Tuesday, September 9, 2014



I want to talk about a VERY serious subject.

Now before I start, let me say that I am very much against violence against women. Look, domestic violence is not something that blurs between right and wrong. It's WRONG, plain and simple. It's wrong today, it was wrong 100 years ago, it will be wrong 100 years from now, and will always be wrong. It doesn’t change as society does. It's one of those things like murder, theft, and extortion that is always wrong.


And as I said before on this blog, "THIS SHIT'S GOTTA GO."

Now, having said that, let's get right into this.

We all know about the situation with Ray rice:

It's ALL OVER the news, My co-workers and I was talking about it over lunch today, and even our president Barack Obama HAD SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT IT.

There are many opinions about what's going on with Ray Rice, and here, I'm gonna post 2 of them.
On this first video, MICHAEL WARBUX tells us his opinion:

On this second video, we have TOMMY SOTOMAYOR, who has a somewhat different opinion about this situation:

...and he's made a couple of follow up videos to this one:

Bad Actor @SethRogen Goes Off On Ray Rice And Then Gets Ethered By @TjSotomayor

President @BarackObama Gives His Opinion On Ray Rice But Shouldnt He Just STFU About It?

...And here's a follow up to tommy's video by Camilo of WASTED TUITION:

Well, you saw their opinions, so what's MY opinion?

Well, I'm not gonna talk about how whatever problem they had that led to this was probably worked out, (after all, she did MARRY him after this incident), nor am I gonna argue about how Mr. Rice totally confessed what he did, and WAS ALREADY PUNISHED BY THE NFL, or how he owned up to his mistakes, was doing counseling, was doing everything that was asked of him, etc... And I'm certainly NOT gonna bring up the fact that domestic violence in the NFL is nothing new and other NFL players WERE ARRESTED FOR DECADES FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASES AS BAD OR WORSE THAN THE RAY RICE INCIDENT... or how his wife (You know, the VICTIM) had DEFENDED HIM AND CRITICIZED THE MEDIA over their coverage of this... No, I'm not gonna do any of that.

What I AM GONNA DO, is ask all of you out there in cyberspace this simple question:

If it was RAY RICE who got knocked the fuck out in that elevator by his fiance, who by the way, is now his WIFE, Would ANY of you be so OFFENDED and OUTRAGED that you would be DEMANDING THAT HER LIVELIHOOD BE TAKEN AWAY BECAUSE OF IT?

Seriously, WOULD YOU?

The reason I ask this question is well... watch this: (I had another video up before, but I replaced that video with this one)

I don't know when, but I will blog more about this subject in the near future.

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