I say NO to the demands of the world.
I say YES to the longings of my own heart.
There is nothing I ever need to have.
There is nothing I ever need to do.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
Really You There is the you that the rest of the world sees. And then there is the you that is really, truly you.
Sometimes you can become so very concerned about your image, and about what others think. And that beautiful person, the real person inside, gets smothered under it all.
There’s much more to you than what people see. And if you pay attention, you can feel that person inside you yearning to truly live.
The you that is really you is not there to cause pain, but to experience fulfillment and joy. The pain in fact comes mostly from keeping the real joy hidden away.
Outer success may appear to require that you keep the real you repressed and forgotten. Yet anything that is gained by denying who you truly are, is empty, meaningless and not worth the effort.
Real success comes when what is on the outside finds strength and substance from what is on the inside. Life has true meaning when what you do is based on who you know you really are.
--Ralph Marston
Well, TODAY IS SATURDAY, which means it's time for another amazing episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott.
Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website: www.thespiritualcatalyst.com
Published on Oct 26, 2013
Ask Teal Website - http://www.askteal.com
The idea of incest sends shivers up our spine, so it is understandable how so many of us would rather deny that sexual feelings exist between parents and children. But the truth is, though not every one is effected by it to the same degree, the Oedipus complex is alive and well within all of us. And until we recognize its patterns, and accept them, we are doomed to neurotically repeat the same pattern in all of our relationships that we originally had with our parents. In this episode, Teal explains Oedipus complex as well as how to release yourself from it's clutches. Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission http://www.sacreddream.com
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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4671 The Seeming Each Other, September 8, 2013
God said:
Come to Me now in your dreams. What do I mean by this? I mean, “Come to Me.” And if you think you can only come to Me in your dreams, then come to Me in your dreams. Have a dream about Me, a reverie, a daydream, and, when you awake, you will know it is true.
How do you come to Me? Consider you are a snowman, and the Sun comes out, and you start melting. This melting is joyful. Stiffness, tension, rigor are gone and forgotten. Freedom is known. All the old melts away, and you are left anew, your True Self alone. No longer do you think you need to brace yourself against you know not what.
Instead of bracing yourself, We embrace. O beloved, we melt into each other. There is no apart. We are One. There is no separation between Us. There is no thought of Us, or We, just I. And then, who is there to care about anything at all. When I am everything, what is there to care about or worry over or strain about? Everything melts into love, and love I AM. The supposed you and the supposed I are love, and in love, there is no separation. We enjoin in what may be called Togetherness as all there is is Oneness, and One Alone.
Yet One Alone is not at all another name for Aloneness or Loneliness or anything of the sort. I am the company you keep, and you are love, not holding on to love, but giving it and giving it happily and freely until the whole Universe is love, and All Is Love and nothing but Love, Love surrounded by Itself, Love on the Rise, Love filling all Hearts. There is only One Heart, and it beats to the tune of Love, and so Love is wrapped up in the seeming you Who art your Father in Heaven.
Where could I be but in Heaven? And where can that estranged one you have considered yourself to be -- where else can you be but with Me in Heaven?
You had a strange dream from which you are awakening, and awake I AM and awake are you. The past you is waking up to the fact that I AM you, and you are I. We are not divided or sub-divided or added onto or subtracted from or multiplied, for Love is sufficient unto Itself, and I am Love incarnate and so are you as AM I.
We are not even one Strand of Love. I mean I. I AM Love. There are no threads of Me or strands of Me. I stand Wholly in My Light, and so I AM Holy. You are the Holiness that I AM. One heart beats, and there is One Holiness, and No One to say otherwise. No One to even count. No One to look. Only One to look within. And what is within? I AM within. How happy am I without all the fractured stuff around Me.
I AM. I AM Existence, and the imagined you is also My Existence. I exist in you, and yet I AM the Whole of Existence. You, the spitting image of Me, are the Holiness of MySelf. There is no other. All are reflections of the One Light in Universe.
The Sun and the Moon bounce off Me. The stars are My Light brightening the night, only seemingly hidden during the day.
We return to the seeming Each Other from which We came. That from which We came, rather from which I came and fathered you, well, here I am and here I am encapsulated as you. How happy I AM, and how happy AM I to be the seeming you looking at myself and adoring, adoring, adoring the Lighted Hearts and Souls Who sprouted from Me and Who now know Who I AM as they, you, once upon a time, you, experience the Height of Existence, and now, at last, know Truth, proclaim it, and live it. You – I keep saying you – remember Me in the full sense, in the full sense of knowing Me as I know Myself, and knowing the reminiscent you as Myself. One alone is. I AM. Say it too. Say, “I AM.”
Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/the-seeming-each-other.html
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
Last thursday night, I went out to L.A. to go to a concert to listen to BELLA SOL. They played some songs from their amazing album, and towards the end of their performance, they did this great spontaneous jam session! I gotta say it was worth the almost 2 hours it took to get out there and back.
Once again, I really enjoyed taking a "walk into them" last Thursday, they really made my week! I will be posting about their future performances, because I know that if and when you guys come out to one of their performances, you will totally enjoy the ride!
Anyway, be sure to "like" their Facebook Page BELLA SOL, and while you're at it, buy their album:

Here's just a small taste of what they can do:
If you want to place an order, you can message them at their FaceBook page.
And they also have music on iTunes.
And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
Always do your best.
~don Miguel Ruiz
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