Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I Invite Rainbows and Butterflies Out To Play.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Every living thing is a part of, and intimately connected with, the field of global consciousness. Allow yourself to own this connection to all humanity and all living beings. It is this understanding and this awareness which will support and assist you in the realization that you can, and truly do, add to the well-being or the detriment of the whole. Remember to ask yourself, is this word, action, thought, or emotion life-diminishing or life enhancing.

Each time you shift an emotional response from anger or judgment to love, joy or gratitude, you are doing global service work on a personal level. Each time you allow yourself to connect to the quantum field, the cosmic consciousness; you are anchoring a level of vibration in the unconscious field of humanity. You are truly activating the evolution of consciousness for the whole.

-Global Consciousness and Beyond by Peggy Black and the ‘team’


That's right boys and girls, it's geek week on you tube, and since I'm a BIG GEEK at heart, I decided to post up the video highlights from geek week all this week here on this blog.

Here's today's highlight:

Published on Aug 5, 2013
Today, we have fun with science, education and knowledge, hosted by Derek from Veritasium and The Spangler Effect.
Watch the playlist: http://goo.gl/HvG816

SUBSCRIBE to get YouTube Geek Week posts from the YouTube Spotlight channel: http://yt.be/geekweek/subscribe

SUBSCRIBE to Veritasium: http://youtube.com/Veritasium
SUBSCRIBE to The Spangler Effect: http://youtube.com/TheSpanglerEffect


Watch 10 Reasons To Love Science w/Neil deGrasse Tyson - http://goo.gl/UzciH0
Watch CM Punk's Grammer Slam on Nerdist - http://goo.gl/BTLCSe
Watch Free Runner's Epic Fall by Head Squeeze - http://goo.gl/ywb0qR
Watch Slow-Mo Non-Newtonian Fluid on a Speaker by Veritasium - http://youtu.be/sWu9CyDwuFs
Watch How to Make a Giant Robot Mech on WIRED - http://goo.gl/j9jW2S
Watch The Spangler Effect LIVE at 2pm EST and 7pm EST on 8/6 - http://goo.gl/g5OE7I

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------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4618 God Is , July 17, 2013

God said:

What an Executive I am! Can you imagine what I undertake and undertake without encumbrance? How it works, if you can call it work, is I have a thought, and My thought travels around the Universe and beyond. It lands. My thought is enough. My energy is enough. And, through you and you and you, My Will be done. Effortless is My way. Effortless is yours once you get the hang of it.

Limitless is the number of workers, employees I have, you might say, and, yet, there is no bookkeeping. Really, no accounting staff, no records that have to be kept. No payroll. No conditions. No hierarchy. Everyone is a volunteer. Conscious volunteer or not, everyone is serving Me on Earth as best he or she knows. All succeed. Some exceed. Some exceed very well and do not know it. You might as well know it. You are, hands down, My messengers on Earth.

In one sense, it can be said that I thank you, and yet My energy is so great that My love surpasses any and all words of thanks. Can you really imagine that I take time out to write Thank-you notes!!! HA HA. My every thought envelops you. My thoughts, My vision, My AM-Ness is My embrace. What can be greater than My embrace? What can be greater that your Being held in My heart? When I am All, and you are My All, where can more or less be held?

We are Oneness of Heart, not always Oneness of Mind, yet it is Our Oneness of Heart that rallies the world. We are rallying Earth to Heaven right now as We speak. Is there more I can ask of you? Is there more you can ask of Me?

Next to Me, next to Our Soaring Love, what matters polish on your fingernails or paint on your house? Enjoy them. What matters weight on your back? Free yourself from it. Lift weight off you right now. What matter details? What matter details at all?

And, yet, Earth matters matter. They do indeed, and, yet, Love matters more. Heaven matters more. You matter more, you, the human and the Divine, matter more. Looking up high matters more. Getting a sighting on Us matters all the way to Infinity.

What sense am I making to you? Bills you have to pay have overtaken your thoughts. Bills are your masters. They push and pull your heart. They set panic ablaze.

Come back to the green fields where you lie down and where grass grows and flowers bloom and the sun grows bright.

Don’t laugh at Me when I say: “Don’t incur bills unless you can pay them.” Yet fathers do say such. “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.” And, yet, I add vociferously “Venture forth. Seek your fortune.”

What fortune do I speak of? Ah, a different kind of fortune, but what is it, this fortune I speak of?

It is the fortune of love that you cast to the world. Of this, be a spendthrift. Close your eyes, and spend. Spend for all you are worth. Spend morning, noon and night. You cannot overspend. You will always have a balance. Soon, try as you may, you may not be able to keep up with your balance. The more you spend, the more you have. Soon enough, you have a fortune that is out of sight! Dazzling! You will have broken boundaries. You will have burst forth from boundaries, for, beloveds, the boundaries have been within you, blocking your fortune. Now your fortune shines brightly. Now your fortune is like a bright sun shining in your heart.

Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/god-is.html

to read any current Heavenletters, click on the link below:

------------HEAVEN LETTERS------------

And now, I'm gonna end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world.

------------CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT------------

When you have the courage to open your heart completely to love, a miracle happens. You start to perceive the reflection of your love in everything.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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