Friday, May 31, 2013


I Am One With Spirit and All Creation
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie

Good morning, Family!

Manifesting the life of our dreams is a matter of intention. You have access to all of the creative capability of the universe. You are eternally connected to the source of all, thus you have access to all creative power. What limits you from manifesting all that you want? Your intentions must be pure and focused. When you focus on manifesting things selfishly for your own use, the universe may grant it, but it lovingly protects you from gaining too much power. Those who seem to hold power in the society now are also having their power limited in order to protect the planet.

When you have a very clear intention of being of benefit to all and helping to create a planet based on love and cooperation then your ability to manifest will become unlimited. Your desire must be pure, and the more it is integrated with the similar desire of others the power to create will be gradually gained. Instead of worrying about the result, focus on the intention. Become clear in envisioning the world you would like to inhabit and soon you will find that it is being miraculously created almost effortlessly.

--Ted Murray
I have another video fr ya, from THE SUSTAINABLE MAN. I hope you enjoy it.

Published on Sep 25, 2012
David Suzuki explains the fallacy of conventional economics, in an interview done for the BBC. The song is "Outro" by M83.

Clip sources:
the films "Sacred Economics" and "The Revolution Is Love" by Ian MacKenzie.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.
Nonprofits & Activism
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“If we humans are good at anything, it’s thinking we’ve got a terrific idea and going for it without acknowledging the potential consequences or our own ignorance.” ― David Suzuki

And now, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song of PURE LOVE...


The prophecies of the Toltecs have foreseen the beginning of a new world, a new humanity where humans take responsibility for their own beliefs, for their own lives.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Archaeologists Officially Declare Collective Sigh Over "Paleo Diet" | hells ditch

Archaeologists Officially Declare Collective Sigh Over "Paleo Diet" | hells ditch:

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In my joy, I dance with the Light of Lights.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie

Good morning, Family. Don't forget your dreams. You have for a reason. To make them a reality. Toss the haters in the trash. Have a blessed day. Go conquer. Love Ya'll.

What steps will you take to shine your light? Your actions need not be profound. You don’t need to make headlines. Simply connect with the love you naturally know how to express and allow that love to fuel your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

--Selacia, The Council of 12

I found this video by THE SUSTAINABLE MAN this morning... It's a short video, but I think everyone should watch it.

Published on May 1, 2013
Vandana Shiva explains the concept of a deeper democracy called earth democracy.
Nonprofits & Activism
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“Gandhi is the other person. I believe Gandhi is the only person who knew about real democracy — not democracy as the right to go and buy what you want, but democracy as the responsibility to be accountable to everyone around you. Democracy begins with freedom from hunger, freedom from unemployment, freedom from fear, and freedom from hatred. To me, those are the real freedoms on the basis of which good human societies are based.” ― Vandana Shiva

And now, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song of PURE LOVE...


You have the power to make yourself what you are right now. But, it's not your reasoning mind that controls your power, it's what you believe.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Marijuana Controls Seizure Activity | Collective-Evolution

Marijuana Controls Seizure Activity | Collective-Evolution:

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Climate change thaws out 400-year-old plants | Grist

Climate change thaws out 400-year-old plants | Grist:

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Last Saturday, I went to a concert in Santa Monica called LOS ANGELES UNITES! I didn't get to stay there too long, but I did have a great time.

I only got to see 2 bands play that night. RACHEL LYNN SEBASTIAN came up and she did her thang, and was awesome! But this post is about the band who came before her.

The opening band was this great band called BELLA SOL. I gotta tell ya, listening to their performance, I really wish I could have stayed there longer...

But anyway, Here's a description from their FB page:

About Bella Sol:
Keeping it real, our music is about life… taking a vision, a moment, an emotion, and translating it through our instruments.

The Bella Sol band brings to the table an amazing array of Pop /Rock/R&B music filled with contagious melodies and soulful lyrics. A colorful collection of pop /rock, acoustic, ballads, and dance music, that is sure to please. Keeping it real, our music is about life… taking a vision, a moment, an emotion, and translating it through our instruments. Driving, funky, rhythmic, tender, and raw, each song takes a life of its own.

Bella Sol, is the front woman and ring leader of this posse. In many circles, she is known as a modern day muse. Since day one on this planet... singing, dancing, acting, poetry, and music tantalized her palate. Singing emerged as her truest passion and took the reins. Creativity oozed from her being, so she felt compelled to embark on an adventure to nurture and explore those talents. These adventures have taken her all around the world performing as a singer in a large variety of venues from cruise ships, to stage shows, to Vegas, to Hollywood, CA.

It has been quite a journey for Bella Sol and she is not finished yet! Her latest adventure is high on the horizon! Bella Sol is celebrating the release of her debut album, "Walk Into Me", a compilation of 11 original songs. Watch out world...this album is truly an eruption of the spirit!

The Band :
Bella Sol has the pleasure of playing and writing music with an amazing group of musicians. Each bring forth a special ingredient that give the music life. She and her band of talented musicians are based out of Los Angeles, CA. They are currently recording 3 new singles and there is more on the way! Stay tuned!

