Saturday, June 28, 2014

That Texas Child Support Case: What Everyone Is Missing - The Root

That Texas Child Support Case: What Everyone Is Missing - The Root:

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I don't totally agree, but what the hell...

10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job | Spirit Science and Metaphysics:

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The Map Of Native American Tribes You've Never Seen Before : Code Switch : NPR

The Map Of Native American Tribes You've Never Seen Before : Code Switch : NPR:

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Published on Jun 21, 2014
Subscribe to Weekly Podcast of Tea Time With Teal here: http://thespiritualcatalyst.us6.list-...
You've heard it gain and again, we fear the unknown. Guess what? We don't fear the unknown. If we truly feared the unknown, babies would fear everything and they do not. What we fear is what we project into the unknown based on our previous experiences. When we are facing the unknown, the mind goes to work projecting it's already acquired fears into the unknown to try to predict what lies in the unknown and then goes to work trying to figure out how to avoid those fears. It's those projections that we fear. For example, if we quit our job that we have been working at for 10 years to do something radically new and different with our life, we are venturing into the unknown. But we don't fear that unknown in and of itself. We fear the potential failure and fall from grace that we could experience socially by venturing into the unknown. We fear this because we have experienced the feeling of failure and fall from grace before and wish to avoid this feeling at all costs. We do not fear the unknown in and of itself. We fear the potential unwanted things we predict that the unknown could contain. If we learned to not project our fears into the unknown, the unknown would no longer be scary. Ask Teal Website -
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Georgia Man Rescues Baby on Highway:

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Ohio Man Arrested For Allegedly Having Sex With Inflatable Pool Raft:

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Senior Sent Home In Tears Over Dress, Mother Wears It To Her Graduation (Video):

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Family Of Wrongfully Imprisoned David Ranta Sues For $15 Million

Family Of Wrongfully Imprisoned David Ranta Sues For $15 Million:

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Well, today is SUNDAY, which means we have another SUNDAY SCHOOL VIDEO for you.

This week, we have episode 5 of AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 FAITHS.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4745 Under the Canopy of God’s Heart, November 21, 2013

God said:
written June 19, 2013 Under the Canopy of God’s Heart

God said: # 4745 – 21.11.2013

You, My children, tend to think in terms of gain and loss and, so, in terms of cost and percent. You expend energy, and the energy you expend is expensive, and so you think in terms of expense. At the same time as you run all over the place and gain muscle, shall We say, you also sit on the sidelines and watch the goings-on as through a window.

In one sense, there is free entry to this theater of life. In another sense, you are let in and out of Earth and Heaven free, yet it seems to you that you have to pay a high rate for parking, as if you were a car in a garage, driven in and out from inside and outside at will. Sometimes you don’t know where you are or whether you are in or out. You stumble and you stride alike, embarrassed, sort of as if you don’t belong anywhere and never did.

Despite your impressions, you are full-time with Me, and I with you. You are under the canopy of My heart. Our hearts beat as One. And, so, holy are you who seemingly walk around on Earth, worrying about this and that, when there is no need to get caught up in worry.

“No need?!!” you exclaim. “I have bills to pay and children to feed!”

I don’t suggest that you be lackadaisical, yet despite your shenanigans and the fact that you are the actor on stage and you speak your part and move your legs and your arms and take responsibility and action, I am the Doer. I do by Being, so powerful is My Being, and so is yours. We are Being.

Your consciousness is utterly powerful and reliable, yet you don’t see it that way. Your consciousness is not a flat line. Your consciousness moves your life, and it moves the world, for through your consciousness, the world and your life in the world appear. In a sense, you are an apparition. Yes, We can call your life on Earth and all its in’s and out’s as an apparition. The soul of you is real. The Real You lives in Heaven wherever your body may stay. You are not your surroundings. You are not your embodiment. You are a soul who communes with Me. We commune as One inalterable One. We don’t have up’s and down’s. We have Oneness, and Our Oneness is constant and infallible.

Your perception is hit or miss, depending upon I don’t even know what. Could be the weather, the way someone looks at you, how fat or how lean your pocketbook is. Temporary transactions influence your supposed self. Your Real Self is not affected one whit. Your Real Self is affected not at all. Your Real Self flows in a steady stream. You are unwavering even amidst the changing tides.

