Thursday, June 6, 2013


Today, I See Spirit In The Face of Everyone I Meet.
~Jonathan-Lockwood Huie


A Vision for Gratitude

We see a world where our gratitude shines forth, like a beautiful, priceless gem; where we are joyful for all of the good things that come to us, and where we are equally joyful for all the adversity that presents itself because we have learned, beyond all doubt, that our challenges and problems are always accompanied by great gifts.

We see a world full of happy people, helpful people, people playing at their work and working at their play since all anger, resentment, frustration and the like has been replaced by an appreciation for all that we have in our lives.

And finally, we envision a world where we're all aware of the direct relationship between our gratitude and our power; where we have realized that when we acknowledge the manifestation of our intentions and prayers by expressing our gratitude, we are actually completing the last step in a cycle that started long ago with a desire to create something for ourselves, as a yearning to experience something new, as a call to become something more. For we now know that subtly secreted within the sweet feeling of gratitude lies the forward motion of our evolution and the revealing of who we really are.

--The Intenders of the Highest Good; Vision Alignment Project

Today & Tomorrow, I'm posting up 2 old episodes of ASK TEAL, where Teal talks about the akhastic records, and dimensions.

Today is part 1, I hope you enjoy it.

Teal Scott is an extrasensory, esoteric who writes and teaches about spirituality, the meaning of life, and the road to health and happiness. You can find out more about her at her website:

Published on May 6, 2012
Ask Teal Website -
Teal explains that the Akashic records is the human way of understanding that every thought that has ever been thought, exists. Therefore, one aspect of collective consciousness is a vibrational "record" of every soul and its journey throughout all universes that ever have been before now and all future potentials originating from now.

She describes the Akasha as being like a library, where the levels (or floors) of that library in the universe are dimensions. The information in each dimension corresponds to the frequency of that specific dimension. So to access specific information in the Akashic Records, one must first become the same vibration as the dimension which contains that specific information.

Teal then explains a bit about what information is contained in each dimension.

Animation by Jordan Duchnycz

Music: Diamond by Cora Flora

. Category
People & Blogs
Standard YouTube License

He who spends time regretting the past, loses the present and risks the future.
- Quevedo

Now it's time to end this blog, and as always, I want to end this post with the most beautiful song in the whole world, a song I can only describe as PURE LOVE.


The word is the most powerful tool that humans possess. It is the tool of magic.
~don Miguel Ruiz

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