Sunday, November 24, 2013


I chose to release all my attachments.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Become familiar with the love that soars within you, and bring it out where it can be seen, can be gloried in. It is intended that the world swim in love, that oohs and ahs of love spill onto the world and revitalize it. Enough has been taken from the world. Now it is time to give. Ultimately, it is to yourself that you give. Love is a magic trick wherein you bless all and find yourself the most blessed.

--Prosper in Love by HeavenLetters

Familiarizarte con el amor que surge dentro de ti, y sacarlo a relucir donde pueda ser visto, puede ser glorificado. El mundo está destinado a nadar en amor, a que ohs y ahs de amor se derramen por el mundo y lo revitalicen. Ya se ha tomado bastante del mundo. Ahora es el momento de dar. En última instancia, es a ti mismo a quien das. El amor es un truco mágico en el que tu bendices a todos y descubres que tu eres el más bendecido.

--Prospera en Amor por Cartas Celestiales

Uploaded on May 2, 2011
The twentieth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". This episode begins the miniseries on morality by comparing and contrasting concepts like subjective/objective and secular/biblical moralities. Now that we have exposed God's true moral nature and found that our sense of right and wrong comes from somewhere outside the Bible, we can begin to explore the possible evolutionary origins of morality and how science informs our shared principles of conduct. Christians and other monotheists absolutely HATE the idea that morality can be based in science and I am very much looking forward to producing these episodes. However, please note my videos are extremely time-consuming to produce and unfortunately I do not have a lot of free time. I try make videos as often as I can, so I hope everyone understands why such time passes between episodes. Thank you all for your support of this series, I very humbled by all the attention my channels has been getting recently. I very much appreciate your interest in what I have to say!



Jesus supports the Law - Matthew 5:17, 19
Conception and Birth of Jesus - Matthew 1:18-25
Dividing the Spoils - Numbers 31:26-35
Save Only the Virgins - Numbers 31:7-18
Marrying Female Captives - Deuteronomy 21:10-14
God Kills 1st born of Egypt - Exodus 12:29-30
God kills children for ancestors' sins - Isaiah 14:21
God kills offspring of enemies - Hosea 9:11-16
God promotes murder, looting, and rape - Isaiah 13:15-18
Slaves are inherited property - Leviticus 25:44-46
How to properly beat slaves - Exodus 21:20-21
Toddler-murder is moral - Psalm 137:9

Death Penalty for the following actions:
Witchcraft - Exodus 22:17
Fortunetelling - Leviticus 20:27
Blasphemers - Leviticus 24:16
Non-Believers - 2 Chronicles 15:12-13
False Prophets - Zechariah 13:3
Non-Virginal Brides - Deuteronomy 22:13-21
Work on Sunday - Exodus 35:2
Disobedient children - Leviticus 20:9
Adulterers - Leviticus 20:10
Homosexuals - Leviticus 20:13



"God on Trial" (2008) Watch the movie on my channel, DRCited:



Blackannis - MusicBox
TRON - 11 - Nocturne
Inception - 08 - One Simple Idea
Johan Soderqvist - Hiding the body
Johan Soderqvist - Virginia wakes up
Silent Hill 2 - PromiseThirdVersion
Silent Hill - 06 - Promis (reprise)
Silent Hill - 10 - Claw Finger
The Tudors - 03 - Pleasured Distractions
The Tudors - 09 - Visions Of A Great Ruler
The Tudors - 12 - Mixed Messages From Anne
The Tudors - 17 - A Queens Loneliness
The Tudors - 13 - Whispers & Confessions
"Mad World" (instrument)






Film & Animation

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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4713 Make No Excuses, October 20, 2013

God said:
This thing of saying you are doing your best is too often an excuse. You are saying, “I can’t help it.” It is kind of like throwing your hands up in defeat. It’s kind of like saying: “I would do better if I could.” And then you have a list of reasons why you aren’t doing all you are truly capable of.

Look, I have told you that you are doing the best you can at any moment, yet I want to tell you there is something different when I say it than when you do. You are really telling a tale about yourself, that you are not coming up to par in your own eyes. At the same time, you are letting go of responsibility that is yours.

Yes, of course, sometimes you ask too much of yourself. This is true. At other times, you do not begin to ask enough of yourself. You take the easy way out. Saying you’re doing the best you can is kind of like a palliative, something you give to yourself to make you feel better, only it doesn’t really work.

Of course, there are times you really are doing all that you can do. And there are times when you are running way. This is an emotional kind of subterfuge. It is really better that you do not kid yourself. Somehow, when you run away, you are not making a decision. There is something you want to escape from, and you find an excuse to latch onto.

Somewhere within you, you may feel you deserve special dispensation. This may be somewhat like calling yourself not good enough. Maybe you are putting yourself down and making yourself less.

Every human being, at one time or another, has fallen short. Everyone probably has bitten off more than he can chew. At one time or another, every human being has welcomed an opportunity to abscond from responsibility.

It’s also true that sometimes, you want to run away from responsibility, and you fall back on: “I can’t do it all.

” On one day a week, you are meant to rest, to take a breath, to ease yourself into a more restful rhythm. I never said to take off every day from responsibility that is yours. I don’t recall telling you to loll around seven days a week. I don’t recall telling you, across the board, to retire, as it were.

It’s likely I would tell you to keep going.

It is only an idea that makes you say you can’t keep up, for, of course, with the right sentiment, of course, you can keep up. You can even exceed far beyond what you have allowed yourself. Ah, yes, thought precedes action just the same as thought precedes inaction.

Sometimes you wear yourself out by not making a decision and moving forward.

To let yourself off the hook or not to let yourself off the hook, that is the question, and that is the question that tires you. It would seem that there are times when, whatever decision you make, you don’t buy it. You may feel that you are a scalawag, that you don’t merit taking care of whatever it is, and you don’t merit not taking care of it either.

Oh, yes, sometimes you vacillate, and you put yourself in a bind regardless. You make it so you can’t win, and how you tire yourself, how your wavering wears you down.

Somehow you want to come to the place where you do not feel guilty. Guilt and responsibility are not the same. Do whatever it is, or don’t, and keep guilt out of the equation. You can’t ride two horses at the same time, beloveds.

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To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------

Today in the music corner, we have "BREAK EVERY CHAIN", by JESUS CULTURE.

----------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Focus your attention on your inner silence, a place inside you that is the origin of everything that you are. It is a space between you and you, a little space of creation, a little space of multidimensional choices, where the dream of life begins.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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