Friday, December 12, 2014




It's rainy, it's stormy... hopeully, it'll die down a bit by the time I go to work. However, I think everything's gonna be allright.


God said:

My heart’s desire is that you know your worth. You are worth a King’s ransom. You are worth the Whole Universe. You are worth everything to Me. Now, gain awareness of your worth. Be worth everything to yourself.

Beloveds, you are a unique filament of My Light. I created you from My Being. I do not say a word that is not true, yet, you are not true to yourself.

You may not see yourself as worthless, yet you hardly see yourself worthwhile to the extent I see you and that you are. In life, you may take erroneous turns to convince yourself that you are worth something after all.

I do not plant fruit trees that do not bear fruit. Would I create you who are made in My image and make you less than magnificent? Not a chance. I did not pick and choose this one worthy and that one less worthy or anyone worthless. What is this rush to belie yourself?

Honor thy father and mother. Honor thyself. Honor all that I have made. Honor the innocent animals, and honor the innocent human beings who do not see worth in others or in themselves. Your soul is indestructible so why bother with all this forsaking yourself? Get off the boat of lowliness. Beloveds, if you would even see yourselves as 1% of the Truth that you are.

What is the measure of a human being? Measureless. Immeasurable. I stamped and sealed you Mine, My very own, My beautifulness thrown across the Universe like corn upon the field. I created you for something. I created you to give birth to yourself. I tell the rose to bloom. I tell the seeds to sprout. I tell you to acknowledge your True Self. This is the fruit you are to bear. Call it Wisdom, call it Love, call it My Epiphany. Call it what you will. Call it the simple Truth of you. You are emblazoned with the Seal of God.

Dios dijo:

mi corazón desea que tu reconozcas tu valor. Tu vales como la fortuna de un Rey. Tu vales como todo el Universo. Tu significas todo para Mi. Ahora, quiero que ganes conciencia de tu valor. Que te equipares al valor del todo, pero no que te engrandezcas...

Queridos, ustedes son filamentos únicos de Mi luz. Yo los hice de Mi Ser. Yo no digo ninguna palabra que no sea verdad, sin embargo ustedes no creen en sí mismos.

Tal vez no te consideres sin ningún valor, pero difícilmente ves el valor que Yo veo en ti y que realmente tienes. Cotidianamente, tu llegas hasta a adoptar caminos erróneos para intentar convencerte de que tienes algún valor, después de todo.

Yo no planto frutales que no den fruto. ¿ Habría-te creado yo a Mi imagen haciéndote menos que magnificente? No hay chance. Yo no tomo a uno y lo creo con menos valor que a otro o lo creo sin valor alguno. ¿Por qué esta tendencia a desmerecer tu valor?

Honra a tu padre y a tu madre. Hónrate a ti mismo. Honra todo lo que he hecho. Honra los animales inocentes, y honra los inocentes seres humanos que no perciben su valor ni el de los demás. Tu alma es indestructible, entonces, ¿por qué molestarse por todo esto traicionándote a ti mismo? Desembarca del bote de la humildad servil. Queridos, si ustedes solo viesen el 1% de la Verdad que son...

¿Cuál es la medida de un ser humano? Sin medida. Inconmensurable. Yo te estampé y te sellé como Mio, muy Mio, Mi belleza lanzada sobre el Universo como el grano sobre los campos. Yo te creé para algo. Yo te creé para que te alumbraras a ti mismo. Yo le he dicho a la rosa que florezca. A las semillas que germinen. Y a ti que reconocieras tu Verdadero Ser. Ese es el fruto que debes aportar. Llámalo Sabiduría, Amor o Epifanía. Llámalo como desees. O simplemente Verdad de Ti. Tu estás blasonado con el Sello de Dios.

--God’s Beautifulness Thrown across the Universe Like Corn upon the Field by HeavenLetters (TM), Subscribe to HeavenLetters (TM) HERE.

For the last few days, I've been posting videos from a You Tube channel called THE SCHOOL OF LIFE, which has some really cool videos on their channel, But I didn't tell you what the school of life channel is all about.

So, I posted this video to tell y'all more about what the school of life is, and what they do.

Now, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

We carry the memory of our whole life knowing that it is dead, that it is no longer true, and yet it affects our everyday life. It is true that the memory happened, but it's also true that it is not happening anymore. It is gone; it isn't real.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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