Thursday, October 31, 2013
Top 10 Scary PRANKS for Halloween 2013! HD Best Pranks for Halloween.
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I unconditionally forgive myself for everything
that I have ever done, said, or thought
that has caused me harm or suffering.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
Well, it's that time of year again, the day I call the unofficial start of the Holiday season.
I'm not gonna do anything big on the blog for halloween this year, but this saturday, I AM going to downtown L.A. to check out the dia de los muertos celebration in GRAND PARK.
Anyway, Happy Halloween To everybody!
,br> Share the blessings of Autumn!!!
The Truth Within When you are in touch with that dimension within yourself [the truth of who you are] –
and being in touch with it is your natural state, not some miraculous achievement –
all your actions and your relationships will reflect the oneness with all life that you sense deep within.
--A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle La Verdad Interior
Cuando estas en contacto con esa dimensiĆ³n dentro de ti (la verdad de quien eres) –
y estar en contacto con ella es tu estado natural, no un tipo de logro milagroso –
todas tus acciones y tus relaciones reflejaran la unidad con toda la vida que sientes profundamente en tu interior.
– Una Nueva Tierra por Eckhart Tolle
Published on Oct 28, 2013
Happy Halloween Everyone!
In the spirit of the season, skeletons... you know, those ones in the closet. I get a lot of questions about how does one go about "releasing" fear, trauma and the like, and my answer always seems to surprise, delight and sometimes confound those that hear it.
So we thought we would turn it into a Halloween Special!
All of my love,
ps. Do you like my batman costume?
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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4724 The Truth of Your Self , October 31, 2013
God said:
There is no loss. You think you have loss. To you, it is incontrovertible that you have loss. As you see it, you lose your youth. You lose loved ones. You may lose hope.
Nothing is lost. Inside, you are still young. The heart of you doesn’t age. Age is something you buy into. In the extant world, everything changes, and you count that as loss. Everything in the world is a passing fancy. It is illusion, convincing illusion, and yet illusion. How you believe in illusion. How well you are attached to it.
You talk about physical appearances. It is the temporary physical that you are attached to. You are talking about time and space which do not exist in the first place and are hardly possible to lose when they are a mirage, and, yet you are attached to time and space as if flashing time and space anchor you. In physical terms, time and space let you down. Inevitably, they let you down.
You also talk about gain. You gain pounds. You gain money. You gain happiness for a while only to lose it again because you do not know that happiness is your very Being. You are attached to will-o-the-wisps.
In truth, you have everything and nothing to gain. You believe deeply in temporary things when all you are and all you desire are already yours if you could but believe, but, of course, you believe seeing is believing. Seeing misleads you. Belief is a perception as well. Truth is something else. Believe in Truth, beloveds. Believe in your unconquerable soul. Believe in Eternity and Infinity. Believe in your Self. Know the Truth about you. The Truth is not events. The Truth is not what you did. The Truth is not what seemingly has been done to you. Truth is unchanging.
You are not all what you reduce yourself to. Yes, you have a body, yet you are not your body. Yes, you have a name, yet you are not your name. Yes, you have a mind, yet you are not your mind. You are beyond your mind. You are beyond all you perceive and conceive. Heart and mind are not really contrary. Your mind is a vehicle. It is a kind of radar. Senses the same. Your heart is in tune with Me.
In one sense, everything on Earth is a blessing, even what you call hard times, even what you call misfortune, even what you call tragedy. Being alive on Earth is a blessing, and yet you call blessing by other names. You do not persist in the realization that you are a blessing and that you bless. You call yourself a fool or a rogue or one who complains, as if these names can be the sum of you. You are vaster. You are vaster than any thought you have.
Not even your thoughts belong to you. You believe in your thoughts that are far-fetched. You hold thoughts tight. You harbor them. You haven’t scanned far enough to reach Truth. You haven’t been able to get a handle on it. You have not yet been able to be true to your Self. You haven’t known enough to be true to your Self. You have absconded from Truth. You take everything else seriously, so seriously, and Truth, well, you skim over Truth. It is not yet in your grasp.
Frankly, you may well not know what’s up. You don’t know who you are. You don’t know that you ascend. You pull yourself down and cry, “Foul.” You may well give too much credence and importance to others and to many trifling things that mean nothing, nothing at all.
You are the meaning, beloveds, and you are far more than the surface of life. You are life. You are spectacular. You are Being. I ask you to know the Truth of your Self.
Permanent Link:
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
Now it can't be halloween without a halloween song! Well, let's rock this day with the KING OF POP, Michael Jackson, in his epic video, THRILLER.
And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
Real love is accepting other people the way they are without trying to change them.
~don Miguel Ruiz
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
My Peace is Counterpoint to the Clamor of the World.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
A miracle is nothing more than this…
Anyone who has come into a knowledge of his true identity,
Of his Oneness with the all-pervading wisdom and power,
This makes it possible for laws higher than the ordinary mind knows of to be revealed to him.
--Ralph Waldo Trine
Published on Oct 15, 2013
"When you confuse personal love and cosmic heroism you are bound to fail in both spheres. The impossibility of the heroism undermines the love, even if it is real. This double failure is what produces the sense of utter despair that we see in modern man... Love, then, is seen a religious problem" -Ernest Becker
Join Jason Silva every week as he freestyles his way into the complex systems of society, technology and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science in a form of existential jazz. New episodes every Tuesday.
Watch More Shots of Awe on TestTube
Subscribe now!