The Bella Sol band invites you to take a "walk into them" and share the journey. So close your eyes, click your heels, and enjoy the ride!

I have to say, I really enjoyed taking a "walk into them" last Saturday night! I will be posting about their future performances, because I know that if and when you guys come out to one of their performances, you will totally enjoy the ride!

So be sure to "like" their Facebook Page BELLA SOL, and while you're at it, buy their album. I'm listening to it right now as I'm typing this, and it is HOT!

If you want to place an order, you can message them at their FaceBook page.


I Feed All My Troubles To The Cleansing Fire.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie

GOOD MORNING, Family. It's hump day. Make it happen. Go conquer. Be blessed and have an awesome day.

How to be a Light Unto the World

Be a living, breathing example of the Highest Truth that resides within you.

Speak humbly of yourself, lest someone mistake your Highest Truth for a boast.

Speak softly, lest someone think you are merely calling for attention.

Speak gently, that all might know Love.

Speak openly, lest anyone think you have something to hide.

--Conversations with God Book 2 by Neale Donald Walsch

Published on Mar 2, 2012
Mobile users can watch on Vimeo!

Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, "What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?" This is his answer.

Please subscribe above!

In 15 languages, Click CC! Watch in HD!

Special thanks to:
Reid Gower
Carl Sagan
Neil deGrasse Tyson
...for their inspiration.

Narration: TIME Magazine's "10 Questions for Neil Degrasse Tyson"
Music: "To Build a Home" by the Cinematic Orchestra feat. Patrick Watson

Video (in order of appearance):
IMAX: Hubble 3D (Orion)
Yellowstone: Battle for Life (Tree & Waterfall)
Supernova to Crab Nebula
BBC: Wonders of the Solar System (formation of the solar system)
Accretion and First Eukaryotes from the 2011 film "Tree of Life" directed by Terrence Malick
BBC: Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life
"Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia" by Ayrton Orio (Model: Xharon Kendelker)
"Afghanistan - touch down in flight" by Augustin Pictures
"mongolia!" by wiissa

Excerpt from "Outside In", Copyright Stephen van Vuuren/SV2 Studios (Saturn's moon Mimas)
IMAX: Hubble 3D (Inside Orion Nebula)
Shuttle Launch from 1985 IMAX film "The Dream is Alive"
"Earth -- Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over -- NASA, ISS" by Michael Konig
Excerpt from "The Island" - La Palma Time Lapse Video by Christoph Malin
Galaxy Map and Galaxy Formation by NCSA's Advanced Visualization Lab
"Mars sunset" captured by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit

Edited by Max Schlickenmeyer

Neil goes on to say "For me, that is the most profound revelation of 20th century astrophysics and I look forward to what the 21st century will bring us, given the frontiers that are now unfolding."

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. All copyrighted materials contained herein belong to their respective copyright holders, I do not claim ownership over any of these materials. I realize no profit, monetary or otherwise, from the exhibition of this video.
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“Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson

And now, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song of PURE LOVE...


Everything is made by Love, by Life. Even fear is a reflection of love, but fear exists in the mind, and in humans, that fear controls the mind.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


From far beyond this life,
I hear the call.
From place beyond all place,
I feel the call.
From time before all time,
I know the call.
From one before all ones,
I am the call.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie

Good morning , Family. We are blessed . We are favored. Hope you all had a wonderful 3 day weekend. Let' go conquer!!

We see a world having returned to love; where we now love each other, love the animals, love the plants, love the Earth and all her beautiful manifestations - the oceans, rivers, lakes, mesas, canyons, deserts, forests, the winds, the rains, the snows, the warmth of the Sun, the glow of the moon, the light of the stars - we love it all.

We love ourselves, as well. We love our bodies, our hearts, our minds, our spirits, our work, our hobbies, our friends and families, our shortcomings, our lessons, our adversities, our trials, our enemies, our emotions in good times and bad - we love it all.

And we love our experiences; the ones that teach us, the ones that excite us, the ones that touch us, the ones that soothe us, the ones that change us, the ones that feed us, and the ones that stretch us to become more than we have been.

We love it all.

For it is in loving it all that we become it all, and we fulfill the promise we made to ourselves before we came to this beautiful, abundant planet.

-- The Intenders of the Highest Good, Vision Alignment Project

I know I usually post one of these videos on Monday, but last Monday was a special day, so I'm posting this today.

“As soon as you look at the world through an ideology you are finished. No reality fits an ideology. Life is beyond that. … That is why people are always searching for a meaning to life… Meaning is only found when you go beyond meaning. Life only makes sense when you perceive it as mystery and it makes no sense to the conceptualizing mind.” ― Anthony de Mello

Now, as always, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song of PURE LOVE...


