Wednesday, August 15, 2012

MARTIAL ARTS I WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT: Amengan Gerak Gulung Budi Daya ti Padjajaran

Many months ago, I wrote about an old style of Pencak Silat named CIMANDE. In that post, I wrote that Cimande is one of the oldest forms of Pencak Silat practiced today.

Well, the 2 videos below are an introduction to a much older Pencak Silat school. It's name is Amengan Gerak Gulung Budi Daya ti Padjadjaran. historically, this style is a soft version of a much older style called Gulung Maung. Some researchers believe that Gulung Maung is the ancient source of SUNDANESE SILAT. This is, according to notes that have been taken, centuries older than the 18th-19th century Cimande style of silat, created by Embah Kahir. Gulung Maung was transformed by Eyang H. Abdullah (1800-1916) to become humanized and softer than Gulung Maung, which was said to be a very fierce and brutal style.

I hope you enjoy the videos.

1 comment:

  1. You are very welcome

    I can lead you to meet with Rakawira (called for a master)
    Just drop me a message at my blog ( when you come to indonesia