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Category Science & Technology License Standard YouTube License
------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4673 Rising to God, September 10, 2013
God said:
Only when you freeze up can you feel that life is too much for you. You get locked in place when you feel that you are not equal to the task, whatever the task may be. You are frozen in place, in space. You are caught in a still shot, and cannot move. Resistance has made you immobile.
Life stretches you, there is no doubt of that. Just as you might grit your teeth and be tight-mouthed, you have become immobile. You don’t know which way to go, and you can’t seem to move. This is also called rigid, beloveds.
Of course you know by now that, in life, you have to bend. Frozen, you cannot bend. It would seem that you have put a protective covering over yourself. You would choose another scenario for yourself where you are buffered rather than exposed. You know that you need to rebound from whatever it is you are dealing with. Initially, you simply are not quite able to deal with it, and so you stop, frozen in place. Frozen must be some kind of respite for you at this time.
You do not know how you can deal with great loss, and so you freeze, as a deer caught in headlights might. Or, perhaps as a chameleon, you do not want to be seen. Whatever the situation of your heart may be, you are stunned. You can’t believe it. You won’t believe it.
It has been said, and you have heard, that nothing is given to you that is too much for you. Hard to believe, yet you will not fall apart. After your pause, your cessation of activity, alone in a silent chamber of your heart, you will come out of shock. You will let go of your protest and your resistance and come to some of kind of settling down. If a loved one has left you, if you have been sentenced to life in prison for a crime you did not commit, if you are faced with bankruptcy, if you are homeless, if you have been fired, if you have been shot, if you are kidnapped, whatever you are assailed with, as much as you can’t make it through, you can, you do, you have.
Here’s how it is. Life goes on, and you go on. No matter how great your heartbreak, no matter how great your innocence, no matter how great your guilt, you survive. Vestiges may linger, yet you come to some kind of settlement, perhaps even peace. All your life you have probably learned to fight things, to push through, or perhaps you have learned to back off, look the other way, to retreat.
I have said it before, and I will say it again. What goes on around you is not the making of you. You are the making of you. Built in to you is great courage, beloveds. Even lost in a forest or a jungle, you can find your way out. Even when knocked down on the pavement, you can get up. You can get up and walk on. You must walk on. Being alive on Earth means you move on. Even paralyzed, you move on. Your heart beats. Even in a coma, you are alive, and you have a soul. Your soul is never unconscious. You may be unaware, yet your soul keeps being soul, and your soul stays strong regardless of any or all of what life in the world seems to hand you. You do get up and you do walk on to the sunset, and you do pass the boundaries of the world, and you do keep going, and you prevail. This is what human beings do. They rise. No matter what occurs, you rise. You are rising now. You are rising to Me now.
Permanent Link:
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
Now, let's start the day with this powerful song, "TOMORROW" by Salif Keita.
And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
Don't take anything personally.
~don Miguel Ruiz
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Today I choose the higher road - the path of charity, acceptance, love, selflessness, kindness.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
What do you see when you look up into a star-filled night sky? Are you filled with wonder at the incredible majesty of the universe? Are you humbled at the vastness of space and the tiny little portion that our planet occupies? Do you wonder about the other civilizations from innumerable other planets that have mastered space travel and may even be visiting us now? Do you think about the immense power that could have created this vast expanse innumerable ages ago?
When you take time to ponder these age-old questions you are automatically led to the more personal ones. Why am I on this planet at this time in history? Have I lived here before or perhaps experienced other planets or other dimensions of space? What is my current purpose in life? What is the nature of the creator and how am I connected to him/her/it? Why not take the next opportunity to ponder these questions when you have an opportunity to experience a beautiful, clear night sky. It is a way to connect with nature, the universe, the Creator, and yourself in a magical and inspiring way.
--Ted Murray
Now, since today is TUESDAY, we have another "WORLD HISTORY HISTORY" video for ya. Today, is episode 7 of CONNECTIONS 2, with James Burke.
Published on Jul 12, 2012
Photo Finish - Another series of discoveries examined by Burke which include Eastman Kodak's Brownie, the disappearing elephant scare of 1867, billiard balls, celluloid as a substitute for ivory, false teeth that explode, gun cotton, double shot sound of a bullet, Mach's shock wave, aerodynamics, nuclear bombs, Einstein's relativity, Einstein's selenium, movie talkies, the vacuum tube amplifier, radio, railroad's use of wood, coal tar, gas lights, creosote, rubber, the Zeppelin, the automobile and finally how Adeline vulcanizes tires.
Connections II (Connections 2) is a twenty-episode documentary television series created, written and presented by science historian James Burke in 1994. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention and demonstrated how various discoveries, scientific achievements, and historical world events were built from one another successively in an interconnected way to bring about particular aspects of modern technology. The series was noted for Burke's crisp and enthusiastic presentation (and dry humour), historical reenactments, and intricate working models.
Science & Technology
Standard YouTube License
------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4672 God Poses Questions, September 9, 2013
God said:
There are two schools of thought:
1. It is written where you would be at this time and place.
2. You create your own destiny.
Can it not be both at the same time?
There is, after all, free will. Can you recognize the possibility that your destiny is not marked in stone but that you can change your destiny? No matter, destiny destined or subject to change, you are in the right place at the right time.
Of course, you make choices. Choices are not forced upon you, and yet, sometimes, to your mind, they seem to be.
And, then, where do regrets come from, regrets that you went this way instead of that, and why?
You also have heard that there are no accidents, no coincidences, no altered courses.
Is when and where and how you die predestined?
In that case, how do miracles exist? Are miracles also predestined?
If everything is predicted, is free choice then an illusion?
I ask these questions for you, on your behalf.
And then I have told you that you will all return to Me from whence you came. That is a foregone conclusion, beloveds. That much is certain.
