Wednesday, October 29, 2014



Well, we're halfway through the week, everything's downhill from here...


A Vision for Blessing in Advance

We envision living in a world where people everywhere have learned to bless their endeavors, projects, and creative works before starting out; where the carpenter blesses the house before he drives the first nail, where the computer expert blesses the day's work before striking the first key, where the teacher blesses the students, the lumberjack blesses the trees, the farmer blesses the land, the leader blesses the people, and the soldier blesses the enemy before setting out for the day.

We see a world where each and every one of us has experienced problems solved, obstacles overcome, solutions found, and great works completed because we have learned to bless our work in advance. We see everyone having seen the direct relationship between blessing and achieving success. Accordingly, we see a world full of happy people because we have all risen to our highest calling now that we are remembering to bless our endeavors in advance.

Nosotros nos vemos viviendo en un mundo donde todas las personas han aprendido a bendecir sus esfuerzos, proyectos y tareas creativas antes de empezarlos; donde el carpintero bendice la casa antes de poner el primer clavo, donde el experto en computadoras bendice bendice el día de trabajo antes de apretar la primera tecla, donde el maestro bendice a los alumnos, donde el leñador bendice a los árboles, el agricultor bendice a la tierra, el líder bendice a la gente y el soldado bendice a su enemigo antes de comenzar el día.

Vemos un mundo donde todos y cada uno de nosotros ha experimentado la resolución de problemas, la superación de obstáculos, el hallazgo de soluciones y grandes obras concluidas porque hemos aprendido a bendecir nuestro trabajo primero. Nosotros vemos a todos dándose cuenta de la directa relación entre bendecir y alcanzar un buen resultado. Consecuentemente, vemos un mundo lleno de gente contenta porque todos nos hemos elevado hasta nuestra meta más alta ahora que recordamos bendecir nuestros esfuerzos antes de iniciarlos.

--The Intenders of the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project

Somebody sent me a message on Facebook, and invited me to watch this video. I liked it so much, I'm posting it here.

If you want to support this project, I put up a widget on the sidebar just above the "About Me" section.

Now, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

It is very interesting how the human mind works. We have the need to justify everything, to explain and understand everything, in order to feel safe.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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