Sunday, December 14, 2014




I had a great capoeira Class today, and I'll tell you all about it... Tomorrow. Now, let's enjoy the rest of our sunday.

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *

* Our belief in ourselves *

* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *

* Peace on Earth *

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4994 Believe in God and Yourself , July 28, 2014

God said:
You want to get over feeling sorry for yourself. Feeling sorry for yourself is feeling sorrow. Sorrow comes from a sense of lack or even betrayal. Something was taken from you. Something was denied you, or never given to you, or was stolen from you. And so you make yourself a victim of a theft. You don’t want to do this. No matter what, you don’t want to do this to yourself or to anyone else. This is what feeling sorry does. It is an insult. It is not a good way of thinking, and it is not a good way of feeling.

You don’t want to imbue yourself with the idea that you are an unfortunate. Regardless of your situation, regardless of how dire your situation may seem to you and to the world, you don’t want to publically bet your money on the wrong horse. Your mind becomes a defeated nag, and you back up that nag. You don’t want to broadcast that you choose sniveling. What good does that do you?

If your income is reduced, why proclaim that you are not worth a cup of coffee any longer. The money in your pocket is not your worth. You don’t have to spend foolishly, yet you don’t have to demonstrate your sense of lack and declare to the Universe that you are not worth a dime any longer.

How you talk about yourself is how you project. It is as if you say to the Universe, “I am worth so little. I am not worth much at all.” The Universe hears this impartially and responds in kind.

Even if you are down to your last dime, you don’t want to project this. You have resources at your disposal. You have heart and mind. Have a modicum of faith in yourself. Bet on yourself. Give away your last dime, and see it multiply.

Don’t give solely from a motivation to gain. That makes you someone who trades, not a giver. The same giving when you give to give or give to shore up your bank account may well not bring the same result. Give to give and not to get. Give to give, and you open up gates within yourself. You open channels within yourself. An idea will come. Something will change. Belief in yourself may require some urging from you. Belief in yourself and belief in Me are two things you want and are two sides of the same coin.

You can know ahead of time that I am betting on you. Live as a hero and not a victim. Be a bright light on Earth and light up others.

If you are discouraged, you don’t have to tell the world, because how the world sees you also makes its impression upon you.

Imagine all the criss-crossing of thoughts and energy that go on. Imagine all the traffic. Direct traffic the way you want it to go. Say Yes to yourself. If you want a green light, give out a green light.

You cannot fairly judge your life and your worth on a segment of your life. You carry your life with you. Of course, beyond a doubt, stay on the sunny side of life. Why would you ever want to be on the shady side. If you choose the shady side, why would you broadcast it? Why would you call yourself to attention that doesn’t benefit you? Why would you indicate: “Look, see me. See how downtrodden I am. Misery follows me.” And then you wipe a tear to demonstrate your condition.

No more, beloveds. Send out different signals. They will be heard and resound as well. Stand tall, and you will be standing tall.

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In this weeks installment of the SUNDAY SCHOOL MEDIA, I'm showing you the 3rd episode of Extreme Pilgrim with PETER OWEN JONES.

Now, I'm gonna end this blog with the most beautiful song in the whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Toltec mythology tells us that the angel of death is always beside us, ready to take everything away from us...Nothing is ours to keep, including our physical body.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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