Monday, October 29, 2012


Today is my day to laugh at life. Laugh loud - laugh often. Laugh at what's funny - laugh at what's sad. Laugh at me - laugh at you - laugh at life.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


I admit, I don't like quoting Osho, but...

Wisdom is only possible in the absence of the ego. Ego is the hiding place of all kinds of ignorance. It is a shelter for ignorance. It prevents you from bringing light into your being. It is afraid of the light because the moment light comes it will have to go, it will have to leave. Either the ego can exist or wisdom. Ordinarily we all choose the ego and we sacrifice everything for the ego. And the ego never gives you anything. It promises but it never delivers the goods. It is a great politician, always promising, and whatsoever you ask it immediately promises that it will give it to you. If you look back, it has never fulfilled any promise — it cannot, it is impotent. But it is a braggart, it goes on bragging. And it always finds excuses for why you failed last time; this time you are not going to fail, just take a few more precautions. And each time you fail it will find some rationalization, some excuse, and again will convince you to go on along the same route. People waste their whole life hoping against all hope that something will materialize. Nothing ever materializes out of the ego. It is like a desert, nothing grows in it. Once you drop the ego you will be surprised, amazed at what was being prevented by the ego: the whole kingdom of god. It is like a rock preventing all the flow of your life energies. Once the rock is removed you become a beautiful stream and you start moving towards the ocean. And then the meeting with the ocean is not far away. Once the movement has started you will reach the ocean. Every small stream manages to reach it. ………….Osho

Now as you know, Roxie and her band The KI have started a Kickstarter Campaign to raise money to make their debut album, "The KI, Locked In".

And to celebrate the kicking off of this campaign, I'm gonna be posting videos of their songs all week.

So, Let's start off this morning with Roxie Sakura, Live at the Soup Bar in El Segundo, Ca.


If you would like to donate, go to the link on the sidebar just above the "About Me" section, or just click on the link below:

The Ki Locked In 10 Piece Ensemble Debut Album

Open your heart and love unconditionally--not because you want love in return, and not because you want to control someone.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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