Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Caring - Kindness - Compassion - Appreciation ... It is my choice to care deeply about others.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


How does your life add value to the world? This is a question that can and should be asked on a regular basis. Those who have the most fulfilling lives are those who have followed their passion and created tremendous value in the lives of others. Too often those who have the most to contribute to the world are hesitant to share their gifts with others. They often fear being perceived as arrogant, pushy, or ego-centered if they try to promote their ideas and knowledge to others.

However, actually it is just the opposite. The person who is afraid to share their unique gifts and talents with others is the one with the greatest ego. In fearing being labeled or judged you are cheating others from the benefit of your special talents. You have something to offer the world that is truly unique. People are desperate for the knowledge, insight, and love that only you possess. Why not share it with as many people as possible? In doing so you will create a more abundant and fulfilling life for you and for all those whose lives you touch.

--Ted Murray

Today is TUESDAY, which means another video about WORLD HISTORY. Today, I'm posting an episode of CONNECTIONS with JAMES BURKE.


Uploaded on Jan 25, 2012
"Countdown" connects the invention of the movie projector to improvements in castle fortifications caused by the invention and use of the cannon. The use of the cannon caused changes in castle fortifications to eliminate a blind spot where cannon fire could not reach. This improvement in castle defense caused innovation in offensive cannon fire, which eventually required maps. This caused the need to see things at long distances (like a mountain top) so the effect was the invention of the incandescent light, or limelight. Burke turns to the next ingredient for a movie projector, film. Film is made with celluloid (made with guncotton) which was first invented as a substitute for ivory in billiard balls. Next was the invention of the zoopraxiscope which was first used for a bet to see if a horse's hooves all left the ground at any point while galloping. The zoopraxiscope used frame by frame pictures and holes on the side to allow the machine to pull the film forward. Communication signals for railways using Morse's telegraph led to Edison discovering how to speak into a microphone creating bumps on a disc that could be played back—the record player. This final ingredient gave movies sound. In summary, Burke connects the invention of the movie projector to four major innovations in history: the incandescent light; the discovery of celluloid; the projector that uses frame by frame pictures on celluloid; and finally, recorded sound.

Connections is a ten-episode documentary television series created, written and presented by science historian James Burke. The series was produced and directed by Mick Jackson of the BBC Science & Features Department and first aired in 1978 (UK) and 1979 (USA). It took an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention and demonstrated how various discoveries, scientific achievements, and historical world events were built from one another successively in an interconnected way to bring about particular aspects of modern technology. The series was noted for Burke's crisp and enthusiastic presentation (and dry humour), historical reenactments, and intricate working models.
Science & Technology
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“When you read a book, you hold another's mind in your hands.” ― James Burke

--------------------HEAVEN LETTERS--------------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4597 Do You Debate with a Wild Tiger?, June 26, 2013

God said:
Indeed, life as you live it, often seems hard, so hard. It seems hard because of ideas you hold. You have sequences of ideas, one tied to another, and you believe in all of these ideas. Based on your thoughts, you may well set yourself up for difficulty.

You come to conclusions of what life is supposed to be. You want life to be easy, yet it isn’t. Why isn’t it? Isn’t life putting one foot in front of the other? What is so hard about that?

When you say that life has to be this way and not that way, you come up against an obstruction. Rather, you pull the obstruction up to you. You set a deterrent in front of you.

What if you could think that life is whatever it is right now, and it’s okay for life to be like this at this moment? It is okay. Life is the life before you at this moment.

Who says that decisions have to be difficult? Look, in life, if you find yourself facing a wild tiger, do you theorize about it? Do you say to yourself or to the tiger: “You shouldn’t be here. You don’t belong here. You shouldn’t be in front of me.”

Beloveds, I don’t think you debate the issue of a wild tiger when it is before you.

And yet you wrangle with what may be before you in life.

It is easy for you when there is a teddy bear in front you. You just go up and hug it.

You may have tasks before you, some you like, and some you don’t. And each has to be taken care of.

Life doesn’t always ask you: “What would you like, dear?”

Life often seems to say:

“Here I am. Do with me as you will. I suggest that you take care of me as I am before you. Know that whatever I present to you, for whatever known or unknown reasons, it is your course of life I present, and you are the one who has to take care of me. You are the one who has to deal with me, not as you would wish I be but as I am.”

Beloveds, when the radio is on too loud, you are the one who gets up to lower it.

When there is mud tracked on the kitchen floor, you are the one who wipes up the mud.

When you are facing a law suit which sets trembling in your breast, you are the one who has to go to court.

When life hands you what you consider a hard blow, you are the one who has to get up on the count of ten, and pick up your life.

When you are driving a car in traffic, you can’t keep blasting your horn. You are the one who has to get out of your own way. You are the one who has to move along. Moving along in life requires moving along. Not rebuttal but forward-moving action. Not moaning and groaning, but forward-moving action.

When your baby cries in the middle of the night, you get up and take care of your baby.

Your life is not to cry about. Your life is to get up and take care of.

It is no longer for you to blame the state of your life on something outside you. If you are in a pickle, it is for you to get out of the pickle. And if you can’t seem to get out of it, then you are the one to move along anyway.

You are responsible for your life. No one else is.


And now, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

The proof that God lives within you is that you are alive.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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