Saturday, September 3, 2011


There is only one force that moves and transforms everything. The force that moves the stars is the same force that moves the atoms in my body. This force is always present and obvious for me to see, but I cannot see it when my attention is focused on lies.
~don Miguel Ruiz

1 comment:

  1. The best lies are clothed in what appears to be the truth. This is a classic example. Mr. Ruiz appears to be a master of this black art.

    The force that moves stars is God. That is true enough. And the power of God is truly in the midst of every atom within our entire constitution. That is also true.

    But, when a person swings his fist into the face of the person he hates, God is not moving those atoms. The freewill of the soul, in rebellion against God is moving those atoms.

    When a heroin addict shoots up, all the atoms that are in motion related to that action, are moved, not by God, but by the freewill of the soul in a state of rebellion against God.

    The failure of Mr. Ruiz to make this essential distinction gives us another illustration of his agenda, which is to make his own rebellion against God, and the rebellion of others, appear to be “perfect” and in no need of change.

    This is the modus operandi of the fallen angel.
