Sunday, October 26, 2014




Well, I had a DAMN GREAT TIME today!!!

...And I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. But now, a word from god...

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4758 You Choose the Melody You Sing, December 4, 2013

God said:
Life is not intended to be a struggle. When you resist life and struggle against it, then life is a struggle.

Your view of life is a big factor in your life. Perhaps you have slandered life, have a low opinion of it, want to be in control of it.

I have told you that you have a say in your life. Your thoughts are telling you what your life is like. Your thoughts are also predicting your life. You choose the melody you sing. As it is, your life is very obedient to your thoughts. Life doesn’t struggle against you. You are the one who struggles against life. You plant the seeds of your life, and yet you blame life for what sprouts. So it is in the world.

You have preconceived ideas of what your life must look like. When life does not look like what you insist it must, when your life does not meet your idea of what it should be, is supposed to be, must be, you are flummoxed, and you put up your fists.

Beloveds, My little fledglings, unclench your fists and your teeth and let your personal life be what it is. Acceptance goes a long way. Acceptance is not passivity. Of course, you want everything the way you want it. And, yet, you, who speaks a lot about being realistic, fall short of realism.

You put your fists up when there is disappointment. Even though you may have ordered a certain dish at a restaurant, when it comes, you don’t like it. You never would have ordered it. Perhaps you checked a choice when you really meant a different one. You mark the dance card of your life.

I will tell you this: Life does not make a mistake. Let Me tell you something else. Part of life is to guide you to freedom from attachment. There is nothing you have to have. Life flows, and it makes sense for you to flow with it. But have you not often tried to swim upstream?

There is no death – only the body gets out of the way. You are certain that you have to mourn the body. You consider what the world calls death as unforgiveable, and you mourn. One way or another, mourning is your protest. The sun and the moon each have an ascendance. Life in the body and so-called death also have their ascendance. Day blesses you, and night blesses you. Each is beneficial, and yet one is light and the other dark.

How can it be that there is death in your life? Even though there is no death, you react to the body’s falling off and the soul’s rising as a disaster. Of course, I understand, tied up as you are to world beliefs, you crave your body and the bodies of loved ones to stay, yet the very death that you don’t want is part of life. When was the perception of death of the body not? It is not a surprise that the body of every human being and every living thing and every material thing fades away.

Yet I maintain that there is no death, and death is no more real than life is. Life on Earth is a temporary lapse from Heaven. Life on Earth seems to be all there is, or the most important configuration possible, yet it was ever a temporary illusion that you fear being evicted from, yet a lease gives you only a temporary rental. When the lease is up, you protest.

You are who you are on dry land or the sea. You are you whether you are on Earth or in Heaven. You exist, beloveds. You and I exist.

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O.K., on today's SUNDAY SCHOOL VIDEO, we are continuing the series, "AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 FAITHS". This time, we're in Latin America, exploring some of the religions practiced there.

Now, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Because we don't understand something, we make an assumption about the meaning, and when the truth comes out, the bubble of our dream pops and we find out it was not what we thought it was at all.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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