Saturday, January 26, 2013


I Live a Life of Bold and Courageous Action Inspired by Powerful Dreams.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Well, it's Saturday, so I guess I'll go to Downtown L.A., sinc I'm feeling a little better... I hope it doesn't rain too much.

The message We Are All One, interrelated, interconnected and interdependent, with God/Life/One Another, is the one spiritual message that the world has been waiting for to bring about loving and sustainable answers to humanity’s challenges. --1st Declaration in Oneness Petition created by Humanity’s Team and signed by over 83,000 in over 150 countries

Well, since today is SATURDAY, we have another episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott, talking about past lives. I hope you enjoy it.

Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Video description from You Tube:

Published on Jan 19, 2013

Today's Ask Teal Episode is about: Past Lives
We are eternal. This means we have been projecting forth into physical lives and withdrawing from them over and over and over again. You are the culmination of every life you have ever lived. When you die, you line up with everything that life has caused you to desire. That is pure positive energy. Which means that you don't drag baggage with you. You may choose to "opt" into new contrast though based on a past life you have lived.

Your eternal aspect is not oriented towards the past; it is always using the past as a platform for what is to come. We are always oriented towards the expansion the improvement. When you come into a new life, you close your eyes to the past, in order to open them to a new existence. The benefit of a new life is a new perspective... other than a perspective that is an accumulation of every other life as well. That would be like trying to listen to a billion channels on a radio at the same time. Our eternal being (often called a soul) manages to be all these channels at once. Which is why you can see your past lives when you withdraw your focus and re-align with your eternal consciousness like when the Buddha was meditating under the Bodhi tree. We come into one singular life focused on this singular life We sometimes refer to this as going "balls deep" into the program. Doing this benefits us greatly. Isn't it a different level of experience walking into a movie theatre and having no memory of life before you entered the movie theatre than it is when you're aware of the life that exists before and after the movie theatre? The idea that we must be here in order to clear karma accumulated in past lives is another very outdated very human understanding of this universe. The current understanding of karma, makes God or the Universe out to be a kind of parental figure that gets to dictate what lives you live based on what he or it sees as essential for you to live in order for you to achieve his pre determined idea of perfection and make up for past mistakes and learn the lessons the universe wants you to learn. Your past lives do not hold the key you are looking for... If it seems like a past life did hold the key, it is because you managed to relate to a past life maybe not even YOUR past life that better symbolically represented your current struggle and when you released the pain relative to the symbolic past life, you also released your resistance relative to that current struggle.

We are here to facilitate our soul's expansion in this lifetime. We cannot do this and be continuously immersed in the past. It is a vibrational contradiction. We cannot look behind us and move forward at the same time. In truth we cannot look behind us and even be in the present moment at the same time. And that is why most of us have chosen to let go of the memories of our past lives at the same time as we chose to participate in this one.

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Life doesn’t always introduce you to the people you WANT to meet. Sometimes life puts you in touch with the people you NEED to meet – to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to become.

I think of this above quote when I think about the person I'm about to talk about now.

The lady in the photo below is my friend CARMEN AMARA.

Now I know I posted about her A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO, but I just want to give you guys another example of how awesome she is.

This morning, I found this video Carmen made thanking one of her clients, Brenda Malone, for a message she posted on Carmen's Facebook page.

This is the post that Brenda posted on Carmen's FB Page:

Imagine being fortunate enough to practice yoga with, in my opinion, the best yoga instructor, who is so unique in her own special way. She has such a commanding, yet infectious, playful presence with spiritual energy that lifts you up and gives you a sense of purpose when you're on the mat. She leads by example, with her gymnastic body, pure strength, yet ballerina-like agility. She makes you feel comfortable and delivers the class with words of encouragement, or like tonite, even a high-five to lift your spirits when she sees you struggling or falling out of a pose. She takes the adjustments back to the basics, if that is what you need, which often times it is, in my case. She creates such a personal touch as she effortlessly feels her way around the room ... a subtle touch, a name call-out or a quick glance to make you feel better, letting you know she's there for you. And she knows exactly what you need at that precise moment, and gets that pose and your practice right where it needs to be. She focuses on the bandhas and the power of breath to make you more efficient and take your practice to a whole new level. With music that goes hand-in-hand with each sequence and helps get you where you need to go. She then ends the class with the most amazing "spiritually guided life force energy" meditation (aka Reiki), which feels like a wonderful radiance flowing through and around you, using aromatherapy to reduce your stress ... relax you ... heal your mind, body and soul. Well, I am, and she is none other than Carmen Amara!

Anyway, I just want to say:

Carmen, Keep on doing you. Keep on using All your hard work and God given talent that to make a positive impact on people's lives. And most of all, Keep on encouraging us all to

“Go Confidently in the direction of you dream,live the life you have imagined.”

You can find out more about Carmen by going to her website,

Hey Check this out... Carmen is in this year's Calendar of Spoken Vizions Divas. Go to this site to purchase it.

If you make an agreement with yourself to be impeccable with your word, just with that intention, the truth will manifest through you and clean all the emotional poison that exists within you.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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