Everything is made by Love, by Life. Even fear is a reflection of love, but fear exists in the mind, and in humans, that fear controls the mind.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Monday, May 27, 2013

Hemp: Could the US Make It Legal Once Again? | Collective-Evolution

Hemp: Could the US Make It Legal Once Again? | Collective-Evolution:

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Despite Death Threats, Lesbians Become First Homosexual Muslim Couple To Wed In The UK

Despite Death Threats, Lesbians Become First Homosexual Muslim Couple To Wed In The UK:

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"How sleep the brave, who sink to rest, By all their country’s wishes blest! When Spring, with dewy fingers cold, Returns to deck their hallow’d mould, She there shall dress a sweeter sod Than Fancy’s feet have ever trod. By fairy hands their knell is rung, There Honour comes, a pilgrim gray, To bless the turf that wraps their clay; And Freedom shall awhile repair, To dwell, a weeping hermit, there. — William Collins, Ode

It's Memorial Day! For most, it's the unofficicial first day of summer, a day of celebration and Barbeque. But we must remember the brave men and women who put their lives on the line for us every day, and especially, those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us.

Let's start the day off with this video below, which pretty much sums up what I think about when I think of war.

I hope everyone out there has a wonderful and safe holiday with your loved ones while paying tribute to our fallen Military service men and women.

Have a Happy Memorial Day Everyone!!!

These heroes are dead. They died for liberty – they died for us. They are at rest. They sleep in the land they made free, under the flag they rendered stainless, under the solemn pines, the sad hemlocks, the tearful willows, and the embracing vines. They sleep beneath the shadows of the clouds, careless alike of sunshine or of storm, each in the windowless Place of Rest. Earth may run red with other wars – they are at peace. In the midst of battle, in the roar of conflict, they found the serenity of death. I have one sentiment for soldiers living and dead: cheers for the living; tears for the dead. — Robert G. Ingersoll

Sunday, May 26, 2013


All the energy of the universe is mine to use as spirit directs.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Will you remember that you are a Holy Being? This one thought will embolden your life on Earth. By dint of will or by chance, you are here, and it matters that you are here on Earth at this time. You are a Holy Being who happens to be in a physical body. Your physical body has its restrictions, and it has its fallacies. Yet you are not your body. You are not your physical presence.

Your physical presence exists, yet you are beyond physical. You are realms beyond. You are eons beyond. You are a miracle worker.

--God’s Greatest Miracle by Heavens Letters

Well guys, it's Sunday, which means that It's time for another SUNDAY SCHOOL VIDEO, where I post a video about ANY religious topic.

This video is the 5th video in the "Discovering Religion" series. I hope you enjoy it.

Uploaded on Mar 20, 2010 The fifth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I address how certain words found in our everyday vocabulary take on a much different meaning when it comes to the vocabulary of science.

Often when a creationist or someone unfamiliar with the scientific method hears the word "theory" they immediately assume scientists are only guessing or at best have a loosely formed idea about a subject that is unsubstantiated by evidence. Although some people may legitimately fail to realize a "theory" in the mathematical, musical, or scientific sense refers to a comprehensive explanation that describes a great variety of facts, many others only feign ignorance. Creationists apply a double standard to the "Theory of Evolution" by claiming it is STILL just a theory and has yet to show any signs of viability; meanwhile fully accepting the overarching principles that describe the "Theory of Relativity", "Theory of Electromagnetism", "Germ Theory", "Music Theory", and a host of mathematical theories, such as:

Algebraic K-theory
Approximation theory
Catastrophe theory
Category theory
Character theory
Choquet theory
Class field theory
Computation theory
Deformation theory
Dimension theory
Distribution theory
Field theory
Elimination theory
Game theory
Graph theory
Group theory
Homology theory
Homotopy theory
Information theory
Invariant theory
Local class field theory
Matrix theory
Measure theory
Model theory
Module theory
Network theory
Number theory
Obstruction theory
Operator theory
Order theory
Percolation theory
Perturbation theory
Probability theory
Proof theory

And the list could go on...
Creationists accept the validity of other "theories", yet when it comes to evolution they blindly deny or even manipulate evidence -- so long as their preconceived notions of divine creation remain intact. With this episode I hope the viewer can gain a little perspective on how certain words are used in science and how this applies to the mechanism of Natural Selection, discussed in the following episode.



Aphex Twin - Nanou2 2.15






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There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.

Now, as always, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.

When you love with no conditions, you the human, and you the God, align with the spirit of Life moving through you.~don Miguel Ruiz

Saturday, May 25, 2013


I recognize that the person I was in my past is not the person I am today.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Obviously, the most important thing we can do at this time is to assist our precious sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity to raise their consciousness from separation to Oneness. Then they will KNOW they are One with ALL Life and they will live their lives from that profound Truth.

There are many people who are so buried in their self-inflicted pain and suffering that they cannot even grasp the concept of the Oneness of All Life. Often these people are acting out of fear and perpetuating atrocities on their fellow human beings. If we focus on their barbaric acts it is nearly impossible to muster up the desire to help them in any way, but they are the ones who desperately need for us to help them shift consciousness. This will greatly benefit all of us.

Remember, we are One. There is no separation. As we are lifted up, they are lifted up. And as they are lifted up, ALL Life is lifted up with them. It will be to our great advantage if we help them. And by helping them shift consciousness we will greatly accelerate the tangible manifestation of the New Earth. They are our sisters and brothers in every sense of the word, and we are here on Earth during this auspicious moment because we have volunteered to be our sister's and brother's keeper.

