Saturday, June 8, 2013


Today, I Allow Spirit To Carry All My Burdens.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Invite celestial partnership; open the cosmic lines of communication which allow you to receive brilliant ideas for current problems occurring on the planet. Open the lines to this celestial support in your daily interactions and personal challenges. It is time for this exchange between the physical and the non-physical to take place.

We invite you to recognize yourself as an alchemist, a being who happens to be experiencing this physical reality as well as the reality of pure energy and expression. Use your tools, step into your personal knowing and power, and think big.

--Think Big by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

Today is SATURDAY, which means it's time for another episode of ASK TEAL with Teal Scott. This week, Teal talks about awakening the divine feminine in women.

Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Published on Jun 1, 2013
Ask Teal Website -
Divine feminine does not need to be cultivated or created within us as women. It is us. It is the essence of our choice to come into this life as women. And so, it is an ever-present energy that is always there.

Divine feminine energy represents these aspects within the universe: Restoration, life, renewal, creation, birth, healing, receptivity, openness, motherhood, nurturing, love, understanding, compassion, insight, intuition, wisdom, forgiveness, the moon, connection, harmony and sensuality.

To allow the divine feminine within ourselves to surface, we need to search for these aspects within ourselves. You will find that you are more in touch with some aspects of your divine feminine nature and less in touch with others. For example, you may be fully in touch with your own sensuality but not in touch with motherhood. If this is the case, expressing the divine feminine within you, means connecting with and expressing the latent motherhood within you in your own unique way.

It is understandable how in today's world, many of us would have suppressed these energies in order to cope with modern day life. For example, it is difficult to allow the softness of receptive compassion into our life when we are expected to maintain competitive careers in the work place. But our health depends on making the space in our lives to allow these inherent qualities to surface.

Our Womanhood is unique. Every woman is a unique expression of the divine feminine. Coming into alignment with the divine feminine within us is not about conforming to an archetypal idea of what divine feminine is or isn't. It is about releasing the things that disallow our own unique feminine essence from radiating through us. It is about reclaiming who we really are.

In this episode, Teal explains how we, as women, can open up to the divine feminine within us.

Links to Books discussed in this video:

Woman Code -

The Artists Way -

Getting Off -

Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission

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“She is so bright and glorious that you cannot look at her face or her garments for the splendor with which she shines. For she is terrible with the terror of the avenging lightning, and gentle with the goodness of the bright sun; and both her terror and her gentleness are incomprehensible to humans.... But she is with everyone and in everyone, and so beautiful is her secret that no person can know the sweetness with which she sustains people, and spares them in inscrutable mercy.”
― Hildegard of Bingen

“All our dreams can come true; if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney (1901-1966)

Tomorrow is going to be a VERY special day. That's because Roxie and the KI are having a Album release party and potluck!

Last November, Roxie and the Ki had a Kickstarter Campaign to raise some money so they will be able to fund the creation of their first album. And I'm very happy to say, THEY DID IT!!!! They had a vision, went after it with a passion, and raised over $25,000. And I'm also happy to say that I played a role in helping bring it all about. Well, actually, I played a VERY SMALL role. Basically, all I did was donate $1.00, and post a little blog about the campaign(click here to check it out)

Anyway, I'm gonna be there Enjoy fantastic BBQ, food, treats and drinks of the ENCHANTED FOREST that will give you a MAGICAL KI BOOST and party till the break a' dawn! Well, I'm probably gonna leave before midnight, because I'm not getting stuck out in Northridge all night!

To Roxie and all the members of THE KI I want to tell you guys again,


Well, now it's time to end this blog, and as always, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


Where we put our attention is what we experience--our personal dream.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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