Yet you may ask: “What good is it for me to accept what You say, God, when I don’t see it. What can I do but suspect You of, if you will excuse me, fraud? A fraud well-meant, sort of like a future lollipop promised to a child and then nowhere does the lollipop appear, perhaps an oversight, but no lollipop. I don’t want to be disappointed a second time, or third or fourth or an incalculable number of times.”

It is yourself you are suspicious of, beloveds. You fear flying. You fear falling. You fear you may not get up in the air at all. You fear disappointment, and you fear success.

You fear fear that seems to have been hounding you forever. No, beloveds, I AM forever, and you ARE forever, and nothing but love is happening. Meet Our love in your heart.

Permanent Link:

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Elderly Chinese Woman Nearly Starved To Death By Own Children:

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Watch This Man’s Memorable First Date Unfold (Video)

Watch This Man’s Memorable First Date Unfold (Video):

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Well, I don't have much to say, except that I'm going to venice and Santa Monica today. I hope I se Naia Kete out on the promenade...


You are a multidimensional being of light having a human experience. You are here on this planet Earth at this time to transform and uplift the sense of separation. When you engage emotionally and mentally with one point of view or the other you empower that position. You add to what is being polarized, you add to the conflict, you energetically support the discord.

Remember, what you resist persists. It is the pushing against that actually gives strength to the cause you are fighting against. Any time you declare a “war” on drugs, poverty, obesity, you are energetically adding to the strength of what you want to eliminate.

We might say that you have this upside down and backwards. It is time that humanity realizes that as vibrational beings you call forth into your reality what you place your focus and attention upon. If your focus is on opposition to some action or controversy you are actually feeding the very thing you would desire to change or improve.

More and more individuals are awaking to this realization and stepping into their personal power to assist in the evolution which supports humanity in its well-being and true connectedness.

--Upside Down and Backwards by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

Eres un ser multidimensional de luz viviendo una experiencia humana. Estás aquí en este planeta Tierra, en este momento para transformar y elevar el sentido de separatividad. Al comprometerte emocional y mentalmente con algún punto de vista esa posición se potencia. Agregas a lo que está polarizado, adhieres al conflicto, apoyas energeticamente la discordia.

Recuerda que lo que resistes, persiste. Es el empujar contra alguna causa, lo que realmente le da fuerza a la misma. Cada vez que se declara una "guerra" contra las drogas, la pobreza, la obesidad; se le añade energeticamente fuerza a eso que se quiere eliminar.

Podríamos decir que esta situacion la hemos entendido al reves. Es hora que la humanidad se de cuenta, que como seres vibracionales que somos, lo que viene a nuestra realidad es lo que tiene nuestra atencion y foco.

Si tu atención se centra en la oposición a alguna acción o controversia, en realidad estás alimentando esa misma cosa que deseas cambiar o mejorar.

Más y más personas están despertando a este entendimiento y se concentran en su poder personal para ayudar en la evolución que apoya a la humanidad en su bienestar y verdadera conexión.

--Upside Down and Backwards by Peggy Black and the 'team'

Well Ladies and Gents, today is SATURDAY, which means it's time for another episode of "Ask Teal" with Teal Swan.

The Gospel of John in the Bible, speaking of the creation of the universe, says, "In the beginning there was the word, and the word was with God, and the word is God." Through the word you express your creative power.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Moving Beyond the Victim Role » OMTimes Magazine

Moving Beyond the Victim Role » OMTimes Magazine:

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Man Slaps Opossum And Gets A Handful Of Porcupine Quills (Photos)

Man Slaps Opossum And Gets A Handful Of Porcupine Quills (Photos):

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This is going to be short.

When I was a child, I was told by myfather that there were native Americans in my family.

Not that I didn't believe him, but hey, I never saw any at our family gatherings. But then, I read a book called "Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage" by William Loren Katz, and watched this video below on PBS, which say that as many as 1/3 of blacks in this country have native americans in their family, which made me think that my father may have been right.

But then, years later, I saw this documentary by Dr. Henry Louis Gates, which suggests that maybe only 1 out of every 20 black people may have native american blood, and that most blacks who claim to have native american blood may actually have white blood.

But then, yesterday, I watched this video, and it says, well... take a look.

Anyway, I find this stuff all fascinating. I still don't know for sure if I have any native american heritage, but one of these days, I'll find out.

