Sunday, May 3, 2015


Hi Guys,


He is the founder and Grandmaster of an amazing martial art called PENCAK SILAT PUKULAN CIMANDE PUSAKA SANDERS (PCPS for short). It is a modern form of Pencak Silat which ia a variation of an old style of Pencak Silat named CIMANDE.

PCPS Silat is a martial art that works in all ranges. It includes fighting while in a grounded position, grappling, fighting multiple opponents, the use of several unique edged and impact weapons, unique animal styles, and a whole system of meditation and metaphysical development which includes internal energy development exercises, and many spiritual techniques designed to draw the four elements (water, earth, fire, air) into the body for various combative and spiritual purposes. Here is Guru Peterson Menezes demonstrating some aspects of this art.

Now there aren't many students of PCPS Pencak Silat compared to other silat systems, but there are students of this art around the world:

Pendekar William Sanders began his training in the Indonesian martial arts in 1972 from GURU JOHN MALTER, a top student of one of, if not THE first authenic Indonesian martial art teachers to teach in America, Guru Willy Wetzel.

After studying for many years with Guru Malterer, Pendekar Sanders began a quest to find and study with many top instructors in Pencak Silat, especially Cimande. This eventually led to a student, teacher, and friendship with Pendekar SURYADI "EDDIE" JAFRI, the then official representative to the USA from the Indonesian Martial Art Association(I.P.S.I)

Pendekar Jafri eventually invited Pendekar Sanders to Indonesia to have his art refined, and study with the best available physical and spiritual teachers of silat in the villages of West Java. Here, Pendekar Sanders art and skill were tested, examined, and refined to the ultimate recognition, an appointment by the highly respected PERSATUAN PENDEKAR PERSILATEN SENI BUDAYA BANTEN INDONESIA, as Pendekar.

Since he has recieved the title of Pendekar, he has been continuously developing, researching, and refining his art.

And He's never stopped being a student, learning Italian knife fighting from DON VITO QUATTROCCHI, as well as traditional IRISH STICK FIGHTING.

Today is Pendekar Sanders' Birthday. I know that all of us who are his students feel the same way I do. However, I have a blog to express myself with.


Happy Birthday Pendekar Sanders! I hope you have the best birthday ever, and wish you Health, Happiness, and many more birthdays to come!!!

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