Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Hi Guys!

Take a look at this video:

This video by Guru Peterson Menezes shows a important set of techniques in PCPS, a series of hit blocks called "Siku Perisai", or Elbow Shields.

As you saw in the video, the elbow shields are used to hit any incoming punches or kicks coming in. In PCPS, this is known as a hard block. By "hard", I'm not talking about how much force you're using as you block. In fact, If you're doing this correctly, you don't need to use much force at all.

What I mean by "hard", is the fact that these hit blocks use the hard, bony end of the elbow (almost like a rhinoceros horn) against the softer targets of the attacker.

In these kind of blocks, the harder the attacker throws his blows at the PCPS student, the more he'll get hurt. In fact, that's the reason why in the video, Peterson's student was wearing gloves; If he wasn't, the bones in his hands would have been shattered.

Don't believe me? Well guys, here's a real-world application of what a hard hit block can do.

this is part of the 2nd UFC fight between UFC Champion Chris Weidman, and former Champion Anderson Silva.

Now as you can see in the video below, as Weidman checked a leg kick early in the second round, Silva shattered his left ankle, collapsing to the mat in pain.

If you want to know more about the fight, here's an article about it below:


Now I included this video solely to prove a point. As far as I know, Chris Weidman is not, nor has ever been a PCPS student, and in that match, he probably never meant to break Silva's leg.

However, in PCPS, we practice those kind of checks/hit blocks to do that INTENTIONALLY.

In fact, here's what Pendekar Sanders, the Grand master of PCPS had to say about that incident:

I saw it now a few times. Its a classic lower leg hit block as we use . Look, those Thai kicks are powerful and he was trying to hurt him with it. I have had more than one bounce of a side arm and leg block , where the other guy was gleefully trying to hurt me and it back fired.

Those kicks can break your leg.

BUT they are very vulnerable to lower leg blocks and its classic PCP, in the sense the harder he threw the kick the more HE got hurt. Silva Launched a Bomb and the other guy put up a destructive wall, Silva's leg went snap.

It's fighting and legal, for now. I applaud the Weidman for using the thorn and body armor in his way and not getting hurt by a blow intended to hurt him. If it was any one of you I would be giving you a medal . To bad it broke , but , that's the price you pay when you load up and throw a committed strike into a hard hit block .

Now is this concept brutal? Hell yeah it is!!!

But you guys have to understand, Pukulan Cimande Pusaka Sanders is NOT A SPORT!!! We're training for REAL LIFE HERE, people. This is a COMBAT system.

Now let's be CRYSTAL CLEAR. A practitioner of Traditional Pencak Silat in general, and PCPS Pencak Silat in particular, does not wish to fight and will take steps to avoid fighting if it's possible. However, once the shit hits the fan, so to speak, there's nothing left to do but stop the opponent as quickly and decisively as possible.

And well, the elbow shields are one of many ways for a PCPS practitioner to do just that.

In learning to use the elbow shield, we start off with a short elbow shield patern containing 3 moves, then a longer pattern with 12 moves. both patterns are ways to block and deflect punches and kicks from ALL angles.

If you want to know about this, or any other aspect of PCPS, then I strongly suggest you join the DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAM.

To relax the mind is to see with the spirit, and all that comes to do no harm will be embraced, while all that comes to do harm is destroyed in order to preserve.

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