--Raising Consciousness – The Shift from Separation to Oneness by Patricia Cota-Robles

Well, another Saturday is upon us, and today, it's gonna be special! But then, EVERYDAY in this likfe is special... But anyway, because it's Saturday, I have another episode of ASK TEAL for you.

Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Published on May 18, 2013
We like to use excuses for why we gain weight such as "I have a slow metabolism" or "It's in my genetics" or "I over eat". But NONE of these things actually cause weight gain. If they did for example, everyone who over ate would be fat. The excess weight is only an outer effect of a deep inner problem. You have excess fat because you are subconsciously convinced that you need that excess weight. And despite all of the steps you try and take to lose the weight, your body is doing it's very best to give you what you need... it's convinced you need the weight. So the question is: Why do I need the weight? What is the positive intention for it being here? Spend time sitting with this question and see what answers arise.
The only lasting way to release weight is to release the underlying need you have for it and the underlying reasons for needing excess fat are probably not what you think they are.
Losing weight is about releasing resistance to the current state of where you are by falling in love with it in any way you can. Then, it is about incrementally taking steps in the direction of the body you would like to have. This time from the place of wanting it because you love yourself instead of wanting it because you hate yourself. I'm going to reiterate this... You will lose weight the minute wanting to lose weight comes from a place of loving yourself instead of hating yourself.
People & Blogs
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“Get Off The Scale!

You are beautiful. Your beauty, just like your capacity for life, happiness, and success, is immeasurable. Day after day, countless people across the globe get on a scale in search of validation of beauty and social acceptance.

Get off the scale! I have yet to see a scale that can tell you how enchanting your eyes are. I have yet to see a scale that can show you how wonderful your hair looks when the sun shines its glorious rays on it. I have yet to see a scale that can thank you for your compassion, sense of humor, and contagious smile. Get off the scale because I have yet to see one that can admire you for your perseverance when challenged in life.

It’s true, the scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That’s it. It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength, or love. Don’t give the scale more power than it has earned. Take note of the number, then get off the scale and live your life. You are beautiful!”
― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

Now, as always, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


You can only perceive the beauty that lives outside you when you feel the beauty that lives inside you.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Friday, May 24, 2013


I renounce all assumptions and expectations. I thoughtfully consider all possibilities, and CHOOSE among them with consciousness.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


You are God’s son/daughter, nothing less than this. Walk in the fullness of God’s Presence, Power & Peace today and each day. – Steve Farrell

Lord, grant that I might not so much seek to be loved as to love. - St. Francis of Assisi

Hi all,

How many of you out there have been in love? I am not talking about the "hey you're sexy, let's get it on!!!" kind of love.

I'm not talking about the "hey, You're MINE, and you're gonna be MINE FOREVER!!!" kind of love either.

I'm talking about the "Excuse, you seem to have left a window to your soul open and I accidentally caught a glimpse of what a special person you truly are. Would you mind if I cherish that moment forever?" kind of love. the kind of love people write song about. songs like this:

HELLO - by Lionel Ritchie

What does love really mean? What does it mean to truly love another? I think the video below is a glimpse of it. I hope you enjoy it.

Published on Feb 7, 2013
Do marriage vows seem to mean as much today as they used to? If you've heard anything about the increase in divorce rates, you may wonder.
Bill & Glad are ignoring the trends. More than ever the vows they made 50 years ago are being tested. In sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, the promise they are keeping is a true example of what love is.

See Bill's response to the feedback and attention their story has received from around the world.
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I never had that feeling with someone before. I just hope that when it does happen, I'm ready for it.

Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you. - Loretta Young

Like I said, I never had that true love with someone before, but I think i came somewhere close about 2 years ago.

I was walking down Hollywood Blvd. Close to Highland station, when I heard a very beautiful sound. I turned around on my heels, ans I saw THIS WOMAN playing the sweetest music you ever heard.

Her voice was sweet, rich, textured. The song was poetry, original, from the heart. She was reserved, yet passionate at the same time. She was beautiful.

I remember standing there, stunned, literally stunned. It was like walking out from some dark, fetid storm drain and finding yourself in a sunlit meadow full of sweet grass. I had never dreamed that there was so much talent, so much beauty in this world.

I think it was in the last third part of her song that I fell in love... with the song.

Now I've been closing my posts with this song for a few days now and I'm going to keep doing it. So, let's end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, the song she was playing that day, COLORES.


This song was created and performed by DANNI EL.

She's an amazing Musician, singer/Songwriter, and an amazing person. You can find links to her Facebook, You Tube, and Twitter pages in the sidebar, under the music section.

Love comes from the inside. It lives inside us and is always there, but with that wall of fog, we don't feel it.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Concert at TRiP this Saturday Nite!!!

Los Angeles Unites: A Special Concert for Boston This is a fundraiser to raise awareness and funds for the victims of the Boston attacks. Featuring Big Joe Hurt, Amanda Espinoza, Rachel Lynn Sebastian, Faulkner, Noble Creatures & Robery.


Big Joe Hurt & The Soul Junkies

Amanda Espinoza

Rachel Lynn Sebastian


Noble Creatures



Entrance is FREE. All donations will go to BOSTON ONE FUND ($10 suggested donation at the door).