11 Ways to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland Regardless Of Your Age | Spirit Science

11 Ways to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland Regardless Of Your Age | Spirit Science:

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014


"BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD." Yes, this was the saying I was thinking abut all day last Sunday, when I went to a special event:


You see, every 3 months, at a place called Kathmandu Boutique in Santa Monica, Ca., there's a wonderful gathering where people come together as a community to celebrate FRIENDSHIP, FOOD and great MUSIC! They serve delicious home cooked NEPALESE vegan food, NEPALESE chia (tea) hot cider, amazing music from local artists, massages, henna tattoos, etc.

To me, this is a place where strangers become friends, and wonderful memories are created.

I learned about this event 1 year ago, when My friend, the amazing DANNI EL, invited me there to watch her perform.

Now I wrote about this event last friday, so I'm not going to go into too much detail here.


What I AM gonna do though, is show you some photos I took, and give a little rundown of what I did that night.

Now, I would like to take the oppurtunity to give a shout out to Reena Gauchan, the creator of this event:

Like I said before, she is a living example of the saying, "BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD."

And also, she's one of the nicest people I ever met. I posted the video below, in an attempt to show you guys the kind of woman she is. Now I'm not totally sure if this is ABSOLUTELY what she's like... but whenever I see her, this is the vibe I get.

Reena, THANK YOU SO MUCH for being who you are, and doing what you do.

Family, Here's a woman I want you all to meet:

Her name is JULIE JEWELS BERTRAND. She's a Yoga Teacher, and a life coach. Now I was gonna make a blog about her, but Hay House Author and Radio Host Cynthia Occelli beat me to it:

----------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT!----------

Anyway, if you want to know more about her, please check out her website at

Now I went to this gathering because these 2 lovely ladies were performing that night.

DANNI EL, and JESSICA BELL. They had come together to form a group alled LA CARAVANA.

Now I seen them perform together BEFORE, so I knew we were in for a wonderful time. and boy, was I RIGHT!!!
Anyway, here's some photos from that night:

They were joined by Milo Gonzalez, an amazing guitar player and acrobat, as you can see in the pictures and video below:

And as you can see below, the audience was so damn PACKED that I had no place to sit... but then I'm used to that when Danni & Jessica are performing.

nd here's some candid photos I took of them before I left...

And thanks for the flowers Jessica...

All in all, it was a MAGICKAL night. I can't wait for the next gathering on Sept. 15th, which coincidentally, is 6 days before my birthday on the 21st.

And, I can't wait to watch La Caravana perform again...

And let me give a shout out to Nick Ware, Madison and Colin Madden, Katerina Nadjekina, and Alex Reyes for being there and sharing your love! it was great seeing you all, and let's hope our paths cross together soon!!!

P.S. at the gathering, I met a guy named Kianti Ecoluv. He had some Super Body Buddies he was selling, and teaching people what his Super Body Buddies were about and teaching people how to use them.

His website is Check it out!

Man Discovers Newborn Kitten Trapped In The Body Of His Pickup Truck (Video)

Man Discovers Newborn Kitten Trapped In The Body Of His Pickup Truck (Video):

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Arizona Mom Blames 16-Year-Old Daughter's Death On Energy Drink

Arizona Mom Blames 16-Year-Old Daughter's Death On Energy Drink:

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There May Be an Ancient Earth Inside Earth, Say Harvard Scientists | Spirit Science

There May Be an Ancient Earth Inside Earth, Say Harvard Scientists | Spirit Science:

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What?!? Private prisons suing states for millions if they don't stay full

What?!? Private prisons suing states for millions if they don't stay full:

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Colorado Man Slapped With $200 Fine for Flying 'Betsy Ross' American Flag Outside of His Home

Colorado Man Slapped With $200 Fine for Flying 'Betsy Ross' American Flag Outside of His Home:

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The Social Revolution that will Chang the Way We Connect with Each Other | Spirit Science

The Social Revolution that will Chang the Way We Connect with Each Other | Spirit Science:

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So I was surfing online a couple of days ago, when I came across this fucking article.

----------CLICK HERE TO READ THE ARTICLE-----------

What pissed me off was not the fact that there's gonna be a new show about ancient egypt, or that FOX was gonna "sex it up" with this series.

No, what pissed me off was that in that "sexy" picture of the cast, there was only one black person. Let me repeat that...


