Thursday, November 7, 2013


I accept gratefully the entirety of my past and my present life.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


We would like to expand your focus now to include the portals of your planet, Earth.

The fabric and weavings of your planetary energy fields are interlaced with portals. It is with you inner vision and wisdom that you begin to recognize and allow yourself to see, sense or feel these portals. Many of the sacred sites and powerful places in nature offer an energy portal, and those who are sensitive can feel what is being offered.

Just as the physical human form has a network of energy portals/chakras the physical earth also is networked and woven with portals of power, gateways between the dimensions, thresholds between the realms of time and space.

The ancient ones were sensitive to these places and they usually built their temples and sacred altars near or actually upon the entrance or opening. You can scan the history of earth and see the main portals and power places by observing where the ancient churches, buildings, stone circles, pyramids, even villages and whole cities were constructed, over or near these gateways. Labyrinths also offer an entry point, a doorway, which allows passage and travel between the dimensions.

These portals and openings are much like the chakras/portals of the human body, they open and close, they become congested with misuse or distorted in some manner. It is important to realize that as the consciousness of mankind awakens these earth portals, these earth power gateways can be cared for, cleared, balanced, refreshed, renewed and honored just as the aware human can care for, clear, balance, refresh, renew and honor their own personal power centers.

Even today people travel to hold ceremonies and experience the ancient portals. There are many who travel to these ancient sites unaware of this energy and force. The impact to their personal awakening can be very subtle or it can be extremely profound.

--The Power of Portals by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

Published on Mar 1, 2013
On the corner of the Avenue of the Americas and 47th Street is a man who doesn't have an office, doesn't have a sharp suit or tie, but...wears a pair of spotless, shiny shoes.

Tonight, Sana Bég introduces us to one shoe shiner, with a little pep in his step.

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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4696 Come from a Place of Love, October 3, 2013

God said:
Now is the time to stop being the judge of the world. Now is the time for you to embrace all, to take all into your heart and, once and for all, proclaim yourself Christ or Buddha or by the name of any deity you embrace, and to acknowledge every other seeming person as the SelfSame.

No matter others’ actions, no matter what you may think of their actions and their lack of the warmth of the milk of human kindness, you have an assignment to be true to all that I, God, hold to be true. I say again and again that all are One with Me, and that includes whoever you may hold a strike against. You are not meant to picket anyone. Not one. Not once. Not ever.

You are the judge of no one. There is no human being on Earth who is to have the gall to declare another as unworthy. First of all, the person you are so justifiedly angry with right now lives and speaks against your standards of right and wrong. That someone or many hold standards different from yours does not merit their exclusion. Not on any grounds are you authorized to cast anyone out of Oneness. There is no excommunication on any level. Certainly, this is not your jurisdiction. You are given to all as a sign of My love. Certainly, you are not to be a sign of separation. I never gave you the role of separating the wheat from the chaff of human beings. What in Heaven or on Earth ever gave you the idea that you are to be the judge and the jury? By what right do you take offense? Who are you to take offense? And to claim your offense as done in My Name. This is taking My Name in vain.

Now, for you, it is not that you are to feign. You do not feign love. What you have to do is to grow to the height where you can not sow less than love. You are not to be ashamed that you can truthfully sow love in soil that does not seem fertile to you. Even in barren soil, as you perceive, you can also sow love. Never were you told to sow love only in the best soil. No, you have been told to sow love everywhere. What is before you to love is what is here before you to love. Make no mistake.

You are to love the perceived imperfect as well as the perceived perfect. Then, only then, are you perfect according to My Will, My Will not thine.

No matter how much seeming others are guilty of having done something that was not their place to do, no matter how wrong the seeming others are or may be, if you banish them from your heart, you have done sacrilege. No longer can you shove someone aside and say you are being responsible. You are being irresponsible. Your responsibility is to love. And so you bring yourself to a place of love. This does not make you acrimonious.

When you bless another, you are blessing yourself. When you curse another or snub another, you are falsifying yourself. When you wish another ill, you call illness to you. Is there anything admirable in that? When you absolve another, you absolve yourself. Abolish your hardened heart first. This is how you embrace the world. You are to be a Great Emancipator. Start now. Free yourself from self-righteousness.

I never told you to be high and mighty. I have told you to be humble. When you stand at My door, what can you be but humble?

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----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------

On today's musci corner, we have Sambolera, by Khadja Nin.

----------CLICK HERE TO WATCH-----------

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

For years we have received the gossip and spells from the words of others, but also from the way we use our word with ourselves.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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