OR - you can make your donation ahead of time at the following link:

Doors open at 7:30pm


Street Parking is available on Lincoln and several side streets. Be careful to check all Santa Monica street signs.


There will be a jam session following the artist performances. Back-line provided. We request that you come to support the artists as well as enjoy the rest of our event.


I have ready access to a power beyond my wildest imagination.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


This is a waking up, so to speak, and we encourage you to hold strong in your knowing that your conscious actions are making a difference. And even in the midst of all that is challenging you will discover the clearing of misqualified energies and actions. Watch for the powerful changes of old templates that are shifting. Rituals that have been in place for hundreds of years within religious structures have been discarded. There are changes of leadership within these major religions as well as changes of world leaders. Realize and recognize that you can also cast your energetic vote for these new leaders. In fact it is important that you do so. You are not powerless. When you declare that you are fully embodied, anchored to this planet and connected to your divine source and guidance you are powerful beyond measure. --Host of Light by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

Live and let live.
- Yiddish Proverb

The phrase "live and let live" is so familiar that it fails to carry the profound impact it deserves. Much of the true wisdom of life is captured in this simple saying. It addresses the rights of others to their own beliefs and actions, as well as a warning about meddling in the affairs of others.

Let today be a day to honor and respect the beliefs and lifestyles of your extended family, your friends, your neighbors, your fellow citizens, and all those around the world.

Now check out this video. It's part of a new you tube series I "discovered" called the rabbit hole, with Deepak Chopra. I will be posting more videos from this series in the future...

Published on May 20, 2013
Description: Deepak Chopra explains the seven stages of consciousness and how they lead to enlightenment.* Which stage of consciousness have you reached?

THE RABBIT HOLE features explorations of BIG questions: What is death? Who is God? Is life an illusion? Are we alone in the universe? Fall down the rabbit hole as Deepak Chopra provides his intriguing take on some of humanity's eternal questions.

THE CHOPRA WELL is dedicated to inspiring, fun, and thought-provoking videos about healthy living, wellness, and spirituality. We are anchored by doctor and author Deepak Chopra, as well as family & friends, who aim to provide you with tools for personal and social transformation. We deal with some "serious" topics and themes here, but we definitely don't take ourselves too seriously. We encourage you to watch a few videos, engage with us and fellow viewers by sharing comments, and subscribing to show your support for our channel. We have several new videos every week, so come back soon! Click here to subscribe:

Read our blogs here:
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Many people excuse their own faults but judge other persons harshly. We should reverse this attitude by excusing others' shortcomings and by harshly examining our own. - Paramahansa Yogananda

Now, as always, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


You are what you believe you are. There is nothing to do except to be just what you are.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Can a Single Plant Solve Many of Our Problems? | Collective-Evolution

Can a Single Plant Solve Many of Our Problems? | Collective-Evolution:

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My Mind Sparks; My Soul Sparkles.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Your Purpose in Becoming Human

To decide and to declare, to create and to express, to experience and to fulfill, Who You Really Are.

To re-create yourself anew in every moment in the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you had about Who You Really Are.

That is your purpose in becoming human, and that is the purpose of all of life.

--Conversations with God, Book 3 by Neale Donald Walsch~ JOIN HUMANITY'S TEAM

Hi there, and welcome to Hump Day! You know, Whatever you want to bring into your life, you must GIVE it. Do you want love? Then give it. Do you want appreciation? Then give it. Do you want understanding? Then give it. Do you want joy and happiness? Then give it to others.

You have the ability to give so much love, appreciation, understanding, and happiness to so many people every single day!

Now I know it's WEDNESDAY, not saturday, but I have another episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott for you... I hope you enjoy it.

Published on Apr 27, 2013
Ask Teal Website -
Relationships are the real heart of expansion... Which means they are the most contrasting experiences we have in our human lives. They are the source of our greatest joy and the source of our greatest misery.

Relationships create the means for our personal evolution. And so in order to have successful relationships, we need to learn how to flow with the current of that change. We need to learn how to cultivate harmony while allowing that change within us to take place.

Talk about difficult. It is the work of several lifetimes. Unconditional love is an exchangeable term with enlightenment. And so it is a thing we will be practicing for the rest of our lives. Some days you'll have an easier time with it than others.

In this episode Teal shares ten tips, which will help us to have successful, enjoyable relationships.

Kuan Yin's Mantra © 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission

. Category
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Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. - Rumi

Now, as always, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


The Parasite is a garbage eater. It loves fear and drama; it loves anger, jealousy, and envy; it loves any emotion that makes you suffer.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The 7 Most Prescribed Drugs In The World And Their Natural Counterparts | World Truth.TV

The 7 Most Prescribed Drugs In The World And Their Natural Counterparts | World Truth.TV:

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I give thanks for both my bloom and my thorns.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


We envision a world where people are no longer 'working at life' but are instead 'playing at life.' We see a world where every person is loving what they do so much that there is no clear distinction between what they do to earn money and what they truly love to do in life that aligns with their passion so much that it is just like playing.

We see a world where playgrounds and parks are just as prevalent as offices and institutions, where fun and games are prioritized over mandatory attendance and overtime, and where recreation time is truly a time of re-creating ourselves.

