Thursday, November 6, 2014



DEAR DIARY: Well, the weekend is almost upon us. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but I know I'm going to the Farmer's market today...


A Vision for Our Children

We see a world where children are heard for their wisdom, where we know they are one with the source, where we who precede them delightfully call out to the highest aspect of all souls as they enter life through conscious conception and sacred union. We envision a world where being a parent is a very holy occupation, where many are joyful in helping with the upbringing of our children. To honor the children, adults hold council with them on how to design their education and the creation of community that intends the highest good for all future generations.

We see the children having the freedom to explore nature, to spend great hours communing with the trees, the animals, the weather, the rocks, all aspects of their Divine Mother Earth. Our children easily absorb right action of respect, love of self, and love of all from the adults, as we understand that this gives us our greatest joy. As our children begin to blossom into adulthood, there are rituals to celebrate each of their passages, empowering them and us with true purpose. Celebrations occur freely and often, for all of their great accomplishments.

And we see all children being accepted for their talents, all of them having their inner light shining forth, a light that never needs to be dampened or hidden. All the children of the world sing their songs of freedom, and we are all blessed with the tones.

Una visión para nuestros niños

Nuestra visión es la de un mundo donde los niños son escuchados por su sabiduría, sabiendo que son uno con la Gran Fuente de Todo, y nosotros que los precedemos, contemplando las elevadas facetas de cada alma, propiciamos que ellos entren en la vida con una concepción consciente de esta sagrada unión.

Vemos un mundo donde ser padres es un oficio santo, donde muchos se congracian de ayudarnos en este viaje. Para honrar a los chicos, los adultos deben reunirse en consejo con ellos sobre como diseñar su educación y como crear comunidades que proporciones el mayor bien a los que vayan llegando.

Vemos a los chicos con libertad para explorar la naturaleza, pasando buen tiempo en comunión con los árboles, los animales, el cielo, las rocas y todos los aspectos de la Divina Madre Tierra.

Nuestros niños desarrollan rápidamente correctas actitudes de respeto, amor propio y amor a los adultos, si entendemos que eso nos proporcionará la mayor alegría. Mientras nuestros chicos vayan entrando en la edad adulta, hay rituales que celebrar en cada una de las etapas, fortaleciéndonos a ellos y a nosotros en un verdadero propósito. Las celebraciones deben ocurrir libremente y frecuentemente para su vigoroso y sano crecimiento.

Y vemos a los chicos siendo amados por sus diversos talentos, todos ellos con su propia luz brillando, una luz que nunca debe ser ahogada o escondida. Todos los niños del mundo cantan su canción de libertad, y todos somos bendecidos por su melodía.

--The Intenders of the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project by Trudy Scott

I found this video yesterday, and I want to share it with you. The makers of this video may not actually be from the future, but you gotta admit, we are on the verge of something big...

Published on Nov 5, 2014 "Greetings. We are from the future. Everything is going to be alright... You are about to undergo a staggering revolution..." More:

Words, Voice & Editing by Garret John LoPorto
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Music "Doot Doot" by Freur

Greetings. We are from the future. Everything is going to be alright. Humanity is about to undergo an astonishing revolution. Many have called for this revolution, but few understand what it truly means. This coming revolution is part of a great progression towards an awakening of staggering proportions. Life force is the creative self-organizing intelligence orchestrating all of this behind the scenes. Life force is experienced by you as the feeling of Love - for Life and Love are the same. What humanity is about to become is quite inconceivable to you right now, But we are here to help make this transition a little easier. [YOU ARE NOT ALONE]

Like gyroscopic force stabilizes a motorcycle - Life force [Love] stabilizes all living systems. Populations full of love, cultivate honesty, courage and generosity, self-organizing and self -regulating without the need for coercive control. Populations with deficits in love succumb to fear, violence and corruption, inviting coercive governments to combat the chaos and entropy that arises in the absence of love’s organizing intelligence. Just as Life force is experienced as love, entropy is experienced as ego, hatred and fear. The corrupt and power hungry feed on this fear. Without enough gyroscopic force to keep it upright a motorcycle falls, likewise without enough love to keep them upright free and idealistic governments fall. Populations too fearful, selfish and chaotic to stand on their own, invite despotic governments to forcefully rule and stabilize them like a kickstand for those who've lost their minds.

As long as a population has more fear than love, what appears to be democracy is often little more than a spectacle to mesmerize the masses. Autocratic power still operates behind the scenes. Its media directs people’s unconscious fears and aggressions towards invented enemies, insane competitiveness, rabid consumerism and addiction. THIS SYSTEM WILL SELF DESTRUCT.

This system glorifies the ego, the embodiment of entropy, which convinces you that you are alone against the world, causing alienation, fear and aggression. The core values of your culture have been hijacked, forging a pathologically antisocial anti-ecological system obsessed with profit, power and control. THIS SYSTEM WILL SELF DESTRUCT.

Real change must now come from outside this system. Real change must now come from you. Just as free and idealistic governments can’t survive the entropy of populations filled with fear Egoic coercive governments can’t survive the creative self-organizing power of people filled with love. Gandhi called this power soul force, life force, love force. It is the fundamental force behind all nonviolent revolution and the unassailable creative intelligence of Life. True freedom and equality requires a population alive with this self-organizing intelligence.

The coming awakening happens in stages. And the next stage... is THE REVOLUTION OF LOVE. Love is the organizing force behind all that is beautiful, joyful and creative in this world. Power structures are merely the reflection of a population’s levels of love or fear. But true love casts out all fear making graceful revolution not only possible but inevitable. so the next stage... is THE REVOLUTION OF LOVE. When you unleash the sentient energies of love, then, for the second time in history the world, humanity will have discovered fire. The fires of love will spread through all people, thus all systems shaping the world in its own image. Love is a force of nature. And so are you.

The coming singularity happens in stages. and the next stage... is THE REVOLUTION OF LOVE. The love that fuels this revolution starts with you. You can become an agent of love, allowing it to guide you and govern your actions. Love is increased through communion, song, mindfulness, prayer, humor, forgiveness and connection. (We will reveal more in future transmissions.) For now, communicate to every sentient being you encounter: I see you. You are not alone. We are in this together. You are loved. The revolution of love is here - and all is well. So... Let there be Light! Producer Garret John Category Nonprofits & Activism License Standard YouTube License

Now, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

If you break an agreement, begin again tomorrow, and again the next day.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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