When is Hollywood going to stop doing this kind of crap?

O'K., that might be the smartest question, but Ancient Egypt WAS black. How do I know?

Well, I'll let the video below explain that.

"So, if Egypt was so black, where are the black people in Egypt now? What Happened to them?" Someone might ask.

Well, maybe this guy knows...

Or maybe these Guys...


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Abusive Husband Gets A Dose Of Karma In Viral Clip (Video)

Abusive Husband Gets A Dose Of Karma In Viral Clip (Video):

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7 Ways To Better Listen To Your Intuition | Spirit Science and Metaphysics

7 Ways To Better Listen To Your Intuition | Spirit Science and Metaphysics:

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Ninth Grade Girls Show Plants Won’t Grow Near Wi-Fi Routers | Spirit Science

Ninth Grade Girls Show Plants Won’t Grow Near Wi-Fi Routers | Spirit Science:

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This is What it Sounds Like When You Put Tree Rings on a Record Player | The Mind Unleashed

This is What it Sounds Like When You Put Tree Rings on a Record Player | The Mind Unleashed:

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Obama Plans Protected Marine Area in Pacific Ocean -

Obama Plans Protected Marine Area in Pacific Ocean -

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This video needs no Introduction.

Sunday, June 15, 2014



Today is a very special day!


And this year, I have a VERY IMPORTANT father's day message for you.

You see, I grew up in a 2-parent household, so I never had to deal wit this issue. My Dad, was the best dad in the world. I know a lot of people say that, but to me it was true. And, I can't bear the thought of ANYBODY taking my dad away from me.

Anyway, I'm gonna let the video speak for itself. This is radio show host TOMMY SOTOMAYOR speaking in Washington DC about father's rights, and the importance of fathers play in the lives of children.

Regardless of Whether any of you out there like it or not, I hope you LISTEN to this message.

Now as mentioned in the video, Tommy Sotomayor is making a movie called "A Fatherless America". Check out the trailer below:

If you want to know more about this movie, please go to the website at

Wanna know why else today is a special day?

----------CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT----------

Friday, June 13, 2014

Geoff Lawton's permaculture wisdom can literally save the world -

Geoff Lawton's permaculture wisdom can literally save the world -

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The So-Called “Witch Children of Nigeria” — Are the Gifted Ones! They Need Special Training! | Odinani: The Sacred Arts & Sciences of the Igbo People

The So-Called “Witch Children of Nigeria” — Are the Gifted Ones! They Need Special Training! | Odinani: The Sacred Arts & Sciences of the Igbo People:

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I just saw this a couple minutes ago on facebook. check it out!!!


"Many tell us that they are so busy making their money that they do not have time to enjoy it . . . for when you rely on your action to create, often you are too tired to enjoy your creation. Once you not only understand the power of your thought, but you deliberately direct this powerful tool in the direction of things that you desire, then you will discover that the action part of your life is the way you enjoy what you have created through your thought."


This Sunday, the city of Santa Monica, Ca. is going to be a magickal place... but more on that later.


Amidst the sea of faces, one stood out- that of the superstar destined for greatness not because of some strange alignment of the stars, but because of all that made him who he was.

I told you guys that whenever I go out to Hollywood, I go to that big outdoor mall at HOLLYWOOD & HIGHLAND, buy a Cookies and Cream smoothie at D'Lush, take a long look at the Hollywood sign, and I pray.

So, why do I pray there, and NOT at a church, like SANE people? Well, because unlike a church, where people come because they feel they HAVE to, at Hollywood & Highland, I'm surrounded by people who actually WANT to be there, for whatever reason. And also, because HOLLYWOOD is THE place where many people from all over the world come to make their dreams come true. Their dreams to become SUPERSTARS.

But... What is a Superstar?

Well, I define a superstar as: one who is unique and beautiful both inside and out; Someone who has invoked the Light of God on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity.

In all the times I've been in the Hollywood area, I've never met any "famous celebrities". But I have met some SUPERSTARS.

Well this time, I want you to hear from this SUPERSTAR, who's ACTUALLY a famous celebrity.

TYRESE GIBSON, also known simply as Tyrese, is one of my favorite Superstars. He's a Grammy-nominated R&B singer-songwriter, actor, author, television producer, former fashion model and MTV VJ. He is best known for his role as Roman Pearce in the Fast and Furious series. After releasing several albums, he transitioned into films, with lead roles in several major Hollywood releases.

