Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I am a Magnificent Gift to the World.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie

HI FAMILY!!! ------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4733 Action Arises from Consciousness, November 9, 2013

God said:
Please forgive yourself for any wrongs you have done. They may pang your heart now. At the time, you thought you were right, or you didn’t think. Now you are ahead of the game. Is that to rue and regret? It used to be that the world thought that I was a God Who punished. Punisher, I am not. I have other matters to take care of rather than trying to catch you in a what is called a wrongful act. Without exception, you did the best you could at the time. Even if you robbed a bank and you knew that robbing was not admirable, you were doing the best you could at the time, so-called time.

Beloveds, you were guilty of ignorance. You were numbed in awareness. You were short-sighted. Do we persecute the blind for being blind or the deaf for being deaf or the poor in heart to be poor in heart or errant thinking for being errant? The deed itself is punishment enough, yet punishment is not what is required.

Of course, I understand the predicaments that exist in the world. Lawlessness cannot be supported. This is well-understood. Love has not yet been deep enough to withstand error. We are not talking about leniency or the idea that anything goes. Truly, a show of love is not love. Forgiveness is not a mere act nor a mere wish. It is a deed of consciousness.

Beloveds, raise your own consciousness, and you will raise the world. Erase selfishness and self-righteousness from your heart and where is it that offense can land? Nowhere.

Remember We speak of compassion not as a common sense of feeling sorry for. Compassion is not about feeling sorry. You may feel sorry for others, yet you are equally responsible for allowing self-centeredness to grow. The need for punishment may be seen as the only way in the world to separate those who commit crimes from those who do not commit the assigned crimes and upon whom crimes are committed. There is a fine line of separation, beloveds. All are responsible even if indirectly, yet responsible just the same.

If mold grows, a culture has grown to foster it. Maybe no one wants it. Maybe everyone frowns upon it. Yet in certain conditions, mold grows. Are not hurtful acts a kind of mold? How can you hold others exclusively responsible for what you do not approve of and you, alone, responsible for the good you do? How can you rightfully take credit for your own good choices and assign blame to others? You are responsible for the world you live in. Furthermore, you are responsible for the world you leave behind you. You are also responsible for the world you found.

The thinking and picturing and posturing of man bears responsibility. This is not a new thought.

The thoughts of humankind are also responsible for the rain, for the floods and for the droughts. It is not new to consider that you contribute to poverty as well as to prosperity. Be careful of whom you call the enactor and whom you call the victim. All are enactors, and all are victims. One way or another, the caliber of your thoughts and the degree of harmony of your life, or the disharmony, are responsible for the world you live in. You share with your brother.

Above all, remember that you have to forsake blame. Blame accrues to past acts and thoughts. Responsibility is right now. Living in the now means responsibility and not blame. Do you read Me, beloveds? Do you get what I am saying?

The perpetrator and the perpetrated alike share responsibility. In Heaven, there is no such thing as guilt. On Earth, guilt flaunts itself. If you must, have a moment’s guilt and move on. Within an error lies forgiveness and redemption for the error. In the awareness of error that has to come from within lies its forgiveness. Error and blame are two different things, yet you are to get past both.

Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/action-arises-from-consciousness.html

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------------MARTIAL ARTS THEATER------------

O.K., this edition of Martial Arts Theater is Kind of a Continuation of Yesterday's edition.

Yesterday, I posted a video made by Rener and Ryron Gracie about their thoughts about a tragic event that happened in the east coast involving some BJJ students. In that video, they talked about what could happen if a person didn't learn the martial arts in a positive, uplifting environment.

Well Today, I thought I'd let Rener and Ryron show you guys an example of what it means to learn the M.A. in a positive, uplifting environment.

I hope you enjoy the video.

Published on Aug 15, 2013
Austin McDaniel is a 14-year old boy from Indiana who loves video games and electric guitar. He gets good grades, has loving parents, and is kind to others. On one fateful day in September 2012, he had his dignity ripped away by a heartless bully who viscously assaulted him at school in front of his peers. Austin was choked from behind and subsequently knocked unconscious by a barrage of punches to the face...all of which was caught on camera by the school's security surveillance system.

After seeing the footage of the assault, Rener Gracie reached out to the McDaniel family to invite them to come to California so that Austin could rebuild what was taken from him during the attack. They accepted the offer, and in this short documentary you will witness the transformation that took place over a single week of intensive training (20+ hours of instruction) at the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy in June of 2013.

Before the assault, Austin didn't think it was possible for someone to be kind, courteous, and respectful while ALSO being strong, confident, and assertive. Now he knows otherwise. Learning Gracie Jiu-Jitsu has given him the confidence to take a stand against bullies and the technique to defend himself non-violently should he ever need to.

Every time a child commits suicide as a result of bullying, it could have been avoided. Please help us save lives by sharing this video with parents everywhere.

To learn how you can empower your child from home, or to find a Certified Gracie Bullyproof Training Center near you, visit http://www.GracieBullyproof.com

Special thanks to Bob Black, Hyperfly Productions and www.DoOrDie.com

Editing and Cinematography by Joseph Renteria

Songs by:
Mononome: http://soundcloud.com/mononome
Music by Dan-O at DanoSongs.com
Standard YouTube License

As selfishness and complaint pervert and cloud the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision. - Helen Keller

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world, and a word from Don Miguel Ruiz.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

With our power of creation, we express the force of life in everything we say, everything we feel, everything we do.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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