Monday, October 20, 2014


WASSUP FAMILY!!! DEAR DIARY: Yesterday, I went to Griffith Park for my Capoeira lesson.

I usually get there pretty early, so when I got there, I stretched a little bit, ate a little snack, and waited for everybody to arrive for class.

While I was waiting, a man and a woman went over to the volleyball court, and began to warm up, then practice some basic Capoeira techniques, so naturally I had to go meet them.

And so I approached them and introduced myself, and we talked shop, and practiced a little bit. I told them about the class (well, they already knew about it), and they told me about their school and where they train. They were very friendly, and I had a great time hanging with them. I wish I took some pictures of them, but I had so much fun with them, that I forgot to take out my camera/cellphone. Anyway, I hope I see them again.

Their names were Bambu and Mimi, and they were from a group called Capoeira Brasil. It's a large, international Capoeira Group. Here in L.A., the group is headed by MESTRE BONECO, who has a school @ 5557 Washington Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90016

But they also have a school in Downtown LA, which is where these 2 study. Here's a video from that school:

For more information about Capoeira Brasil, please check out their websites:

Capoeira Brasil Los Angeles:
Capoeira Brasil Downtown LA:
Capoeira Brasil East:

Anyway, Charles arrived a little bit after !2:00 p.m., and class was in session. It was fun, rewarding, and grueling!!! Here's a couple of photos of us resting after class...

Now the Capoeira style practised by Capoeira Brasil is a modern form of Capoeira based on Capoeira Regional, which was developed in the 1920's and 30's (More on that later).

The Capoeira style that Charles teaches is older, and somewhat different. It's called Capoeira Angola...


Begin to envision, truly envision, and energize what it is that you would like to see and experience in your reality. You do not need to know how this is going to manifest, simply hold your focus on what it is that you would desire to empower.

Remember when you are fully embodied, anchored to this planet and connected to your divine source and guidance you are truly powerful beyond measure. When you are consciously aware that you are living from your heart, offering coherent vibrations to the field, you are making a significant difference.

--Upside Down & Backwards by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

Comienza a imaginar, a realmente visualizar, y a poner energía en lo que te gustaría ver y experimentar en tu realidad. No necesitas saber cómo esto se va a manifestar, sólo tienes que concentrarte en lo que sea que desearias potencializar.

Recuerda que cuando estás totalmente encarnado, anclado en este planeta y conectado a tu origen y guía divinos eres realmente poderoso sin medida. Cuando eres consciente de que estás viviendo en tu corazón, ofreciendo vibraciones coherentes al campo energético, estás haciendo una diferencia significativa.

--Patas arriba y al revés by Peggy Black and the 'team'

O.K., let's hear from Alan Watts today...

Published on Oct 5, 2014
Surely any form of accumulation, either of knowledge or experience, any form of ideal, any projection of the mind, any determined practice to shape the mind -what it should be and should not be -all this is obviously crippling the process of investigation and discovery.So I think our inquiry must be not for the solution of our immediate problems but rather to find out whether the mind, the conscious as well as the deep unconscious mind in which is stored all the tradition, the memories, the inheritance of racial knowledge,whether all of it can be put aside. I think it can be done only if the mind is capable of being aware without any sense of demand, without any pressure,just to be aware. I think it is one of the most difficult things to be so aware because we are caught in the immediate problem and in its immediate solution, and so our lives are very superficial. Though one may go to all the analysts, read all the books, acquire much knowledge, attend churches, pray, mediate, practice various disciplines; nevertheless, our lives are obviously very superficial because we do not know how to penetrate deeply. I think the understanding, the way of penetration, how to go very, very deeply, lies through awareness, just to be aware of our thoughts and feelings, without condemnation, without comparison, just to observe. You will see, if you will experiment, how extraordinarily difficult it is, because our whole training is to condemn, to approve, to compare. - Krishnamurti, J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life
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“Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun.” ― Alan Wilson Watts

And now, I have a special treat for you. This is a video for helping you to manifest wealth into your life...

Now, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

When you make a strong habit not to take anything personally, you avoid many upsets in your life. Your anger, jealousy, and envy will disappear, and even your sadness will simply disappear if you don't take things personally.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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