Friday, August 30, 2013


Today is my day to paint in bold colors,
set today's rhythm with my heart-drum,
walk today's march with courage,
create today as my celebration of life.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


How are you dealing with the new energies that are covering the planet? Do you feel a quickening of time, a sense of urgency to share your life purpose in a big way? Are you feeling extreme fluctuations in your moods and energy levels? All these are signs of the shifting energies that are happening. Many things such as solar flares, extreme weather, and other phenomenon are signs of this energy shift.

Do not be alarmed by this shifting energy. Instead, embrace it as the essential aspect of the new world that is being birthed. It is a sign of the consciousness of the entire planet awakening. Can’t you recognize how many more people are now open to deep conversations about even the most esoteric subjects? This is a wonderful time to be alive and have the opportunity to participate directly in this unprecedented era of evolution of the human spirit. Your active participation can truly help bring about a massive shift that will benefit all inhabitants of this planet.

--Ted Murray

For today's video, I thought you'd like to hear some wisdom from Abraham Hicks (well, Esther Hicks), the first to publically talk and write about the law of attraction.

I hope you enjoy it.

Published on Jul 3, 2013 If you get a diagnosis that is not what you want to hear, the tendency is to say, "Oh, my god! How did I get so far away from something I want so much?" And we say, it isn't big like that at all — it's just a series of little things. It is the, "I could choose this thought which feels good, or this thought which doesn't feel so good. But I've developed a pattern for what doesn't feel good. And so, it is the daily dose of not being in the receiving mode that keeps me not in the receiving mode." And that's all that it is!
Is it possible to be the visionary and the actionary of your own life? Not only possible, it's the way most of you intended it to be. It's the best of all worlds. What can be more exhilarating than to find a dream from the contrast, to fixate on the dream and let it give you pleasure as it grows, and then to watch Law of Attraction bring it into manifestation while you help with your action? Does it get any better than that? You didn't think so as you made the decision to come forth into these physical bodies. You said, "This is the best time in all eternity for a Creator to Create." --- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, KS on Sunday, September 27th, 1998

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4642 Replacing Worry, August 10, 2013

God said:

I mean it when I say you are not to worry about any of the matters you worry about, none of them. Worry is tantamount to heartache. When did I ever say you are to have heartache or heartbreak? Worry is a form of hurt that comes to you in little pieces. Little pieces accumulate and amount to a testament to what you do not want.

Worry is like sticking pins into yourself. What a waste of time! Worry is definitely not your purpose for being alive on Earth. What a waste worry is. It is all for naught anyway.

Worry says, “O Woe is me. I am guilty of something. Another shoe will fall.” Worry is a habit of sensing danger. It is a backward invitation.

You’ve got to know the difference between responsible and guilty. Be responsible. Recognize and accept your responsibility. Then put your shoulders back and go forth in life.

Guilt stews itself on the stove of your heart. Accept responsibility, not a sense of guilt. Consider guilt a sin, not that which you feel grievous about. I do not authorize guilt, and you are not to waste your life on guilt. No more, beloveds. Never again.

I have absolved you from guilt. Guilt is a plaything that you tend to take oh so seriously. Once upon a time, someone pointed a finger at you. Now you keep pointing that finger at yourself, as if you deserve some kind of punishment, and so you punish yourself with worry. Enough, I say.

Worry is a form of guilt. Worry is a kind of premeditated guilt. It is a kind of prediction or a replay: “Oh, no, I did something wrong.” You find yourself guilty of something ahead of time and also behind the times.

With worry, you are watching out for something to happen to you or concerning you that you don’t want and that you will have remorse about. As if remorse is a good thing. An acknowledgement of your responsibility is to be a one-time thing. Worry is a poor sop to responsibility. Worry perpetuates worry. Worry is a red flag.

Now say to yourself: “Stop this worry thing. God doesn’t want me to be a worry wart. God tells me, ‘Stop worry now, once and for all.’”

Have no regret, remorse, worry or guilt. A waste of life, dear ones. Go take a walk, sit in the sun, pick a flower. Whatever you do, stop this incessant worry. Worry invites to you what you don’t want.

Sometimes you worry that the good you seek won’t happen. And, then, when what you seek arrives, you start to worry you will lose it. You think, “What if, what if.” Play the game of What if no more.

A ton of weight will fall from your shoulders when you drop off the burden of worry. Worry is a kind of hitchhiker. Worry hitches a ride on your back.

Say right away, “Sorry, worry. No riding on my back anymore.”

Worry doesn’t take a hint. Worry will try to shadow you. Worry will jump in front of you, jump to the left, jump to the right. Worry is like a bad cold that won’t go away. Worry is a cough that you keep hacking. Like a bad cough that hangs on, worry prevents you from having a good night’s sleep. Cough up worry, and be done with it. Accede no longer to worry. Give worry the boot. Sign off worry.

What will you do to replace worry? How about blessing instead? Bless yourself. Yes, that’s a good idea. I’m glad I thought of it. Bless yourself, bless the world, bless all. Bless, bless, bless. Worry no longer.

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------

Now let's start the day with "EL DANZON", with Rachel Lynn.

----------------CLICK HERE TO WATCH----------------

RACHEL LYNN is a singer/songwriter originally from Irrigon, Oregon. Acting as a soulful storyteller, Rachel Lynn brings a dramatic vibrancy to the stage. Her lyrics are soaked with passion, irony and humility and only her unforgettable voice and presence can facilitate the power of her message.

She released her debut album, NEW DAY, c/o Rolling Beat Records, in 2006. Then, after more than a dozen single release post-album, she came out with her collaborative 5 song digital EP with producer Eric Monsanty, 'Hard to be There' and has just released her 2nd full-length album, "Raven Heart"which was 100% fan funded.

(I admit, I didn't contribute much at all for her album, but I did write a couple of blogs about it. you can check of them out HERE.)

Her mission is to empower community to empower each other to realize their dreams.

If you want to know more about Rachel and her music, please check out her website @

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Life is passing so quickly. Even if we live one hundred years, life is too short. What will we do with our lives?
~don Miguel Ruiz

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