Friday, July 26, 2013


Each day, I am healthier, younger,
stronger, more comfortable,
and more joyful than the day before.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Well, this temp job is about to end. I really liked working there these past few weeks, and I'm very grateful for this oppurtunity. I know there's more work out there, and that some of it will come my way again pretty soon.

I have a dream, that All men and women of the world unite in peace, igniting the violet fire of peace, worldwide.

I have a dream, that humanity will remember their divine inheritance and birthrights of Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and enjoy all to the fullest.

I have a dream, that All will know that are All worthy to received all of the good our Creator would have us receive.

I have a dream, that All surrender separation and embrace the peace within that passeth all understanding.

I have a dream, that discord and inharmonious veils of ignorance, hatred and darkness, are once and for all transmuted through Divine Alchemy back into the Light.

I have a dream, that we remember we are All Sons and Daughters of God.

I have a dream, that we realize All paths lead to our Creator, and that we respect these paths and embrace the diversity each has to offer.

I have a dream, that we each remember the power of The Spoken Word.

I have a dream, that All is forgiven, that we forgive each other, forgive ourselves, please God, thank you God, Amen.

I have a dream, that I will one day be still and know that I Am that, I Am.

I have a dream, that we remember the Sacredness and Sovereignty of our children, of our elderly, and of one another, including ourselves.

I have a dream, that we remember the Sacredness of our bodies, of each other’s bodies, and honor that Sacredness.

I have a dream, that our governments of the world remember to Be governments of the People, by the People, for the People, and endeavor to create a governing body of Unity to support the manifestation of the Highest Good of All it's People.

I have a dream, that All contribute to the Highest Good of Themselves, their Family, their Community, their Country and the entire World, through thought, word, and deed.

I have a dream, that All Honor their commitments, their promises, their vows, and their Spoken Words.

I have a dream, that All debts and indebtedness creating slavery, be forgiven.

I have a dream, that All of these dreams, or something better, be made manifest now for All of Humanity.

--The Intenders of the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project by Lisa Marie Teubel

I think I might have posted this video already, but so what? I think it's a special video to watch, and if I feel like it, I may post it up again.

Uploaded on Dec 14, 2007
There's a quotation which BEST suits to this video - "Be the change that you want to see in this world." Must watch video and it teaches us that we should not always have to wait for others or things to happen of their own . Com'on get up and get going, and rock this world
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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4607 More Than You Imagine, July 6, 2013

God said:
Your life is not an accident. To whom you are born is not an accident. If you were given up for adoption, it’s not an accident. No matter the occurrences in your life, no matter what, this is your life presented to you, and it is yours to do with.

You are more important than your life. You are more important than what transpires. You are more important than the people you meet. You are never alone in life, and yet it is your life. It is your life to make the most of.

You may not love all the cards dealt you. Still, this is your life to determine from here on in.

You can’t quit. Your life is infinite. You are taking vital steps now. Yes, your life is important. Most important to you and to Me, or you would not have your life. In the world, you are dealt a deck of cards, and you have to play them. There is no quitting this life. You began in Eternity, and you are still in the same playing field of Eternity.

Your name is Vastness, as is My Name.

You can’t think all that much about what has been and what is yet to be. You have a card in your hands right now. You have to do something with it. Play it. No holds barred.

If life were an umbrella, you open it. If you are a magician, you unfurl the umbrella and perhaps doves fly out or a kite or popcorn or another umbrella. Of course, all this matters to you. It makes a difference to you, and, yet, beloveds, what is the difference? As soon as you play this card or open this umbrella, there will be another card waiting for you. Play your card.

There is also a lot to be said for being spontaneous and a lot to be said for thinking. There is a lot to be said for getting into action. There is a lot to be said for being cautious. Nevertheless, life is to be lived in this lifetime.

Your life is lived in your mind. Life is also lived in your heart, hard or soft. Your mind may flip a coin. Your heart has its mind made up. Reason all you like, yet life is to be lived on the front lines, even when the front lines are your backyard.

You like the idea that life is yours and no one else’s. You don’t like being told what to do, and, yet, sometimes you ask for a push, and sometimes you need it. Life will provide you a push as well.

Now, you might ask: “How do I make my life correspond with my nature? It seems to be my nature to be deliberate and go slow. Someone else’s nature may be to jump right in and hop to it.”

True enough. Nevertheless, you can be sure that at one time or another, life will light a fire under you who like to take your time, and you can also be sure that life will slow down the lickety-split temperament as well.

Nor am I saying that middle of the road is better. It may be. Or speed may be better. Or step by step may be better. Beloveds, who knows the answers to these questions until he enters the field and plays his cards?

Who said that, in Earth terms, you always have to be right? In Earth terms, you don’t have to be perfect. Sometimes you rue your actions or inaction. You call them whopping mistakes, and, yet, still, you don’t know yet how one action leads to another and how it will all play out.

On the other hand, you don’t always know where a well-respected action will lead. You could come to rue that too. This is another good reason to let the past go. Use a new pack of cards today. Despite anything and everything, despite what you are sure is right or are sure is wrong, you and life served more than you can imagine. You may have moved mountains.

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And now, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

You are dreaming the story of your life, and I can assure you that it's an art.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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