Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I sail the seas of life as the MASTER of my ship.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


1. I am grateful that I woke up today, because it's a brand new day, full of oppurtunities to help me achieve my goals in life.

2. I'm very happy and grateful that I was born into this life, because I feel that life has had many lessons to teach me, both good and bad, and I know that life has many more things to teach me.

3. I am truly grateful because I have a roof over my head, because that is something that many other people do not have.

4. I am truly grateful for all the things I've recieved in my life, because even though I don't have as much as many other people do, I do have much more than many others.

5. I am truly happy and blessed to have the free time to shop in the downtown L.A. Fashion District today, so I don't have to deal with the crowds.

6. I'm truly grateful to be able to practice my silat, and come closer to my goals to mastery of this martial art.

7. I am grateful to be of able body and sound mind, so I can continue my silat practice, or any physical endeavor I may want to try in the future.

8. I am grateful to have caught that mouse this morning, and to have put it in a better place.

9. I am so grateful and happy to be able to continue on my 1000 burpee challenge! I am now up to 32 burpees.

10. I am truly grateful, to be able to sit here, and type these things to all of you, because I hope it gets everyone out there to count their blessings as well...

Life is like a rope, twined in all its complexities and yet weaved into one marvelous stream that you have the chance to use something amazing from.So grab hold of it.It’s really really hard to accept, but you can’t change the past. You can’t go back and manipulate things to the way you wanted them to happen because life would be meaningless and boring and just not worth living. But you can change the future and that’s a beautiful thing about life. Yes, you will make mistakes and yes, you will have bad days, but was long as you let the past go, you’ll have such a gorgeous and bright future ahead of you. Knowing that things were meant to happen. Knowing that each day you will learn something so that you keep growing to be a better person...

Now as I said last Monday, in celebration of Danni El's return to L.A., all this week, I gonna be posting videos of Danni performing her songs.

I was gonna post another video today, but I found this and just HAD to post it up... Anyway, today's video is simply called C Will and Danni El. Before she left for Miami, Danni El did a few shows, one of which was in North Hollywood, at an event called VENUS AND MIC. Now I had tried to go to this event, but North Hollywood is not an area I am familiar with, so I got lost on the way there, and missed the show. But that's all right, I got to see her 2 days later at her farewell jam at O'brien's in Santa Monica.

Anyway, I think this video was Danni performing at the Venus and Mic event... The poet performing with her is an amazing guy named Chuck Williams, and the percussionist with her is another amazing guy named Nick Ware. I first heard the song they're singing at the Down n Out bar in Downtown L.A. Danni was on stage with Nick and a guy named Christopher I beleive, when she called chuck up from the audience and they performed that song. It was so cool...


If you want to know more about Danni El or her music, you can look in the sidebar in the music section. Or, you can just click here:

To be aware is to see what is truth, not what we want to see in order to justify the lies we believe.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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