Anyway, I'm on his FACEBOOK FAN PAGE, where he makes video vlogs. One this one that I'm sharing below, he drops some jewels of wisdom that I thought y'all need to hear, so I'm sharing it with you.


What you acknowledge in your brother you are acknowledging in yourself, and what you share you strengthen.

-A Course in Miracles

Aquello que reconoces en tu hermano, lo estás reconociendo en ti mismo; y aquello que compartes, lo fortaleces.

- Un Curso en Milagros

Now I said in the beginning of this blog that this Sunday, Santa Monica is going to be a MAGICKAL place. The reason is, this Sunday, at a modest Gift Store, a special event will take place.


Every 3 months, at a place called Kathmandu Boutique, there's a wonderful gathering where people come together as a community to celebrate FRIENDSHIP, FOOD and great MUSIC! They serve delicious home cooked NEPALESE vegan food, NEPALESE chia (tea) hot cider, amazing music from local artists, massages, henna tattoos, etc.

To me, this is a place where strangers become friends, and wonderful memories are created.

I learned about this event exactly 1 year ago, when THIS WOMAN invited me there to watch her perform.

So, What is the Kathmandu Boutique?

Well, I'll give you the description from their FACEBOOK PAGE... Kathmandu Boutique was established in June 15th 2005 by Reena Gauchan, a single mother to bring beautiful treasures from around the world mostly from her native country Nepal. Born in a Buddhist family and raised and practiced with Hindus and shaman's gave a great outlook on religion as a great venue for inspiration, commonality, love and harmony. Therefore she wanted to share a little bit of her culture, traditions and her attitude of openness to the west where she migrated in early 90's. She feels so blessed to be born in a country where all the religion worked in a very harmonious way.

Growing up in the mountain with 500 residents and living in the southern (Indian/Nepal) border of India in the winter gave her a sense of both simple lifestyle and beautiful handicraft. Nepal and India gave her a strong base for to love very basics, beauty and comforts. Coming to U.S and trying to find a beautiful and comfortable clothing for reasonable prices were little difficult to find. Also she wanted to give her customer an experience of shopping in peace and relaxed atmosphere with a shooting music and occasional Nepali tea served by great sales person. She prioritizes her services to give customer the best care as possible and make them feel at ease and comfortable.

Her passion for cooking gave her an idea to bring a community together by hosting a Quarterly Open House Gathering (Dec. 15th, March 15th, June 15th and September 15th) where she cooks all homemade Nepalese Vegan Food with Chia Tea, Hot Cider with music from amazing Local Artists, Henna Art, Healing Massage and Palm Reading etc. Her vision for this is to learn, share, love, create and build a beautiful community and live in a harmonious environment. She strives for peaceful, mindful and conscious leaving. She recycles and reuses almost everything!!!

I met Reena a couple of times, and whenever I thnk about her, I think of this saying:


By this I mean, you can't always wait for things to change on their own... Sometimes, you must be the one to get the ball rolling, so to speak.

Kinda like the kid in this video.

If you want to know more about this special place, please check out their web site at They have a wonderful online store where you can buy their unique items online from anywhere and everywhere!

One of the 2 reasons I'm going there is because this time at the Quartely Gathering, there will be 2 very special ladies sharing their musical talents with us, from about 8:30 - 10:00 p.m.

Let me introduce you to them.


Now I admit don't know much about her. All I do know is that

A.) She's a beautiful soul,

B.) She loves to surf, (and speaking of surfing, I always wanted to learn how, I'm gonna have to ask her for lessions one day)

C.)She can sing and play the guitar like nobody's buisness.

If you read this blog, then you might know that I said this about her before... But hey, it's all I know about her.

But I am looking forward to learning more about her, and blogging more about her in the near future.

Now this, family, is the one and only, DANNI EL.

Her, I blogged about MANY TIMES BEFORE, and I'm gonna be blogging about her many more.

These 2 beautiful souls have come together and created a project they call LA CARAVANA.

I've seen them perform together before, and IT WAS A NIGHT TO REMEMBER!

O.K., usually at this point, I would dazzle you all with a long, glowing testomonial about what wonderful angels these 2 women are, and how their music is fantastic and off the chain, etc.

