Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I grant myself the Honor of being ME.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


The shift that has been anticipated for so long is all about light and love replacing fear and darkness. Instead of anticipating terrifying disturbances instead prepare yourself to simply bring in more light to the world. Focus on being love and sharing that love essence with everyone you meet. The new era we are helping to usher in is simply one where love, compassion and cooperation replace fear, competition and individualism. The unity of all that you have been experiencing will soon become the normal way of being.

The nature of creation as light and energy will soon be understood by everyone. The interconnectedness of each individual and their light bodies is soon to be accepted as a fact. This will create a new understanding of what it means to be a human and what the true purpose of the human body is. The interconnectedness of all in the energy of light will enable us to rise up and recognize the true abundance that is available to everyone on this planet. Rejoice in this shift. Recognize your ability to connect constantly with this field of energy, the essence of all creation. Simply be the love that is already in your heart.

--Ted Murray

Hi guys, the guy in the video below is WMPYR. He has a lot of martial arts training videos uploaded on You Tube, and I learned alot of things from them. I have a Karambit video playlist which you can find in the sidebar if you know where to look, (Or you can just click HERE) and WMPYR's videos on the karambit has a very prominent place in that playlist.

Please check out his You Tube channel HERE.

Anyway, I want to show you this video he made, in which he talks about some of his learning experiences, and how some of the things he learned in the beginning he realyy didn't like and appreciate until later in his training.

I think this is a very important lesson because So many people today see martial arts as a merchandise, and jump from one style to another, and then another, without going too deeply into any of them, trying to find "the best style." Personally, I think that's a recipie for failure for many reasons(which I'm not gonna go into right now). I believe that, regardless of the style you're practicing, if you learn that style properly, go deeply into it, and do it for a long period of time, you'll be fine :)

Anyway, just check out the video:

If you want to know more about wmpyr, check out his website at

Today, Creator, is a wonderful day for a love communion with you. I know that I am an expression of your divine love. Let me accept your love because I am worthy of your love, because you created me, and you only create perfection.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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