Saturday, November 15, 2014


I unconditionally forgive everyone for all hurt that I have ever experienced in the presence of their actions.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


DEAR DIARY: Once again, I can't think of anything else but Capoeira! And I can't wait for my lesson tomorrow...


A Vision for Expansion

We see a world where all who choose it for ourselves have awakened to the fullness of our Beings; where we have risen up and out of our beliefs that we are a personality who is identified with our name, our family, our gender, our career, our religion, our race, our country, our possessions, our story; where we have transcended all of our Earthly attachments and learned to still our minds long enough to experience our Higher Selves and our connection to All That Is.

Having made this sacred connection, we are now free to explore worlds previously unavailable to us when we were caught up in our Earthly identities and trapped in our own illusions. Now, we are unlimited in our ability to travel to realms within and without. We are expanded, enlightened, and awakened, and it is this expansion, this light, this awakening which now defines who we are and who we have been all along.

Spanish Translation

Una Visión para la Expansión

Vemos un mundo en donde todo lo que hemos elegido para nosotros mismos ha despertado la plenitud de nuestro Ser; donde nos hemos elevado más arriba y fuera de la creencia de que somos una personalidad que se identifica con nuestro nombre, nuestra familia, nuestro género, nuestra profesión, nuestra religión, nuestra raza, nuestro país, nuestras posesiones, nuestra historia; donde lo hemos trascendido todo lo que son nuestras ataduras terrenales y hemos aprendido a aquietar nuestras mentes el tiempo suficiente para tener la experiencia de nuestro Ser Superior y nuestra conexión al Todo lo Que Es.

Habiendo hecho esta conexión sagrada, ya estamos libres para explorar los mundos que antes no nos eran disponibles cuando estábamos atados a nuestra identidad terrenal, y atrapados en nuestras propias ilusiones. Ahora estamos ilimitados en nuestras habilidades para viajar a otros planos internos y externos. Estamos expandidos, iluminados, y despiertos, y es esta expansión, esta luz, este despertar lo que ahora define quiénes somos y quiénes hemos sido desde siempre

French Translation

Une Vision d'Expansion

Nous voyons un monde où tous ceux qui ont choisi de le faire se sont réveillés à la plénitude de leurs êtres; où nous avons dépassé les croyances que nous sommes une personnalité identifiée avec un nom, une famille, un sexe, une carrière, une religion, une race, un pays, des possessions, une histoire; où nous avons dépassé tous nos attachements terrestres et appris à maintenir nos esprits dans le calme assez longtemps pour découvrir notre Moi supérieur et notre connexion à Tout Ce Qui Est.

Après avoir fait ce lien sacré, nous sommes maintenant libres d'explorer des mondes jusque-là non disponibles pendant que nous étions pris dans nos identités terrestres et enfermés dans nos propres illusions. Maintenant, nous sommes illimités dans notre capacité à voyager vers des royaumes intérieurs et extérieurs. Nous avons grandi, nous sommes Eclairés et réveillés, et c'est cette expansion, cette lumière, cette prise de conscience qui définit maintenant qui nous sommes et qui nous avons toujours été.

Pour découvrir plus de textes en français:

Now, since I can't seem to think about anything else but capoeira, I thought I'd tell you guys a little bit about the capoeira I'm learning.

and after that, I'm going down to Redondo beach to work out.

The form of Capoeira that I'm learning is, Capoeira Angola. by that, what I mean The Capoeira style taught and preserved by this man:

His name was Vincente Ferreira Pastinha. He, along with another man named Manoel dos Reis Machado (more on him later) was credited as the most responsible for kepping Capoeira alive, and preserving it into modern times.

Now I was gonna write a long essay about his life and accomplishments, but it looks like brazilian T.V., (Not to mention countless other individuals) has beaten me to it.

So, check out this bio about him, called "PASTINHA! UMA VIDA PELA CAPOEIRA"

Published on Mar 1, 2013
The life of the Capoeira Angola Poet and Guardian, Vicente Ferreira Pastinha, the legendary Master Pastinha. Filmed in 16mm and Hi-8mm video, in the cities of Salvador, Rio de Janeiro and New York. A rare opportunity to know the fundaments of Capoeira Angola and the life of his greatest master.
Standard YouTube License
And here's another small documentary about Mestre Pastinha and his school from 1950. On some versions of this video, there's no sound, but whoever uploaded this video added sound to it.

O.K., this is an album of Mestre Pastinha, where he talks about his life in Capoeira. I hope you enjoy it... even if you don't speak portuguese.

Yes, capoeira that I'm learning ultimately came from this man.

If you would like to learn Capoeira with us, we're usually in Griffit Park on Sundays from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., And starting next month, our teacher is going to teach at the Agape center Saturday Mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

come Join Us!!!

Now, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Imagine living without the fear of loving and not being loved.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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