ISIS Jihadists Tries To Capture Young Christian Girl, She Takes Out A Machine Gun And Slaughters Five Of Them. There Is Now A Major Christian Militia With American, Australian, And British Christians All Working Together To Destroy ISIS - Walid Shoebat:
'via Blog this'
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Saturday, February 21, 2015
I found this posted on a Facebook page a week or so ago, and I thought I'd post it here...
What do you want?, by John P Painter. What Do you Want? There are many who say they are martial artists, what does that mean? When it comes to the Chinese martial arts there are many reasons people train in them. Some train for health, some for tournament glory and some but by no means the most train to be able to defend themselves in a real attack. In my discipline which is Baguazhang this is also true. Reading stories about old masters who were said to have amazing skills of self-preservation and who could defeat a host of enemies is a single encounter are rampant. But, what does it really take to develop that type of skill or is it even possible?
Baguazhang is called an internal Chinese martial art and if one believes the legends it was created to do combat with from one to five or more assailants in close quarters, yet today people hear these legends and yet they are pulled more towards the smooth, fluid, slow meditative actions that provide a feeling of calm and peace and next they are pulled towards the fast esthetically pleasing and theatrical forms called circle walking that can provide some aerobic training and a feeling of being a character in some historical Chinese film. This is enough for some people, however these same people often think they are training in combative methods that may save their lives in a real assault, this would be laughable if it were not such a sad and dangerous idea. When we look at people who spend their lives in the service of protecting others or who make their living in a ring or even who fight to survive in the streets what you will find is not someone who wants to look “cool” or “pretty” or even win a trophy. What you will find is someone who is totally dedicated to learning to use whatever method they have chosen to be the best they can be and this cannot be developed by casual once weekly practice or even training for an hour or so a day.
What these individuals, like the masters of old have come to understand is that they have to have the capacity to do violent things to be hurt and be hurt and to train hard long hours on a daily basis to reach the level of proficiency that is attributed to the legendary masters. Martial arts that developed in China were about teaching people who were emotionally capable of doing others harm to survive and teaching them more efficient ways of doing just that. In other words these “internal” arts like Baguazhang and Taijiquan and Xingyiquan were arts devised by tough men for tough times. They were arts for people who had to do combat to stay alive, not sports, not health exercises, not for the acquisition of golden accolades in controlled environments. Real combat is dangerous, gritty, dehumanizing and violent.
Today’s martial practitioners and teachers with the exception of a very few are not willing to train that hard, take that many bumps and bruises by testing their skills in a barroom, alley or street, but prefer instead to do some light sparring and safe practice in their schools. Nothing is wrong with doing the latter, however it often engenders a false feeling of confidence leaning in the direction of martial fantasies fueled by watching too many chop sockey Gong Fu films.
On the other hand there is nothing at all wrong with practicing any art for your own goals. If the student wants health, longevity or tournament accolades there is no harm in striving for such abilities as long as the student keeps a firm grip on reality and does not think that shooting targets on the range is the same as being shot at and shooting people in an actual combat zone. What the practitioner attracted to one of these arts would be wise to do is decide just exactly what he or she wants out of the art and then choose how far he or she is willing to go to attain those goals. Living in a fantasy world is fine for the arm chair athlete, tournament jock and casual player on the other hand it will get one made dead very quickly when it comes to actual violent encounters.
My views are my own.
Just something to think about…
Enjoy this inspirational Video...Gotta go train now.
Post by Josiah Mizukami.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Friday, February 13, 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
I Create Today As a Celebration of My Life.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
God is Shaking a Tree of Silver Apples
God said:
You have one surprise after another arriving at your door. Of course, I am speaking of surprises that delight. This is the trend visiting upon you, beloveds. You will see how easy life is and how it blesses you. I am shaking a tree of silver apples for you. You are going to be inundated with snowballs of delight. You will anticipate surprises, yet you will not know what the surprises are until they appear. You don’t have to know ahead of time. It is enough – it is plenty – to simply receive the surprises. Surprises are upon you. One surprise after another is flowing toward you. You are the recipient of many unexpected blessings. They are aimed right at you. The surprises have your name on them. Get ready.
The biggest surprise of all that you will have is yourself, for you will advance to new heights. You will fly high in the domain of more and more joy. You will be joyful, yes. You will expand in joy. Your growth will be amazing. You will never tire of your new joy. You will not have to have contrast in order to value all that you will be given. This is the time for an avalanche of joy, and it is on its way to you. Are you ready?
