Sunday, August 11, 2013


I love myself as I truly am.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


A Vision for our Interconnectedness

I see a world where every human being understands the interconnectedness of life and acknowledges that whatever they think, speak and do has an effect on all of life. I see this world as one in which we totally understand that we are all spiritual beings because of our direct relationship with the source of all existence, the source we often call God.

Because of this knowledge that everything in existence is made up of this one source we realize that we are part of the source energy that pervades all of life and therefore everything that we experience is a direct result of the life energy of the source moving through us. This awareness allows us to easily see that the best way we can ever serve ourselves at the highest of levels is to serve all others at the highest of levels.

Living with the Interconnectedness of Life allows each of us to take total responsibility for our lives instead of taking on the role of a victim. This understanding of the cause and effect relationship in life means that we will never again place blame and judgment because we know that we are the source of our happiness and therefore happily move through our days in awareness of our ability to affect all of life in the most positive of ways.

--The Intenders of the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project

And now, since it's SUNDAY, it's time for the SUNDAY SCHOOL VIDEO, where I post a video about any religious subject.

Uploaded on May 26, 2010
The thirteenth installment of my original series, "Discovering Religion". In this episode I discuss evolution's amazing ability to provide us with deep insight into natural phenomena that we would otherwise be unable to glimpse without the predictive power of evolution.

Such capability was exemplified in Darwin's predicted pollinator of the Comet Orchid, a prediction confirmed 21 years after his death!

The predictive power of evolution is unmatched, even by the so called "theory" of Intelligent Design. I put the predictive capability of each theory to the test by examining the anatomical complexity of the heart in the following four animal categories: fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds/mammals.

Although the theory of evolution allows us to make very accurate predictions about Earth's biological diversity, there are some phenomenon the Theory of Evolution is not always expected to predict, such as the convergent evolution of human and koala skin.

But the Theory of Evolution is not solely limited to making predictions about flora and fauna, or reconfirming our evolutionary origins. In the next episode I will discuss evolution's role in the research and development of drugs to fight bacteria and the micro evolution that results in their attempts to evade our best efforts to prevent disease.



Intro: "Eyen" by Plaid.
The Hours Soundtrack - 02 Morning Passages
The Hours Soundtrack - 03 Something She Has To Do






Standard YouTube License

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4623 Creating Your Good Fortune, July 22, 2013

God said:
In one breath I tell you that you know everything. This is true. Deep within you, unseen, perhaps not even hinted at, you know the whole mechanics of creation. There isn’t anything you don’t know. Remembering and comprehending – they are two different stories.

In another breath, I tell you that you don’t need to know everything. You don’t have to know anything. What do you think you have to know in order to create your life and make it lovely? Perhaps you have to know less than you think you do. Innocence is good. It keeps you from being clever. In addition to innocence, what do you require to direct the course of your life?

Desire and intention. Both are good. Intention is mighty powerful.

Everyone desires good fortune, don’t you think? Yet not everyone intends good fortune.

There are too many who are certain that life chases after them, that difficulties pursue them, and that despair is their lot in life. They almost make sure they don’t have good fortune since they see a different story and seem to pursue it hand over fist.

Sometimes it certainly seems that some people cling to misfortune, expect it, encourage it. They may say that life is unfair, that I, God, am unfair, that I don’t give them a chance when it is they who are unfair to themselves by announcing that they are put upon, that their suffering is greater than any other’s, that they are picked to be picked on, and, yet, beloveds, they pick themselves for trouble.

They could just as well lift their heads and choose good fortune for themselves. Why not? Why wouldn’t they? Did they convince themselves that they are tragedians?

Intention goes beyond wishing upon a star. And, yet, beloveds, there is nothing wrong with wishing upon a star. Stars are great luminaries, and they like to be wished upon. Wouldn’t you like to be wished upon? Wouldn’t you brighten up if you knew that you were wished upon? What a great role that would be! To be chosen as a wish-fulfiller!

Turn on your headlights. You can see further than you are presently seeing. Turn on your lights, and you won’t be confined to shadow, not at all. Your eyes are your future. What your eyes see today, what your thoughts think today predict your future. Your thoughts are your headlights. It is a good idea for you to light your own candle. Light and relight.

Pay attention to what you see and what you say about what you see. You don’t have to voice your every thought. Consider your thoughts like magic wands you wave around. Wave what you want to come true. No longer brandish what you do not want. Light up your wishes. Drop your doom thinking. You don’t have to think that way so stop thinking that way. Stop predicting misfortune. Stop anticipating worse to come. Anticipate what you desire. Intend it.

What I am saying now is something that is good for you to know and good for you to follow. Do you know better advice?

Have you perhaps been advising yourself to grumble? To point out what a victim of life you are? To proclaim that you always get dealt the worst card in the deck?

Your thoughts have been like powerful magnets. You have been a tumbler of thoughts. You catch your thoughts, and you toss them up again. What you toss, you catch.

Of course, you see yourself as innocent, and there is the strong sense in which you are, or you would think differently. Now, bless yourself and promulgate what you would like. Let yourself out of the captivity of past thoughts right now.

And now, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Thank you, Creator of the Universe, for the gift of life you have given me. Thank you for giving me everything that I have ever truly needed. Thank you for the opportunity to experience this beautiful body and this wonderful mind.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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