Then, if you create your own destiny – well, how can that be? Can destiny be created? If your future is foreordained, what can free will have to do with it?
In that case, you might ask:
“Did I decide on my life beforehand? Good grief, if my life is all laid out, why, do I have to go through the motions? God, I can tell You this: I do not slide through life. Living life as a human being isn’t a cinch. Why would I set such a bumpy road before me? That doesn’t sound like me. Actually, why would anyone choose difficulties for themselves? Who would give himself or herself the best and the worst of life, at least as we human beings see our lives along the way?
“Of course, that’s right. You, God, don’t see good and bad. You may acknowledge our pictures of suffering, yet, You, of Yourself, see something else.
“God, I do have to ask You what life is for? What is it all about? You have said on at least one occasion that human beings are here to learn joy. God, to learn joy among rabble-rousers and thieves and all manner of things is hard to perceive. I don’t get it.
“Perhaps You have told me that I don’t have to get it. I just have to live it. Well, that’s true. While I’m here on Earth and in whatever tangle I am, I go through it. I live it. I live it as best I can, and that means to continue living it whether I recognize my free will or not.
“God, I hope it’s all right that I ask You these questions. I know You have said that questions go around in circles, that they don’t take us anywhere except around the block.
“Is it true, God, that some day, I will just know the answers and I will be so happy? I will have no questions to ask? Is this true? I do grasp You made me and that I am greater than I perceive.
Our blessed animals on Earth live steered by instinct. I have seen the beauty of animals and how they take one day at a time, how they let go of the past and, like the lilies of the field, they don’t worry about the next day. Does instinct possibly mean closer bonding with you, God?
“You have told us not to complain, God, and yet where do my questions come from besides puzzlement and a desire for life to be friendly always and, therefore, free from discontent?
“I know You must be right. When I look upon beauty and love everywhere, as it is now, I don’t ask questions. I exclaim: ‘How beautiful the world is!’ And I say with all my heart, ‘Thank You, God.’”
Permanent Link:
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
Now let's start the day with this beautiful song, "MWANA WA MAMA", by KHADJA NIN.
And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
Don't make assumptions.
~don Miguel Ruiz
Saturday, October 26, 2013
I say NO to the demands of the world.
I say YES to the longings of my own heart.
There is nothing I ever need to have.
There is nothing I ever need to do.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
Really You There is the you that the rest of the world sees. And then there is the you that is really, truly you.
Sometimes you can become so very concerned about your image, and about what others think. And that beautiful person, the real person inside, gets smothered under it all.
There’s much more to you than what people see. And if you pay attention, you can feel that person inside you yearning to truly live.
The you that is really you is not there to cause pain, but to experience fulfillment and joy. The pain in fact comes mostly from keeping the real joy hidden away.
Outer success may appear to require that you keep the real you repressed and forgotten. Yet anything that is gained by denying who you truly are, is empty, meaningless and not worth the effort.
Real success comes when what is on the outside finds strength and substance from what is on the inside. Life has true meaning when what you do is based on who you know you really are.
--Ralph Marston
Well, TODAY IS SATURDAY, which means it's time for another amazing episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott.
Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:
Published on Oct 26, 2013
Ask Teal Website -
The idea of incest sends shivers up our spine, so it is understandable how so many of us would rather deny that sexual feelings exist between parents and children. But the truth is, though not every one is effected by it to the same degree, the Oedipus complex is alive and well within all of us. And until we recognize its patterns, and accept them, we are doomed to neurotically repeat the same pattern in all of our relationships that we originally had with our parents. In this episode, Teal explains Oedipus complex as well as how to release yourself from it's clutches. Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission
People & Blogs
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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4671 The Seeming Each Other, September 8, 2013
God said:
Come to Me now in your dreams. What do I mean by this? I mean, “Come to Me.” And if you think you can only come to Me in your dreams, then come to Me in your dreams. Have a dream about Me, a reverie, a daydream, and, when you awake, you will know it is true.
How do you come to Me? Consider you are a snowman, and the Sun comes out, and you start melting. This melting is joyful. Stiffness, tension, rigor are gone and forgotten. Freedom is known. All the old melts away, and you are left anew, your True Self alone. No longer do you think you need to brace yourself against you know not what.
Instead of bracing yourself, We embrace. O beloved, we melt into each other. There is no apart. We are One. There is no separation between Us. There is no thought of Us, or We, just I. And then, who is there to care about anything at all. When I am everything, what is there to care about or worry over or strain about? Everything melts into love, and love I AM. The supposed you and the supposed I are love, and in love, there is no separation. We enjoin in what may be called Togetherness as all there is is Oneness, and One Alone.
Yet One Alone is not at all another name for Aloneness or Loneliness or anything of the sort. I am the company you keep, and you are love, not holding on to love, but giving it and giving it happily and freely until the whole Universe is love, and All Is Love and nothing but Love, Love surrounded by Itself, Love on the Rise, Love filling all Hearts. There is only One Heart, and it beats to the tune of Love, and so Love is wrapped up in the seeming you Who art your Father in Heaven.
Where could I be but in Heaven? And where can that estranged one you have considered yourself to be -- where else can you be but with Me in Heaven?
You had a strange dream from which you are awakening, and awake I AM and awake are you. The past you is waking up to the fact that I AM you, and you are I. We are not divided or sub-divided or added onto or subtracted from or multiplied, for Love is sufficient unto Itself, and I am Love incarnate and so are you as AM I.
