Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I acknowledge and accept my feelings. There is nothing wrong with whatever I feel. There are no good or bad emotions. Even if I feel anger or hate, there is always a reason for feeling it. Every emotion comes directly from the integrity of my spirit.
~don Miguel Ruiz

1 comment:

  1. The above quote presents a patently false picture of reality.

    Yes there is always a reason for feeling what we feel. That is clear.

    But all feelings do not come “directly from the integrity of my spirit.”

    We are all Children of the Most High God. God is LOVE. The central nucleus of our integrity in spirit is that LOVE.

    When we feel anything that contradicts God’s Love, we are in a mode of being that is in contradiction to God, and thus, in those times we have lost contact with the integrity of our spirit. If we live in hate, or anger, and justify it, we remain adrift from our central point of integrity.

    How could any marriage last if it was based on hate or anger? That is impossible. Only love holds people together in a condition of respect and harmony.

    The Teachings of Jesus Christ was given to show the Children of God how to reconnect in a solid and unshakeable manner to our original condition of integrity in the spirit of God’s Love.

    Only in that way can the Kingdom of God come to the earth.