But I'm not going to do that. that would make this blog WAY too long TO READ.

What I AM going to do, is show you how getting to know these 2 ladies has affected me. and I'm going to do that, by showing you this video.

Why? Because this video describes my mindset whenever I'm thinking about these 2 ladies, or when I'm around them

And that's a mindset of Hope, Love, and Inspiration.

Anyway, they will be joined by MILO GONZALEZ,

A man who I admit I don't know to well, except for the fact that he's a freaking wizard with a guitar,among other things...

I waited 6 months for this, and I know when they perform, it's gonna be worth it!

Now besides La Caravana, there's a LOT of great entertainment, food, things to buy, etc. ALL DAY LONG.

However, unlike la caravana, I don't know any of the other performers at all, but I know that if they are as wonderful of the ladies of la caravana, you're in for a VERY MAGICKAL DAY.

Here's a list of the other performers, and special guests who are going to be at this gathering.

Govindacharya Ramanuja Dasan - 12:00am - 12:30

MANOHAR GURUNG ~ You can hear his entire album on Soundcloud:

The Beautiful EVA BABOUN - will have her magical table set up for anyone who needs a little healing massage from 12 ~ 4pm (Artist accepts LOVE donations)

Wizard Card Tarot Reading with JASON D McKean


CORDELLUS is an amazing Henna Artist and she will have her henna table from 3 ~ dark. (LOVE DONATIONS ACCEPTED)


AIMEE AND DAVID ~ 2:30pm ~ 3:30pm

SHUNIYA: WORLD SACRED MUSIC & CHANT GROUP 4:00pm ~ 4:45pm "Shuniya: World Sacred Music & Chant Group. featuring Jeff Ali (guitar/voice), Will Marsh (Sitar), Saheb Singh (Tablas), and Stephen Stefanois (Udu/Singing Bowls). Contact Jeff Ali 310-439-9087 for more information, bookings and schedule"

CHRISTOPHER PAUL 5:00pm ~ 5:45pm

IDAN MAYER 6:00 ~ 6:45PM

youtube link of his music:

Kirtan with Idan Mayer

PETER LUDWIG ~ 7:00pm ~ 7:30pm
"MYSTIC SOUND MEDITATION" With beautiful cello and otherworldly voices, Mystic Pete will lead a sound meditation.

Stephen Day ~ 7:45:00pm ~ 8:30pm ~

Yes, this Sunday, The Kathmandu Boutique is gonna be full of SUPERSTARS.

Now the 2nd reason I'm going there, well... check out this video.

This event attracts many people who truly have this message in their hearts, and do everything in their power to spread this message to everyone around them.

And I love to be a part of that crowd.

So, if you're in the Santa Monica area this Sunday, Go on down to the Kathmandu Boutique at 1844 Lincoln. Blvd., Santa Monica, California 90404.

I promise you, it will be a day of happiness, joy, and, LOVE.

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the world, and a word from don Miguel Ruiz.

----------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT!----------

I will respect all creation as the symbol of my love communion with the One who created me to the eternal happiness of humanity
~don Miguel Ruiz

Monday, June 9, 2014

Iran Hangs Billionaire Over $2.6b Bank Fraud

Iran Hangs Billionaire Over $2.6b Bank Fraud:

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10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently | The Mind Unleashed

10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently | The Mind Unleashed:

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A Video That Might Just Awaken You to The Real You. | Spirit Science

A Video That Might Just Awaken You to The Real You. | Spirit Science:

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I want to give a shoutout to an amazing singer, and my friend, Roxie Sakura.

I've had the pleasure of meeting her face to face for the first time at a place called the GOOD HURT nightclub, where she and her band THE KI played.

I first met her on Facebook in November2011, when she and her friend Rachel Lynn was helping organizing a walk for the homeless in L.A.

Unfourtanetly, I wasn't able to attend the walk, but I posted about it on my blog, and over the next few months since then, we sent a few messages back and forth to each other, and then in March of 2012, she invited me to this concert she did at the Good Hurt.

And I'm so glad I went! She and her Band THE KI rocked the house that night!

Living in Tao (rough edit) from Thomas Valle-Guatemala on Vimeo.

And Like the band's namesake, there was some wonderful, powerful KI flowing throughout that nightclub. KI that I took with me for the rest of the night...