We are not even one Strand of Love. I mean I. I AM Love. There are no threads of Me or strands of Me. I stand Wholly in My Light, and so I AM Holy. You are the Holiness that I AM. One heart beats, and there is One Holiness, and No One to say otherwise. No One to even count. No One to look. Only One to look within. And what is within? I AM within. How happy am I without all the fractured stuff around Me.
I AM. I AM Existence, and the imagined you is also My Existence. I exist in you, and yet I AM the Whole of Existence. You, the spitting image of Me, are the Holiness of MySelf. There is no other. All are reflections of the One Light in Universe.
The Sun and the Moon bounce off Me. The stars are My Light brightening the night, only seemingly hidden during the day.
We return to the seeming Each Other from which We came. That from which We came, rather from which I came and fathered you, well, here I am and here I am encapsulated as you. How happy I AM, and how happy AM I to be the seeming you looking at myself and adoring, adoring, adoring the Lighted Hearts and Souls Who sprouted from Me and Who now know Who I AM as they, you, once upon a time, you, experience the Height of Existence, and now, at last, know Truth, proclaim it, and live it. You – I keep saying you – remember Me in the full sense, in the full sense of knowing Me as I know Myself, and knowing the reminiscent you as Myself. One alone is. I AM. Say it too. Say, “I AM.”
Permanent Link:
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
Last thursday night, I went out to L.A. to go to a concert to listen to BELLA SOL. They played some songs from their amazing album, and towards the end of their performance, they did this great spontaneous jam session! I gotta say it was worth the almost 2 hours it took to get out there and back.
Once again, I really enjoyed taking a "walk into them" last Thursday, they really made my week! I will be posting about their future performances, because I know that if and when you guys come out to one of their performances, you will totally enjoy the ride!
Anyway, be sure to "like" their Facebook Page BELLA SOL, and while you're at it, buy their album:

Here's just a small taste of what they can do:
If you want to place an order, you can message them at their FaceBook page.
And they also have music on iTunes.
And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
Always do your best.
~don Miguel Ruiz
Thursday, October 24, 2013
I Honor Diversity.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
Love asks nothing and receives everything.
--Danna Beal
O.K., I'll just this amazing video speak for itself...
Published on Dec 29, 2012 The "Landfill Harmonic" (Landfill harmonic - La armonĆa del vertedero - Orquesta de Instrumentos Reciclados de Cateura) An orchestra for kids with instruments made from trash? A cello made from an oil can and pieces of wood, that were thrown in the garbage; a saxophone made of spoons and buttons. These instruments are crafted by Nicolas, a 'recycler' with no previous experience making musical instruments, who is living 'hand-to-mouth' by the garbage dump in Catuera, Paraguay. Inspired by this initiative and creativity, Maestro Luis Szaran, director of "Sounds of the Earth," formed the 'recycled orchestra,' with children living near the dump. "Our main goal isn't to form good musicians, but to form good citizens." Now 30 members strong, (and looking for more, for a full orchestra) listen to the sweet sounds of these 'recycled' instruments and the hopes and dreams of the children who play them. ... Be Amazed and Inspired! Landfill Harmonic's YouTube Channel:
The "Creative Visions Foundation" inspires and supports creative activists -- individuals who use media and the arts to raise awareness of critical issues around the globe and ignite positive change. CVF provides tools, mentorship, resources and an linked community to help our activists harness the power of media, arts and technology to solve global problems in the areas of: human rights, environment, youth & education, woman empowerment, and global consciousness. For More Information, (or To Make a Donation) Please Visit: Category News & Politics LicenseStandard YouTube License
------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4670 To Follow God’s Will , September 7, 2013
God said:
Mind your own business and not so much others’ business. This is a great lesson in life. With this lesson in place, there would be no gossip. There would be no talking behind someone’s back. And you would not haggle over anyone’s repute or disrepute. Then you would not have so much on your mind. Then you could be more carefree. And then, there would be a much lighter load on your shoulders.
Besides, you have enough to do to take care of yourself. You have more than enough to take care of than to point out how or when or why or what someone else does or does not do. Do this, and you will elevate yourself considerably. This is the road you want to walk on. I desire more of My children to walk this road. More are needed, and I am recruiting you.
When you keep your eyes so firmly on another, you neglect yourself. No offense, dear ones, yet you have plenty of your own mis-actions to take care of. You don’t have time to add anyone else’s errors. It is all a pony show anyway. Reflecting on others’ lives takes your attention away from your own errors.
What you want to do is to mind My business, beloveds. Let My aims be yours. Let My desires be yours. And then I hear you say:
“Let me surmount all obstacles. Let me deign whatever I deign be for the good of all. Let me design whatever I design to be for the good of all. Let me be kind and generous in thought and deed to everyone. No false allegations do I make. No more judgments do I make. Who am I to judge another anyway? Who do I think I am? Sometimes my hubris amazes me. Who do I think I am? What do I think I am doing? I am privileged to have a life. In my life, I follow God’s wisdom. It is God’s wisdom I choose to serve.
“God, may I follow Your Will all the days of my life. May I remember what is Your Will for me, and Your Will for all. I know Your Will is to uplift and not to put anyone down. This I will remember.
“From now on I will not join in conversations that try to remodel another person. From now on, I will not make remarks I would never make in another’s hearing. Why would I make such remarks at all? To do that is beyond judging. It is condemning. I think twice from now on and pay attention to what I do and what I say, and I remember Your Will that is greater than mine. I shall adapt to Your Will, God.
“I care about other people’s hearts, and I refuse to damage anyone’s heart. I know better, and I shall do better.
