Saturday, May 3, 2014


I take the helm on my life voyage.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


DEAR DIARY: Well, since it looks so nice out this morning, I think I'll go down to Venice Beach/Santa Monica today.I hope I see AMY MAY perform on the Promenade today...

I'll talk more about her in the near future.


What an incredible time of chaotic and exciting changes taking place in the world. Everything seems to be shifting, from the weather and climate to the consciousness of the world. Amazingly gifted people are finally stepping forward to help speed up the shift. Issues that traditional methods have taken years and countless hours of meditation, reading, counseling, mentoring, and event-going to overcome can be completely shifted instantly at the higher dimensional frequency levels by some of these individuals.

As more and more people step forward to share their gifts the light engulfing the world is becoming brighter and more powerful. Perhaps you are one of those people. Isn’t it time to share your gifts more directly and openly with others? We all have the ability to connect directly with pure source energy. We all have the ability to shift our belief structures instantaneously. We are rapidly approaching the tipping point of consciousness at which time we will truly be able to experience world peace and abundance for all. Now is the time for all of us to stop playing small and hiding our gifts. Let’s step forward and share our special abilities and live abundantly by helping to create abundance for all.

--Ted Murray

Qué tiempo tan increíble de caóticos y emocionantes cambios que están teniendo lugar en el mundo. Todo parece estar cambiando, desde el tiempo y el clima a la conciencia mundial. Personas con dotes sorprendentes están finalmente dando un paso adelante para ayudar a acelerar el cambio. Problemas que los métodos tradicionales han tardado en superar años e incontables horas de meditación, lectura, asesoramiento, tutoría, y asistencia a eventos; pueden cambiarse totalmente en un instante, a niveles de frecuencia dimensional superior, por algunos de estos individuos.

A medida que más y más personas dan un paso al frente para compartir sus dones, la luz que envuelve el mundo se hace cada vez más brillante y potente. Tal vez tu seas una de esas personas. ¿No es hora de compartir tus dones más directa y abiertamente con los demás? Todos tenemos la capacidad de conectarnos directamente con la fuente de energía pura. Todos tenemos la capacidad de cambiar la estructura de nuestras creencias instantáneamente. Nos estamos acercando rápidamente al punto de inflexión de la conciencia en que seremos realmente capaces de experimentar la paz mundial y la abundancia para todos. Ahora es el momento para todos nosotros de abandonar los pequeños juegos y dejar de ocultar nuestros dones. Demos un paso adelante y compartamos nuestras habilidades especiales y vivamos en abundancia, ayudando a crear abundancia para todos.

--Ted Murray

Well, TODAY IS SATURDAY, which means it's time for another amazing episode of ASK TEAL WITH TEAL SWAN.

Teal Swan is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Published on Apr 26, 2014
Subscribe to Weekly Podcast of Tea Time With Teal here: http://thespiritualcatalyst.us6.list-...

Spiritual bypassing (or whitewashing) is the act of using spiritual beliefs to avoid facing or healing one's painful feelings, unresolved wounds and unmet needs. It is a state of avoidance. Because it is a state of avoidance, it is a state of resistance. I personally, consider Spiritual bypassing to be the shadow side of spirituality. The spiritual beliefs of any spiritual tradition, be it Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, New Age, Islamic, or even Self Help, can provide ample justification for living in a state of inauthenticity. They can all provide justification for avoiding the unwanted aspects of one's own feelings and state of being in favor of what is considered to be "a more enlightened state". In this episode, Teal Swan gives examples of spiritual bypassing and suggests ways that we can avoid doing it.

Ask Teal Website -
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. - Ashley Smith

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

When you perceive light, everything you perceive is divine spirit. Everything you hear and everything you feel is divine spirit.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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