Wednesday, November 21, 2012


The Martial Arts world suddenly grew a lot smaller today when Ronald Duncan, father of American Ninjitsu, passed away quietly, on 11/19/12.


  1. Devastating news when I heard this. My Father was a student of Professor Duncan's, in fact, he is in this video sticking arrows in the ground. I had many great conversations with Sensei over the years. Profound loss.

    Marcus Moody

  2. I was a student of one of his students who also passed away, and I meet Professor Duncan. We talked about different things, he shared his thoughts on modern martial arts and the things he himself went through to be where he is, and this of course after he put me through the paces of what I should already know, and corrected me when needed. All in all a good session. I do treasure the time I had with both masters and they are both missed... R. I. P.
