Monday, January 28, 2013


I Make Free-Will Choices.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Help People Know They're Loved

Now here is what I know will bring you joy. Decide that the rest of your life — every day, every moment, every word — is something that you will share with everyone whose life you touch in a way that ensures that they will know there is nothing they have to do, nowhere they have to go, and no way they have to be, in order to be loved by you right now. Let them know that they are perfect just as they are, just as they are standing there.

--Tomorrow's God by Neale Donald Walsch

And Now, since it's MONDAY, I have another video clip of "AWARENESS", with Anthony De mello.

“People mistakenly assume that their thinking is done by their head; it is actually done by the heart which first dictates the conclusion, then commands the head to provide the reasoning that will defend it.”
~ Anthony de Mello

QUESTION - What is Permacultre?

ANSWER - Permaculture is the extension of the art of biomimicry - a sustainable living and design science rooted in observation of nature; permaculture is to sustainability what math is to physics. Nature has long solved many of the environmental and social problems we're facing today, but we just have not been paying much attention.

While many people think of permaculture as gardening, that’s a lot like thinking of math as being about building bridges. Permaculture is much larger than gardening. Permaculture is a sustainable design science rooted in observation of natural patterns. For example, the same branching pattern of a tree is present in every river, as well as in our own bodies — the pattern maximizes edge, increases diversity, and serves at least a dozen other functions. The very concepts of diversity increasing stability of natural living systems and edge increasing diversity are core permaculture teachings.

By observing the way nature works and then applying the same patterns and principles we learn to design truly sustainable, extremely resilient systems on any level – that can be a garden, a business or a whole city.

So, why did I bother to tell you this? Well, a group called THE REGENERATIVE LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE, an eight year old leadership, sustainable living and permaculture design school with courses in Oregon, California and Hawaii, is trying to develop a free online permaculture design course, teaching principles of sustainable living and permaculture design.

And they need your help.

I'll let the video below explain this amazing project in detail:


Let's Change the World - PLEDGE Today!!!

Tell yourself how wonderful you are, how great you are. Tell yourself how much you love yourself.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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