Thursday, August 22, 2013


I Resist the Temptation to Judge Others.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


You may ask: “What am I alive for on Earth?” My answer is: “You are alive here on Earth to express love for everyone and everything.” You need not look for a more esoteric meaning, a meaning that may seem loftier to you, that you were chosen to do great things, that you, of all the people in the world were chosen to do a great deed on Earth, to play an earthshaking role etc. etc.

The point is that you were each chosen for Greatness on Earth, and your Greatness is love. How your love expresses is individual, and yet you are here on Earth in the human form you are encased in to express love. That’s it. That may not seem fancy enough for your tastes, and, yet, that is it.

How do you personally express love? Express love as love. Even a thank you expresses love. A smile expresses love. And it may well be that the greatest love you can express is acceptance of everyone and everything, acceptance of the world and everyone in it. To express love and companionship for the next person you see is expressing the Greatness of Love.

--Why You Are Alive on Earth by HeavenLetters

Today's video is a short, but awesomely sweet video about the coming global revolution that in some ways, has already started.

Published on Jul 27, 2013

An amazing speech by Rainn Wilson on the coming global revolution that must happen in order for us to move forward as a human race.

"I think that there is another revolution coming. I'm not sure what it's going to look like, but I think it's going to be very interesting and it's going to unfold over the next 10 years."

Footage used is a combination of purchased footage and various Youtube videos of protests from around the world.

Music Used:
Comptine d'un autre été: L'après-midi

Nonprofits & Activism
Standard YouTube License

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4634 How to Bless the World, August 2, 2013

God said:

I sing your name. I sing a litany of love to you, for you are My beloved. I have One Song. It is a love song, and I sing it to you. There is one you in all the world. That does not quite make sense to you as yet. It will. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether this concept makes sense to you or not. The real thing is that Oneness be, and Oneness is.

Right now I speak of you, a human being, as one with all the other human beings blessing the world, even as the Reality is that there is no individual you. I speak of you as a convention. Of course, all We speak of are concepts, so right now We speak of you as a concept of individuals scattered upon the Earth.

So, in this framework, let’s look at the idea of your not being an individual but rather as all My beloved children being One unto themselves. It’s like this. Your grandmother is knitting a red sweater. It is a beautiful red sweater made of thousands of stitches. Consider the red sweater the contingent of My children. Each stitch is an individual. Many stitches, one sweater. Many individuals all connected. No man is an island, said a poet.

When a hand, let’s say, picks up the sweater, all the stitches go with it. When a hand puts the sweater down, all the stitches go down.

As children in the world, when the world goes up, you go up. That’s how it works. No exceptions. The Earth moves as a whole. And when the world goes down, you do go down. Now the world is rising. When there is a blessing on one curve of the Earth, all the curves of the Earth are blessed. When there is fighting, let’s say, on one curve of Earth, all Earth feels the rumble of it.

The blessing, Peace to the World, is significant, for thoughts and words circle the Universe. Words of peace have a vibration of peace. Words of war have a vibration of war. Thoughts of peace and thoughts of war are impartially circulated everywhere. The thoughts you have emanate. Others’ thoughts in any part of the world emanate to you as well. You are a giver, and you are a receiver. As your thoughts go, so goes the world.

Whether you are the elevator of the world going up, or you are the elevator of the world going down, you are powerful. Your thoughts are powerful. Your emotions are powerful. You are responsible for yourself, and you are responsible for everyone and everything in the world.

When you complain about conditions in the world, you ignite and uphold the very conditions in the world you complain about. When you think of or speak of all the blessings in the world, you ignite and uphold the very blessings you extol. Like the tide, the world is impartial. The world has no choice but to reflect you. If you want to change the world, you will change the world with your thoughts and feelings about it. You are a link in a chain. You are vital, not incidental. You may think you have no say in the world. Your every thought and action contribute to the world. Your vote is counted.

Certainly, you reflect the world as well. No question. You have a choice as to what you get from the world just as you have a choice as to what to give to it. You have free will. The world, on the other hand, can only follow orders. It is you who has free will.

To read any current Heavenletters, click HERE

----------THE MUSIC CORNER----------

Now, let's start the day with DANNI EL performing in North Hollywood with CHARLES WILLIAMS, AKA C WILL. Charles hosts FREEDOM OF SPEECH THURSDAYS, which is a Poetry/Spoken Word Open Mic, where Poets, Lyrcists, musicians, and creative folks are all wlcome to come on down, and do their thing.

And on the drum is another friend of mine, Nick Ware.

---------CLICK HERE TO WATCH---------

Danni El is an amazing Singer/Songwriter from Tampa, Florida.

Developing a style from her Peruvian roots, as well as her time spent in Brazil, Danni El shares her enriching and enchanting heart songs in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

In her own words: " I believe in the healing powers of music, and I try to always channel that vibration to share with everyone. My goal is to travel the world, and bring healing sounds to the children, and plant love seeds within them, because they are the future."

If you want to know more about Danni or her music, check out her YouTube channel:

And now, as always, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

Imagine that you love yourself just the way you are. You love your body just the way it is, and you love your emotions just the way they are. You know that you are perfect just as you are. ~don Miguel Ruiz

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