Thursday, October 24, 2013


I Honor Diversity.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Love asks nothing and receives everything.

--Danna Beal

O.K., I'll just this amazing video speak for itself...

Published on Dec 29, 2012 The "Landfill Harmonic" (Landfill harmonic - La armonía del vertedero - Orquesta de Instrumentos Reciclados de Cateura) An orchestra for kids with instruments made from trash? A cello made from an oil can and pieces of wood, that were thrown in the garbage; a saxophone made of spoons and buttons. These instruments are crafted by Nicolas, a 'recycler' with no previous experience making musical instruments, who is living 'hand-to-mouth' by the garbage dump in Catuera, Paraguay. Inspired by this initiative and creativity, Maestro Luis Szaran, director of "Sounds of the Earth," formed the 'recycled orchestra,' with children living near the dump. "Our main goal isn't to form good musicians, but to form good citizens." Now 30 members strong, (and looking for more, for a full orchestra) listen to the sweet sounds of these 'recycled' instruments and the hopes and dreams of the children who play them. ... Be Amazed and Inspired! Landfill Harmonic's YouTube Channel:

The "Creative Visions Foundation" inspires and supports creative activists -- individuals who use media and the arts to raise awareness of critical issues around the globe and ignite positive change. CVF provides tools, mentorship, resources and an linked community to help our activists harness the power of media, arts and technology to solve global problems in the areas of: human rights, environment, youth & education, woman empowerment, and global consciousness. For More Information, (or To Make a Donation) Please Visit: Category News & Politics LicenseStandard YouTube License

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4670 To Follow God’s Will , September 7, 2013

God said:
Mind your own business and not so much others’ business. This is a great lesson in life. With this lesson in place, there would be no gossip. There would be no talking behind someone’s back. And you would not haggle over anyone’s repute or disrepute. Then you would not have so much on your mind. Then you could be more carefree. And then, there would be a much lighter load on your shoulders.

Besides, you have enough to do to take care of yourself. You have more than enough to take care of than to point out how or when or why or what someone else does or does not do. Do this, and you will elevate yourself considerably. This is the road you want to walk on. I desire more of My children to walk this road. More are needed, and I am recruiting you.

When you keep your eyes so firmly on another, you neglect yourself. No offense, dear ones, yet you have plenty of your own mis-actions to take care of. You don’t have time to add anyone else’s errors. It is all a pony show anyway. Reflecting on others’ lives takes your attention away from your own errors.

What you want to do is to mind My business, beloveds. Let My aims be yours. Let My desires be yours. And then I hear you say:

“Let me surmount all obstacles. Let me deign whatever I deign be for the good of all. Let me design whatever I design to be for the good of all. Let me be kind and generous in thought and deed to everyone. No false allegations do I make. No more judgments do I make. Who am I to judge another anyway? Who do I think I am? Sometimes my hubris amazes me. Who do I think I am? What do I think I am doing? I am privileged to have a life. In my life, I follow God’s wisdom. It is God’s wisdom I choose to serve.

“God, may I follow Your Will all the days of my life. May I remember what is Your Will for me, and Your Will for all. I know Your Will is to uplift and not to put anyone down. This I will remember.

“From now on I will not join in conversations that try to remodel another person. From now on, I will not make remarks I would never make in another’s hearing. Why would I make such remarks at all? To do that is beyond judging. It is condemning. I think twice from now on and pay attention to what I do and what I say, and I remember Your Will that is greater than mine. I shall adapt to Your Will, God.

“I care about other people’s hearts, and I refuse to damage anyone’s heart. I know better, and I shall do better.

“Even as I am by myself, I want to honor You, God, and, so, with Your help, I will never again think ill of anyone, for all are just like me, wanting to do their best, wanting to be equal, and not wanting to do harm on any level, not in deed and not in thought. From now on, I speak well of others, and, God willing, I think well of others. This is how I can think well of myself, not by putting someone else down or in putting anyone, as I may deem it, in their place. Anyone’s place is beside me and not to be set apart from me or from You. This is Your Will, am I right, God?”

“You want us to be sisters and brothers to one another. Because Your Heart is in mine, my heart is big enough to encompass all and to encompass my responsibility to You and to all.”

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----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------

O.K., let's start the day with a live performance of "The Landfill Harmonic" that you saw in the above video:

-------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH------------

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Seeing the awesome power of the word, we must understand what power comes out of our mouths.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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