“Even as I am by myself, I want to honor You, God, and, so, with Your help, I will never again think ill of anyone, for all are just like me, wanting to do their best, wanting to be equal, and not wanting to do harm on any level, not in deed and not in thought. From now on, I speak well of others, and, God willing, I think well of others. This is how I can think well of myself, not by putting someone else down or in putting anyone, as I may deem it, in their place. Anyone’s place is beside me and not to be set apart from me or from You. This is Your Will, am I right, God?”
“You want us to be sisters and brothers to one another. Because Your Heart is in mine, my heart is big enough to encompass all and to encompass my responsibility to You and to all.”
Permanent Link:
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
O.K., let's start the day with a live performance of "The Landfill Harmonic" that you saw in the above video:
-------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH------------
And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
Seeing the awesome power of the word, we must understand what power comes out of our mouths.
~don Miguel Ruiz
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
I Give Thanks for EVERYTHING that has Occurred to Bring Me to This Instant.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
How to be a Light Unto the World
Be a living, breathing example of the Highest Truth that resides within you.
Speak humbly of yourself, lest someone mistake your Highest Truth for a boast.
Speak softly, lest someone think that you are merely calling for attention.
Speak gently, that all might know of Love.
Speak openly, lest anyone think you have something to hide.
--Conversations with God Book 2 by Neale Donald Walsch
Published on Oct 22, 2013
"The daily grinding of evolution, as accelerated by technology, churns out more and more complex organisms, with higher rates of energy use, and with increasing specialization. Minds are the ideal way to express complexity, energy density, increasing specialization, expanding diversity -- all in one system. Mindedness is what evolution produces. Mindedness is what technology wants, too." Kevin Kelly
Join Jason Silva every week as he freestyles his way into the complex systems of society, technology and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science in a form of existential jazz. New episodes every Tuesday. Watch More Shots of Awe on TestTube
Subscribe now!
Jason Silva on Twitter
Jason Silva on Facebook
Jason Silva on Google+
Category Science & Technology License Standard YouTube License
------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4669 Dreams God May Have for You , September 6, 2013
God said:
When you feel you are losing your zip, do two things:
Drink some water and take a walk in the fresh air.
This may be all you need. You don’t need a nap, and you don’t need coffee. You may simply need to drink some water and take a walk.
How simple life can be.
These days you are taking a fresh look at many things. You are looking yourself straight in the eye. No longer do you go the long way around. You take a direct path to sorting yourself out, finding out more about yourself. Then you can be done with appraisal, for a while until you face another step of inner revolution, or do I mean revelation? They are the same. When We speak of inner, they are the same.
Revolution is revolving. Revelation is revealing. Aren’t they the same? When applied to your inner self, aren’t they both a clearing, a change in scenery, a change in your view of what is really going on within you, inside you, the you baring yourself to the Sun, finding your fundamental self amidst all the debris you have taken on and now leave, and now you gain, gain a wider deeper perspective of the world within you, which, of course, is where your world really exists.
Life does seem to revolve around you, doesn’t it? It is like you watch yourself revolve. What are you revolving around? You may think you are settling down, and then the unsettling comes. You may see unsettling as loss of confidence in yourself when it really means the Humpty-Dumpty of yourself is being put together.
Change is the word for today, and you are the one changing. Consider changing as a synonym for growing, for you are growing very fast, and what used to fit may no longer fit. You may well have outgrown the world you knew, or thought you knew. You may feel out of your element, and so you are rising higher.
When the inner you changes, outer change is in the offing. You may have ideas of what these changes will look like. You could be right, or you could not. Maybe dreams you didn’t even know you had will come true. Something will come true. Perhaps, dreams I have had for you will come true.
Climbing a mountain may not seem easy, may not seem easy at all. And, yet, when you get to the top, the view makes the climb well-worth it. You are the climber climbing the ladder of life. You are the vine that climbs the fence. You may be Jack climbing the bean stalk. You do not yet know the world you will find at the top. That’s all right. You will get there, and you will see for yourself what is before you. You won’t look back. Back is behind you. You are moving forward. Face front, beloveds.
You know by now that there is always another hill to climb. And another and another. An ant can only make anthills. Yet you are not an ant. You are a human being, and you have mountains to climb and discoveries to be made.
Just as you may eagerly await a new Heavenletter, just as you are eager to know what I will talk about tomorrow, you are equally eager to find the next hill to climb. There is always a hill waiting for you, a mountain, and beyond it a valley so green it takes your breath away.
Beloveds, you are entering green pastures. Green pastures will become a way of life for you. You may not want to leave one for another, yet, know I see you off, I travel with you, and I am at the new peak you reach, ready to give you a hand and greet you in a warm embrace.
Permanent Link:
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
O.K., let's start the day with THE BIG ELECTRON, with Bill Hicks & George Carlin.

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
What is important is to see what kind of seeds our mind is fertile for, and to prepare it to receive the seeds of love.
~don Miguel Ruiz
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
I Create Today As a Celebration of My Life.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
I am here to tell you that you have never yet come close to your True Self.
I take that back. You have come close, and that is what I yearn for you to know. I yearn for you to know that you are what you are even when you can’t fathom it. You see yourself through half-closed eyes. If you saw yourself through True Vision, your heart would leap and you would know of what and of Whom you are made. You wouldn’t just think it or imagine it. You would know. You would know the Reality of Who You Are, and you would see, once and for all, the Unreality of What You Had Thought, and you might cry in joy at the difference between.
You would laugh and laugh. You would roll over in laughter. You would laugh so hard, your stomach would hurt. Your laughter would spill over, and your tears of laughter would replenish the Earth with water of such sweetness that you have not even dreamed of. Even the sweetest ice cream you have ever tasted would seem sour next to the sweetness which you will soon taste.