~ HeavenLetters (TM) to sign up to HeavenLetters in different languages please click here.
Spanish Translation
Dios está Sacudiendo un Árbol de Manzanas Plateadas
Dios dijo:
Tienes una sorpresa tras de otra llegando a tu puerta. Desde ya, estoy hablando de sorpresas que deleitan. Esta es la nueva tendencia sobre ustedes, amados. Verán que fácil es la vida y como los bendice. Estoy sacudiendo un árbol de manzanas plateadas para ustedes. Serán inundados por bolas de nieve de deleite. Anticiparán las sorpresas, no obstante no sabrán de que se tratan hasta que aparezcan. No deben saber con anticipación. Es suficiente - es mucho - simplemente recibir las sorpresas. Las sorpresas están sobre ti. Una sorpresa tras otra fluyen hacia ti. Eres el recipiente de muchas sorpresas inesperadas. Están destinadas a ti. Tienen tu nombre. Debes estar listo. La sorpresa más grande que tendrás es a ti mismo, ya que avanzarás a nuevas alturas. Volarás alto en el dominio de más y más alegría. Serás alegre, si. Te expandirás en alegría. Tu crecimiento será asombroso. Nunca te cansarás de tu nueva alegría. No tendrás que tener el contraste para poder valorar todo lo que te será dado. Este es el momento para la avalancha de alegría, y está en camino hacia ti. Estás listo?
~ Dios está Sacudiendo un Árbol de Manzanas Plateadas - por HeavenLetters (TM)
French Translation
Dieu Secoue un Arbre de Pommes d'Argent
Dieu a dit:
Vous recevez une surprise l'une après l'autre. Bien entendu, Je parle de surprises qui font plaisir. C'est cette tendance qui vient vers vous, Mes bien-aimés. Vous verrez comment la vie est facile et comment elle vous bénit. Je vous secoue un arbre de pommes d'argent. Vous allez être submergés par des boules de neige de délices. Vous anticiperez les surprises, mais vous ne les connaîtrez pas avant qu'elles apparaissent. Vous n'avez pas à le savoir en avançe. Il suffit - pleinement- de recevoir les surprises. Les surprises sont sur vous. Une surprise après l'autre coule vers vous. Vous êtes le récipient de nombreuses bénédictions inattendues. Elles vous sont particulièrement destinées. Elles portent votre nom. Soyez prêts.
Ces surprises peuvent être ou pas matérielles, mais est-ce que cela vous importe-t-il? Les surprises pouvant être la rencontre avec d'autres âmes qui remplissent votre cœur. Les surprises pouvant être des opportunités qui vous sont offertes de bénir d'autres personnes et vous le ferez sans hésitation aucune. Peut-être que la lune jonglera avec les étoiles et les étoiles sauteront dans votre cœur et le rempliront jusqu'à déborder et ne vous quitteront plus.
La plus grosse surprise de toute que vous rencontrerez, c'est vous-mêmes, car vous avancerez vers de nouvelles hauteurs. Vous vous envolerez vers un domaine de joie de plus en plus grande. Vous serez joyeux, oui. Vous vous accroîtrez dans la joie. Votre croissance sera amusante. Vous ne vous fatigerez pas de votre nouvelle joie. Vous n'aurez pas besoin d'avoir de contraste pour évaluer ce qu'il vous sera donné. Êtes-vous prêts?
"Dieu Secoue un Arbre de Pommes d'Argent" - par Heavenletters (TM)
Pour découvrir plus de textes en français:
Now, since I don't do much during the week, when I'm at home, I usually go on Facebook or YouTube and watch a shitload of videos.
Check this one out. How far would you go for your best friend?
Published on Mar 12, 2013 A phone call in the middle of the night: your best friend is in trouble. Would you go out and help him? Carlsberg tests some friendships. What would your friends do? Are they true mates? Do the test here: That calls for a Carlsberg!
Standard YouTube License
Now, I wish I was as good a friend as those people, but to all my friends reading this, let me tell you right now:
If anyone of you calls me up in the middle of the night, begging me to save your ass, forget it. I'm sorry, but you're on your own, motherfucker.
Now, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
How much energy do you spend trying to resist change or transformation? To resist transformation is to spend energy fighting against the current instead of flowing with it.