And since that night, I've been going to everyone of their shows that I could get to. It usually takes me over 2 hours to get to their shows, but EVERY SINGLE TIME I go, it's always worth the trip.

Anyway, it's Roxie's birthday today, so Roxie...


Now, if you want to know more about Roxie Sakura and the KI, then go to their website at

And if you have an oppurtunity to go to one of her performances, TAKE THAT OPPURTUNITY. I promise you, it will be a night to remember.

Oh, and buy thier album on iTUNES:

Scientists: 100 million worlds may have complex alien life in our galaxy | Spirit Science

Scientists: 100 million worlds may have complex alien life in our galaxy | Spirit Science:

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Man Filmed The Heavens For 7 Days. What He Saw Fills Us With Joy. | Spirit Science

A Man Filmed The Heavens For 7 Days. What He Saw Fills Us With Joy. | Spirit Science:

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Ascend Academy: The Fundamental Principles of Reality | Spirit Science

Ascend Academy: The Fundamental Principles of Reality | Spirit Science:

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For First Time In History Islamic Prayers To Be Held At The Vatican - Fox Nation

For First Time In History Islamic Prayers To Be Held At The Vatican - Fox Nation:

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Hi Family!!!

Well, it's SUNDAY, which means it's time for the Sunday School Video. This week, we're taking a look at part 4 of the BBC series, "AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 FAITHS".


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4756 Emphasize the Glory , December 2, 2013

God said:
It is a great relief to begin to see that you are responsible for your life. No longer can you point your finger to a cause outside you. It is a beautiful day when you begin to see that your mind is a beautiful tool. The same mind that can create havoc for you can also create peace for you. There you are.

At every moment you are at a crossroads. You have a choice of what you will create. War or peace. Joy or displeasure. Anger or love. Complaint or blessing.

This is not a one-time action, you understand. It has to do with your disgruntlement or your good nature. It is not enough to decide today that you will have only joy in your life. A trend of your thinking has to change. Perhaps you have been complaining. Complain, and that is your mode. You are used to having something to complain about. Complaining must give some comfort, or why would anyone keep doing it?

Why remind yourself of all that you have to complain about? With every complaint, you encourage more reason for complaint to fall. It is a kind of reverse wish-fulfillment. It’s like, instead of desiring to be the fairest of all, you desire to be the greatest victim of all. “Woe, look at my troubles,” you might boast to the world. “I have great reason to suffer.” And so you call suffering to you.

It’s like automatically going to the barn as cows do, only your barn is called Complaint.

The time has come for you to be responsible for yourself, for not only are you affected by your plaints, but your home, your town, your province are affected and so the world.

A complainer reaps complaint. Complaint is contagious. A change in outlook is also contagious.

You may have felt that life has been picking on you while you have been picking on life.

If you truly want to make the world better and your life better, change your focus.

If you do not feel loved enough, perhaps you are not loving enough. This is the meaning of as ye sow, so shall ye reap. Sowing is not so much about your actions from the past. It’s about your thoughts and words right now. Now you sow. Sow the seeds you want. Remove complaints from your lips and from your heart. Cease collecting them.

You had a blessing today. Undoubtedly more than one. What are the blessings that came to you today? Was the sky blue? Did the yellow sun above shine on you? Did you eat? Were you able to walk? Did you hear the laughter of children today?

Be on the lookout for blessings, and you will multiply them.

Cease and desist from proving how put upon you are. Lift that burden from your shoulders by cutting out complaining and start welcoming the good that comes to you.

The way to get blessings to grow is to give them attention. You may well have neglected blessings in favor of the fervor of complaint.

Did you hear a bird sing this morning?

Simply never mind the complaints. Don’t plant complaints in your garden. Plant what you want. Plant good nature. Plant appreciation. Make friends with your life. Welcome all the blessings that flow. Start the process. You are accountable to your life. You induce it. You reduce it or you spruce it.

If your house is messy, straighten it out. Clean up the mess. Don’t sit there complaining.

It is for you to emphasize the glory.

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And now, as always, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the world.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Disabled Soldier's Wife Calls Taliban Released Prisoner Bowe Bergdahl A Traitor

Disabled Soldier's Wife Calls Taliban Released Prisoner Bowe Bergdahl A Traitor:

'via Blog this'


Published on May 31, 2014

Subscribe to Weekly Podcast of Tea Time With Teal here: http://thespiritualcatalyst.us6.list-...

