Saturday, June 1, 2013


I am one with Spirit. Spirit is within me. Spirit permeates me and surrounds me. Spirit is my comfort and my strength. I am one with Spirit.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


Be kind to yourself as old cellular memories are releasing. There are tremendous changes taking place within, nothing is truly the same, your physical body is transforming. This awesome transformation does not take place quickly, it is offered in simple stages.

Each individual is unique as to how these changes are felt, experienced and integrated. Imagine that your physical body is vibrating at a slow vibration which keeps it solid in appearance and gradually that vibration is being stepped up in frequency. Each physical cell is taking on more light, becoming less and less dense.

From our observation this evolution is happening smoothly and rather quickly. We realize however it might not seem like that for you. Remember you are the earth crew; you are here to anchor this light of consciousness. You are here to interface with both the non-physical and physical reality, toggling back and forth. Your physical form is the landing station for the conscious aspect of your multidimensional self.

--Host of Light by Peggy Black and the ‘team’

Well, it's time for another SUNDAY SCHOOL VIDEO. This week is a video about ALAN WATTS...

..."Because I believe that there is a strong distinction between faith on the one hand and belief on the other..and belief stated say in the creed, is a fervent hope that the universe will turn out to be thus and so, and in this sense therefor belief precludes the possibility of faith, because faith is openness to truth to reality - whatever it may turn out to be. I want to know the truth, that is the attitude of faith, and therefore to use ideas about the universe and about God as something to hang on to, in the spirit of rock of ages cleft for me, and there's something very rigid about a rock. And we are finding our rock getting rather worn out in an age where it becomes more and more obvious that our world is a floating world. It's a world floating in space, where all positions are relative and any point may be regarded as the center. A world that doesn't float on anything and therefor the religious attitude appropriate to our time is not one of clinging to rocks, but of learning to swim, and you know that if you get in the water and you've nothing to hold onto, and you try to behave as you would on dry land, you will drown. But if on the other hand if you trust yourself to the water, and let go, you will float, and this is exactly the situation of faith."
-Alan Watts

Now, as always, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in this whole, entire world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


Your body is a temple, a living temple where God lives.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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