--True Vision by Heavens Letters
Well, today is WORLD HISTORY TUESDAY, so here's another episode of "CONNECTIONS 2" with James Burke.
Published on Jul 12, 2012
Echoes of the Past - The past in this case starts with the tea in Dutch-ruled India, examines the Japanese tea ceremony, Zen Buddhism, porcelain, the architecture of Florence, Delftware, Wedgewood, Free Masons, secret codes, radio-telephones, cosmic background radiation and—finally -- radio astronomy, which listens to "Echoes of the Past".
Connections II (Connections 2) is a twenty-episode documentary television series created, written and presented by science historian James Burke in 1994. It takes an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention and demonstrated how various discoveries, scientific achievements, and historical world events were built from one another successively in an interconnected way to bring about particular aspects of modern technology. The series was noted for Burke's crisp and enthusiastic presentation (and dry humour), historical reenactments, and intricate working models.
Science & Technology
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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4668 Begin Somewhere , September 5, 2013
God said:
Sometimes you are involved with so many things that you are driven to distraction. You are everywhere all at once in many different directions when all anyone can do is one thing at a time. It is not possible to focus on everything. When you focus on so many things, you are not focusing. That is exactly what it means – to be driven to distraction.
Now is when you consolidate yourself. Perhaps everything is important to you. At the same time, when everything is important to you, you still have to start somewhere.
Let’s say you have ten things to get done right now. It doesn’t matter what they are. What matters is getting them done. You want them done and off your mind. Then you have ten fewer things to do.
You may be someone who doesn’t like to plod. Certainly, you are not someone who likes to plod, for, if you did, these ten items would already be taken care of! You may be someone who likes to be inspired. Inspire yourself then to get the ten things done! No longer can you be scattered like a deck of cards.
Let’s reduce this to the simplest. Let’s say you have ten events to go to, and you have dresses to choose from for each event. Which dress will you wear to the first event and so on. Which dress for which event doesn’t have to be a big deal. You can’t keep trying on each dress and decide and re-decide which one has to be the first one you wear. Simply choose, and be done. This is not the task of a century. This is not the meaning of your life. There is no weighty decision here. Ten little decisions to make. Make them.
When it comes to details before you, you don’t even have to figure out which one holds the greatest priority and which holds the least. This is not something to debate. Just grab one, do it first, and be done. Grab another and keep going. When you don’t debate and make a big deal of ten little actions, they will be done. Your priority, beloveds, is to get them done without any flurry. In the time you debate, they would already be done. Be debateless. Nothing is really at stake except that you be done with them.
JUST DO IT. Whatever you have to, get it done!
We are speaking of detailed items, not writing a book! You are not meant to be a collector of items to do! Collect items to take care of, and they become heavy on you.
And, even if you are writing a book, you begin somewhere, and, then, it will be done. No one can do more than one step at a time.
Let’s say you have to write checks. You have the money in the bank. It doesn’t matter right now how many checks you have to write. It doesn’t matter right now if you like to write checks or not. It matters that you write the checks and get free from under the entanglement you put yourself in. It is you who pressures yourself. You don’t have to jumble things around. You don’t have to be perfect! You have to be done with whatever the task before you is.
Are you at the mercy of ten things that have to be done? It can’t be the items’ responsibility that they are not done. They are ready and waiting and may have been waiting a long time. You have been making them wait. It is the delay that drains your energy. It is the not doing them that drains you. The doing them is simple and easy. Not doing them is like having a meter running, and it adds up. Look, life is like cleaning out the closet. If the closet is too crowded, you take some things out, and that’s it. No more stalemating, beloveds.
Permanent Link:
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
The word is like a seed, and the human mind is so fertile! The only problem is that too often it is fertile for the seeds of fear.
~don Miguel Ruiz
Monday, October 21, 2013
I Listen to the Heartbeat of Life.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
I haven't been posting too much lately, because I didn't have use of my home computer lately. But now that I have my computer back, I though I should show you what my blog is like now.
"This blog is going to be my personal journal. I'm going to be randomly posting about things that I like, things that I don't like, etc. Whether anyone who happens to see this blog like or dislike anything I post is not really my concern. If you like it, that's great. If you don't like it, I'm sure there are a million things on the internet that you do like to read... I suggest you go there. this is MY PERSONAL SPACE, NOT YOURS.
I may post several times in one day, or maybe once in a blue moon, depending on my mood. I'm going to be putting up a few links to web pages about things I'm interested in, once I learn how to use this blogger thing
That was my first real post on this blog, and I think I more or less stuck to that "mission statement". This blog was, is, and always will be, about things that I like. If any of you want to know the things I like, you can read the very long sidebar, where I list pretty much everything that I like.
Now below, you will see the various sections of my daily blog, and why I put them there.
This section is where I post daily inspirational messages from HUMANITY'S TEAM
"Humanity’s Team is an international spiritual movement whose purpose is to communicate and demonstrate the timeless truth that We Are All One, with God and life – caring for each other and the world we share – so that people's actions reflect this profound understanding within a generation. We believe that living this truth is essential to solving the most chronic and acute world problems and vital to creating a sustainable world of peace, harmony and happiness." I usually post their OLD messages from a month or so back. I do this because I want my readers to go to the links I provide at the end of every message, subscribe, and get their CURRENT messages.
Love asks nothing and receives everything.
--Danna Beal
And now... This section is the daily video, where I post a video, usually a documentary, or a series, on ALL kinds of subjects, because most people that I would like to look at my blog, don't like to read.
