Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I am unique in all time and space.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


The end point of clearing limiting beliefs and thought forms is the realization that you are the Living Mystery. You are the union of matter and light. And by your very nature, you are a Bridge Between the Worlds and thus have access to all the treasures of all the realms.

--The Transformation of Self-limiting Thought Forms and Beliefs by The Hathor’s through Tom Kenyon

If those of you out there read my posts, then you'll notice that I almost always end my posts with a quote from ~don Miguel Ruiz. In case you were wondering who he is, Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz is a Mexican author of New Age spiritualist and neoshamanistic texts.

I was introduced to his writings when I bought His most famous and influential work, The Four Agreements, which was published in 1997 and has sold millions of copies. It was featured on the Oprah, and advocates personal freedom from agreements and beliefs that we have made with ourselves and others that are creating limitation and unhappiness in our lives. Ultimately, it is about finding one's own integrity, self-love, and peace by way of absolving oneself from responsibility for the woes of others. The Four Agreements are listed in the photo below:

Now if you couldn't read the photo, just click HERE.

Now I must say, those are powerful agreements to learn to take into your heart, and I noticed that when I started incorporating them into my daily life, there have been many positive changes in my attitude and how I relate to people.

The video below was a Live Webcast with don Miguel Ruiz and HeatherAsh Amara, made on January 16, 2011. It talks about incorporating the 4 agreements into your daily life.

The article below is an article called The Power of Doubt, written by Don Miguel Ruiz. We are happy to share this wonderful article that was featured on OWN and The Huffington Post. To go to the article, click on the words below:

'Four Agreements' Author Don Miguel Ruiz Reveals How Doubt Can Lead To Happiness

O.K., I would like to end this post with my most favorite song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


We are so blind, we really are, and we pay for that. But if we open our eyes and see life as it is, we can avoid a lot of emotional pain.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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