At a certain point in our spiritual development, we are confronted with the fact that the very things that once liberated us are now the things that holds us prisoner. We realize that in wanting to feel better or think better, we are asking ourselves to feel and think and be different. We discover that by trying to feel better or think better, or be better, we are resisting ourselves. And then the whole game changes. We leave behind the desire for manifestation. We replace all wants for the want for oneness with ourselves. We stop wanting to heal because it no longer feels good to think that something about ourselves is broken. Instead, we begin to crave integration. The spiritual apex we begin to pursue is authenticity. Authenticity is an idea that appeals to us when we begin to live in the present moment. We fall in love with what is.

And so, we trade the practice of going in the direction of what we want and chasing our positive emotions for the practice of going the opposite direction. And we begin by dropping into our wounds. We spend our time being with those unpleasant emotions and sensations and feelings with a listening and caring ear. We are present with ourselves with absolutely no conditions. We do not want to change the way we feel. We do not want to make the negative sensations and feelings better. We simply give them the attention that we never gave them before, back when we were so busy running from them with numbing drugs and distraction and endless self help techniques. We stop arguing against them. We become present fully with them and by doing so, these aspects integrate into our being. We learn that the reason we suffer so badly from anything, is not because of the thing itself, but because of our resistance to it. We learn that when we no longer resist any aspect of our being, when we let ourselves fully feel our feelings and fully think our thoughts, and thus we let ourselves fully be ourselves in this very moment. As a result, we become whole.

Ask Teal Website -

Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission


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Friday, June 6, 2014



Over the last couple of days, you've seen me post some blogs about black history. Some of might be wondering... Why didn't he do this last Febuary, during Black History month?

Well, it's my belief that "Black History Month", is for non-black people to learn about who we are, and our story.

On my blog, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BLACK HISTORY MONTH, because I celebrate black history all year long.

Let me repeat that.


To give you guys more an Idea as to why I am VERY PASSIONATE about this subject, I'm showing you this passage I wrote and put in my sidebar, under THE AFRICAN WORLD.

Let's face it - think of AFRICA, and the first images that come to mind are of war, poverty, famine and of course, TARZAN. How many of us really know anything at all about the truly great ancient African civilizations, which in their day, and even to this day, were just as splendid and glorious as any other great civilazation on the face of the earth?

I've added numerous links to different websites to show everybody some of the Real History of Africans and thier descendants,

as opposed to How we are usually stereotyped, even by some Black people.

It is these stereotypes I believe (among others), that lead to discrimination, racism, and ultimately, a weaker society.

So I put those links there, not to say that we are somehow better or superior to other nations, or to try to put down any of the other great civilizations of this planet, but to show that we africans worldwide have our own cultures, civilizations, and ways of life that are just as complex, advanced, and worthy of study as any of the other great nations and peoples of the world, if not more so.

PLEASE check out the links I provided in that section. Most of the info in those links are things that I NEVER learned in school (and I'm pretty sure YOU never learned it either).

I found this video on You Tube which goes deep into WHY this information is never really taught in schools here in the U.S.A. It was made by YouTube user Shawn Lov. He has many videos dedicated to history, education, and some dope music.


Published on Feb 20, 2013
In honor of Black History Month, The first lesson in Shawn's "Bomb the Teacher" series is "The Black History Deception" where S discusses how Africans laid the groundwork for all civilization and how modern racism has misshaped history. Suggested Reading:

The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Message to the Blackman in America: Elijah Muhammad
From "Superman" to Man: J.A. Rogers
From Babylon To Timbuktu: Windsor
Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys Vol 1 & 2: Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu
Kill Them Before They Grow: Michael Porter
The Mis-Education of the Negro: Carter G. Woodson
The Willie Lynch Letter and The Making of a Slave
They Came Before Columbus: Ivan Van Sertima
Black Genesis: The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt
Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Wisdom on the Science of Everything in Life
Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority
Why Darkness Matters: The Power of Melanin in the Brain
The Ankh: African Origin of Electromagnetism

There are many Black-History related websites, FREE PDF files of full-books, and Essays which I will provide upon request.

Google any of my tags for further reading- Be sure to check the sources and origins of information to be sure it is Right and Exact!
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