Monday, August 5, 2013


When I Honor myself,
I am confident of my being,
and I am gentle with myself.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


A Vision for Harvesting

We envision a world where nothing is taken before its time; where every fruit from every tree is allowed to stay on the branch until the exact moment when it is ready to let go; where every vegetable is allowed to stay on the vine until it has completely finished its process. We see a world where we are taught from the time we are young children to approach the plants with love and to let them drop their beautiful, sweet, nourishing fruits into our hands at the slightest touch from us.

We picture a world where we know - indeed, we see - the life-force energy/chi/prana that is in the plants, and, when we eat, we feel that life-force energy being transferred to us to the fullest extent possible because we waited until the plant is ready to give it to us.

In the same way, we see humanity having awakened to treating ourselves and the animals in the same way that we treat the fruits from the plants; where no one is taken before their time; where the life of every man, woman, child, and animal is allowed to go full term. We envision a world where all wars, killings, executions, and inhumane acts are seen now as an intrusion upon another's path; where the sending of our innocent children - our most prized possessions - off to fight and die in war is now viewed by every thinking person as form of premature harvesting of their life-force energy by those who live in the shadows of our world.

Indeed, we see us living in a world where every person's life is precious to everyone else; where we truly do unto others as we'd want done to ourselves; and where all who live and breathe upon this planet can go to sleep at night knowing, in their heart of hearts, that they will get to live out their lives, fully and freely, to the very last instant, and then to be picked, sweetly and oh-so-gently, by the loving hand of God.

--The Intenders for the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project


That's right boys and girls, it's geek week on you tube, and since I'm a BIG GEEK at heart, I decided to post up the video highlights from geek week all this week on this blog.

Now, since geek week actually started yesterday, I thought it wouldn't be right to not show you yesterday's highlights. So, here they are:

Published on Aug 3, 2013
Today we celebrate iconic characters, movies, sci-fi, fantasy and animation with host FreddieW. Watch the playlist:

SUBSCRIBE to get YouTube Geek Week posts from the YouTube Spotlight channel:

SUBSCRIBE to FreddieW:

Find your channels, during YouTube Geek Week:

There are two secret, geeky clues in this video. Can you solve them both? Hint: once you've got the answers, try typing them each into the YouTube search bar.


Skyhook by FreddieW -
We Meet Again by Above Average -
An Interactive Geek Week adventure -
DramaBug Catbug Minisode by Cartoon Hangover -
RWBY by Rooster Teeth -
10 Best Blockbuster Fan Parodies w/Brian Blessed from AllTime10s -
10 Ways To Make A Hollywood Blockbuster For Under $100 from AllTime10s -


YOUTUBE: Find your channels during YouTube Geek Week:

GOOGLE+: Follow +YouTube ( and use #GeekWeek (

TWITTER: Use #GeekWeek ( and follow @YouTube (

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And now, here's today's highlights:

Published on Aug 4, 2013
Explore geek culture from around the world, hosted by Chester See from YOMYOMF. Watch the playlist:

SUBSCRIBE to get YouTube Geek Week posts from the YouTube Spotlight channel:

SUBSCRIBE to Chester See:

Find your channels, during YouTube Geek Week:

There's one secret, geeky clue in this video. Can you solve it? Hint: once you've got the answer, try typing into the YouTube search bar.


Watch Naruto The Movie! (Official Fake Trailer) by Ryan Higa -
Watch episode one of 18 Days by Graphic India -
Watch How to be More Live an Asian by YOMYOMF -
Watch Teenage Rebel by Chameleon Circuit -
Watch Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ on DAISUKI -
Watch the 10 Best YouTube Animations with Warwick Davis -
Watch 10 Whovian Facts You Need to Know by Nerdist -


YOUTUBE: Find your channels during YouTube Geek Week:

GOOGLE+: Follow +YouTube ( and use #GeekWeek (

TWITTER: Use #GeekWeek ( and follow @YouTube (

Standard YouTube License

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4617 The Crux of the Matter , July 16, 2013

God said:
It is an acknowledged fact that you get upset about occurrences as well as about non-occurrences. This is not a great strength to get upset. It is a weakness and often your downfall. This is not to say that something is not upset-worthy, for, yes, of course, there is much that upsets you.

I could ask you to ask yourself: “Must I always answer the doorbell so quickly? Do I run down the stairs? Is everything so urgent to me?”

And then, you admit: “Why, I guess it is. I act like that, yes, I do.”

Are you on the fight or flight mode all the time? Are you geared to the fight or flight mode of life? For Heaven’s sakes, why?

Something presses your buttons. You get interrupted too many times. You lose your place in your work. You can’t find your earrings. All these upsets you. A storm of big proportions brews in you. What if what you are looking for cannot be found? Will your heart stop a beat? What if you get interrupted again? Tell Me, is it better to get upset than to be interrupted?

Who set your buttons? Who insists that it is right and necessary for you to be upset? What would happen if you did not get upset? It has to be that you set your own buttons. You supplied yourself a list and you listed them and you left space for further irritations that you might add another time. If you set up your buttons, can you not reset them?

Of course, the buttons are within you. There is a signal that goes off within you. It says: “Alert. Warning. Get upset.”

This signal is not your friend. What this signal really says is: “Time for you to have a tantrum to one degree or another. Get upset. Upset your digestion. Upset your peace of mind. Clamp down on your arteries, breathing, and joy. Frenzy yourself. Get all worked up. Upset others in the process. Be sure to kid yourself that getting upset is a worthy thing to do. Kid yourself that getting upset is the ONLY thing to do. Don’t find any other way to handle irritations in life. Make everything worse.”

I would urge you to go beyond the signals you listen to. I would ask you to cease summoning frustration. I would ask you to think more along these lines. Say to yourself:

“Okay, right now I can’t find something I think I need. And this and this and this are irritating me. Do I have to let them get to me? Is this what I need? What I need more than what I can’t find is to find peace of mind. Is this annoyance I’ve come across right now, is it really worth my getting frazzled? What do I think I’m doing? By getting upset, all I do is gain more upset. If I truly don’t want to go through upset, why do I then?”

If you can’t find a good reason, then it must be you find something attractive in being upset. Do you need upset? What do you like about it? What does it give you that you like?

You know, your act of getting upset gets your attention off something else. Perhaps you feel neglected in life. Perhaps upset is a way for you to add a spark to your life. Perhaps upset is a way to remind yourself that you are a person and you need to be considered.

Consider yourself, please, and lay off upset.

You may say: “Okay, God, You are right. But how do I do it? How do I break this habit? I am willing to, but how?”

And that is the crux. Find another way. Who is going to find it unless you do?

to read any current Heavenletters, click on the link below:

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

And now, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Don't Make Assumptions.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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