~don Miguel Ruiz
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
I honor everyone and honor all points-of-view.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
Some of you out there may be wondering why I don't post about things that happen in my life during the week. Well, that's because not much happens in my life during the week... lately, it's just been work, work, work. ------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #5088 You are Made of God’s Light, October 30, 2014
God said:
From your perspective, it is hard or even impossible to accept that you and I are One. Anyone can see so many variants between Us. You see that I know Everything. And when you are frank with yourself, you admit that you know Nothing. So, then, how can We be One and the Same and be so far apart? Helpless, hapless you and All-Knowing All-Powerful God?
To your mind, if you could take photos of Me and develop or download them, you can’t imagine a semblance. And beyond the surface levels, you also see a great leap between My capabilities and yours. It is too much to fathom. What other way can you take this far-flung idea but with a grain of salt?
That’s the whole thing, dear ones, if you could but know Who you are. If you could but fit that idea into your mind, well, how happy you would be. At this point, even if you didn’t know Everything, you would be grateful to know Anything that can stand up in this world and make sense to you.
So, then, am I saying that your powerfulness is hidden from you? Yes, I do say that. I’m well aware that you see yourself as a smidgeon next to Me.
You can readily perceive that you are a branch of Me or perhaps a twig of Me. You live a life for Me on Earth. You live through Me, and I also live through you. You weave tales of life and hold Me responsible for how your life turns out. Let’s be honest. Sometimes you see Me as the bad guy and sometimes as the good guy. What you make of life and what you make of Me is of your making. It is your story.
You see Me as the Maker of You, most everyone does. You can even accept in theory, perhaps, that you and I are One, or eventually We are One, someday We will be One, and that you will rise to such heights that you can truly say that you and I are One Indivisible. Right now it’s plain to say that mostly you see Us as well-split divisible! It is not even that you necessarily contradict Me. You just can’t swallow it all.
Nor do you desire to go around saying: “Look at me! Great God, I’m God.” Well, dears, once in while you do put ego aside and accept the role of Nobody, and that’s not so far away from Truth.
Of course, you understand that you are Soul, Being, Transcendent. You accept that you are God Being albeit somewhere down the line, yet you cannot in all honesty call yourself even a semblance of God. God is not vulnerable. As soon as you are a human being in a body, you are vulnerable and, alas, incomplete in every way you know. You simply don’t know how to stand up next to Me even as I ask you to.
I am a Creator of Miracles, and you, too, do create miracles in your life. You are so good at creating miracles that you may even desire one thing and create the opposite. You are also a miracle that I, God, created in My Image. That which God creates houses God regardless of what the image looks like, seems like, feels like, even as you know that God is not form. Your form is not you. It is irrelevant of you. I am all relevance.
My Image is Light. You are made of God’s Light. This is the essence of you.
If this is too incomprehensible to you, then let it be. You don’t have to believe something when you are it anyway. And you don’t have to say you fathom a Truth when you do not yet fathom it. There is a difference between fathoming and Being.
Let’s forgo fathoming then, and just love as One.
Permanent Link:
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
So, all of you out there might be wondering why I don't celebrate black history month on my blog, since I AM a black man. Well, first of all, What is black history month?
Well, I found this short video on You Tube which sheds a little light on that question...
Now, as to why I don't celebrate black history month, well that's because I consider black history month to be for OTHER RACES to celebrate, and learn about who we are as a people.
Me, and the black people that I know, we celebrate ALL YEAR LONG.
that means, you're gonna see documentaries, videos, articles etc. about black history and culture ALL YEAR, and NOT just in some special little month.
Now, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
Detachment is so powerful because when we learn to detach, we respect the forces of nature, which means we also respect the changes in our life.
~don Miguel Ruiz
Monday, February 9, 2015
Today is my day to paint life in bold colors.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
It's time. Time for me to tell y'all about another amazing weekend I had!
After my morning capoeira class at the AGAPE Center in Culver City, (Thanks again Ian, class was great!) I went directly to the city of Cypress in the OC for COLOUR MY ENERGY.
Here's some pictures I took of my journey over there:
I'll tell you about the event in a minute, but first, I wanna give a shout out to this wonderful lady.
Her name is Denise Estrada, and she gave me a couple of Acupuncture treatments that cured me of some pain I've been having for a long time in my right knee, and in my lower back (Well, the pain in my back did come back after a day and a half, but she DID say that it would take a few treatments to eradicate that pain) Anyway, thank you so much Denise, and I'm looking forward to looking you up and maybe get some more treatments in the future.
If you want to know more about Denise and what she does, Here's her card:
Now, back to COLOUR MY ENERGY...
