves to the state of openness. Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission Category People & Blogs License Standard YouTube License

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4735 The Bell Ringer of Enlightenment, November 11, 2013

God said:
You are like the good soil that waits to be tilled. You await for Me or someone to make you all that you already are.

You are like a blossom on an apple tree. The blossom doesn’t wait for anyone or anything to open its blossoms. It unfurls its blossoms when the time comes.

Your time is coming. Your blossoming is on the horizon. Wait no longer. Wear the hat that is yours to wear.

Everything is ready, and only your looking up is waited for. You wait when you are already the inceptor of the wonderment that you are. The whole Universe waits for you, and you are waiting for your blossoming to arise. You are waiting for yourself. You yourself are the button you are to push. You are the initiator of your own enlightenment. You wait for Me to come in and set you off. I also wait for the signal from you.

You are like the orchestra conductor who is to give the signal. You are the One the whole Universe is waiting for.

Would you have Me and the Universe wait for you? Why the delay? When are you going to claim your birthright? You are the dawning sun, and you are to arise to the full sunshine of your God-given light. You are the director of your story. You are the inceptor of your enlightenment. Turn on the lights!

The name of your movie isn’t Waiting for Enlightenment. The name of your movie is more like: Ringing the Bell of Enlightenment. You are the one to ring the bell. You are the Bell Ringer of Your Own Enlightenment, and yet you wait for a signal when you are the one to signal that your light has come. You are the fulfiller of your own dreams.

It is true that sometimes I come in and shake the bell for you and yet how wonderful when you stay My hand and say:

“God, My Father, My Mother, let me serve You. May I anticipate every act of Yours and serve You. You have served me so much, I want to serve You. My heart is full and wishes to express itself. Of course, I want to serve You.

“What would mean as much to You, God, as my ringing the bell of my own enlightenment? Of course, I recognize that enlightenment isn’t something that belongs to me. It belongs to You. Surely, I can help you out. I can anticipate Your wishes. I can appear and serve You a glass of water before You tell me. I can take a hint. I can take initiative. I can anticipate Your requests. Right now You request that I open my eyes and see myself in the light that You do. What does it take for me to become self-realized but to realize my Self? You are my Self waiting in the wings of this theater.

“You want me to step right up and claim my award.

“God, You are my award, only I have to stride across the stage and accept the award You have long held for me.

“Certainly, I can go right up to You and accept the award You have long desired me to have.

“It is Your happiness that I claim Your Light so that I can serve You with greater strength and greater Light. Above all, my desire is to serve You. May I return to You some of the favor You have given to me and filled me with.

“I shine in your bright light. This is enlightenment. I accept the light You have given me. I accept gladly the gifts You gave to me from the moment I was conceived. You are my Creator, and I accept the Badge of Honor You placed in my heart so long ago. You already anointed me, dear God. I am Your Anointed, and, in Your name, I accept.”

Permanent Link:

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

We are no longer free because the Judge, the Victim, and the belief system don't allow us to be who we truly are.
~don Miguel Ruiz