The Intenders of the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project

Hi. Today, I want to talk a little bit about the spiritual side of the martial arts, in particular, the martial art of silat, which is called Kebatinan, or Ilmu. So, what is Kebatinan?

Kebatinan is a metaphysical search for harmony within one's inner self, connection with the universe, and with an Almighty God. Javanese beliefs are a combination of occultism, metaphysics, mysticism and other esoteric doctrines, exemplifying a Javanese tendency for synthesis. The Javanese system is so flexible that syncresis in all manifestations is attainable, even that which is in conflict. Javanese ideals combine human wisdom (wicaksana), psyche (waskita) and perfection (sempurna). The follower must control his/her passions, eschewing earthly riches and comforts, so that he/she may one day reach enlightened harmony and union with the spirit of the universe.

Now here in america, silat practicioners tend to not believe in what they perceive as "black magic", and they discard this type of training, and only train the physcal aspects, i.e. Punching, Kicking, weapons, etc. I think this is a mistake because of course, if you're not training the spiritual aspects, you're not learning the complete system. Now, I created a video playlist to help try to explain some of the spiritual side of Silat and Malay culture, because I believe that showing is better that telling (You can watch the playlist HERE), But yesterday, I found this video below, which is a great introduction to this side of silat training, which is why I recently made it the 1st video in my Ilmu Silat video playlist. I hope you enjoy it.

Published on May 16, 2013

Do you believe people are literally being possessed or that they are entering a magickal metaphor that allows them to access resources from the unconscious that otherwise would be unreachable?

Sikh Martial Art

Silat Master Pak Din

Derren Brown, Power of Suggestion


Founder of NLP on the power of belief "in fact, most mystic healing is about state conditioned learning, where they put people into deep states of meditation through a variety of methods. Most shamanic healing rituals are designed to induce a state where people heal better. And there are two parts to that. One is that you believe you are getting better and the other is that you are in the right state of consciousness to do it. "

"People love metaphors that make very complex things very simple to describe. The only thing is that when you take something that is extremely complex and you make it simple to describe it does not allow you to do anything else. "

Berserkers : "To "go berserk" was to "hamask" which translates as "change form," in this case, a with the sense "enter a state of wild fury" and one who could transform as a berserker was typically thought of as "hamrammr" or "shapestrong.[7]" ) For example, the band of men that go with Skallagrim in Egil's Saga to see King Harald about his brother, Thorolf's murder, they are described as, "all together there were twelve of them in the party, all the hardest of men, with a touch of the uncanny about a number of them...they [were] built and shaped more like trolls than human beings," which is generally interpreted as this band of men being hamrammr.[8]"

Malaysian Magickal Martial Arts, Silat, Djinn, Berserkers, Possession and the Supra States Concept
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Fear makes strangers of people who would otherwise be friends. - Shirley MacLaine

Now, as always, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


The Parasite knows everything about you, and what the Parasite wants are the emotions that come from fear.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Monday, May 20, 2013

Addressing Violence Against Women Living With HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean

Addressing Violence Against Women Living With HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean:

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When we are happy and serene, time loses its power over us.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


We are here, to offer our continued support as well as continued encouragement. We are aware that many are feeling some form of disappointment and feeling a bit let down after the intense energies of the galactic alignments and infusion of light. We are aware that there were high expectation for change and from all outward appearances, those phenomenal changes you were expecting are not visible or apparent. We invite you to remember you are in the dense frequency and vibration of physical reality.

We remind you, whatever you have held, envisioned, called forth and anchored in the energy field of the subtle realms takes 'time' to filter into this dense plane. It has always been so. We will assure you that the manifestations of what you have anchored and called forth are truly manifesting more quickly than in your past.

--Host of Light by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

O.K., we're back to MONDAY, Yes!!! And since today is Monday, I have for you another part of AWARENESS, by Anthony De Mello.

“The Master made it his task to destroy systematically every doctrine, every belief, every concept of the divine, for these things, which were originally intended as pointers, were now being taken as descriptions.

He loved to quote the Eastern saying "When the sage points to the moon, all that the idiot sees is the finger.” ― Anthony de Mello

Now, as always, I want to end this post with my most favorite song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


The love we need to hunt is inside ourselves, but that love is difficult prey...If you can capture the prey, you will see that your love can grow strong inside you, and it can fulfill your needs. This is so important for your happiness.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I skip on the beach, and play with the waves.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


So what is the CAUSE of the unbearable pain Humanity has been experiencing for so very long?

The CAUSE of ALL of the maladies existing on Earth is Humanity's distorted and fragmented consciousness based in separation and duality.

This consciousness is the antithesis of Christ Consciousness. It is the opposite of the patterns of Oneness, Divine Love, and Reverence for Life that are encoded within the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

When every person on Earth has completed his or her Awakening into Christ Consciousness, we will all know that it is impossible to harm any part of Life without harming ourselves and every other facet of Life. With that realization, we will consciously and deliberately operate from the heart space of Oneness and Love. We will open our hearts and minds to the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, and we will find viable, win-win solutions for every situation or challenge.