Now, a description of this event would not be complete without my friends Jackie
And Michael
Getting to see them again is one of the main reasons I come back every month. Below are some pictures of an impromptu origami class Jackie taught between performances...
She ws teaching us how to make hearts. The one below is the one I made.
Here below, are pictures I took of most of the performers. I'm sorry I didn't get you all, but I promise I'll try to get all of you next month.
Hopefully, with a better camera.
Now I HATE the fact that I always have to leave before the party really gets going, but here's a video of what usually goes on at COLOUR MY ENERGY...
And here's some photos I took of my long, journey home.
Once again, I thank Chellina "lightcoach" Myers, and Peace Hutchinson for creating this wonderful event where artists from all walks of life can come together, and show their craft.
You two are truly an inspiration.
Well, that was my Saturday. I'll tell you about my Sunday, after this message from HUMANITY'S TEAM.
What is the most burning desire in your life right now? What would you love to accomplish or acquire? As soon as you gain complete clarity on this, then the universe will move things forward to make it ppen. Until you have clarity and are committed to achieving your true purpose in life there will continue to be challenges and drifting within your life.
How do you discover this burning desire? If you haven’t already discovered it, most likely it is because you have been looking outside yourself. Instead, look deeply into your heart. Be willing to be with and not judge the scary and undesirable things you may still find there. Instead, simply feel the love the heart holds. Feel its connection with the wisdom of the universe. As you deeply connect with your heart listen for the voices that urge you in the direction of your purpose. You will know when the pure essence of your being becomes clear. Trust your heart and commit to moving forward in the direction it encourages you to pursue.
--Ted MurrayP.S. Be sure to check out the exciting conference calls coming up in the next few weeks here:
French Translation
Quel est actuellement votre désir le plus vif? Qu’est-ce que vous aimeriez accomplir ou acquérir? Dès que vous aurez une idée absolument claire sur ce sujet, l’univers mettra en place ce qui est nécessaire à sa réalisation. Bien que vous soyez clair et déterminé à accomplir votre mission de vie, des difficultés et des dérives continueront à se présenter dans votre vie.
Comment découvrir ce désir ardent? Si vous ne l’avez pas encore découvert, c’est probablement parce que vous regardez à l’extérieur de vous-même. Sondez plutôt votre cœur. Soyez prêt à voir et ne jugez pas ce que vous pourriez y trouver d’effrayant ou d’indésirable. Ressentez plutôt simplement l’amour que recèle votre cœur.
Percevez sa connexion avec la sagesse de l’univers. Tout en connectant profondément avec votre cœur, écoutez les voix qui vous poussent dans la direction de votre mission de vie. Vous saurez quand l’essence pure de votre être deviendra claire. Faites confiance à votre cœur et engagez-vous à avancer dans la direction qu’il vous encourage à prendre.
Pour découvrir plus de textes en français:
Now for my Sunday. First of all, let me ask you guys a question.
That's right y'all, Charles is back in business, and was teaching capoeira. It was just me & him this time, but I'm sure there'll be more people there next week.
he was taught me a lesson on howto play a berimbau. I think I got the ANGOLA Rhythm down...
But getting it down, AND singing at the same time? That's gonna have to take a little more work.
Of course, after the music lession, there were lessons in Capoeira Angola movement. If you want to know more about what he taught, then scroll down to the end of this blog, read the info, and come to class.
Here's Charles at a demonstration & class we did at Macarthur Park near Downtown L.A.
Anyway, after class, I went down to little Tokyo to my new favorite sushi restaurant, THE FRYING FISH, which has become my favorite sushi restaurant.
Yes, it was a perfect way to end a beautiful Sunday.
Well, that was my weekend. Let's see what life has in store for me this week.
Oh, I forgot. At COLOUR MY ENERGY, Jackie made these little paper hearts with these little messages, and gave them out to us.
Here's what mine said:
See you next month, Jackie.
Now, I'm gonna end this blog with my teacher playing some capoeira on the mountain, with the most beautiful song in the whole, entire world, playing in the background.
If any of you out there are interested in learning Capoeira, Mr williams teaches at THE AGAPE CENTER @ 5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City, CA 90230 on Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30, and on Sundays, he teaches at Griffith Park, across the street from the golf course, near the Greek Theatre, on Vermont Canyon Road going up towards the Observatory.
Come join us!
If we are not attached to our beliefs and a better concept comes to us, we can let go of the old concept, adopt the new concept, and improve our life much faster.
~don Miguel Ruiz
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