Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I celebrate both my uniqueness
and my connection with all that is.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


How important is it to understand the origin of the universe? Do we need to understand something completely in order to appreciate it? For some people, this kind of knowledge is their life purpose, and their ability to share this knowledge in a usable form may be a benefit to others. However, for most people the desire to understand something deeply gets them so immersed in their head that they lose perspective of what the purpose of this knowledge may be. A modern example of this is the feel for a continual need to study the effect of human activity on climate change instead of simply recognizing that we play a role and start doing whatever is possible to alleviate our mismanagement of resources.

Are you being paralyzed by a need to understand your world and your own purpose in it? Perhaps shutting off the mind for a while and stopping its quest to categorize and evaluate would be the best step. When you stop (or at least slow down) the mind then you allow the space to listen to your heart. The heart actually has a connection to all of the wisdom of the universe. By quieting the mind and allowing the heart to open to its full potential you bypass the paralysis of information created by the mind and can simply live. Living from the heart is truly the most rewarding way to fulfill your true purpose in the world.

--Ted Murray

Published on Jul 3, 2012 Will the coming technological singularity be as big in scale as the invention of language? Jason Silva thinks so. Listen as Jason predicts an impending future of limitless technological capabilities in this next installment of EPIPHANY. For a daily fix of Jason, tune in all this week to EPIPHANY on THNKR.

EPIPHANY is a daily series that invites impassioned thought leaders across all disciplines to reveal the innovative, the improbable, and the unexpected of their worlds.

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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4701 Trust in God Comes from Greater than Wishes' Coming True , October 8, 2013

God said:
My heart is waiting for you. Come fill My heart with your presence. Be here with Me. Keep Me company, and let Me accompany you down hill and dale and up to the Elysian Fields where love grows and knows no bounds.

Come into My heart, and stay with Me a while. Stay longer than that. Abide with Me where We actually do live together Infinitely. We are not temporary, you and I. What did you think Oneness means? Never divided are We, except in how you may perceive at a particular moment. Whose knowledge is greater, beloveds?

Happiness does reside with Me. Yet it behooves you not to mix up wish fulfillment with happiness or wish fulfillment with love.

I have one wish, if We can call it wish when it is a certitude, and that is that you stay with Me in My heart. I happen to know that this is already the case, so why would I wish for what is already so?

At the same time, beloveds, I am far far more than a genie who fulfills your every wish. I am to be welcomed for My Self and less for what I can grant you at a particular moment.

My dears, where do you get the idea that I am to fulfill your every wish or even half of them? Often as not, your wishes are going to change anyway.

It is not your happiness to get everything you want. Have you thought so? Why would you think so?

I recommend that you come to Me with the idea of asking Me what you can do for Me. Beloveds, this is where your happiness lies, not in this or that.

If you are looking for proof of Me, you are barking up the wrong tree. Our relationship goes far deeper than the surface. Wish fulfillment is surface, beloveds. It may be in your best interest for you to not have whatever you may feel is of the utmost importance to you. You don’t know what is important to you. You may think you do, yet, more likely, it may well be that you don’t know the difference between pleasure and pain or between pleasure and growth.

Look, you have already chosen growth. You are definitely not on Earth to stay as you are or to grow only as you wish when you wish.

If you desire to be wholly with Me, then there are ideas of yours that may need to take a back seat. It is not possible for you to have Me as a pet rock, beloveds, or as a talisman or a good luck piece. Be careful that you are not arrogant. I am not intended to dance to your tune.

I do have your best interests at heart. Wish fulfillment is not always in your best interest.

Are you going to love Me only when I agree with you? You may be sure I love you whether you agree with or not. The crux of our relationship goes beyond agreement. Get your heart into the right place. I do not stand on pride, beloveds, nor are you to.

“Not my will, God, but Thine.” Surely this doesn’t mean that I am to be in your good graces when I happen to please you? Am I, God, to go by your individual will only? For what reason, dear ones? I am speaking of your will as it now stands. My will within you can be greater than you can perceive.

In truth, there is no your way and My way. That is to say there is what you perceive and there is Truth which you are on your way to perceiving.

What does trust mean, beloveds?

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----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------

In today's music corner, we have this beautiful song from THE GYPSY KINGS...

----------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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