I usually post a certain kind of video based on what day it is, like on Sundays, I post something about religion, or Tuesday, I post somethinf about history, etc.
Well, since Today's MONDAY, I usually post something about ANTHONY DE MELLO.
Anthony "Tony" de Mello (4 September 1931, Bombay, British India – 2 June 1987, New York City) was a Jesuit priest and psychotherapist who became widely known for his books on spirituality. An internationally acclaimed spiritual guide, writer and public speaker, de Mello hosted many spiritual conferences. See below for the names of these programs which are available on audio CD and film. He traveled to many countries to study and later to teach, most notably Spain and the United States.
“Everybody was talking about the religious man who committed suicide. While no one in the monastery approved of the man's action, some say they admired his faith. Faith?" said the Master. He had the courage of his convictions, didn't he?" That was fanaticism, not faith. Faith demands a greater courage still: to reexamine one's convictions and reject them if they do not fit the facts.” ― Anthony de Mello
------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Well, here's the section where I post an old message from HEAVENLETTERS.ORG. If you want to read any current heavenletters, then PLEASE click on the links I provide at the end of the letter. Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4667 The Holy Land, September 4, 2013
God said:
This is a time of great glad rejoicing, for this is the day of your debut into the world of light and light-heartedness. That which was once so serious is not so serious any longer. The whole extant world is not so serious as it once seemed, for you are now balancing your conscious time in terms of the two worlds, less to the world at large and more to the world often referred to as beyond the veil.
This other world, the world of Heaven, has gained equal time with the world. Both are beautiful. Both are heavenly, yet the one, the world of the concrete, comes with a price tag and payment of one kind of another while the Heaven world comes with no price, no tax, no penalty and requires no admission price.
The balancing of the two worlds puts you in a position of what We will call equanimity. Both are wonderful. Both are beyond compare. Both are beautiful evidence of all that is, and one, the World of Heaven, comes without tears, comes as it is, wonderful indeed, the peace known as Heaven, known as Paradise, known deep in the heart with all its powers.
The World of Earth comes with every denomination possible, every contrast, every up and down, and you love it, no matter how it portrays itself. Both are your worlds in your hands, in your hearts, in your foreverness, even as one is changing ostensibly before your very eyes, and the other, the reflection of your heart, your soul, full of the obvious – God, Love, Purity, Wholesomeness, and the oft-touted Wholeness of which all is made and made from for the enjoyment of All.
The Love entwined in both worlds becomes outstanding in its light. Love is portrayed. Love is upheld. Love stars. All is welded in love, melded in love, dwelled in love, and there is embrace, embrace of the Vastness.
The world of the extant is no less sweet than the Heaven world, for, as example, there lives the Oneness of One World. What else can live in Oneness but Oneness? The two worlds not only take place as Oneness, they are Oneness shining before all who can see, and everyone can see. No longer is there duplicity or one substitute for another. What can possibly substitute for anything in Eternity?
In Oneness, the two considered as One are simply One, purely One, purified by Love. The seeming two counterparts play each other, and who on Earth can tell which is which, for, wherever you may be – the One of Us may be – We are One, that is, I, God am One Holy One immortalized and emblemized as the Holy of the Holies. Oneness reigns, and what is the difference, and who can tell?
Both are Elysian Fields, and you roam, and you play, and never is heard a discouraging word, for Oneness, the Only Oneness, has declared itself the Unity of Life. Who would question? Who has anything to question, and why would anyone, and for what reason? Who would declare himself sovereign when there is no other to reign over, when Independence has been declared, and everyone is Self-Realized, realizes himself as he is in the Heart of God’s Light and God’s Truth which is the Wholeness of Life which is to say, the Holiness of All Life.
I, God, declare you Holy, and so declared, you claim yourself in the Holy Land, the Holy Land being Earth where peace and only peace reign and Love penetrates everywhere, there being nothing but love and God Almighty.
Permanent Link:
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
This is my MUSIC CORNER. I put up this section because quite frankly, I love music. And I love Music Artists. And I've featured the music of many artists on this blog, whether they were local, or world famous.
But I'm not going to post about a specific artist. Today, I want to post something a little bit different.I want to post about a wonderful organization called, "The Motivational Edge."
The Motivational Edge is a 501(c)(3) organization that utilizes culturally relevant arts as a motivational platform to inspire youth towards academic achievement, increased self-confidence and the building of essential life skills. And right now, they need our help.
I'll let the video below tell you all about it.
Published on Oct 16, 2013
Grammy-winning, multi-platinum hip-hop icon Lil Wayne has teamed up with The Motivational Edge, a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring youth towards academic achievement, to launch an Indiegogo campaign geared at expanding the program nationally. With a target-funding goal of $200,000, Lil Wayne and The Motivational Edge hope to bring more of the organization's successful programs to youth across the country, beginning in Phoenix, Arizona.
Standard YouTube License
If you are interested knowing more about this organization, check out their website:
And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.
I told you this story quite a few times before, but I never get tired of telling it, so I'm telling it to you again.
So, I was walking down Hollywood Blvd. Close to Highland station, when I heard a very beautiful sound. I turned around on my heels, ans I saw THIS WOMAN playing some of the most beautiful music this side of creation.
I remember standing there, stunned, literally stunned. It was like walking out from some dark, fetid storm drain and finding yourself in a sunlit meadow full of sweet grass. I had never dreamed that there was so much talent, so much beauty in this world.
Anyway, it is in my opinion, the most BEAUTIFUL SONG IN THIS ENTIRE WORLD, and so, I post it at the end of my daily blogs.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE SONG------------
The person who wrote this song is DANNI EL
Danni El is an amazing Singer/Songwriter from Tampa, Florida.