--Raising Consciousness – The Shift from Separation to Oneness by Patricia Cota-Robles

It's SUNDAY, which means it's time for another SUNDAY SCHOOL VIDEO... Today, i's episode 4 (part 2) of DISCOVERING RELIGION.

Uploaded on Mar 20, 2010 ***NOTICE*** Please turn on your annotations for this video. I have made several minor continuity errors and I have corrected these mistakes in the annotations. Thank you. The fourth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this two-part episode I examine just 4 of the innumerable problems that arise if the Flood Myth is accepted as a literal, historical event. Problem 1.) The emergence of predatory animals after the Flood and the conflicts that arise if present-day carnivores consumed only vegetations during the 1,556 from Adam to Noah's son, Shem. Problem 2.) The implausibility of a Human-Dinosaur coexistence and how such an absurd idea contradicts everything we know about life on Earth and the timeline of events in our solar system. Problem 3.) The great many conflicts that arise between the Flood event and the knowledge the Earth once contained a super-continent known as Pangaea -- namely, if the Flood really did occur, how did marsupials and penguins make the journey back to their respective isolated continents, the only place they are and have always been naturally found to exist. Problem 4.) The inability for creationists to reconcile the young earth view with the astronomical evidence of a universe that appears many billions of years old. Creationists often weasel their way out of honest scientific debate by claiming carbon dating to be inaccurate or bringing into question such natural processes as sediment deposition. However, ancient starlight traveling many billions of light years to reach our planet is the most concrete evidence the Earth and the Universe are indeed many billions of years old and the myths like the Creation and the Flood cannot be taken literally. ----------------------------------------­- MUSIC CITED: The Hours Soundtrack - Poet Acts Snow Falling on Cedars - Snow Angels ----------------------------------------­- PLAYLIST:




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Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude. - Dale Carnegie

Now, I want to end this post with my most favorite song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


When you pretend to be what you are not, you are always going to fail.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Banks Shut Down Porn Stars' Accounts - Business Insider

Banks Shut Down Porn Stars' Accounts - Business Insider:

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When the World Frowns, I Smile Back.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


The energy of the new world being birthed is one of cooperation, not competition. Working together collaboratively is much more fun, stimulating and healthy than competing for everything as an individual. If you look at all indigenous societies, they have always cooperated for mutual survival and flourishing. The spiritual growth of the individual was a key focus of most societies and they lived in harmony with nature.

The key is seeing the universe as abundant and infinitely capable of providing for everyone, instead of seeing it as a world of lack in which each individual must fight others for survival. When there is competition there are inherently winners and losers, and in the game of wealth in today’s society there are far more losers than winners. When people cooperate for mutual benefit then everyone flourishes. What is important is that all are open hearted and committed to being of benefit to everyone. This benefit includes yourself, but not focusing only on yourself. With this mentality the entire society can flourish and be completely fulfilled with abundance not just materially but in the most important aspect, love and heartfelt relationships.

--Ted Murray

Well, another Saturday is upon us, and today, it's gonna be special! But then, EVERYDAY in this likfe is special... But anyway, because it's Saturday, I have another episode of ASK TEAL for you.

Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Published on May 11, 2013
You have most likely heard every spiritual teacher (including myself) explain that a key ingredient to happiness is to provide yourself with what you are looking for from others. In human culture there is a lot of emphasis put on the idea that it is not ok to use people for our own benefit. This is why we don't like to ask people for help. We worry that asking people for what we need and want is "using" them. The problem with this belief is that this is what we do every day. We use people. It is not possible to do anything other than this. You are using everything in your life and every one in your life as a tool to increase your happiness. For example, you are using your lover. You're using him or her as a tool to increase your own joy and self worth. You are using your children. You are using them to feel as if your life matters. You are using your friends. You're using them to feel a sense of security. And so, when we ask ourselves is it ok to use people? The answer is yes. We do it all day every day. And it just so happens that using people and loving people does not have to be a contradiction in terms.

People & Blogs
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We must become the change we wish to see in the world. - Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi


Now just in case you couldn't read the above flyer, here's the basic information below:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

UnUrban Cafe 3301 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica CA 90909

After Steubenville, Delhi, Rio and the stories that have not been heard; female and male poets come together to: SLAM UP TO VIOLENCE.

Share, Witness, Listen. Let's change the culture together.

Hosted By Sean Hill
Music by Roxie Sakura and theKI

Open Forum:
Bring your poetry,
your stories,
your ideas.

Donation: $7
All Proceeds benefit UN WOMEN

The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of Life really takes place. - Barbara De Angelis

Now, I want to end this post with my most favorite song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


You have to accept yourself and love yourself just the way you are. Only by loving and accepting yourself the way you are can you truly be and express what you are.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Friday, May 17, 2013


The world is a better place because I am here.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Everything starts with respecting the Great Spirit,

In it are all beings and things,

animals, plants, rocks, humans, minerals,

thunder, wind, fire, stars...

That is why everything is sacred.

And this is why all things have their will, intelligence, and perception;

their own path and reason for being.

All this must be respected.

--Rolling Thunder, Cherokee.

