Monday, August 19, 2013


I Release Myself From All Guilt.
I forgive myself for judging me guilty.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


I declare that human beings need each other to survive on this planet. I recognize that we are all in this together and that community flourishes as we learn about each other and revel in the wonder and beauty of our diversities. I declare that I am playing my part to help to bring about a culture in which we ,the people of the world, can address our common global concerns in a holistic, positive and transforming way and live together in peace with one another.

#5 declaration in Oneness Declaration created by Humanity’s Team and signed by over 84,000 people. Please sign the Oneness Declaration.

Now since this is MONDAY, I usually post an episode of AWARENESS with ANTHONY DE MELLO, but...


I hope you enjoy it.

Published on Aug 5, 2013
Believe it or not, the original script for this was written waaaayy back over a year ago. What sparked the inspiration was meeting two of my biggest inspirations. My friends Michael Evans, and Ray Kamille, through which I learned so much about the flow, light, waves, and how they relate to our experiences here on 3D, that i wrote a draft for this!

Over the past year, the creation and editing of this script just didn't flow, i couldn't seem to create it, something was missing....

And now, as a part of the "Lesson 22 Series about Light", it's back and a doozy! I think you'll really like this one a lot.

This lesson is all about Cycles and Waves, what "Going with the Flow" means, and taking a deeper look at the fractal nature of time, DNA, and the different kinds of cycles that exist all around us that we are a part of.

This video is also a shout out to all of you Mathematics teachers out there. You know how the students always look at Sine waves and say "How am I going to use this at all out in the real world?", and nobody seems to have an answer?

Now you can show them this video :P

Much love everyone, have a happy Monday!

Background art by the incredible Chris Masterton,
Animated and Edited by Jordan Pearce,
With Additional Writing and Awesome Input by Ray Kamille,
And editing by Landon Avalon
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4631 If You Were a Novelist …, July 30, 2013

God said:

If you were a novelist, you would know that every person you meet, regardless of what they seem like to you, would be a great character in a novel. The one who may have annoying habits that are hard for you to tolerate would be great fun or most interesting to write about or read about.

You, too, would be a fascinating character in a book. See how interesting you are. See what makes you, an individual skating on the surface of life, relish all those that you have the privilege to meet. Someone you may find dull and boring in life may be delightful in a book.

Every single person on Earth is fascinating. You would see it so except that you have been programmed to disdain or not quite approve of this or that. It could be that you find teetotalers or drinkers hard to take. Are strict teetotalers better or are sociable drinkers better? Is one nationality better than another. Is blonde or brunette better? Who says, and how come?

Your view of life seems built-in, yet you picked it up somewhere. Somewhere somehow you learned well that some ways are considered better than others, and some people are better than others, and so you fault the beautiful world you live in. It is one thing to rave about one sunset or another, yet you are open to even greater sunsets. You are open.

Yet, under other circumstances, you limit possibilities. Is one career better than another? True, some will pay better than others. Some careers would be better for you, and other careers would be better for someone else. Be careful that you do not set standards for others. It’s not your province, beloveds.

Be happy with whoever comes before you. It’s not as if you have to decide on the spot whether you are going to live the rest of your life with this person. What’s the big deal?

So I say again, Be happy with every one who comes before you. For Heaven sakes, I’ve seen that sometimes you judge people before you even meet them. Perhaps it is fashionable to chalk someone up according to externals, yet it is not wise.

It is wiser to see what is in front of you. Someone who may continually scan the horizon from a distance may not see what is under his feet. Of course, someone who scans the distant horizon from afar could trip right where he is. On the other hand, he could trip over a windfall.

You don’t want to regiment life very much. Any amount of much is too much. Life is not to be made a prisoner. It is not to go on trial and be sentenced. Make life a lark instead. Judge not. Prejudge not. Don’t judge later either. Learning is a horse of a different color. You can learn without prejudice. You can admit you have often been wrong even when you were sure you were right. What would happen if you embraced everyone and everything? You would embrace if you let go of judging.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you don’t look both ways when you cross the street. This doesn’t mean that you take everyone home with you. It just means you greet everyone you meet. It just means that you keep your own space without pushing others away. This means freedom, beloveds. You have the freedom to greet and to move on. There is no one you have to be best buddies with. There is also no one who has to fill the shoes of rival or enemy or villain either. Do you agree?

----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------
Welcome to my music corner, where I feature music artists that I like. Some of them are famous, some of are not, but ALL of them are very talented.

This week, once again, the featured artist is none other than the beautiful, incredibly talented, DANNI EL.

Danni El is an amazing Singer/Songwriter from Tampa, Florida.

Developing a style from her Peruvian roots, as well as her time spent in Brazil, Danni El shares her enriching and enchanting heart songs in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

In her own words: " I believe in the healing powers of music, and I try to always channel that vibration to share with everyone. My goal is to travel the world, and bring healing sounds to the children, and plant love seeds within them, because they are the future."

Now I wrote many times on this blog when I FIRST SAW HER, so here's a short version. It was April 16, 2011. I was walking down Hollywood Blvd. Close to Highland station, when I heard a very beautiful sound. I turned around on my heels, and I saw this woman playing the sweetest music you ever heard.

Her voice was sweet, rich, textured. The song was poetry, original, from the heart. She was reserved, yet passionate at the same time. She was beautiful.

I remember standing there, stunned, literally stunned. It was like walking out from some dark, fetid storm drain and finding yourself in a sunlit meadow full of sweet grass. I had never dreamed that there was so much talent, so much beauty in this world.

I think it was in the last third part of her song that I fell in love...

But Anyway, here's the song that I heard and watched her perform that day. It's a love song called COLORES, and I always end my daily posts with this song because frankly, I think it's the most beautiful song in the world.

As a matter of fact, I love this song SO MUCH, that even though I posted the full video of this song below, I'm STILL posting a link at the end of this blog anyway.

Why? Because I can.

If you want to know more about Danni and her music, check out her YouTube channel:

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Depending on how it is used, the word can set you free, or it can enslave you even more than you know.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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