Developing a style from her Peruvian roots, as well as her time spent in Brazil, Danni El shares her enriching and enchanting heart songs in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.
In her own words: " I believe in the healing powers of music, and I try to always channel that vibration to share with everyone. My goal is to travel the world, and bring healing sounds to the children, and plant love seeds within them, because they are the future."
If you want to know more about Danni or her music, check out her YouTube channel:
And Danni, if you're reading this,
I think about you all the time. I think of your smiles, your laughter, your songs, and of course, your hugs.
I want you to promise me that you'll always remember,
And now, last but cetainly not least, a message fron Don Miguel Ruiz...
Like a sword with two edges, your word can create the most beautiful dream, or your word can destroy everything around you.
~don Miguel Ruiz
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Today I Release All My Troubles And Grief.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie
Be gentle with yourself and kind to others who are undergoing this transformation from a physical being to a galactic being. You can consciously begin to anchor what is being offered in the form of these intense solar energy packets.
Take extra care of your physical form. Remember to rest and allow the download of energy to be integrated into your systems and circuits. Stay hydrated and well nourished. Spend time in nature, walking barefoot, allowing your feet to connect to your Earth. You can even allow yourself to lie upon the ground and begin to sense the energy connection you have with your planet.
--Solar Energy Packets by Peggy Black and the ‘team’
Well, TODAY IS SATURDAY, which means it's time for another episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott.
Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:
Published on Oct 12, 2013
Ask Teal Website -
The person who has allergies, is a person who has been insensitive to their thoughts and emotions to such a degree that they de sensitized to the discomfort of the emotion and so, their body had to develop the sensitivity. If we have allergies, we have been stuck in negative emotion and we simultaneously believe or have believed (around the time that the allergy developed) that there is no resolution and no answer to improving those emotions. Because of this, we deny our own power. We also feel (or have felt at the time the allergy appeared) that is was not appropriate to express those emotions. The suppression of those emotions (whether it be fear, weeping, sadness, hurt or anger) builds up and builds up until it manifests through our body.
There is always some kind of trauma or fear at the heart of whatever it is that you are allergic to. This fear or trauma can be emotional blocks in your subconscious or bad experiences that you link to the certain things that you are allergic to. A great many things can cause trauma or fear, which is why every allergy must be deal with on a case-by-case basis. There are many one size fits all remedies for symptom relief when it comes to allergies, but there is no one size fits all remedy for curing allergies. In this episode, Teal shares some home remedies for alleviating the symptoms of allergies. And then explains how to cure allergies for good. Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission
Teal's Blog -
People & Blogs
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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4666 A Glory Road, September 3, 2013
God said:
The good news today is that you are on an adventure called life. You are on an adventure that there has never been one like it before. Whatever you are seeking, something will come of it, and then, you will be on another adventure. Adventurers, once they reach the top of a mountain, they find another adventure to embark on. This is how it is with adventurers. They don’t stay still.
Adventurers are explorers. You are an explorer seeking new lands. No explorer ever retires, for life keeps pulling all explorers forward into unknown lands. Even when life seems to stay still, it is gearing up to something else. It does not seem to be possible to stay in straight lines on Earth.
We could say that life is like an escalator, only escalators have an established route. You get on, and you get off. But the adventure called life, you are always riding on it, and always going in the same direction which is straight to Me. It may not seem like a straight journey, yet life is a journey that takes you to your destination. Smooth or rocky, your life adventure takes you to Me. I am your destination. You can know your destination ahead of time.
How you get all the way to Me is like a wavy line, and no one knows a map of it. You are definitely traveling unknown roads. Everyone has a unique path to Me, and, yet, always, the destination is the same. And so is it with life.
We could call life a motor car. The motor car of life knows what it is doing and how to get you Home. The motor car of life knows every turn of the road. You don’t, and, yet you have to go along. You pass through hill and dale. You go upstream and downstream, and, yet, it is a Glory Ride, full of surprises, a life unsurpassed. Whether your life is high drama with big ups and downs, or a life less dramatic, it has you in the palm of its hand. Rain or shine, your life has an impact on you, and that is what life is supposed to do. Whether you are in the torrents of life or in the calms, life carries you. Whether slow or fast, life passes swimmingly across the narrows or the wide Ocean.
Life may seem to alternate between picking you up and throwing you down. Nevertheless, life has you in its grip, and you have no choice but to go along, and go along you do. And this life, this guide of yours in life, hastens you along whether you like it or not. Life is quite neutral. You, however, have your own ideas, and what may be a great surprise may make you quake, and, yet, at the same time it may be making you awake.
No matter what you want and how you like it, it is like life throws you down a chute and you wind up where you find yourself. And just when you are getting comfortable, life throws you down another chute, and another. The bottom drops out of your life – or seems to, and, yet, you are always somewhere where there are treasures to find and food to eat and drink to drink and happiness to be found.
Life may deliver you peanut butter cookies, and now you find yourself devouring peanut butter cookies as never before. It is like you have turned the channel on TV, and you find you like a program that you never wanted to watch before. Now here it is in front of you.
Life may be your cup of tea, or it may not be, in which case, you come to get used to the tea, and, then, soon enough, life picks you up and you find yourself drinking a new tea and, whether the new tea is something you ordered or not, you find yourself saying, “Ah, this tea is good.”
Permanent Link:
To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE
----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
Now, let's start the day with "BEAUTY" by the phenominal NAIA KETE. ------------CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE SONG------------
And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.
------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------
The word is the most powerful tool you have as a human; it is the tool of magic.
~don Miguel Ruiz
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