What might "sacred economics" be like? How might it lead to a sustainable world? Watch this beautiful short 12 minute film to find out: Published on Mar 1, 2012
Directed by Ian MacKenzie
Produced by Velcrow Ripper, Gregg Hill, Ian MacKenzie



Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth.

Today, these trends have reached their extreme - but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and sustainable way of being.

This short contains some visuals from the upcoming feature doc Occupy Love

,br> Directed & Edited by Ian MacKenzie
Producers: Ian MacKenzie, Velcrow Ripper, Gregg Hill
Cinematography: Velcrow Ripper, Ian MacKenzie
Animation: Adam Giangregorio, Brian Duffy
Music: Chris Zabriskie
Additional footage: Steven Simonetti, Pond 5, Youtube
Stills: Kris Krug, NASA
Special thanks: Charles Eisenstein, Stella Osorojos, Hart Traveller, Clara Roberts-Oss, Line 21 Media

Nonprofits & Activism
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Now, I want to end this post with my most favorite song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


Imagine a perfect relationship. You are always intensely happy with your partner because you live with the perfect woman or man for you. How would you describe your life with this person?
~don Miguel Ruiz

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I welcome change. I drive change.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Your Purpose in Becoming Human

To decide and to declare, to create and to express, to experience and to fulfill, Who You Really Are.

To re-create yourself anew in every moment in the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you had about Who You Really Are.

That is your purpose in becoming human, and that is the purpose of all of life.

--Conversations With God, Book 3 by Neale Donald Walsch

O.K., this is going to be a Martial Arts post. Well, sort of. This wonderful video was shared on my facebook newsfeed page yesterday morning by Anshu Christa Jacobsen, headmistress of Budo Ryu ninjutsu. On it, she talks about passages from the Hagakure, and how you can apply some of the things taught in that book into your daily life.

I hope you enjoy it.

Published on Apr 1, 2013
This video is a kuden (口伝; verbal transmission) and hiden (秘伝; secret transmission) of the interpretations of the Hagakure by Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson; 21st Soke of the Tomo-ryu tradition and Headmistress of the Budo Ryu Dojo.

Follow Soke Anshu Christa Jacobson on Facebook:

Log on to the Official Website of the Budo Ryu Dojo:

Log on to the Official Fan Page of Soke Anshu:

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Now, I want to end this post with my most favorite song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


If you are aware that no one else can make you happy, and that happiness is the result of love coming out of you, this becomes the greatest mastery of the Toltecs, the Mastery of Love.
~don Miguel Ruiz

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I view the Divine and All of Life from the perspective of Celebration.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, and welcome to HUMP DAY!!! A couple of days more, and we're back to the weekend. This whole week has been great to me so far, and I hope to see this trend continue!

A Vision for Going Back to the Basics

We see a world where people have gone back to the basics; where, from our earliest childhood, we are taught how to grow a garden, build a simple house, fix a vehicle, forage for indigenous foods and medicines, keep basic health and hygiene standards, put things back where we got them, plant a fruit tree, build a fire, swim, sew, communicate, cook a meal, work a computer, think positively, read, write, do basic math, be responsible for ourselves, and more.

We envision a world where people know their neighbors, make themselves more available, and enjoy gathering in local communities - for, indeed, all of the massive, cumbersome, centralized political and financial institutions have gone away because people no longer wanted to be governed by someone they didn't know, by someone who had self-serving motives, or by someone who didn't really care about them.

As a result, people have set up local currencies, local co-ops, and they resolve all their differences at the local level with the help of elders who are respected and chosen for their wisdom and compassion.

Likewise, we see people more tuned in and responsible for their own health than in the past when they used to rely on others to tell them what was going on with their body. In fact, we see people everywhere having taken a stand on behalf of their own well-being. No longer are we dumbed down or undiscerning. Now we are all more awake and aware, and we have chosen, courageously, to withhold our agreement, our allegiance, our obedience, and our support from anyone who would act uncaringly or unlovingly toward us or our fellow travelers. Instead, now that we have all the skills we learned in childhood at our beck and call, we have gone back to basics, focused our attention back at the community level, and begun to take full responsibility for all that goes on in our lives.

--The Intenders of the Highest Good/Vision Alignment Project

I saw this amazing You Tube video yesterday, and I just HAD to post it here.

Published on May 6, 2013
In 2005, author David Foster Wallace was asked to give the commencement address to the 2005 graduating class of Kenyon College. However, the resulting speech didn't become widely known until 3 years later, after his tragic death. It is, without a doubt, some of the best life advice we've ever come across, and perhaps the most simple and elegant explanation of the real value of education.
We made this video, built around an abridged version of the original audio recording, with the hopes that the core message of the speech could reach a wider audience who might not have otherwise been interested. However, we encourage everyone to seek out the full speech (because, in this case, the book is definitely better than the movie). -The Glossary

Listen to the full speech here:

We sourced all the music tracks from a handful of great composers found online. Here are the artists:
Ryan Leach (
Hugh Mitchell (
Vadim Shkor (
Skanoir (
The Digital Pianist (
Be sure to check out their work!

Film & Animation
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O.K., I would like to end this post with my most favorite song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


If you know what is love and what is fear, you become aware of the way you communicate your dream to others.
~don Miguel Ruiz